
7-Changes part 1

Chapter 7: Changes part 1

-From hate to love there is only one step-


-The following events are a side story that occurred on the same day that Clyde gave Lincoln a tour of the New Royal Woods, fallowed by the day Lincoln had spent after returning home-

"It was a lovely winter morning; the super winter break started two days ago."

-At Christina's house-

Christina woke up. Her room was warm, so she only slept in her blue underwear. After showering and getting dressed, she went downstairs for breakfast. Her house was bigger than average because, a year ago, her mom won the lottery. It was amazing what you could do in a year with a million and a half dollars in your bank account.

Since her parents got up early every day to go to work, being rich was no excuse to quit their jobs; it had cost them a lot of effort and sacrifice to get to their current jobs, and they wouldn't let their many thousands of dollars make them waste that.

Christina checked her cell phone and saw a message from Molly. "Cristie, Cici, and I will meet at La Freza for breakfast. We'll be waiting for you there."

Christina prepared herself well and left her house for the La Freza cafeteria.

When Christina walked in, she saw Cici and Molly sitting at their usual table. Since the café opened two and a half years ago, it has become the favorite of the group of girls who have used the establishment as a meeting point to share gossip they heard at school. They were the typical group who always knew what was happening to others before anyone else, and this gave them power and influence over the other girls in the school. They were at the top of the pyramid in the school, not only because of the gossip they threatened. They would spread it if they were not treated right, but also because each one had a position in this hierarchy. First there is Christina; she is the cheerleader; then there is Molly; she knew how to throw good parties and knew where there would be a blast before anyone else; Cici had a penchant for texting rivaled only by Lori; if she had something that made her indispensable, For the group, it was her ability to get everyone in the school to know some news in less than 5 minutes because she was the fastest to post, and there was also another member whose name was Suzy, a girl with long blonde hair who always wore white T-shirts. She had a talent for seduction almost equal to Christina's. They called themselves the Four Queens. United, they were an unstoppable group who had it all: fame, the best things, the most handsome boys in school at their feet, and an entourage of fans who dreamed of being part of their social circle, divided into four groups of fans. Christina Followers. Cici fans, Molly parties, and Suzy girls

There were only three of the four queens in the café because Suzy couldn't come that day because her parents had requested a few days off from work and from high school as they were traveling to Florida due to the recent death of her grandmother.

Once the three girls met, they started their meeting.

Christina began to speak. "Very well, I start this meeting of the four queens, although at the moment there are three of us. Cici, could you read the notes of the last meeting?"

Cici took out her cell phone and began reading her notes. "In the discussion as to whether it was worth including any of our girls in the group, it was decided not to include any of them."

As for the afterparty that Chandler throws at his parents house, based on the information Molly provided, we decide we're going to go, reveal all his embarrassing secrets, and leave as revenge for lying about Christina letting him see her underwear in the school bathroom."

"Moving on to another topic, Zack, Liam, and Rusty tried to get us to notice them again, so they continued to top the list of most desperate people in school."

"And finally, on a related subject, those we now call the Three Pathetics had Changed Schools out of humiliation after posting the list on our official page along with their embarrassing messages to us, so we won't see them anymore."

Christina had a huge smile of contentment; the power that she and her friends had gained was so incredible that they could influence others. "Great, Cici, keep us informed about the school they are studying at and the rumors about them."

Cici was checking her messages. "I have a contact at Hiztoki High who says they are studying there right now."

"Excellent, keep us posted," said Christina.

After a while, one of the waitresses brought them their coffee, and it wasn't necessary for them to take notes because all the people working in the place knew they were going to order the same thing as always, espresso with milk; it was the only thing they drink in this place. Even they were well known outside the school because many girls and boys worked in the city's stores after it expanded. The girls enjoyed laughing and telling each other more gossip when the group leader shared the information with her friends.

"Did you hear the news?" Christina asked.

"Any of it all?" Cici asked.

"Lincoln Loud is back in town." This almost made the girls drop their glasses. The boy gained a less favorable reputation than many thought; for a few, mostly adults, it was because the town had so much money, but for curious, misguided, and ignorant teenagers, it was quite the opposite.

"I found out he blew up his little sister's room, and that's why they sent him to a reformatory in Canada because non of the country would accept him," said Molly.

"I heard the explosion made him so disfigured that now he can only go out at night," commented Cici.

"I knew they had to call four police patrols to escort the car to where it was going," said Christina.

So they kept talking about the rumors that were being spread about Lincoln.

"Hey, Christina, is it true that Lincoln once tried to make a sex doll of you with clothes he stole from you, hair you cut, and a picture of you?" asked Cici.

"Oh yeah, it was a terrible thing. I had to change schools after that. Christina responded by acting and doing dramatic poses.

"How do they let out a criminal like Lincoln Loud?" Molly asked indignantly.

"I bet he already escaped from the reformatory," Cici said, banging her fists on the table.

"If so, it is our duty as responsible citizens to capture Lincoln Loud." Christina said decisively

"Yes!" the three shouted when the door opened and they saw Clyde enter.

"Look, it's the McBride boy." Molly referred to "the son of the gays."

The girls sneered in a low voice when they saw an albino boy enter behind him, leaving them dumbfounded. His muscular figure and way of dressing made him look like a bad boy, and his hairstyle that covered his eyes gave him a mysterious aura.

"Oh my God, who is this hottie?" Molly asked, salivating at the sight of the mysterious boy.

"Bah. Bah. Bah." Cici was fascinated by repeating the word "bah" over and over again while Christina applied lipstick and curled her eyelashes.

The girls group had seen all kinds of boys since they entered high school and developed their bodies to attract their attention, but they were all typical clichés they had already seen in movies, and there were bad boys, rude boys, sensitive boys, theatrical boys, musical boys, and even foreigners. They only used them to gain popularity points in school and then finish them, but There was something different about that mysterious white-haired young man who astounded them—an aura that seemed to bring out the best in every boy from all over the world. A perfect blend that balances good and bad, rudeness and tenderness, mystery and expression, balance and grace with simplicity and masculinity They didn't know what it was, but something attracted them, especially Christina, who could sense she'd seen that white-haired boy before.

Christina let out a long sigh. "I don't know why, but that boy reminds me of someone."

"He might be the MacBride lover. In that case, he's out of my league," Molly suggested wistfully.

"I don't think so. He's dating some crazy aliens. They must be friends or something." Cici said.

"Whatever it is, I will make him my boyfriend." Christina said this as she finished getting ready by putting on some perfume.

"You really want this person to notice you," Cici thought.

At the other table, Clyde had already ordered, so he sat across from Lincoln. "And what do you think of the new Royal Woods, Lincoln?"

The girls who heard this name jumped out of their seats. "Lincoln?" They said in unison.

The three covered their mouths as they saw that what they now knew as Lincoln was turning in all directions as if he were looking for something. The girls were paralyzed even longer when they saw how Lincoln was talking to a waitress they knew about. At school, they call her Pamela or Pam to her friends, and the group witnesses Pam pass out while Lincoln helps her.

"Meeting, now," said Christina, dragging her friends into the café's bathroom.

Inside the bathroom, the girls were still absorbing what they had just heard.

"It is absolutely, utterly, literally impossible for that man to be Lincoln-Marie Loud." Molly said as she walked back and forth.

"Yes, a disfigured, burnt Lincoln Loud only goes out at night; that boy had porcelain skin, and though his hair covered a good part of his face, it can't be him; his burns are supposed to keep him from going out during the day." Cici was suspicious of the situation.

For her part, Christina was leaning her hands on the bathroom sink and looking in the mirror. She saw her face made up recently—the pink color of the lipstick that adorned her mouth, her long eyelashes, the blush that was on her cheeks, as well as the sense of the scent of her perfume that was fading away thanks to the drops of sweat that were She falls on her neck because of her nerves. She knew something about that boy that was familiar to her, but she still didn't believe it. "No, it can't be him; that boy can't be Lincoln Loud," thought Christina. Seeing Cici and Molly upset by the news, she takes on her role as leader of the group. "Girls, calm down." She shouted out in an authoritative voice like Lori's, and it was very touching because her friends stopped talking like stopped-up puppets. Once they regained their composure, Christina began to speak. "Well, we're obviously confused by what McBride said, but come on, do you really think that kid is really Lincoln Loud?" Christina asked with a hint of nervousness in her voice as well as on her face, accompanied by a forced laugh that her friends didn't notice.

"But Christina, Clyde calls him Lincoln, plus he has white hair too; you don't think that's a coincidence?" Molly asked.

"Please Molly. Loud isn't the only albino in the world. Besides, we may not have heard him right. His name may be Leon or Nico, and we've been talking about Loud; we hear Lincoln. We studied it at school in psychology class, and it's a classic case of induced auditory hallucinations. subjectively and is a collective suggestion." Christina finished crossing her arms and was very satisfied with her clever explanation.

"You're right, Christy." Cici said. "Besides, what would Lincoln Loud do here if we hadn't seen him for nearly three years?"

"Yes, perhaps that is it." Molly said, placing her hand on her chin. "But Christina, what about what you said a moment ago? That thing about Lincoln Loud coming back to town—don't you think that's just a coincidence?"

Christina rubbed her eyes with one hand and sighed. Well, how about this? Let's go follow this guy and see if he's really Lincoln Loud or not."

"Follow him? Why don't we just ask him?" Molly wondered.

"Because he can tell us he's not Lincoln Loud; if that's true and he finds out that everyone knows about him and what he did, he can lie to us," said Cici, backing Christina's plan to follow the white-haired boy.

Christina patted Cici on the head like a pet. Exactly Cici. "Do you see Molly? Cici Got it."

"Okay, so we follow him and see where he takes us; we'll be spies like that movie my little brother sees." Cici said excitedly.

Molly also looked through the open bathroom door to the outside. "Well, we'd better hurry, because they've obviously been long gone."

"What?" Christina and Cici asked at the same time.

The girls left the bathroom and saw that the table where Clyde and his friend were sitting before was empty, so they quickly left the coffee money on the table and went to look for the boys. Fortunately for them, Clyde and Lincoln weren't too far away, and they could only see them a few blocks away, which was ideal, so they could follow them and at the same time keep a safe distance so they wouldn't be noticed.

The girls walked quickly after the boys, sometimes hiding behind a nearby tree, a car, a billboard, or whatever so that Clyde and Lincoln wouldn't see them every time they turned.

"What's up, Clyde?" Lincoln asked his friend.

"Nothing; I just feel like we're being followed." Clyde replied, looking towards a dumpster that had Christina, Cici, and Molly hidden behind it, the three of them trying not to make a fuss because they had come so close. " Clyde walked over to the bin, and a cat came out of it. "Oh, it was just a kitten."

"Poor thing, he must be hungry. You know? Mom and Dad told me the truth about why Cliff didn't come home often," Lincoln said, lifting the snoring cat.

"What do you think happened to Cliff?" Cici asked softly, and her friends quickly covered her mouth.

"What happened?" Clyde asked.

"One day when the girls were at school, he was run over by a truck. The cat that came into the basement and was making noises must have been another cat. They didn't tell Lana the truth because she was still grieving over Walt and Gio's deaths." Lincoln responded while lowering the cat so it could continue on its way.

Hearing that name, Molly remembered something. "Lana? I've heard that name before. It's the name of one of the softball captain's sisters." She told her friends that they could talk more quietly because the boys were distracted.

"The possibility that he is Lincoln Loud increases." Christina thought, still skeptical.

Molly shrugs Christina and Cici's shoulders with her finger. "Girls, they're moving away again."

The girls hurriedly followed the boys. The spying continued until Clyde and Lincoln came to an abrupt halt. The girls hid behind a tree.

"What are they doing now, Molly?" Christina asked who was in the center because they couldn't see anything.

Molly described everything the boys did. "They seem to be talking; the white-haired man seems rather sad, and now the McBride boy takes him by the shoulders; perhaps they will kiss each other."

"Let me see, let me see." She had a certain fetish with the Yaoi novels, said Cici, desperate to be able to think of that kiss, but the kisses didn't come because she saw how the white-haired boy suddenly separated Clyde from him and started walking briskly. "Woah, they didn't kiss," Cici said disappointedly.

And they kept chasing them until they saw them stop again, and this time the girls hid behind a bush. "Oh, how often do they plan to stop?" Christina said she was annoyed.

"Again," it was Molly who described it all. "They're talking again, and the boy looks angry. No, it's sad; now it seems doubtful. My God, what kind of life is he leading?"

"What? What happened?" Christina and Cici asked in unison.

"The white-haired guy hit McBride; oh my God, he hit him. They're fighting." The girls poked their heads to see how the boys lost rolling between the punches on the ground and then moved again to follow the boys' trail, sitting on a bench talking.

"What is happening now?" Cici asked.

"They're just talking." Molly answered. "They are leaving. Hand in hand?"

Cici craned her neck to see how the white-haired boy was walking next to Clyde, holding one hand and his shoulder with the other. "Oh my God. He's so cute, but at the same time, it means that." Cici's face turned from a blush to a sad expression. "It's out of my league," she thought as her eyes twinkled and tears started to run down her cheeks as Molly comforted her.

From one moment to the next, the boys were already lost, as was the trail the girls were following.

"Hell, now we won't know if he's really Lincoln Loud." Christina begins to think of a plan to be able to clear herself of all suspicion.

-At the Loud House-

Lincoln was sitting on the couch with a book on his lap as Lily walked into the living room. She saw Lincoln alone and thought of keeping him company.

"Hi, Lincoln."

"Hi, Lily." Lincoln answered without turning around.

"What do you do?" the little girl asked. She was still getting to know her brother and thought they could spend some time together.

"I read," Lincoln replied.

"How can you read if your eyes don't work?"

Lincoln showed Lilly the book, which, at first glance, was blank.

"What is this?" Lily asked, puzzled. "There is nothing written there; there are only pages with little balls on holes."

"This is called Braille writing." Lincoln replied to Lily, "You're right. My eyes don't work. Those of us who can't see read with our hands."

"Wow, can you read palms like a psychic?" the girl asked excitedly.

Lincoln laughed at the question. She may have the body of an 11-year-old, but she still has a lot to learn. thought the boy, "No, Lilly, I said read with your hands, or rather, with your fingers. For the blind, these holes are letters; we feel them one by one and can tell what they are and what they say."

Lily was finding out more and more about what her brother could do. "And what are you reading now?"

a book called The Magic Sword and the Quest for Camelot. It is about a girl who must find a magic sword in an enchanted forest, accompanied by a blind boy who lives there.

"Blind like you?" Lily was excited to find out more.

"Yes, just like me. Would you like me to read it to you?" Lincoln asked with a smile.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah." Lily began jumping on the sofa excitedly.

So Lincoln and Lily spent a moment as brother and sister, enjoying the reading.

"So Kylie and Garrett married and became the Knights of the Round Table, and at last peace returned to Camelot. The End." Lincoln finishes the story, while Lily, still excited by the story, jumps from the sofa into the armchair.

"That was amazing; Kylie is the coolest girl ever." Lily said.

"I don't know. What about mom? Isn't she great?" Lincoln asked in a sarcastic tone.

Lily covered Lincoln's mouth. "Don't tell mom I said that."

"I am blind and dumb." Lincoln said, making a gesture of silence and pretending to zip his mouth shut.

"Hey Lincoln, can you do the same thing that Garrett does in the story?"

"Absolutely yes," Lincoln replied proudly.

Lily snatched from one of the pockets of her dress a ball she used to play with Charles Jr. and threw it at Lincoln without warning. It was Lily's wonderful surprise when she saw that Lincoln caught the ball before it hit his face.

"So a sneak attack, right?" Lincoln launched himself against Lily as he tickled her; the little girl laughed and tickled her brother back. While Mrs. Loud was at the door, she saw her children finally getting along and gaining confidence, as they always should have.

"They both look absolutely adorable." She said Rita draws the attention of her children.

Lincoln and Lily stop the tickle war when they hear their mother behind them. Lily was afraid that her mother heard her say another girl was cooler than her, but she calmed down when Rita kissed her and Lincoln on the forehead and then sat down next to them.

"I see you guys are spending some time together."

"Mom, don't say the S word in front of Lincoln," said Lily, covering Lincoln's ears.

"Ha-ha-ha. Don't worry, Lily. It doesn't bother me." Lincoln said, patting Lily on the head.

"And good? What do you think of your brother, Lily?" asked Rita.

"It's so much fun; I wish I met you when I was growing up," said Lily. This made Lincoln and Rita a little sad.

"bro?" Lily called out to Lincoln as she pulled up his shirt.

"What's the matter, Lily?"

"How did you become blind?"

This question baffled Lincoln. "Did they ever tell you what happened to me?"

"No. They never tell me anything; they only tell me how you helped our sisters and how you got into trouble, although they didn't tell me everything because they wanted you to tell me. But they never talk about what happened to you. I only know you had an accident, but they don't tell me what it was or how it happened."

Lincoln turned to his mother's whereabouts, and the boy didn't know what to say. Why had his family kept the truth from Lily about his accident?

Inwardly, Rita was grateful that Lincoln could not see or notice the look of anxiety and guilt she now felt.

"Didn't you talk to Lisa? She must have told you something. Lincoln said.

"No, actually, I haven't spoken to her since I can remember; our sisters don't let me."

This left the boy speechless. What the hell happened in the three years he was almost absent? "The last time I was here, things weren't like this." Lincoln thought. "Lily, why don't you go out into the backyard and play with Charles Jr? I want to talk to Mom about something, and then I'll come after you."

"Sure Link." Lily obeyed, called the puppy, and they went out into the yard. When Lincoln heard the steps of his little sister walking away with the door closed, he brushed his hair from his eyes, which was his habit when he was getting serious.

"Why didn't you tell Lily about my accident?"

Rita lowered her head. "We didn't want her to hate Lisa like everyone else."

"What do you mean by like everyone else?" Lincoln asked.

Rita took her son's hands and began to tell him everything that had happened in the following months. The charges against Lisa, her trial, her house arrest, everything they had to sacrifice in order for their financial problems to be fixed, the resentment the Loud sisters had towards Lisa, and everything her sisters did against the little scientist "And that's what happened. They were really mad at her for what she did to you, your father, and me."

Lincoln raised his hand to stop what Rita was going to tell him. "Are you telling me that for about three years you allowed my sisters to treat one of your daughters in this way?"

"Lincoln, your father, and I tried to make them understand, but they wouldn't listen. They blamed her for what happened to you."

"You know that sometimes when there are problems between them, they use sister-fight protocol."

Lincoln stops Rita again. "Mom, this wasn't sister-fight protocol; all these years, did you allow Lisa to be isolated?"

Rita started crying when she remembered how the girl always had to go next to the family van when they went to school, and she had to eat alone in her room because the girls would never let her sit with them and throw her food on the floor. "No, your father and I still love her; we thought if we gave your sisters time, they would calm down."

"Really? Were you at her side when that happened?" Lincoln asked, now looking a little more annoyed.

Rita recalled in her mind all the time that Lisa had been alone in her room, where she had spent most of her day, but she did not remember being with her. "We were not."

"Remember when I was accused of bad luck and had to put on that squirrel suit?"

Rita went through a chill, still feeling like rubbish because she was part of that unfair treatment her son was given just out of superstition. "Yes," she replied, with a voice broken from the tears she contained.

"Do you know how much it hurts me that people I trust treat me this way?"

Rita, clutching her pants with her hands, which were wet from her tears, said, "No. I didn't think about that. I didn't think at the time how much we hurt you."

"I never thought you'd make the same mistake twice." Lincoln's words were enough to make Rita burst into tears. The boy got up and walked out into the yard where Lily was playing, but this conversation made him think about what he had talked about with Clyde that day. Why was he so upset about that when Lisa was the reason he went blind and had to leave? Why did he get to this point just for her sake?

"Yes, part of it was Lisa's fault, but she didn't mean to hurt me."

And it is true that she was very foolish in trying to pollute the water, but their family has always been known as the most problematic in Royale Woods, and no matter what, they always supported each other. No matter what the city said, in the eyes of everyone in the family, it was innocent. He remembers what Clyde said to him: "You're just here to help them when things go wrong and serve them when things go right."

Lincoln repeated those words in his head: {You're just here to help them when things go wrong and serve them when things go right}

When the rest of the family arrived, they saw Rita crying on the sofa, but no one knew why, and she didn't want to say the reason. That night's dinner is rather awkward, in addition to the fact that she still feels hostility from the other sisters for having Lisa at the table and also because Lynn still can't see Lincoln or Luna because of what happened the previous night in the bathroom.

After dinner, Rita stayed to wash the dishes again, with Lincoln's help. Everything he had said to his mother was still reverberating in his mind. He felt terrible because he had made her cry.

Lincoln walked over to his mother, and Rita saw the guilt on Lincoln's face.

"What's up, son?"

Lincoln ran to his mother and hugged her. "Forgive me, Mom." Lincoln said while crying on her shoulder. "Forgive me. You are the best mother in the world, and I have been a lousy brother and son." He kept crying as he patted Rita's shoulder. "If I had been honest just that day, I wouldn't have been afraid, and you wouldn't have made that decision."

"And if I were smarter, I'd stop Lisa myself."

"It was my fault that you had to carry that memory of having done those things to me; it was my fault that Lisa had gone into a coma and that I had been blinded; had it not been for my weakness at that time, you would not have had money problems, and my sisters would not have hated Lisa. It was my fault; I am sorry."

Rita hugged her son as she comforted him. "No, son, don't say that. Nothing's your fault. It's time we also take responsibility for our own actions."

-Lisa's room-

Lisa was reviewing on her computer an image of the area of Lincoln's brain, more specifically the part that allows for the sense of sight, and next to the machine were some test tubes of blue liquid.

"My last experiment was a failure, but I am sure that with this experience I will be able to fix my mistake from many years ago." She takes a syringe, and some of the fluid comes out. She then walks over to her table, where she had the brain from an animal that had the same injury as Lincoln. Lisa drops a few drops on this part of the brain and watches it slowly heal. Lisa's celebration is interrupted when she sees the whole brain dissolve into gray jelly. "I knew it was too good to be true, but with every failure, I get closer to my ultimate goal. Don't worry, brother, I will heal your eyes soon."

-Here, what was not narrated in the previous chapter will be narrated-.

-the next day-

"Lincoln got up early and went downstairs, careful not to wake his grandfather, who was sleeping on the couch. He made himself some coffee and some toast with jelly, and while he was pouring his cup, a memory of Lynn the previous night flashed through his mind.

When he sat down to eat, he heard someone enter the house; it was Lynn, who got up before everyone else to run in the snow, and when she entered the house, she was greeted by the smell of coffee and toast coming from the kitchen. There she saw Lincoln sitting, and she found him here. He brought back that feeling on her lips, and she still feels Lincoln's mouth collide with hers. Lynn poured herself some coffee and sat across from Lincoln.

"Good morning. How did you sleep?" she asks while taking a bite of toast.

"I slept well, but I have to be away from Luna and Luan; I feel like I'm taking away Luna's space by sleeping in her bed."

Hearing that name made Lynn feel a little jealous as she remembered what she saw her doing that night to her brother's shirt. "If you want, you can sleep with me."

Lincoln choked on the coffee he was drinking. "What did you say?"

Lynn covered her mouth to suppress her laughter. Her brother might have changed, but he was still lovable. "We sleep together, in the same bed, as we used to do before."

"But that was a long time ago, Lynn; we are not children anymore."

"What does that mean?" Lynn asked.

"It means what it means; we have grown up, especially you." Lincoln replied

Lynn smiled mischievously and said, "What a perversion, Link."

"Oh, I didn't mean you! You know. We both grew older." Lincoln quickly tried to correct himself but only heard chuckles from Lynn, who was trying to laugh softly so as not to wake anyone.

"Don't worry, Lincoln, I get what you mean."

Lincoln calmed down. "Well, it's just that since I got here, whenever I say or do something, you call me a pervert."

"You are fifteen years old, Lincoln. It is only natural that you are interested in the female body."

"But I am not particularly interested in you; you are my sisters."

Those words fell on Lynn like a bucket of cold water; that was right, they were siblings, and no matter what, they would always be siblings. The athlete's spirit fell to the ground. "Lincoln"

"What's up, Lynn?"

Lynn stared at her brother and asked, "Do you think I'm pretty?"

This question surprised the boy. "Well, you've always seemed like a nice girl to me." Lincoln replied.

"I didn't ask that. Tell me the truth. Do you think I'm pretty?"

"What is this question about? You don't really care what other people think unless it's about sports."

Lynn hung her head dejectedly and asked, "Is that how you see me? Is this the image you have of me when you can still see me? That tough, masculine girl who only lives to sweat and kick and throw and punch?"

Lincoln understood what he said and felt really insensitive. Having lived so much with his sisters, he should already know that no matter how rude, dark, or crazy a girl is, she will always want assurance that she can be beautiful. Lincoln got up from his seat and walked over to Lynn to give her a hug, which caused Lynn to blush, not Not only because of the affection and support Lincoln was giving her with that hug, but because he started to run his hands over her body, feeling her legs, hips, stomach, back, arms, neck, hair, and face. She understood what he was doing. The way blind people can appreciate a person and feel their likeness, when Lincoln finished examining Lynn, he parted with her.

"Lynn, you have soft, strong legs and well-functioning wide hips; your back and stomach are well toned but without losing your feminine form; your long hair is silky; your complexion and face are beautiful; you are a beautiful girl with a well-functioning body and with well-defined curves; of course you are beautiful."

The seventeen-year-old blushed when she heard her brother talking loudly about her body and giving her a description of every detail she hadn't noticed. "Thank you, Linky," Lynn thanked him.

"You're welcome, Lynn; that's what siblings are for."

Siblings—that word again. Lynn hated being reminded that she and Lincoln were siblings, but this time she wouldn't sit back. "You still haven't told me everything," said Lynn.

"What are you talking about?"

Lynn took Lincoln's hands and placed them on her breasts. "You miss that," she said, after pressing Lincoln's hands more against her breasts.

Lincoln felt those soft bumps on his hands and turned red. "Lynn! What are you doing?" Lincoln tried to break away, but Lynn was holding on.

"No." Lynn tightened her fist. "Tell me how you feel, and I'll let you go."

Lincoln had no choice but to obey: "They feel soft."

"And what else?" Lynn asked.

"And warm," Lincoln replied.

"And what about their size? Do you like the size?" Lynn's voice sounded increasingly angry and sad at the same time.

"Yeah yeah. I like them. You're pretty, Lynn. Please let me go."

Lynn took Lincoln's wrists with one hand and Lincoln's head with the other and brought them close to her, stealing a kiss. Lincoln was startled and tried to break away, but Lynn held him tight. Even though he got stronger with training with Alexa and exercising with Jean-Paul, his sister was still stronger than him. Lynn put her tongue in Lincoln's mouth. The white-haired boy felt the foreign viscosity invade his mouth and rubbed his tongue. The kiss deepened, causing a drop of saliva to slide down Lincoln's mouth. Lynn moved Lincoln's hand over one of her breasts. The girl had a lot of pent-up lust, and although she couldn't satisfy all of it at that moment, she could at least stop a little bit of that fire.

Lynn moved her lips and tongue to deepen the kiss, and Lincoln could not breathe. He tried to free his hands, but Lynn did not leave him. He also tried to separate his lips to be able to breathe, but Lynn did not allow it. The worst of it was that involuntary erections began to appear in Lincoln's pants, and as Lynn pushed him against the wall to subdue him, she placed the boy's hands on his head with her other hand now free and her other hand inside Lincoln's underwear, stimulating his dick. Lincoln let out a growl of pain at the sudden manner in which Lynn moved his manhood; Lynn confused it with sounds of pleasure, causing her to move her hand even faster.

Lincoln felt Lynn's teeth digging into his lips, her hand pressing against his wrists, and the painful rubbing that caused his dick pain, while Lynn rubbed her thigh against Lincoln's to give herself pleasure.

Despite the pain and burning in his limbs, Lincoln felt something was coming out.

Finally, without further ado, and between the pain of Lincoln squirting inside his boxers and into Lynn's hand at the same time he felt wetness in his leg as his sister masturbated against him, Lynn finally released him. In Lynn's hand, she thought of her brother's sticky liquid, and on the other hand, she started licking it.

"You know, my little brother is very rich."

Lincoln slid to the floor against the wall, breathing hard, and he had teeth marks around his mouth, his wrists red from Lynn's grasp, the zip of his pants unzipped, and his dick red and irritated outside.

"Let this be our little secret." Lynn said as she walked back.

Lincoln tried to get up, but his legs fell to his knees; his penis hurt so much; his mouth and wrists hurt; and he felt dirty and humiliated.

He changed into clean underwear and pants from among his clothes and staggered to the bathroom. As soon as he arrived, he walked to the bathroom, but again, his legs trembled, and he fell to his knees. This time, he started crying while he had some words in his mind.

"You are simplicity, indulgence, and obedience."

"No. No." Lincoln shook his head and began to cry.


Lincoln Marie Loud

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