
I See Love In You

After one of Lisa's experiments fails, Lincoln goes blind and sent away of the country with his grandfather, and 3 years later returns with a change, instilling a forbidden feeling in his sisters. -The loud house fanfiction- ____________________ You can find 2 extra chapters with 40K words on My kofi account: ko-fi.com/hana_chan1 My patreon account: patreon.com/Hana_Chan1 You can find all my links here: https://linktr.ee/Hana_Chan1 Discord: https://discord.com/invite/KzRWHga6rz

Hana_0_chan · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

14-Truths Part 1 (2)

"Ah okay. Well, let's go. I don't know where the next classroom is."

"Oh, I know. Come on guys, I'll take you there." Clyde took the boys to the next class.

Andy walked in front despite not knowing where to go, while Clyde talked to Lincoln. "Hey brother. Tell me what you think?"

"Huh? What do I think about what?"

"You know. The rumors and your supposed 'reputation'?"

"Come on, Clyde. Seriously, you won't believe what that guy said."

Clyde knew what they said about his friend and brother, but he didn't have the courage to tell him. It's never been easier to tell someone they've become a scourge. "Lincoln...it's true."

Before he finished speaking, Lincoln interrupted him. "Clyde, he was just saying that to scare me. He wanted to offend the girl. Do you think these people can be honest?"

His friend's optimism was truly unwavering, but Clyde couldn't let his friend live in a world of fake drunkenness while everyone was talking behind his back. It was hard, but he had to tell him the truth. "Lincoln... I have to tell you something, but I'll tell you at recess."

"Okay. I'm dying to know what it is."

After the third period came the break. Lincoln and Clyde were at one of the patio tables. The albino's face showed surprise, which meant that Clyde had spilled all the soup.

"Wow... so Stella returned to her family's country."

"Yes. Philippines"

"And Zack, Liam, and Rusty changed schools because...?"

"They were destroyed by social networks. It was better to escape the shame."

"And they say I'm like a criminal?"

"Yes, someone dropped rumors about you, and it spread like wildfire. Only a few know the truth." Clyde hoped that Lincoln would get frustrated or that he would go back to his old self and come up with an elaborate plan to clear his name. But what happened was unexpected.

"Pfft...hahahaha. Me? A criminal? Very funny. That's good, Clyde. Very, very good. I'm laughing. Oh, I... I can't. Gahahaha. Oh, my stomach, my stomach. That's so funny."

Clyde saw his friend and couldn't believe his reaction. It was as if he did not take seriously the fact that someone had tarnished his good name. "Lincoln, I'm telling you the truth. Everyone thinks you're a criminal."

Lincoln barely stopped laughing because he still had some laughter that wanted to come out. "Ayaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. I'm about to piss myself. Phew. It's over, it's over. It's over. Don't worry, Clyde. I believe you."

"Really? It wasn't like that when you made yourself laugh like Luan."

"Yes, but I laughed for some reason."

"And what is it?"


Clyde was unaware of the boy in front of him. Not interested. "What do you mean you don't care? Lincoln, they say you're a criminal. You went blind to save your sister. You should get a medal for that. Don't be a victim of rumors and slander."

"Clyde. I saved my sister because that's what older brothers do. They protect their younger sisters. I don't need medals or fame to know I did the right thing. Also in the words of an Indian sage. 'Truth is a burning ember in a dark cave. Early evening it is revived, and the light of its fire will illuminate the darkness of ignorance."

"Let them say what they want. I know they are wrong, and they will find out at some point."

His friend's wise words brought tears to the African American boy's eyes.

"Clyde? Are you crying?"

"Brother, you have become very wise."

"Say thank you to the people who were there to help me grow. May they rest in peace." Lincoln felt very sad as he remembered his teachers, but that passed when he felt a hand on his back and an old, familiar voice speak in his ear.

"Little wolf. You'll never be alone"

Lincoln quickly turned around at the sound of that voice. "Clyde, did you hear that?"

"What did you hear?"

"Nothing... I guess there were too many surprises in one day. My mind must be exhausted."

"Do you want to rest in the infirmary?"

"No. I'll be fine."

"If you say so."

Meanwhile, in one part of the school, a red-haired girl with curls was standing on the terrace that was surrounded by a fence to prevent accidents. Cristina was looking at the landscape from above when she heard the door open.

"Hey bitch," Chandler leans over Cristina and hugs her from behind. "Did you miss me?"

Christina quickly broke away from the hug. "What do you think you're doing, you idiot?"

"Wow, calm down. I'm just saying hi to my beautiful girlfriend."

"Girlfriend? What makes you believe that you and I are a thing?"

"Mmm, I don't know. Maybe this?" Chandler shows Cristina his cell phone, showing a video of them having sex.

Cristina looked stunned. "This... were you recording us?"

"It's good material for when I'm feeling lonely at night. Now, unless you want me to drop this bomb on the internet, you'll be my girl."

"You are a bastard." Cristina felt helpless in the face of the redhead's threat.

"I know, bitch." Chandler puts an arm around Cristina's waist and steals a kiss on her lips. "Oh. And about Larry, I will do that today. But right now, I just want to hang out with my girl for a while."

Cristina was already regretting hiring Chandler's "services." She knew that something bad could come from making a deal with this demon. But this was not expected, and now it is too late.

-At the end of classes-

Lincoln, Clyde, and Andy left school and each went home. Except for Lincoln, who was going to look for his grandfather, the boy was waiting at the entrance to the school, and no one was close to him because everyone had left, including the teachers. Lincoln began to wonder why his grandfather took so long when he heard the sound of someone approaching. He quickly got up, but two men grabbed him by the arms and dragged him. Lincoln responded by kicking one of them in the leg and the other in the ribs. The two took a knife and tried to stab Lincoln, but the boy took one of them by the arm and performed a judo technique, leaving him alone. Alone... on the ground while the other received a kick in the chin that lifted him into the air, landing on a trash can.

"Who are you?" Lincoln asked. "Do you work for a company? Are you Dracovium fighters too?"

The boys did not understand what the albino was referring to. Someone took a walkie-talkie from his jacket and called someone.

"Boss, this man is stronger than we think."

He heard Chandler's voice on the other side of the communicator. "Okay. Use plan B."

"I got it, boss. Plan B!"

Suddenly, they fired a lot of syringes, but Lincoln evaded them without problems. One of the boys dropped their radios, which, when their speakers were turned on, created feedback that caused a high-pitched sound.

"Ahhhhh" The noise was picked up by Lincoln's sensitive ears, affecting his echolocation and making it difficult to avoid the injections, as one was embedded in his leg and the other in his back.

One of the boys picks up the communicator as he watches Lincoln cover his ears with his hands. A sadistic smile was drawn on both of their faces when they realized what was happening. "Oh, so you don't like noise?" The boy moved closer and closer to the radio's speakers, causing a startling sound.

Lincoln was lying on the ground, writhing in pain from the sound, when one of the boys kicked him in the stomach and then the other in the face, then took Lincoln by his legs and dragged him into the schoolyard.

The contents of the syringe buried in Lincoln's leg and back began to do their work. At first, his leg weakened. Then he felt a tingling creep up his spine, and eventually his entire body stopped responding to him.

The boys threw Lincoln to the ground as a group gathered around him, including a red-haired boy who came out.

"Wow, Larry. It's good to see you again."

Lincoln realized who it was. 'Well, I knew there was only one person in the whole town who called me that' "Chandler"

"Oh, you still remember me. That's great," Chandler places his foot on top of Lincoln's head and begins pressing it between his sole and the floor. "You should have stayed wherever you were."

"And you still the same piece of shit you were when we were kids."

"Very brave?" Chandler kicks Lincoln in the mouth, causing him to spit blood. "Oh, look at you; you're bleeding. Don't worry, I have what you need." He goes to a tree and digs up some nuts. "Food for a Squirrel" Chandler opens Lincoln's mouth and fills it with nuts, then punches him, making Lincoln spit it out along with more blood. "Now listen to me carefully, you loser. You are leaving town and never coming back."

"Why should I obey you, you idiot?"

"It seems like spending time apart has made you forget your place here, Loud. I have to remind you." Chandler pulls out a stick from behind him and starts hitting Lincoln in the back, arms, chest, legs, and stomach. "Next time, I won't be so nice." Lincoln spits blood into Chandler's eye, making the redhead angry. "You asked for it, you loser." Chandler snaps his fingers, and his gang proceeds to beat Lincoln with steel bars and pipes. This continued for two minutes. But it was enough to leave Lincoln bloodied on the floor. "Now crawl out of town like the coward you always were. Although it would be very sad if you left, when you left the first time, I had no one to entertain myself with, except for making up those rumors about you."

"Rumors? Was that you?"

"Oh, you already knew that? Yes, when you left school, I actually started to get bored, so I wanted to have a little fun. I had my buddies make some posts on social media and have a conversation or two in the bathroom. Within a month, you were already a complete disaster. I would have loved to see how it affected you now that you're back, but I'm afraid it won't. Goodbye, Larry."

Chandler and his gang leave the injured Lincoln alone on the ground. But fortunately, someone came. It was Andy who went back to school.

"Damn. I can't believe I forgot my helmet in my locker. I hope the janitor is still here". When he arrives, he sees someone lying on the floor. A quick look at his hair, and he knew who it was. "Lincoln!?" Andy runs to the boy and sees him covered in blood and bruises. "Damn, man! What happened to you?"

Lincoln could barely speak due to the numbness. "I... I was ambushed."

"Dude, how could this happen? Don't you have super hearing or shit?"

"The... the drugs. They... they put me on a strong drug."

"Dude, I have to take you to the hospital."


"Why not? You'll die if I don't take you."

"No hospitals. I don't want my family or Professor Venomus to find out."

"What if Venomus finds out?"

"If he does that, I will be kicked out of the Dracoviam fight, and my family will lose our home. Please Andy. Don't take me to the hospital."

"Okay, where the hell do you want me to take you?"

"Clyde. He knows first aid."

"Clyde? Lincoln, I don't doubt it, but you need a certified doctor."

"There's no time. Take me to him!"

"Okay, it's okay. It's okay. But I'm washing my hands of this."

"Haha, what hand?"

"Hey, smart one. Shut up, or I'll leave you here."

Andy lifted Lincoln on his shoulders in a weird way and started running.

It was a few blocks from McBride's house, but Lincoln asked Andy.

"Wait Andy"

"What do you want now?"

"Are there two cars in the driveway?"

"No, why?"

"Good. That means he's alone. Both of his parents are overprotective. If they see me like this, they'll tell my parents."

"Does he have two fathers? This city is progressive."

Already at the door, Andy started kicking it, but no one opened it. "Come on, Clyde. Open the damn door." Andy desperately started kicking the door harder until Clyde finally opened it.

"Hey! Don't kick...." Clyde was shocked to see his new teammate carrying his brother on his shoulders. "Lincoln! What did you do with him?"

"Nothing. I found him like this."

"Clyde, it wasn't Andy; it was Chandler and his gang. They ambushed me."

"They shot him with a very strong sedative. That's why he couldn't defend himself."

"Lincoln. You need to go to the hospital."

"That's what I told him, but he wanted to come here."

"Clyde. You know first aid. You can help me."

"Me? Lincoln, you need a real doctor."

"No! Please, bro, no one should know this. I beg you."

Clyde looks both ways to make sure no one is watching "Hurry Up!"

The boys enter, and Clyde locks the door.

"Put him on the couch; I'll go get the medicine bag."

Suddenly he hears footsteps coming down the stairs, alerting Lincoln and Andy.

"Clyde, is anyone here?"

Clyde starts to get nervous. "Oh... well... the truth is..."

At the bottom of the stairs were Penelope, Chloe, and Emma, who were wearing Clyde's jackets.

"Love, why are you taking so long?" Penelope asked.

"Yes, we want to continue; I haven't had my turn yet," Emma said.

"And you left me half finished," Chloe commented.

Andy stared at the half-naked girls and then looked away.

"Love, who are they?" Emma asked, not recognizing Lincoln.

"Penelope, Chloe, Emma They are Lincoln and Andy."

Andy puts his arm around Clyde as he laughs. "Very funny. Friend, you bringing three beauties here? What is your secret?"

"I'd like to tell you, but I have my dying friend bleeding to death on my parents couch." Clyde went to the medical supply cabinet in his house and pulled out a first aid kit and a monitor attached to a machine with a shovel in it.

"Dude, what is this thing?" Andy asked.

"A portable X-ray machine. My parents are overprotective of me and thought it would be nice to have one."

"Come on, man, who the hell lives with one of these in their house?"

"My sister Lisa... has one of these too... and it's bigger than this."

"I'm hanging out with a couple of weirdos."

"Okay, bro, let's see what happened to you." Clyde starts checking Lincoln's arms, legs, chest, back, and head for fractures.

"So...you have something with Emma and Chloe." Lincoln was trying to stay awake by talking to his friend so he wouldn't succumb to the drug.

"Yes, and with Penelope. We have a relationship of four."

"I always knew you were a hunk, bro. What about Haiku? She and you look good together."

"No, she and I are just friends. Well, not even that, because we haven't spoken to each other since the dance. I guess my life was too optimistic for her liking."

"Typical of her"

"Hehe, yeah." Clyde finishes scanning Lincoln's body with the machine. "Good. Except for the bruising and bleeding, you look fine. Your muscles should have absorbed most of the damage. So let's heal you. Let's take your clothes off first." As the backpack was removed, a bottle fell out from inside; this was the Venom Industries logo. Clyde picked up the bottle and read the label. "Accelerated Healing Ointment—I did not know about this product from Venom Industries."

Andy approaches to see the container. "Professor Venomous must have given it to him in case of emergency."

"Professor Venom? Head of Venom Industries? How did Lincoln get a product that hasn't hit the market yet?"

"Uh... he... works for the professor."

"I'm his assistant."

"Well, I see. No wonder you have access to products before they go on sale. Well, the professor was very generous in giving you something like this, and it turned out to be very useful in this situation". Clyde starts spreading the medicine over Lincoln's cuts and bruises, which start to steam. Within five minutes, the cuts were jagged and the bruises had faded.

Boys and girls were amazed to see this miracle.

Lincoln, at some point, shook, stood up, and stretched his muscles.

"Wow, this ointment is amazing. I even got rid of the paralysis." Lincoln does some punches in the air, a few seconds of kicks, and a backflip. "Oh yeah. Completely renovated, Daddy. Now we go for that bastard Chandler."

"Normally, I'm all for the idea of a spanking, but you're just recovering. It's best to play it safe and comfortable."

"I don't need a break, Andy. I want to punch this wretch in the face."

"Tempting. Let's do it."

"Guys, it's better not to do anything you might regret."

"The only thing the damned redhead will regret is messing with me, Clyde."

Suddenly, the house phone rings. Clyde puts it on speaker before answering.

"McBride Residence, Who's Talking?"

"Hi Clyde. This is Albert, Lincoln's grandfather."

"Hello, Mr. Albert. What can I do for you?"

"Is Lincoln with you?"

"Yes, sir, he is here at my house."

"Oh, that's good. Someone deflated my tires, so I couldn't come to him."

Lincoln approaches the phone, guided by his grandfather's voice. "Hello Pop Pop"

"Son? Sorry, I didn't pick you up; some idiot thought it would be funny to flatten my tires."

"Oh. I see. Don't worry, Pop Pop, I'll be home soon."

"Thank God you're okay, son. I was worried something might happen to you if you were alone."

"Don't worry, Pop Pop. I can take care of myself. I'm going home now. Bye" The call ends, and Lincoln pumps his fists until his knuckles turn white. "Chandler knows where my grandparents live. I'm sure he deflated his tires."

"Man. If this bastard can do this to you, I'm sure he won't hesitate to involve your grandparents."

Lincoln clenched his fists tighter to the point of digging his nails into his palms. "If this wretch touches the hair of any of my family, I'll rip his fucking spine off!"

Clyde put his hand on Lincoln's shoulder. "Brother, calm down. You are the man with the plan, remember? Thinking through things has always been your forte. Not violence. Now that you have this body, surely with your mind you will be unstoppable."

"You're right; since I came back, I've only been involved in one fight after another, and I've forgotten what it was like before. Thank you for being the voice of reason, bro."

"This is what I'm here for."

Both boys embrace as Clyde's girlfriends catch up on the tenderness of the moment.

"You are so boring."

Lincoln and Andy left Clyde's house, leaving him alone with his "business."

"Okay girls. How about we keep going?" Clyde walks upstairs with Emma and Chloe hugging each arm while Penelope hugs him to his chest.

Meanwhile, Lincoln and Andy were walking towards their house while talking.

"Hey man, what are you going to do with that idiot Chandler?"

"In time, he will pay me all the debts he owed me when I was a kid, and I will collect these last debts with interest."

The boys separated and each went their own way.

-At Myrtle and Albert's house-

After returning from Clyde's house, Lincoln went up to his room. After completing the task they sent him, he lay down on his bed to get some sleep; he didn't even eat. He had a lot to think about after a day like the one he had.

An hour later, his grandfather knocked on his door.

"Lincoln? Can I come in?"

"Come on, grandpa."

Albert enters Lincoln's room with an envelope in his hand. "I received this letter, son. It has the logo of the company you work for. It might be something important."

"Oh, thank you, Pop Pop." Lincoln takes the envelope, opens it, and proceeds to read the letter. This was accompanied by fifteen tickets. "Oh, wow"

"What's going on? What are those tickets?"

"Pop Pop, call my parents and sisters. They will love this."

It was six twenty-seven in the evening. The Loud family, along with Lincoln, Myrtle, and Albert, were traveling through the most luxurious part of the city. Inside the van, the Loud sisters were so excited that they couldn't stop talking about where they were going. All but one were conspicuous by their absence. It was the family comedian who took advantage of the extra week of vacation that university students had by visiting her lover at his uncle's house.

"I literally can't believe we're going to the Wither Pearl Thermal Pool spa."

"We could use a good rest after everything that's happened these days," Mr. Loud said.

"And all thanks to our little businessman."

"I'm just an assistant, mom."

"Assistant with VIP passes for an exclusive spa"

"That's true. I heard the mayor had to do a quarantine a year early," Leni commented.

The trip to the spa was relatively normal. With the exception of Lucy's attempts to touch Lincoln's hand, he instinctively moved away when he felt her proximity, which contributed to Lucy's belief that her brother did not like goth girls. Due to the fact that the space was limited, some minors had to go on the lap of adults, including Lily, who traveled sitting on the lap of her brother while hugging him, which sparked jealousy in Lucy, Luna, and Lynn.

Upon arriving at the spa, the family received a series of instructions. The most important thing is that before entering the pool, they had to shower. The Loud family headed to the showers, which were divided into women's showers, men's showers, and toilets. Non-binary showers. The men and women of the family entered their private baths, with the exception of Lincoln and two other sisters.

The white-haired boy read the message written in Braille, which said:

"Dear Mr. Lincoln Loud, You are hereby informed that your next battle will be at the Wither Pearl Thermal Pool. Appearance Monday at 8 p.m. VIP passes will be sent to you and your entire family"

Signature: "Venom Industries"

Lincoln placed his wrist near his ear, where he had a digital watch. When he pressed a button, a voice told him the time. It was 7:30 pm. The rest of his family had emerged from the showers. He was so immersed in the message that he did not pay attention to them.

Lincoln motioned for his family to move on while he went to take a shower. His family accepted it as long as someone waited outside the showers to direct him to where they would be. Lincoln didn't know the spa very well yet, so it didn't seem like a bad idea.

In the showers, Lincoln was mentally preparing for his next battle when he heard someone enter. He was the only one in the shower, but he didn't care because, after all, many people had come in and out of there. But something snapped him out of his thoughts. Hug from behind. He quickly prepared to punch whoever the pervert chasing him was, but the soft lumps pressing against his back made him realize who it was.


"Yes, love." Luna rubbed her breasts against Lincoln's back, who felt something hard prick him.

"You got piercings in there?"

"Yes. I wanted to know how they turned out with us."

"us?" A second pair of breasts were placed over Lincoln's face, and they also had piercings. "lynn?"

"She convinced me; it hurt me a lot, but I think I like them."

"Girls, you need to get out of here. This is the men's shower. They can discover us."

"They won't. We changed the signs in these showers and in the non-binary showers."

"So we have a good time to enjoy, bro."

Fifteen minutes later. Luna, Lynn, and Lincoln came out of the showers in their pool suits. The girls faces were satisfied, while Lincoln's was embarrassed. Because they had never done it in such a public place before.

The girls took their brother to the pool where most of their family was, and the rest were in other parts of the spa receiving treatments. As the little girls and their mother approached the place, they turned to see the boy full of scars and tattoos, but what stood out most was his physique.

When they arrived with their families, the Loud gentlemen turned to see their son. When they saw him, the magazines they were reading fell down, but unlike the other people, they were horrified when they saw their son's body full of scars.

"Son! What happened?" asked Mr. Loud, getting up from his seat with his wife.

"Who did this to my child?" Rita approached Lincoln, and when she saw his back, she screamed. "Lincoln, did you get a tattoo?!

Mr. Loud turned his son to see his back, spotting a wolf tattoo. The fear of scars has been replaced by the trauma of tattoos. "Young man! Explain this now!"

"It was a gift from a friend. I had it done in Canada."

"Dad, how did you let Lincoln get a tattoo? When he's so young."

"Grandpa didn't know, mom. I did it without consulting him."

"Okay, we'll go to the hospital now to have it removed."

"No! Mom, I can't allow this."

"Don't argue with me; this tattoo will disappear, and you'll be punished."

"Rita, we are no longer his legal guardians. You cannot punish him." Mr. Lynn reminded his wife of the change they had made a few days ago.

"Also, mom, if I take this tattoo off, it will be disrespectful."

"Disrespectful? To who?"


"Who is he? Is he the one who did the tattoo?"

"Something like that. You see," Lincoln proceeded to tell the story of the blind Indian who had taught him to use his senses to the fullest and how he had been there for him as a second ancestor, and they had even exchanged blood, making Lincoln an honorary member of the tribe. Symbolically, he has this tattoo on his back. "He was the last of his tribe. He died a few weeks ago. That's why I can't erase it, mom. If I do, the legacy and history of Edenshaw's City will be lost forever. I'm an honorary member of his tribe. And no matter what anyone says, I will leave this tattoo with pride."

Rita looked at Lincoln with difficulty. She didn't approve of her son's tattoo at his age, but since it was something important to him, she had no choice but to accept it. "Okay, I'll leave you with this tattoo, but just this tattoo. Nothing more."

"Thanks, Mom," Lincoln hugged his mother, grateful that she was so understanding.

The rest of the time, Lincoln relaxed by the pool. The water was the perfect temperature for that cold winter night. While he was swimming quietly, someone approached him and whispered something in his ear. Lincoln got out of the pool and walked to the bathroom to change his clothes, under the pretext that he had work! Although it was technically correct, Lincoln entered the room where Professor Venomous was. He took out a remote from his pocket, and when he pressed the only button he had, a secret door in the wall opened. They both entered, and the wall closed behind them. Lincoln felt the room descend, realizing they were in an elevator. When they reached the end, they came out into a corridor that ended in the basement of the spa, but not the one that the employees knew; it was only accessible through secret elevators, and there were typical businessmen and agents of organizations. Collected. Secret battles.

"So this fight is over a security system?" Lincoln asked his boss.

"That's how it is. This battle is for investors to decide whether they want to invest in the Venomous Industries security system or the electronic eye monitoring system."

Lincoln hit the ground to create a mental image of his surroundings. On the battlefield was the opponent. A 1.9 meter tall man (6'3-foot) with a medium build, neither too thin nor too muscular, wearing a full-length black leather suit including his hands and face, only exposing his eyes and mouth, looks more like a masochistic suit.

The man looked at Lincoln and started laughing. "Very funny. Am I going to fight a kid? What a waste of my time."

Lincoln approaches the man and answers him. "You will lose more time when you are in the hospital."

They both walk away, and the referee stands in the center of the circle.

"Tonight's confrontation will be between the surveillance company, Cyber Eye, and the Venomous Industries company."

"Electronic Eye Monitoring is represented by Surveillance Systems Inc., The Man Without Pain: Gustav Fels."

"vs. Venom Industries Representative: The White Wolf: Lincoln Loud"

"Ready fighters. Fight!"

Lincoln runs at his opponent with a punch to the jaw and one to the stomach, followed by an upward kick to the jaw and one to the legs. Even though the latter brought him to his knees, the man did not complain, nor did he even defend himself. "What's the matter, idiot? you don't know that you can defend yourself?"

He stands up slowly. "Is that all you got? I was expecting more. Oh well. Now, it's my turn" Gustave lands a punch to Lincoln's jaw, followed by another punch and another, this time to the ribs. Lincoln tries to land a direct hit, but Gustave stops him by twisting his arm. "I didn't want this to end so soon, but I hope you understand that this tournament is no place for children."

"Don't worry, this isn't over yet." Lincoln grabs one of the sleeves of Gustave's suit and then falls backwards, crushing his opponent. He then changes his position, regaining movement in the arm that held the sleeve, then lifts him into the air and slams him into the ground, tearing off a good part of the suit and ending up stomping him on the face. "Is this enough for you?"

Gustave starts laughing again and stands up. His nose bled like a running faucet, and he spat out five teeth, but he kept laughing. "You still don't understand. I can't be defeated by such weak blows. They call me the man without pain for a reason. I have a congenital sensitivity to pain." Gustave bites his bare hand, and it begins to bleed. On the man's arm, there are scars of every kind. Wounds, burns, and even stitches. "Humans faint from pain because the damage is so great that the body shuts down, but because I am deprived of this sensation, I can withstand the blows that my opponents inflict on me. I am invincible." Gustave finished his tirade and entered a fighting stance.

"So, are you immune to pain? Fine. Then I'll fight seriously."

Lincoln runs to Gustave with his hand open and fingers spread apart, grabs him by the face, and slams him to the ground, but Gustave grabs his arm again and puts him in an armbar submission. Lincoln hits Gustave's legs, but this has no effect on him, so he uses force with his arm on the ground, turns and lifts his opponent, leaving them both face down, and frees himself from the choke. This last move left Lincoln tired of the force he had to apply. Before he could get up, Gustave got up first and stomped on Lincoln's head, sending him face-first onto the ground.

"I told you, this is no place for kids, and if you don't understand, I'm going to make you put it in your head. You don't belong here." Gustav began stomping on Lincoln's head over and over again. But as soon as he raised his foot for another stomp, Lincoln took the opportunity to propel himself with his hands and deliver a double upward kick to Gustav's jaw, breaking another part of the suit in the process, leaving his right side and arm now intact. As well as his bare chest and head. Gustave staggered slightly and almost fell. 'Damn, that kick was stronger than I expected.'

Lincoln gets up with difficulty. He had a black, swollen eye, bleeding from his forehead and nose, as well as a mouth bleed from his cracked lower lip. "Are you saying I don't belong here? I'll show you otherwise." Lincoln lunges at Gustave, followed by a hook to the jaw. A direct blow to the nose breaks it further, but the painless man grabs Lincoln's wrists, twists them, and makes Lincoln kneel.

"How many times do I have to tell you? You don't belong here!" Gustave hits Lincoln with full force, and their foreheads collide. They both froze for a second when Gustave broke away and began to stagger, looking dizzy and no longer able to maintain his balance. "What was that?"

Lincoln got up; he had a gash on his forehead dripping with blood that stained his torso, but he was still standing. "Now it's my turn to show you that you're wrong." Lincoln kicks Gustave in the stomach, followed by another kick and a left hook to the jaw, and finishing with a roundhouse kick that spins Gustave, twisting his neck.

The boy painlessly discovered the man's weakness. Maybe he couldn't make him lose stamina—not through pain but through the force of his blows. The last headbutt Gustavus gave Lincoln caused his brain to collide with the walls of his skull due to the hardness of Lincoln's bones. The constant blows to the head he received from the albino made his dizzy brain faint the moment Lincoln kicked him. Gustave landed headfirst on the concrete, breaking his neck in the process.

The referee approached Gustave and confirmed his defeat. "The fight is over! Winner: Lincoln Loud!"

The president of Electronic Eye Company was banging his head against a pole because he lost millions of dollars when his company was not selected.

While Gustave was being carried away on a stretcher, Lincoln approached the professor to receive his payment, but not before cleaning up the blood with some of the baths that were in place.

"Well done, Lincoln. With this, we have reached unprecedented numbers in industries."

Lincoln didn't answer. He extended his hand toward the professor. "My payment"

"Hahahaha, straight to the point as always. I like this attitude. Take it."

Lincoln received something in his hands, but it wasn't an envelope. It was smaller, flatter, and harder. "What is this?"

"Your credit card. This is your fourth win, if we count your surprise battle. So you are entitled to a card. I have already opened a bank account in your name, and don't worry, only I know your personal information. With this, you can withdraw money from any ATM in any bank."

"How much money did I win in this fight?"

"About 100 thousand"

"It was worth it. HAHAHAHAHAHA". Lincoln stopped laughing and held the side of his body that hurt him.

"I see you're already starting to feel the hits. Here, use this ointment." He hands him a vial of the healing ointment. Lincoln takes the bottle and starts rubbing the cream over all the beaten parts. "You'll have to wait until we sell it, and obviously you'll have to keep your parents from seeing the wounds and asking questions." Before he finished speaking, Venomous watched as the boy's cuts and bruises healed.

"Wow, Professor, this ointment is a miracle. You have a goldmine in this little jar."

Venom was shocked. He couldn't believe what he just saw. Lincoln puts on his usual clothes and goes to the elevator, leaving Venom thoughtful. "The Hunguemto uses stem cells to heal wounds, but their working time is twenty-four hours. But it was only twenty-four seconds for him. What the hell is this kid?" Venom walked to the battlefield and took out a swab, collecting a little of Lincoln's blood and then keeping it in a test tube.

Lincoln returned to the top of the spa, only to be greeted by the sounds of pandemonium.

People are screaming for a huge wave coming from the pool where Lynn was surfing on the massage bed; Lana and Lily attack Lucy and Lola with mud balls taken from the mud baths, infecting some spa clients with them; people are escaping a cloud of green vapor from one of Lisa's experiments; and the loud sound of rock shakes the building's foundations through the speakers. He already knew that chaos had a name; in fact, it had nine names.

Lincoln heard someone clear his throat behind him. It was the manager of the Wither Pearl Therma Pool.

They were blocked out. The Loud family was strangely silent; the sisters and parents had embarrassed expressions, while Myrtle and Albert had a feeling of unease due to the tension of the moment, the tension created by Lincoln, who had his arms crossed and a stern expression on his face.

Lori broke the silence.

"Uh...Lincoln...we" Before she could finish, Lori was silenced by Lincoln, who raised his finger as a sign that he wanted her to shut up. Lincoln suppressed anger so intensely that his body trembled.

"Lori... just... don't talk. Actually, I'd really like to spend some time without any of you talking to me... Especially you guys," Lincoln said, pointing to his right.

"Uh...Lincoln. You're targeting us," Albert said.

"SHIT! I'm so angry that I don't know where everyone is. I mean you." This time he pointed to his left, pointing at Luna and Lynn.

Rita and Mr. Loud couldn't believe their son used words like that, but based on what had just happened, he was within his rights.

-The next morning at school-

"Ha ha ha ha! Damn man, what happened? Ha ha ha." Andy laughed so hard that he caught the attention of all the students who walked down the hall.

Meanwhile, Clyde saw a sheet of paper written in Braille and also in regular form. "Half a million dollars in damages!?"

Lincoln slowly banged his head on his locker. "They dried up my account, and I had to give the rest of what I had in cash and what I gave to my parents, and I still owe three hundred thousand dollars."

"Hahahaha. This is too much. Hahaha. Enough hahaha. Fuck, fuck, I'm going to piss myself, hahaha."

"This isn't funny, Andy. I won't get paid until Professor Venom needs me again to close a deal."

"Well, you can ask him in advance."

"Ha! Good joke, man. This Venom isn't that generous, unless there's something for him."

"Andy's right, Clyde. I think I'll have to have a good time without pay."

"And your parents won't help you?"

"They offered to pay what they could, as did Lori, Leni, and Luna."

"Come on, man. Get that spirit up. Hey, how about we go get a few drinks after class?"

"We're too young to drink, Andy."

"Besides, I need all my senses. Alcohol impairs my perception."

"Bah. boring. Well, let's have some soda."

At the end of the school day, the three friends left for their refreshing sugar goals. While a group of three girls gaped at their friend.

"Girls...do you see the same thing as me?" Cici asked.

"No, I don't know," Susie said, rubbing her eyes.

"Ouch. No, this isn't a dream." Molly rubbed her arm where she had pinched herself.

The girls thought that what they saw was not real, that they were in a dream or rather a nightmare, or that they had passed through a portal to a parallel world. Even if that were the case, the odds of such an event occurring in a universe were less than zero, and yet it was. Their friend and leader, Christina, was arm in arm with Chandler.

Molly approaches Christina, worried about her friend. "Christy, what are you doing, hugging that pest?"

"Watch your mouth, girl. You're talking to my girlfriend."

These words made the girls have different reactions. Molly was open-mouthed and completely paralyzed; Susie had passed out on the snow; and Cici was holding back the urge to vomit.

"Like...boyfriend?" Cici asked; her reflex was already gone.

Cristina forced a crooked smile and replied. "Yes. Chandler and I...we're dating," saying that made her feel disgusted.

Molly grabs Cristina's arm and pulls her away from Chandler, then steps away and speaks alone. "Christy, have you lost your mind? What are you doing with this living evil?"

"I have to do this, Molly."

"Is it because of Lincoln Loud? This is already going too far."

Chandler leaned closer to listen to the conversation and answers. "Don't worry, my bitch isn't doing this for a favor; she's doing it because she loves me. Besides, I already took care of Larry. I assure you, you won't see him here again."

At that moment, the universe decided to sometimes be unfair.

There were three boys passing on the opposite sidewalk. An African American, an armless Spaniard, and an albino, they knew well.

Chandler's face was priceless, and the girls, including Christina, took a photo of his expressions.

For his part, Chandler went from surprise to anger to hatred.

"That's fucking Larry. After that beating, I told him to stay away. No one makes me feel ridiculous like that."

-Back with the boys-

Lincoln, Clyde, and Andy went out to buy food and fuel. Despite the massive economic bubble that the city was in, the old and dilapidated gas station looked as old and dilapidated as it did three years ago, if not more. It wasn't because Flip didn't do well at his job, but because the miserable miser wouldn't take it away, let alone with a sea of dollars in his pocket. However, he put some "changes" in place, imposed by the health department. It fumigates, cleans, and sterilizes everything. The establishment was now very clean. As well as adding new flavors to its distinctive product.

The boys had a flippie each. Clyde grape, Andy berry And Lincoln...well, he was trying one of the new flavors.

"You know what? I thought old Flip went crazy putting that flavor in Flipp's choice, but it's actually pretty delicious," Lincoln said as he drank.

"I see your taste in food is still very broad, brother."

"Come on, uncle. It's a carrot-orange drink. Who could like something like that?"

"That's nothing. My favorite sandwich is peanut butter and sauerkraut."

Andy turns green and barely holds back the urge to vomit. "Don't mess around, man. That's filthy."

"Hey, Lincoln, what are you going to do with the Wither Pearl Thermal Pool debt?"

"I don't know, Clyde. I think I'll have to wait until the professor calls me to work."

"I still think you should ask him for a salary advance. At least trie it."

"Yes, sure, buddy. There are more chances of winning the lottery."

While the boys were talking, a large truck decorated in such a way that it looked like a dog was passing by. Inside, two men were listening to the radio to see the winning lottery numbers.

"And now the winning numbers for the six million dollar lottery are. 1. 3. 2. 5. 4. 7. And the lucky number for the thirty thousand dollar bonus is... 6. That was all. Thanks for listening."

"Oh hell, I almost won." He had the numbers right, except the eight were the ticket numbers. 1 8. 2. 5. 4. 7 and finally 6.

"How unfortunate. But there's always a next time."

"Yes, you have to be positive." The man throws the ticket out the window, and it flies until it hits Lincoln's face.

"Guys, do I have something on my face?"

Clyde takes it from Lincoln's face. "It's a lottery ticket."

"Man. Maybe we can win."

"They wouldn't have gotten rid of it if there was any profit in it, Andy."

Clyde checks the lottery website on his phone. "Wait, there's a gravy stain on the ticket." Clyde cleans the sauce and discovers the number is three.

"Okay, Clyde?"

Clyde froze.

"Hey man. What's wrong with you?"

"We won..."

"What are you saying?"

"We won, we won!"

Andy and Lincoln both get closer to see the ticket; even though Lincoln can't, the emotion at the news makes him get closer.

"Take it now! We are rich, dude! We are rich."

"How much did we win, Clyde?"

"Six million and thirty thousand. There are two million and ten thousand for each of us."

The boys took each other's shoulders and started dancing in circles.

"What news, guys! We've hit the jackpot!"

"My parents won't believe this."

"I will be able to pay my debts and still have money left over."

The boys were celebrating when Lincoln suddenly realized that something was quickly approaching. The albino shoved his friends and crouched as he dodged a bottle that shattered as it fell to the ground.

"But what the hell, man?"

"We have company." Clyde and Andy turn around and see a group of 22 men, including Chandler, Troy, Ralph, and Mark. The redhead stands in front of the gang and talks to Lincoln.

"I asked you to get out of town, Loud. But no! You should have stayed. Now I'll show you what happens when you don't do what you're told."

Clyde steps forward. "If you want my brother, you have to go through me."

"And me," Andy said, doing the same thing as Clyde.

Lincoln didn't expect Andy to jump to defend him like that in a fight that wasn't his. "Andy? Are you defending me?"

"I already told you, you owe me a rematch. If anyone's going to beat your ass here, it's going to be me. I'm not going to let these assholes take this fun away from me."

"Our fight is with Larry, so you better get the hell out of here, Four-Eyes, and take this armless stranger with you."

Clyde looks at Chandler defiantly. "Come and force us, you idiot."

That was the final straw. Chandler sent in one of his henchmen, who was armed with a baseball bat with nails. The boy was about to bury the metals into the flesh of the three. But he was sent back two meters by a kick to the face, courtesy of Andy.

The gang members couldn't believe that a disabled boy had kicked one of their own.

Another member ran towards them, this time armed with a chain, but Clyde intercepted him, punching the boy in the chest and another in the face, knocking him to the ground. Once again, the surprise cannot be hidden. The second weakest boy in elementary school beat up a member of the most dangerous gang in Royal Woods.

"Ah, Dude. What a strength"

"When did you learn to fight?" Lincoln asked.

"My parents made me take taekwondo lessons at 12 when you left."

"Awesome. I take back what I said about being a weirdo. You're so cool."

Chandler exploded with anger when he saw how two of his men were humiliated. "All of you attack together!" The gang members ran towards the three boys, while the other two, who were lying on the ground, got up and joined their companions.

"Hey guys. How about we play a cooperative game?"

"OK," Lincoln said, cracking his knuckles.

"In that case, count me in," Clyde replied.

At that moment, a fierce battle began. Twenty-one boys versus three.

Lincoln throws punches, sending one of the gang members flying, landing on one of his buddies, and another boy approaches with a pool cue, but Clyde stops the blow by grabbing the cue and kicking him in the chest. Followed by a blow to the head with the same gesture, leaving him knocked out.

Two more pulled out firearms, but both ended up facing down by Andy's blow, followed by three more being dispatched with a kick each.

Another was about to shoot Andy in the back, but Clyde threw the pool cue like a spear, hitting Andy in the forehead. He didn't get through it, but it left him dizzy, which caused Clyde to run up to him, take the stick, and break it on the gang member's head, leaving him lying in the snow.

Lincoln had a rematch with Troy, who resented Lincoln for sullying his winning record.

Troy tries to bend Lincoln's arm, but Lincoln punches him in the face, followed by one to the chest and one to the throat, knocking the air out of him, and finishing with a roundhouse kick to the jaw.

Mark ran towards Lincoln, but Andy gave him a straight air kick to the middle of the face, and Ralph was finally taken down by Clyde with a low kick and an elbow to the back of the head.

The enemies kept coming, but our three heroes didn't back down.

Two other opponents were approaching. One from the left and one from the right, Lincoln avoids them by doing a backflip, causing them to collide with each other. One of them falls from the blow, but his partner wants to continue and pulls out a knife, but Lincoln grabs his wrist and puts it in his arm, making him drop the weapon. He then proceeded to repeatedly punch him in the chest as if he were a punching bag. The gang member begins to lean backwards and finally falls to the ground from the force of the blows that pushed him down. Finish with a downward blow to the face, knocking him out.

Andy attacks with a flurry of successive kicks to the gang member's jaw, ending with a spinning kick, but one of his fellow gang members grabs him from behind, ready to slit his throat, but Andy takes advantage of his flexibility and lifts him up. With his leg at a 90-degree angle, he kicks him in the face, causing him to fall to the ground.

Meanwhile, Clyde dealt with two opponents with chains. One of them throws the chain and wraps it around Clyde's right arm, while the other grabs his left leg. They both pull the chains, causing Clyde to fall to the ground. They then take some iron bars to hit Clyde, but the boy spins on the ground and delivers a sweeping kick with his free leg that knocks down one of the attackers. He then uses the chain on his arm and blocks a blow from another gang member's cane that hits him in the stomach and another in the back. The second gang member began to stand but was brought back to the ground by a cut to the back of his neck, courtesy of the African-American boy.

The three friends were gathered in a triangle, and the last three gang members were running towards them, but they were sent flying by a kick from the three friends.

Chandler was confused. Twenty-one tough guys were beaten by a man with no arms and two freaks. Blinded by rage, he ran straight to the three friends but was met with a kick to the stomach, courtesy of Andy, causing him to fall to the ground.

"Since I was six years old, I, Andy Gervins, have been marked as undesirable, and I have done nothing to change that."

"Leaving restaurants that charge a fortune for disgusting food without me paying is my daily bread; I'm used to messing with gang members, and I'm usually more brutal than necessary when I fight. Some of my opponents are still in the hospital if they're lucky; I once beat up an abusive teacher who was... just a facade, and I haven't set foot in a high school since. However, it was always justified. But men like you who continue to believe in life and do what they want, believing that they are untouchable and that the law and punishments do not apply to them—that kind of man They are the ones who hurt me the most! Andy kicks Chandler, sending him rolling. "You deserve more than that. But it's not my place to hit you. But it's his." Andy points to Lincoln, who is slowly approaching Chandler.

The redhead has some difficulty due to stomach pain. "Is loser Larry going to hit me?" Lincoln picks up his hair and combs it again, exposing his eyes. Chandler couldn't believe his eyes. "Hahahahaha. This must be a joke. You're blind? Of course. My men are useless. No wonder the nerd, the blind man, and the man with no arms beat them up. It sounds like one of those jokes about three guys walking into a bar. And on top of that, they sent me the three most useless. You know, I'm not like those failures that you defeated. Before, there were more, but I had to separate the trash from the gold. But it seemed like it was all fake gold. But I'm the real gold. I'm platinum! Come on, Larry. Hit me if you can, and I'll show you that you're still the same loser you were when you left." Chandler looked so confident in himself; maybe it was denial, or his pride wouldn't allow him to admit defeat.

Finally, Lincoln faced Chandler face-to-face; the expression on the albino's face was a poker face, impossible to read. "I'm waiting, Larry. Come on, hit me if you dare. Right here," Chandler points to his chin. "Come on, do it!"

Lincoln interrupts Chandler's scream by giving him an overhead punch that lifts him up and sends him falling into a snowbank that turns red, as the blow caused several teeth to fall out. "Shut up now."

The gang members, seeing their leader fall, rose as best as they could and began to retreat, while two of them took an unconscious man.

Lincoln turns back to his friends, who were looking at him in amazement at the massive blow he dealt to Chandler. There was definitely a lot of anger in every millimeter of that fist.

"Wow Lincoln. You really wanted to hurt him." Clyde sees eight teeth lying on the ground with blood.

"That will teach him not to mess with us. Even though his problem was with Lincoln, I'm fine. At least we took them all down."

"Although I wanted to give Chandler more than one hit,"

"You will have more opportunities. Now let us quickly go to collect our fortune."

"Of course. Clyde, where's the ticket?"

Clyde widened his eyes, realizing something. "I thought Andy had the ticket."

"How the hell am I going to get it? Right, Lincoln?"

"No, I thought Clyde had it."

Suddenly, they heard old Flip shouting excitedly. "Six million and thirty thousand dollars. I'm rich. Yahoooooo!" Flip ran and jumped, tapping the soles of his feet in the air.

Clyde and Lincoln's eyes were open as wide as they could be, while a vein was marked on Andy's forehead and his face turned red.

Andy took a deep breath, filling his lungs to capacity and letting out a loud scream. "Shit *** ****** ******" His strong expletives were covered by the sound of a nearby church bell and the flapping of the wings of birds that flew in terror when they heard him scream.

-Meanwhile, at the Loud house-

The older sisters were minding their own business, while the younger ones had not yet arrived.

But the unusual calm that prevailed in the house was interrupted by the closing of the door. Everyone in the house headed to the entrance to see the family comedian.

"Hi, Luan. How was your trip, sweetie?" Rita walks toward her daughter. But she pushes her, which surprises Rita. "Luan, what's wrong with you?"

Luan walks towards the stairs with her head down, ignoring her family, until Luna stops her and takes her by the hand.

"Luan? Sister, what's wrong with you?"

Luan clenches her fists, raises her head, and gives a look of pure anger at her entire family, scaring even Lori, but the anger turns to sadness when Luan hugs Luna and begins to cry on her shoulder.