
I See Love In You

After one of Lisa's experiments fails, Lincoln goes blind and sent away of the country with his grandfather, and 3 years later returns with a change, instilling a forbidden feeling in his sisters. -The loud house fanfiction- ____________________ You can find 2 extra chapters with 40K words on My kofi account: ko-fi.com/hana_chan1 My patreon account: patreon.com/Hana_Chan1 You can find all my links here: https://linktr.ee/Hana_Chan1 Discord: https://discord.com/invite/KzRWHga6rz

Hana_0_chan · Anime & Comics
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13-The Rabbits and the Wolf, and the First Day as a Dracoviam Fighter

Chapter 13: The Rabbits and the Wolf, and the First Day as a Dracoviam Fighter

-The nature of humans and animals is not very different-


Midnight brought with it a thick fog, which, combined with the fresh snow, formed a white curtain that made it impossible to see beyond the tip of the nose.

In Royal Woods City, as usual, a group of suspicious people got into a truck. Inside, there were three men who had a table inside the car with a picture of a group of people on it.

Among them is the one who looks like the leader. A six-foot-tall man with a beard and ponytail was talking to his henchman.

"Okay, here's the plan. We'll be waiting for them at the cemetery. They meet there every Friday and Saturday. There are seven in total. Four of them are boys. They don't matter. The important thing here is the three girls in the group. One is seventeen, one is fifteen, and one is twelve. I've already spoken to the buyer, and he'll pay us a hundred thousand each. Three hundred thousand for the three of us"

"That's great, boss. Who would have thought that this city that just appeared on the map would have so many good goods?"

"Hey boss, can we do 'quality checks' before selling them?"

"Of course not, you idiot! The buyer wants her to be a virgin. If we touch them, he will find out and kill us. Think with your head on your shoulders for once in your life, you idiot."

"Unfortunately, she looked to me like a goth with a big ass."

While the men were planning to kidnap them, hiding in the fog and snow, someone chased the truck.

The men were drinking from a bottle of anise liqueur to get rid of the cold when they suddenly felt the car move as if something had shaken it.

"What the hell?" One of the men said this as he wiped the wine off his clothes.

"I don't know, Boss. I'll go and see." One of the lackeys went out to check the cause of that tremor.

At first glance, there was nothing, but suddenly he saw the cause of the tremor. "What the hell is this?"

"Hey, what's the problem?" His partner got out of the truck to see what his friend had discovered. The fog was so thick that they had to bend over to see that the right rear tire had three punctures. "What the hell?"

"Hey, you idiots, how much time do you take?" the leader asked.

"Someone put a hole in the back wheel, boss."


"But that's strange; these don't look like holes." The man saw that they were long. "They look like they were made with a machete."

The man jumped back when the back of the truck was fully lowered.

"And now this?" The partner went to see what happened on the other side, only to discover the same holes in the other wheel. "What is happening here?"

"You idiots, what the hell are you doing there? It's shaking the whole damn truck."

"I don't know, Boss, it seems." Suddenly, something grabs the man by the leg and drags him into the fog. It was so fast that he didn't have time to scream.


"What happened?."

"Something took Mike."

"What?! Who was it? Did you see him?"

"No, I didn't see; there's a lot of fog."

The criminal was about to enter the truck when he was pulled by his coat and carried into the fog. This time he heard a scream, which was interrupted by the sound of flesh being torn and bones breaking.

The leader locked himself in the truck. He pulled out his weapon, trembling. The truck had lowered further, and he heard something on the roof scratching the sheet.

"Damn it! What do you want? Die! go to hell!" The man shot at the ceiling until he ran out of bullets. Once the weapon was unloaded, he took a steel plate that was on the ground to use as a knife. He slowly opened the door, expecting to see a body on the floor, but he saw nothing. He sighed in relief, but that changed to horror when he saw two large yellow eyes in the fog. He quickly prepared to close the door, but what was hiding behind the white cloak had already managed to get into the truck. The last thing heard were the screams of the man being torn apart alive, followed by a howl that pierced the night.


It was five thirty in the morning. Lincoln slowly began to open his eyes. The good thing about sleeping downstairs was that you were very close to the heater, so he didn't need to sleep too warm. The albino boy tried to get up but couldn't move his arm, which was strange, as his sleeping bag could fit three people, so he couldn't be trapped inside, but when he felt his surroundings, he found that he wasn't stuck, but his arm was trapped underneath. Something—it was Lynn who fell asleep cuddling him, wearing only one shirt and her underwear, using her brother's arm as a pillow. Lincoln recalled that at night, like every night, Lynn came downstairs to "give love" to her brother. Lincoln tried to pull his arm from under Lynn's head, but Lynn hugged him like a stuffed animal, holding on to him with her arms and legs.

Lincoln could no longer feel his arm due to numbness from the pressure exerted on it, and now he was even more trapped than before.

"I guess I won't go running today."

"Running? I want that." Hearing the word run, Lynn woke up and released her brother.

Lincoln sighed in relief as he felt his free arm. He began to open and close his hand until the numbness went away. finally...

"Hey Lincoln, did you say you were going for a run?"

"Yes, Lynn, I wake up at five-thirty to run before the sun comes up."

"Oh, but it's still very icy, and it's cold too." Lynn hugs Lincoln's body. "And it's hot in here." The girl kisses Lincoln's chest, then puts him on the floor, stays on top of him, and starts kissing him. "Let's stay here and do exercises." Lynn pulled down Lincoln's pants, but he stopped her.

"Lynn, no! We have to be careful, or someone will find out."

"Don't worry, no one gets up early."

Unfortunately, Lynn was wrong, because when she finished speaking, the sound of someone coming down stairs was heard, and this belonged to the rock girl; like Lynn, she was only wearing a t-shirt and panties.

"Love, I feel sexual at dawn; give me space." Luna stopped when she saw Lynn half-naked on Lincoln. On the other hand, the athlete was paralyzed when she saw that one of her sisters had caught her red-handed. "What the hell is going on here?"

Lincoln pushed Lynn away from him and got to his knees. "Luna, this is not what it seems. Lynn just..."

"Shut it. What the hell were you doing here? You bitch."

"Who are you calling a bitch? Whore"

"You. You've been dealing with Lincoln. So you better tell me what the hell is going on between you two?"

"Nothing matters to you, and besides, you have no right to ask me to sleep with Lincoln."

"Are you sleeping with him?"

"Er...girls, I think it's better..."

"Shut up, Lincoln!" The girls said it in unison.

"What do you mean, I have no right to demand anything from you?"

"Oh, please, as if you didn't know. I saw you that night when you were smelling Lincoln's dirty shirts." Lynn's answer left Luna paralyzed.

"Wait...what were you doing with my shirts?"

Luna was as red as a tomato, and her younger sister had discovered her secret. "Eh...how do you know that?"

Lynn has a slight flush to her cheeks. "None of your business. The point is that calling me out for doing this with Lincoln is very hypocritical of you."

Luna looked away in embarrassment. Lincoln and Lynn didn't say anything when they heard a sigh coming from Luna.

"Luna? Are you crying?" Lynn asked.

Lincoln felt sorry for Luna because the reason his sisters were fighting was because of him. "Luna, come sit with us." Luna walked towards her siblings and sat down on the sleeping bag. "Luna...Lynn...I think you need to talk about how you're feeling."

Luna wiped away her tears and knew that she couldn't hide the secret for long, even though she had been hiding it for years. The rock girl sighed and proceeded to tell her sister about her feelings for her younger brother. "Okay, Lynn? The truth is... I... adore... adore Lincoln. For nine years."

Hearing that, Lynn was stunned. She didn't know what to think; she actually suspected that Luna loved her brother, but she thought it was just lust, and she never thought that she had hidden those feelings since long before Lisa was born. "Wow... I... I don't know... I don't know what to say, Luna... She has loved him for a longer time than I've been in love with him."

"Wait. How long have you been in love with me?"

Lynn was embarrassed by her brother's question. "Since the bad luck thing, I felt dirty for accusing you of that. The other team was better, and that's all. But..." Lynn grabbed her shirt and started crying. "When we let you back in... you had every right to hate us and to call the police. And you send us all to prison or to the reformatory... But instead... you... you just... you forgive us. I blamed you for something very wrong, and you forgot that we betrayed you. This is the way to be—this, that heart, that ability to overcome evil with a smile. I wanted so much to be like you in this aspect. Even when you went blind, you forgave Lisa. We don't deserve to have you in our family, but you are so kind. Yes, you sometimes acted selfish, but we were worse. You had the right to have something for yourself. I could never be like you. I could never have the heart you have. But... somehow, you took my heart. Everything I said about you was what made me fall in love with you."

Luna and Lincoln were moved by Lynn's words, almost on par with Lucy's words.

"Wow Lynn. I didn't know you had so many feelings inside you." Luna was truly surprised; she had never seen her sister's face like that before.

For his part, Lincoln was not surprised. It surprised him that Lynn had loved him this way since they were children, but ever since what had happened that time in the kitchen, he knew that Lynn had a sensitive side and a wilder side. "So girls...I don't know what to say; I think this is something you should discuss."

"Discussing about what?" Lynn asked.

Luna puts her hand on Lynn's shoulder. "I think it refers to our situation and how we feel about it."

"That's how it is. I won't be the one to turn you down; you know, I never say no. So I leave this to you. I'm going for a run. Talk about it, guys, and when I get back, tell me what you think about all this and what we're going to do." Saying that, Lincoln put on his usual clothes, went up the stairs to leave the basement, and then walked out of the house.

-Back to the basement-

Luna and Lynn were sitting on the sleeping bag, talking about their situation and Lincoln's situation.

"So...do you like him too?" Lynn asked.

"Yes. I'm crazy about him. And you, have you been in love with him since the bad luck?"

"Yes. I really don't know what I was thinking. We acted like bitches to him those days. And yet he still loves us."

"I understand. Sometimes I feel like we don't deserve him."

"So, Luna...what are we going to do?"

"I don't know. It's the first time I've ever had to decide something like this."

"Well... for me, it's no problem if... you know... we share it."

"We share it?"

"Yes, you know. A day for you, and a day for me, and so on."

"Lynn, this is bigamy, which is illegal."

"Just like incest. Plus, you have an open relationship with Sam. What's different about that?"

"Wait! How do you know about my open relationship with Sam?"

"One day you talked to me about it when you were drunk, with the tattoo on your ass."

"And yet you didn't tell anyone?"

"Do you think I am Lola? Also. It is your life. I have no right to tell you what to do with it. But back to the other thing: what do you say? Do we share it?"

Luna thought about it carefully. If she's already willing to have a forbidden relationship with her brother and an open relationship with Sam, what's wrong with including another relationship? "Okay, but we have to agree on which days we'll sleep with him."

"Oh, and I almost forgot. I also want to include Polly."

"What? Your roller dervy friend?"

"Yes. I mean, only if you agree."

Luna thought about what Lynn said and remembered how emotional Tabby was with Lincoln. She imagined that if one day she wanted to sleep with Lincoln, at least they would include her too. "Fine. But only if you let me include Tabby."

"Come on, Luna. The more girls we have, the less time we'll have with him."

"I know, but Tabby's my friend, and she's already got her eye on him. I don't want to fight her over this."

"What about Sam?"

"I don't know what to say, but she's open-minded, so maybe we should include her too."

"With her, there are five of us. We basically fill a week."

"Listen. I still don't know if Sam and Tabby will accept, just like I don't know if Polly will."

"That's right. Well, so be it. We'll share Lincoln."

"Deal done, sis" Luna shook Lynn's hand to seal the deal.

-Back with Lincoln-

The boy ran into the fog with all his senses on high alert in case someone tried to surprise him, a habit he had acquired after all the encounters he had been through since arriving in the city.

The streets were so quiet that the slightest step of Lincoln's walk echoed between the houses, while a moving truck could be distinguished in the distance, followed by a small car carrying four passengers.

After twenty minutes of running around the building, the boy made it home. Lincoln took off his jacket and collapsed on the couch. It was still six in the morning, and since he had nothing to do, he lay down and closed his eyes for a few seconds.

-Meanwhile upstairs-

Inside Lincoln's future room, the Loud sisters slept peacefully, except for one.

Leni moved in her place as a result of one of her recurring nightmares. In this, she was completely naked, surrounded by shadows from which large men were observed.

"Such a sweet girl." One of the shadows lifts her up, separates her legs, and reveals her intimacy with the rest of the shadows. "I want to go first"

"No. Please no" One by one, the shadows satisfied their carnal desires with Leni's body. Hundreds more piled up to the point that they seemed endless. "No." Leni woke up sweating from that terrible nightmare. The girl resisted the urge to cry and went down to drink some water.

Downstairs, Leni saw Lincoln on the couch. It was nice to see him asleep. Leni saw that his jacket was on Lincoln like a blanket, and there it was, her ticket to a deep sleep. The girl took Lincoln's jacket and went upstairs, not knowing that Lincoln was actually awake. The albino already knew what Leni's perfume smelled like, so he recognized her.

"Did Leni just take my jacket?"

In Leni's dream, the shadows were frightened while the other shadows were vaporized by an intense light coming from Lincoln, who had large golden wings and long hair that reached his feet, holding Leni in his arms, bridal style. Angel Lincoln was caressing Leni's belly, and in a deep, seductive voice, he said, "For now. Let's make babies, baby." Leni smiled softly as she felt comfortable in the warmth of Lincoln's jacket.

Meanwhile, Lincoln was still thinking about what Leni did, especially since the park incident with Robert. Leni hadn't talked to him or gotten close to him. Lincoln's thoughts were interrupted by the cell phone Professor Venomus had given him, which he always carried in his pocket. Lincoln replied before the noise woke up his entire family.


"Are you ready?" A voice asked from the other side of the phone.

"Ready? Why? Who's talking?"

"We're outside, and Professor Venomous sent us."

"Professor?" Lincoln went out into the street, where two men were waiting for him in front of a limousine containing Professor Venomous.

Lincoln got into the limousine with the professor's bodyguards, and they headed to their destination.

"Excited for your first battle? Lincoln."

"A bit tense, but in a good way."

"Yes, that's how it is for everyone their first time."

"By the way, Professor, why is this fight? What do you win in the game?"

"A vacant piece of land in another part of the state The battle is against the architecture firm Dawn Splendor. They want to build more offices there, and I want to install another research lab. Whoever wins the battle will get the building rights on the land."

"And who will I fight against?"

"You'll know."

In an old aircraft hangar, several people gathered, and at the entrance, a man wearing a red suit and a ponytail was waiting.

Venomus and Lincoln arrived at the barn and got out of the car.

Venom walked towards the man who was waiting for them. "Nice to see you again, Mr. Ramslake."

"Professor Venom. I see you've finally found a new fighter. Although he seems a bit young."

"I think you have to see the result; otherwise, it won't be fair to you and your fighter."

"You're talking a lot, considering what happened to your fighter in the last match."

"The death of my former fighter was unfortunate. But we all know the dangers of Dracoviam's fights."

Ramslake sees Lincoln and questions him. "Tell me, boy, do you know that these fights are not a game?"

"I'm aware of that, but it doesn't scare me. I came here to win."

"You're too confident. This is a common mistake for beginners."

Venom chuckles. "Trust me. I've seen him fight. And Lincoln's not one to bark and no bites."

"We'll see Venom."

The three enter the barn. In it, all the people formed a circle in the center, where the confrontation would take place.

Lincoln enters the circle where his opponent is, who is covered in a red robe.

The referee stands between them and introduces them.

"This day begins the confrontation between Dawn Architecture and Venom Industries."

"Architects represent the splendor of dawn. Red Serpent. Andy Gerseven."

"vs. a new representative of Venom Industries. The White Wolf. LINCOLN LOUD."

"Fighters, ready. Fight!"

The referee started the fight. The first to throw the first blow was Lincoln, but the boy in his robe jumped up, standing on the albino's arm, and then kicked him, causing the albino to fall.

While Venom was watching the fight, he said, "I know it will happen. Despite being the same age, Andy has won six fights, counting the ones he had to face to enter the Dracovium battles. Still. I'm confident that Lincoln can beat him."

Lincoln stood up and wiped the blood from his mouth. 'He's fast. I have to pay more attention to the movements I make' Listening to the bottom of the voice can be the difference between victory and defeat.

Once again, the boy in the cape ran towards Lincoln; this time the albino heard him arrive and struck a direct hit, but Lincoln only hit the cape. Andy had taken it off to distract Lincoln, but the boy wasn't aware that the albino was blind, so Lincoln could hear him coming from behind, so he was able to hit him hard on the jaw and then try to subdue him with a judo move, but he wanted to grab his arm and only found a shallow space. And cold air, as Andy took the opportunity to kick Lincoln in the jaw, sending him flying and landing on his back.

"What the hell? In the position I was in, he should have his arm in front, but I didn't feel anything there." Lincoln tapped the ground with his fingertips to create a mental image of the environment and the boy in question. "What the hell? You don't..."

Andy started laughing softly. "Ha ha ha. I see you already figured that out." Andy's body was finally exposed completely, or almost entirely, because the boy lacked forearms.

"your...your arms."

"Oh, you seem a little confused. It's normal; everyone reacts this way when they find out about my condition. But let me tell you a story to clear up your doubts. When I was five years old, I lost my arm in a car accident. I was luckier, as my parents died. In the same incident, since I had no relatives, the state sent me to an orphanage, and after that, everything went wrong. The children there bullied me for being different and threw my things on the floor to see how I picked them up and laughed. And those who came for adoption, when they saw me, put their hands on their faces as if "they saw a monster, and the others ignored me, as if I didn't exist despite the fact that I spoke to them."

"And the nuns were worse. They were ridiculous bigots. They said I wasn't a child, that I was a monster, a phenomenon, and should have died. But Sister Constance was the only one who treated me well. She was the closest person I had to a mother—the only one who accompanied me through those years I spent there. The other nuns found out about this and accused her of breaking her vow of celibacy and excommunicating her, just to make me suffer. But this was the biggest mistake."

"The anger I felt at being left alone was the engine that drove me to change."

"I exercised my legs and torso every day to make them stronger. I ran and kicked and did all kinds of exercises that gave me strength in my torso and legs superior to everyone else. I ran in the mud and the water, in the sun and the rain, until I achieved the strength I wanted. And one day I was able to put all the damned in their place. When By the time I was eleven, I had finished this disgusting place, using the strength of my legs."

Andy takes a rock between his toes and squeezes it until it breaks. "Thanks to that, I gained this power without the need for weapons. Hence my name. Red Snake. Or, as I prefer to be called, La serpiente roja."

"So this is what the professor meant by balancing the scales."

"balancing? What are you talking about?"

"You're not the only one who overcame a weakness and turned it into a strength." "Lincoln had his bangs up, revealing his eyes."

"What the FUCK? Blind? It's a joke—is this a joke?"

"I told you. You're not the only one with a disability here."

Andy delivers a vertical kick that Lincoln dodges and then connects with a hook to Andy's ribs.

The orange-haired responds with a knee to the albino's stomach, then an upward kick to the chin, then a roundhouse kick to the jaw, but Lincoln blocks it with one hand, picks him up, and throws him. Andy flips in the air and lands on his feet.

"I admit you fight well, but there can only be one winner. So I will fight with all my might."

"I hope you don't disappoint me."

Andy runs full speed, ready to kick. Lincoln blocks the kick, but something happens. Lincoln's arm begins to bleed.

"What the hell? Blood? I'm bleeding! But...but" How?

Andy got into a fighting stance, placing his right leg behind his left, while Mr. Ramsik smirked.

"Andy, damn. You've finally decided to fight seriously."

For his part, Venom was partially paralyzed and already knew what Andy was hiding.

Lincoln compresses the wound with his hand. "What the hell did you do to me?"

Andy puts on an evil smile and responds. "It's my strongest style."

"Like I said, I trained my legs and feet to make up for my lack of arms. But at some point, I discovered that I gained something better than just leg strength."

"During a street fight with some goons who tried to rob me, I cut one of their throats. At first, I didn't even know how I did it, if I had just kicked it, so I decided to see if it was luck or a miracle, and I did the same to the other three." who accompanied him. At that moment, I realized that my training had equipped me with an unparalleled weapon. Animals adapt to their environment and develop new traits to survive. This is evolution. In my case, I may have lost my arms, but in return, I didn't only gain much strength in my feet, legs, back, and torso. Each muscle and nerve of them also gained a unique elasticity, like that of a snake. Thanks to that, I obtained this technique, which allows me to kick so quickly and precisely that, with the friction and force of it, they are able to cut like a knife. Whether it is flesh or bone, "My kicks can cut through anyone's defense, no matter how muscular they are. This is my special style. Snake Blade." Andy finished his tirade, waiting for Lincoln's reaction.

Lincoln stopped squeezing his wound, which was still seeping blood. "I see. You can cut with the power of your kicks, or rather, with the power of your toes. You're a really impressive person, Andy." Lincoln licks his wound and stops the bleeding, much to Andy's disgust.

"Eww...that was disgusting, man."

Lincoln spits out blood. "Good. Now I have to be serious." Lincoln runs towards Andy and delivers a blow to Andy's cheek, but Andy uses the snake blade again and creates a wound in Lincoln's abdomen. "Damn. Can he even use this technique while being so close? It means he doesn't need to speed up to use it."

"Of course not, you idiot. My snake blade doesn't use repulsive force. Use pulling force. Same principle as a slingshot."

"I see. Your muscles work like rubber bands. Potential energy builds up at the moment of kicking, and your body's flexibility gives you enough speed to be able to use it, even without moving. It's a wonderful technique. My sister Lisa would love to run tests on you."

"Oh, and is she pretty?"

"She's eight years old."

"Forget it. I don't want to go to prison."

"Of course not. You are going to the hospital. I will personally take care of that."

"You? Ha! What a joke! You can't beat the snake blade and still think you're superior to me. Don't make me laugh."

"Yes, I couldn't before. But now that I understand it well, it will have no effect on me."

"What do you understand? Well, let's see if that's true." Andy spins a roundhouse kick, adding more power to his technique, but it is stopped by Lincoln, who grabs him by the ankle. "but what?."

"I told you that your attack no longer affects me. All the force of your kick will be concentrated in your fingertips, and that is what allows you to cut anything, and it is the same principle that is used with a whip. But if I stop it at a point before it touches me, it loses speed and power. If I do that, you won't cut me off."

Andy smiles, uses his free leg, and kicks upward, cutting Lincoln's chest and exploding, revealing his left eye.

Lincoln releases Andy and covers the wound with his hand. "Shit! Can he also use that kick while in a resting state? He just pushed himself with his foot. But in the situation we're in, it takes a lot of flexibility. Even for someone who claims to have it, it would be too much. Unless." Viewers see that Andy was able to lift his leg up to a ninety degree angle.

"That's right, I can twist my joints so much they feel like rubber." The orange-haired man puts one leg behind his neck and balances himself with the other. "My strength and flexibility, combined with the training I've done, give me the fiercest kick ever created. Now you will receive one stronger than the serpent blade. I present to you the Serpent Sword!" Andy kicks his leg behind his head, vertically slicing into Lincoln's abdomen, opening the wound caused by Robert. But under his control, Lincoln managed to land his right hand on Andy's stomach, causing him to fall back and spit blood. "How the hell did he do that?"

Lincoln covers his stomach wound. "I'm understanding more and more of your fighting style, Andy. When you do your kicks, you have to be in a very specific position that's more aerodynamic, and by not having an arm, you leave your torso exposed."

Andy was impressed. No one can ever deduce his fighting style, and his opponents usually focus on his legs and do not pay attention to these details. But Lincoln was the first to discover that weak spot, even though he was blind. "Ha. It seems I underestimated him. Even though he is blind, he is learning more about me as the fight progresses. I have to finish it before he puts me on the ropes. I have no choice. "I'll have to use one of my best techniques." Andy makes a big jump until he touches the ceiling, then pushes himself up and starts spinning like a wheel. Receiving one of my strongest kicks. Ourobros Chakram!"

Fact: The chakram is a circular throwing weapon from India. It is also known as Shalikar, which means circle, and is sometimes referred to as the war-quoit. The chakram is primarily a throwing weapon but can also be used as a two-handed weapon.

"There's no point in running, Lincoln. Using the force of gravity combined with the centrifugal force of my rotation and with my joints at this degree of flexibility, I can kick with more force. Even if you dodge it, the moment I hit the ground, I'll use the same momentum to make a circular kick to hit you. When I mastered this move, it split a three-meter-long rock in half. I'm sorry, Lincoln; I liked you, but this is a Dracoviam fight, so I'm going to kill you." Andy had planned out all the moves he was going to make in case Lincoln dodged the opening kick, but what he didn't count on was that Lincoln also jumped towards him. "But what the hell?" Before he finished speaking, Lincoln had given Andy a big whack.

But it didn't end there, as Lincoln used his rotational momentum to reverse his spin for another hit, this time a downward strike, sending Andy crashing to the ground.

Lincoln lands in a crouching position, but the landing is so hard that he coughs up blood.

Meanwhile, Andy lay on the ground with blood pouring from his mouth and nose. The referee confirmed that he was unconscious.


Lincoln stands as best he can and walks towards Andy. "I admit, you are strong, Andy, and I admire you. I never imagined there was someone like you in the world. I would love to fight you another day."

Venomus saw his fighter victorious as Mr. Ramslake clenched his teeth so hard that he screamed. "Dammit, Venomous. Why do I always lose against you?"

Outside the barn were two nursing trucks. In one, they brought Andy, and in the other, they brought Lincoln.

Lincoln was resting on a stretcher with bandages on his arms, chest, and stomach. At that moment, Venomus entered.

"How was your first fight?"


"Yes, it's like that for everyone the first time. But you'll get used to it or get into the process."

"How am I going to explain this to my parents?" He points to his bandages. "When they find out, they will prevent me from fighting again."

"Don't worry. Venom Industries is at the forefront of the pharmaceutical industry. Your wounds will be treated with our experimental rapid-healing ointment. You will be healed tomorrow."

"That's a relief, Professor."

"By the way, what did you say to your parents when they saw you with all the money I gave you?"

"I told them you offered me a position as your assistant."

"Good thinking. But if you're going to be my 'assistant,' you can't come into the office looking like a lumberjack." Venomous presses a button on his watch, and a small robot enters the truck carrying an office suit in his hands. "I asked my robots to make this suit for you. I hope it works for you."

"When did you ask them?"

"A second ago. It's very effective."

Lincoln wears a suit consisting of a white shirt, pants, tie, and black jacket. "Perfect size."

"I'm glad you like it. By the way, This is your payment." Venomus gives Lincoln a wad of cash.

Lincoln calculates the amount. "It's thirty thousand dollars."

"I told you I would give you the other half of your salary if you won this fight. Right now. Do you want me to take you home?"

"Thank you, Professor. You are very kind. But I don't want to abuse your generosity."

"Well, just until you get your own car."

"But even if I did, I wouldn't be able to drive."

"Leave that to me."

And so, Venomus gave Lincoln a ride.

The day is starting to heat up, and the snow is melting because in just a month, winter will end and spring will begin.

Coming in front of Myrtle and Albert's house, there was a large mobile truck, but he did not pay attention to it. Lincoln entered and was greeted by his little sister, Lily, who jumped into his arms.

"Linky's back."

"Ha-ha-ha-ha. I see you missed me."

"Yes. Why did you leave so early?"

"I had to go to work."

Rita and Mr. Lynn approached Lincoln but stopped when they saw what he was wearing.

"Son. Where did you get that suit?"

"Is it cool or what?" Lincoln spins. "Professor Venomous gave it to me."

"And also cut your margin?" Albert asked.

"His stylist was there, so I took the opportunity to give myself a little oomph."

"And what did you do at work? Linky."

"It wasn't a big deal. I made some appointments and organized his lunches. Sent the papers. Nothing else."

Rita hugs Lincoln just as tightly as the last few times. "Little businessman."

"Mom. I'm just an assistant."

"It starts like this. Maybe one day you'll be president of a company."

"I hope so." Lincoln noticed that none of his sisters had said anything yet. "Girls, why are you so quiet? This is not normal for you."

In fact, the most shocked were Leni, Luna, Luan, Lynn, and Lucy. Especially because of how good Lincoln looks in that suit.

"Hey Leni. What do you think of my suit? Do you like it?"

Leni ran to the upstairs room, leaving everyone confused.

This was already worrying Lincoln. Leni never misses an opportunity to express her opinion on fashion. The boy was still wondering what he did that she didn't want to talk to him? Then he remembered what they did in her room that day. Perhaps by rejecting her affection, he gave her a bad impression.

Meanwhile, in what would soon become Lincoln's room, Leni was lying on the bed, hugging a pillow as she cried. "Linky. You look so handsome. I love... I love you with all my heart. But I can't get close to you. I don't want you to get hurt again because of me." Leni sees Lincoln's jacket on the floor; the girl takes it and hugs it. "But I want you so much."

-Back downstairs-

The aforementioned sisters were still speechless until Lincoln broke the silence.

"Girls. Hello?"

Luna and Lynn were sweating as they had to hold back the urge to throw themselves at their brother. Lucy felt her heart beating so fast that she was afraid Lincoln would hear her. Luan just said he looked good and then went out into the backyard to see pictures of her and Penny and try to contact him again.

-Back downstairs-

Lana jumps up and hits Lincoln on the shoulder. "You look just like a businessman, bro."

"Hehe, thanks, Lana. Oh, I almost forgot." Lincoln pulls an envelope of money from his pocket. "This is the other half of my payment to rebuild the house."

Rita counts the money. "It's...fifteen thousand dollars."

In a short time, they will be able to rebuild the house.

Rita and Lynn Sr. hug their son and then the rest of the family. Lincoln felt like the group hug was suffocating him, and there were also some mischievous hands that Lincoln recognized.

"And you'll share the rest of your money with your pretty little sister, right, Lincoln?" Lana pushes Lola again.

"Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha. Of course, why not? By the way, When I arrived, I could hear someone moving in here across the street. Do you know who the new neighbors are?"

"Not yet. They've been unpacking since this morning, but we haven't seen them."

"So, maybe we should cross the street and introduce ourselves." Before Lincoln can finish speaking, someone knocks on the door. Lincoln opened the door, and even though he couldn't see, he knew something bad was going to happen.

In front of him were twin girls who were the same age as Lincoln, and the strangest thing was that they were both albino.

One of them wore a black leather jacket and an orange dress with shoes of the same color, in addition to sunglasses like Leni's.

The other sister was wearing a sleeveless shirt like the one Lori used to wear. In addition to a plaid skirt and shoes the same color as her shirt, like her sister, she was wearing sunglasses.

The two girls looked at the albino in silence for a long time, until the orange girl spoke.

"I knew it; I knew it was you. We saw you from the window of our new house, and I could never confuse you."

Lincoln recognized that voice. "L-Linka?"

"love!" The twins screamed at the same time and threw themselves at Lincoln, causing him to fall to the ground.

"My little wolf, I missed you so much." Linka kisses Lincoln on the lips.

"Listen. Don't take advantage of it. I want it too." Liberty grabs Lincoln's cheeks and kisses him.

The Loud family was bewildered by the scene, and the most affected were the four sisters in love, whose jaws almost dropped to the ground when they saw how these two unknown people kissed their brother.

Lynn was the first to come out of shock to confront these girls. "Listen! Who do you think you are, kissing my brother like this?"

Linka felt intimidated by how imposing Lynn was, but on the other hand, her more assertive twin stood in front of the athlete with a serious face.

"I am Liberty Bostel, and this is my sister Linka, and we are kissing our boyfriend."

This word made Lynn feel jealous. "Who do you think you are to declare yourself his girlfriend?"

"You have a problem with that?"

"I got it. He's my brother, and you can't just come out of nowhere and attack him, you perverts." Inside, she told herself that she had no right to talk like that because she had done the same thing too. But Lincoln was hers alone. And maybe Luna and her friends if they agreed, but this was her first time, and she wanted to make sure everyone knew that she had priority over her brother.

"Who are you calling a pervert? I dare you to repeat it."


"You asked for it, Tombhog."

Both girls were going to start fighting when Linka and Luan stopped them.

"Let go of me, Luan. I'm going to rip the gray-haired woman's head off."

"Linka, let me go. I'll turn her into pate."

Suddenly, the albino receives a cane, but it is not Lincoln's cane. It was a wooden one carried by an old woman. The sore albino clutched her head as she turned to see who had hit her. Her face turned pale when she saw the old woman.

"Hey, Grandma Berta." The twins were very scared.

The old lady had a happy face, but she was really upset. "Liberty, sweetheart, what did your grandmother tell you about the fight?" The old woman's tone was sweet, but the atmosphere around her was truly frightening.

"I, this..."

Berta approaches Liberty and puts her hand on her head. "What-did-you-say?" Now she looked more dangerous.

"I won't, I won't, I won't do that again."

"Very good. Now go home with your sister. You have a lot of boxes to unpack."

Liberty hid behind Linka.

Berta gives Lincoln a tissue to wipe off the lipstick. "I'm sorry for my granddaughters' behavior, young man, but you know how they get."

"Hehe, yes, I know. It's a pleasure to hear your voice again, Lady Bertha."

"Please, son. We're practically family. Call me, Grandma Bertha."

"Okay, Grandma Bertha."

"Now if you'll excuse me." Berta grabs Linka and Liberty by the ears. "I have to take these troublemakers to unpack. Let's go, girls."

The woman takes the albino twins and pulls them by the ears, causing great confusion, and some of the sisters become jealous. Mr. Lynn and Albert, on the other hand, put their arms on each shoulder of Lincoln and gave him a playful bump on the head.

"Ha-ha-ha, go son, you're quite Casanova."

At this rate, I'll have grandchildren in no time."

"You should take these girls out to dinner sometime; they look beautiful," Rita said.

"Besides, they're both albino like you. Imagine some cute white-haired kids. They'll be so cute," Myrtle said as she pinched Lincoln's cheeks.

For their part. Luna, Lynn, and Lucy clenched their fists to contain the anger that they saw their brother being kissed by these crazy girls.

"Well, I don't like them." Lynn said, running up the stairs, followed by Lucy and Luna. Which left questions in the heads of the adults, except for Lincoln, who already had an idea why his two older sisters were acting like this.

"What happened to them?" Mr. Lynn asked.

"Sister's jealousy. It's normal for them to want to take care of their little brother." Myrtle replied.

"Wow, this vacation has been one surprise after another, and we have two more months to go. At least I'll be able to have a great first winter vacation with my family." All the adults looked at each other, which Lincoln could tell from the prolonged silence that had ensued. "Why are you silent?"

"Dad. Haven't you told him yet?"

"Tell me what?"

"Oh, I'm sorry, Rita; I totally forgot about that with everything going on these days."

"Hey, do you want to stop talking in secret and tell me?"

"Lincoln. Super vacation was canceled last year." Albert answered.

Lincoln was skeptical about what he was hearing. "How come there won't be more super vacations?"

Rita began to explain. "The governor realized that it was a mistake to leave so many young people without classes for a long time. With the summer vacation, there will be five months without classes, and this affects the academic average of children and teenagers."

"Shit," the loud gentlemen said, surprised to hear their son speak like that. "I haven't seen them for three years. When I finally come home and can spend time with my family again, it's not a great holiday anymore. I can't have that much bad milk."

"Bad what?" Rita and Lynn Sr. asked at the same time.

"Oh. It's an expression a friend of mine from Argentina used to refer to...certain situations that lacked being favorable."

"Oh, you mean bad lu..." Before Myrtle could finish the word, Albert's hand covered her mouth.

"Love—that word is strictly forbidden in this house, especially in front of Lincoln." But that was no obstacle for Lincoln's sharp ear to hear the older man whisper into his partner's ear.

"It's okay, Grandpa...it doesn't matter. She doesn't know."

"I don't know what? What are you talking about? Love."

"I'll tell you another day."

"Just a moment. If it's true that there will be no more winter vacations and this is a normal winter vacation, then that means classes start tomorrow. I still don't have the props!"

"Don't worry, son. Your father and I already expected this." Rita walks to her father's room and comes with two big bags. "Fortunately, before they arrived, I asked my father to keep them at home, or else they would be lost in the fire."

"And I took the trouble of organizing the take-out schedules with all the lunches. In Braille."

Lincoln smiled. "It doesn't matter how many years have passed or how many things happen. I can always count on my family." The boy hugs his parents and little sister. "It's good to be home."

-Meanwhile at the albino twins house-

"In the forest, a large white anthropomorphic wolf is making love with two small rabbits of the same color"

"Ahh, Mr. Wolf. It hurts us."

"Shut up; you guys are mine now. And you will give me my offspring"

"The big carnivore was about to finish when..."

"LIBERTY!" Linka shouted to get her sister out of her writing. "Can you put down your weird bullshit for a day and help me unpack the boxes?"

"I was already getting to the best part. Lycan was going to release his seed inside Lopunny."

"Seriously, sometimes you worry me, Liberty."

"It's my fantasy of what I want Lincoln to do for us."

"But in your story, wasn't Lycan mistreating Lopunny and her sister?"

"They actually enjoy it. But the fact that the Lycan thinks he's in control triggers his predatory instincts, which makes the sex even better."

A blush formed on Linka's cheeks at the thought of this situation with her, her sister, and Lincoln as the MCs of the story. "Oh no, stop putting these dirty thoughts in my head!"

"It's your imagination. Isn't it, little sister?"

Linka turned around and continued unpacking the boxes to hide her blush.

Liberty smiles, comes out from behind her sister, and grabs her breasts. "Don't resist, little sister. I know you want Lincoln to do whatever he wants to you. You're a pervert like me."

"Ahhh! Stop, enough!"

"Never. Until you accept that you are a pervert."


"Next. Get your punishment." Liberty puts her hands under Linka's shirt and plays with her breasts.

"Liberty, enough!" Linka slaps her sister, which leads to their separation.

"Ouch. Oh, that hurts."

"You deserve it for your boldness! I told you I hated you doing that to me!"

Liberty puffs out her cheeks. "But I bet if it was Lincoln, you wouldn't have a problem."

Once again, Linka involuntarily began to fantasize. This time, she imagined herself naked, just covered by a sheet, with Lincoln standing in front of her. "Linka. Let me feel the softness of your chest." The imaginary Lincoln brought his hand closer to Linka's breasts as she came out of her reverie. "Ah-ha-ha! No! I'm not a pervert! I often give him some kisses in public. But I don't think I'm ready for that."

"Okay. Then I'll go to him first."

"Hey no!"

"Well, let me give you some advice, little sister. Don't beat around the bush."

Linka's boxes were unpacked again, this time with Liberty's help. While unpacking, Linka thinks. "Maybe Liberty is right. I should stop being so careful and make the first move with Lincoln."

Meanwhile, in the lower part of the city, a car carrying four girls was heading towards the Black Cobra's lair. Inside this car, a girl was screaming at her friend.

"Did they burn down his house? Christina, what the hell was that? They were supposed to take him out of town, not kill him and his entire family." Molly was angry because she was as guilty as her friends for hiring the Black Cobra to run Lincoln out of town, but now she would likely be accused of complicity in attempted murder.

"This wasn't supposed to happen. How was I supposed to know they were going to burn down the damn house?"

"Why are we going to them now?"

"To talk to them." Cristina didn't care that they were criminals; she couldn't let them put her in jail because of some idiot who didn't know the difference between intimidation and bullying. "We arrived"

Christina and her friends get out of the car and enter the building. But the moment they opened the door, they were greeted by an unexpected sight.

"Ahhhh, he found us. Sorry. We're sorry we burned down your house; please don't kill us..." Seeing that it's not the 'Albino Devil', the boys calmed down. "False alarm, guys. She's the girl who sent us to this lunatic."

The girls couldn't believe their eyes. One of the strongest gangs in the city was trembling in fear. Full of wounds? The boys had rods, bandages, and metal braces on their limbs. Some used crutches, and others used neck braces. As well as being covered in bumps and bruises.

"Oh my God, what happened to them?" Cici asked.

"What happened to us? What happened to us? What happened to us was like a terrible tornado of beatings! What happened to us? And you," he points to Christina. "Why didn't you tell us we were going to face a fucking monster?"

"Did Lincoln Loud do that to you?"

"He wasn't at home. But when he arrived, it was all very fast. The only thing I remember is that we attacked him and then got into our truck on our way to the hospital."

"Yes, that's what I wanted to talk to you about. How exactly did you think of burning the house down? I just wanted you to scare him out of town."

"Fuck you, girl. It was worse. Steve lost eight teeth, and Roger had a dime-sized hole in his thigh. And look how George left." He points to one of his friends who had a brace of teeth around his head. "Now he can only eat with a straw."

"Look, girl, we're sorry your 'idea' didn't go the way you hoped, but you see, we've already paid for what we did. And if that boy lives in town now, we can't help you anymore. We narrowly escaped alive." "

"This is worse than I thought. If Lincoln Loud was able to let go of one of the most aggressive gangs in the Royal Woods like this, it means he poses a bigger threat than we could have imagined."

"Yes, and with his house reduced to ashes, we can be sure he is very upset."

"Excuse me." The leader said, "But I have to correct you. We're not the most aggressive gang in town; we're the second most aggressive."

"Really? And who are the most aggressive?" Susie asked.

"It's a younger gang, but they're crazier. Maybe they can help you."

"How would they help us?" Christina asked.

"Well, with this crazy guy hanging around here, no one's bothered. Besides, he's already seen our faces. And I don't think we want to get another beating."

"Okay. Who's the other gang?"

Molly takes Christina by the arm and whispers in her ear. "Christina, are you sure it's a good idea to get another gang involved?"

"Molly, look how he left them. Who else could take on an animal like Lincoln Loud? We have no other alternative."

"I hope you know what you're doing, Christy."

"Okay, who's the other gang?"

The leader writes the name on a piece of paper and gives it to the girls. When they read it, they can't hide their surprised faces. It's not a good surprise, but a bad surprise. Like when you see your grades at the end of the year.

"Please tell me this is a joke." Christina said this upon reading the name on the paper.

-Back to Myrtle and Albert's house-

While the adults were talking to Lincoln about what it would be like to go back to school, someone knocked on the door. Albert opened it and found a man in a suit with short blond hair.

"Excuse me, are Messrs. Rita and Lynn Loud Senior are here."

"Who's asking?"

"I am a representative of Venomous Industries, and my boss sent me for Messrs. Loud and their daughters."

The girls came down the stairs, and others left the kitchen upon hearing that they were asked to come as well.

"What is the reason?"

"I'm not authorized to reveal that at this time. I'm asking you to just get into the limousine, and..."

Before he could finish speaking, a pink bubble passed by the man and got into the car.

"I knew it would come back, the beautiful limousine." Lola said as she hugged and kissed the limo.

The Louds also went, including the grandparents and Lincoln, and left for their destination. But the trip was very short, as they stopped after two streets.

The Louds realized that was their neighborhood, and when they came back, they saw what could be a miracle. What was once a family home and is now just a ruin has undergone another transformation. From the ashes, a new home arose. large, three-story house. Better built, stronger, and bigger than before.

Loud's jaws nearly touched the ground at the sight of the house in front of them. Even Lola went out to enjoy it. In front of the porch of the house, there was red tape blocking the way to the entrance. No one could contain the tears at this surprise when another limousine, larger than the previous one, arrived, and from there, under the leadership of Professor Venom,

"Welcome the Loud family to your new home."

"Our new home?" Rita and Lynn Sr. asked in unison.

"That's how it is. As an employee of Venom Industries, your child enjoys benefits such as medical and dental insurance. Life insurance in extreme cases. And full home insurance."

"But he just started working with you today."

"And he actually earned me a hundred billion. This is a way of saying thank you."

"One hundred billion?" The whole family, including Myrtle and Albert, screamed at once.

"That's right, your son has a talent for business. This is somehow possible because of him."

The next thing Lincoln felt was a hug that nearly broke his bones, because that strength was the love of his entire family.

"Right now. Who wants to cut the ribbon?" Venom asked, holding out a giant pair of scissors.

Obviously, the answer was Lincoln.

The boy took the scissors, but not without asking first. "Professor, when did you start building?"

"Two days ago."

"Two days? How is that even possible?"

"There are things you still don't know about Venomous Industries."

Lincoln finished the interrogation and proceeded to cut the ribbon and inaugurate the new house. The Louds entered, and the surprise did not leave their faces.

The living room was like the one they had, but larger, as was the couch and a giant-screen TV with access to all the channels. From kid content to adult-only content using a password that only parents and older siblings have

The kitchen is like a restaurant. The oven was gigantic and could hold eight pots. The parents room has its own bathroom and a study desk.

Upstairs, there were ten rooms, each one belonging to one of the sisters in case they wanted to spend a few days away from the university, and each one was assigned and furnished. Plus two more as they get more visitors.

Lori's room wasn't flashy. Typical for a twenty-one year old woman.

Leni had a large closet with a mechanical coat rack and a drawing table with a sewing machine. And a platform.

Luna had a stage decorated with rock music decorations, strobe lights, and spotlights.

Luan was identical, except for the comedy and circus.

Lyn had a gym full of training and sports equipment instead of what could be called a room.

Lucy's room is painted black and decorated like a vampire movie, with a coffin for a bed.

Lola's room looked like a room of royalty, with a large bed with curtains and lots of stuffed animals.

Lana had one part that looked like a small mechanical workshop filled with tools on the walls, and the other with beds for her future pets.

It seemed to Lisa as if she had traveled to the future. It was equipped with the best machinery that Venomous Industries could afford.

Finally, Lily was simple, with just a TV, a console, and a whole shelf full of comics and video games.

Besides, there were three bathrooms in the house, so the lines wouldn't be too long. And the icing on the cake is that the walls were soundproof, so the neighbors wouldn't complain about them anymore.

Mr. Loud suggested celebrating with a debut meal in his new kitchen. Surprisingly, the refrigerator was full, so he started cooking immediately.

As the family was exploring their new home, Lincoln spoke to Professor Venomus.

"Professor. Why did you do all this for my family?"

"You said you wanted to be part of the Dracoviam fight to help your family. Well, here it is. As long as you win for me, your family will enjoy endless prosperity."

"And... what if I lose?"

"Then I'm afraid they won't be able to buy this house."

For some reason, these words sounded like a threat. "What does that mean?"

"I paid for everything there and used one of my latest creations to build everything in two days. The cost was enormous, so you owe me in a way."

"How indebted?"

"Oh, don't worry, you will still get fifty thousand dollars from your combat salary. Just so you understand, you are my investment, and your family is my guarantee. All you have to do is keep winning."

Lincoln clenched his fists. The true face of Venomous has appeared. "You never cared about helping me. You only saw me as a business and only cared about the money you would earn in battles."

"Money is everything in this world, Lincoln. I thought you knew that already. Two parents with low jobs are forced to support ten daughters and a son who break everything they touch and cause chaos wherever they go. And after the explosion three years ago and the fire that day, I imagine that was very suitable for them."

Lincoln relaxed. In a way, Venom was right. He could still remember how he and his sisters used to fight over no more than twenty-five cents in the past.

Venomus noticed that his words reached deep into Lincoln. So he kept making arguments. "Think about it. Don't you want to give your family everything they deserve? Don't you want to see your sister Lori become a great lawyer or golfer? Or Leni, with her clothing brand in Europe? Or Luna and Luan's triumph in the show? Lynn in the Olympics? Names of your mother and Lucy in various books? Or Lana, who saves animals or builds cars? Lola, who acts in films and shows in Dubai? Lisa with her own laboratory? Lily with a bright future? Or your father, with his own chain of restaurants?

"You can give your sisters and parents this future. Send them to the best schools and get them the best jobs."

"Even your parents, when they retire, can spend their golden years on a private beach."

"And all you have to do to give them that future... is... keep winning." Venomus finished his diatribe, leaving Lincoln deep in thought.

"I have a feeling there's something more to this decade."

"You don't have to worry as long as you win. Well, that's it. Now I'll go." Before he left, Mr. Lynn went out into the courtyard.

"Professor Venomous won't stay for dinner."

"I would love to, but I just got a call from the office. It's an urgent matter."

"What a pity. We would love for you to join us."

"Okay, enjoy your days off, Lincoln. When I need you at the office, I'll call you." Venom gets into his limousine and leaves for home, followed by the other limousine.

While Mr. Lynn puts his arm on Lincoln's shoulder, he says, "Wow, this job has a very flexible schedule."

"Ridiculous, because it's so hard."

"But it seems like it's worth it. Let's go inside; dinner's getting cold."

Before dinner, everyone made a toast to Lincoln and his work that provided them with this spacious new home.

"Greetings to our prodigal son, who came back to us and helped us in times of need." Lynn Senior raises his glass. "Cheers"

"Cheers!" They all said it in unison, clinking their glasses and starting to eat dinner.

-In another part of town-

Christina's car was found in front of an abandoned warehouse. Her friends waited inside as they talked.

"I can't believe it. We actually ended up going to him," Molly said.

"Neither do I. Especially since they're better than the black cobra. It's hard to believe," Susie commented.

"Maybe it's fate. Maybe this was something that had to happen."

"Do you seriously believe in those lies of fate, Cici?"

"You shouldn't make fun of that, Susie. Fate is real and sometimes very cruel. I believe you, Cici."

"Thank you, Molly."

"Okay. Suppose this is fate, and if we had to come here in the first place, what's the point? Why did it bring us here?"

"That's a good question. I guess we'll have to wait for the answer."

"Girls, Christina is already late. Do you think she's okay?"

"Don't worry, Molly. Christy is an expert at negotiations. She was the student council's chief treasurer. If anyone knows how to make a good deal, it's her."

"The last 'good deal' ended with a house burning down."

"Ahem… The deal was good. But those who accepted weren't very smart."

Cici puts her hand on Molly's shoulder. "Don't worry. It's definitely difficult. But Christy will know how to convince him. She has enough money."

"That's what worries me. We're not talking about any boy. We're talking about Chandler McCann."

-Inside the warehouse-

A group of men were drinking and playing poker.

"Hey. I haven't seen Mike, Ralph, and Troy in days. What happened to them?"

"Didn't you hear? Someone left them badly injured, and they're recovering at home."

"That's right. There's a video showing how they were mashed."

"This is crazy. I've never met anyone outside of the gang who could fight Troy and Ralph."

"The girl who entered the boss's office thinks she knows who he is. Now she is negotiating with him to hire us. Soon we will be able to avenge our friends."

-Inside Chandler's office-

Christina was leaning against a desk with her upper body resting on it. Her panties were around her ankles, and her skirt was folded at her waist, exposing her ass. In addition to pulling down her shirt along with her bra, exposing her breasts.

While Chandler had his pants and underwear down to his ankles as he pushed his pelvis into the girl's hip.

"Oh, oh, yeah, bitch, you're enjoying it, aren't you?"

"Yes. A lot," the girl replied, frustrated.

"Yes. Have you ever had one this big inside?"

"Hmm. No, this is the biggest."

"That's right, girl. Enjoy it all." Chandler moved faster, penetrating Christina while spanking her. "You've been a very bad girl."

"Oh! That hurts!"

"Phew. I'm almost there, bitch. Just a little." Chandler gave one last thrust, but with his hips, he pushed Cristina's ass as he leaned over her, caressing her breasts with an expression of pleasure on his face from the orgasm. "Woah, was it delicious or what?"

"Ah. Yes. It was the best I've ever felt." The girl replied. In an indifferent tone.

"Of course it was the best. You had sex with the great Chandler." The redhead broke away from the girl and disposed of the condom he was using, then pulled up his pants.

Christina pulled up her panties and straightened her skirt. "I already paid you. Now will you help us?"

"A deal is a deal, sweetie. Also. This guy sent two of my men to the hospital. And who would say it's damn Larry?"

"Then remember. You just have to get him out of town. Don't hurt his family, and don't destroy his house."

"Don't worry, I'm a professional. I know how to scare people. In two days, everything will be ready."

"I hope so. You are my only alternative for this criminal to be where he belongs."

"A pleasure doing business with you, bitch."

"Don't call me that way."

"Why not? What we just did makes what I said about you true. So, Bye."

Cristina leaves the room, walks past the gang members with a sheepish expression on her face, and then leaves the building. A minute later, Chandler came out, looking very energetic.

"Guys, get your stuff ready. Because the day after tomorrow we're going rabbit hunting."

All the boys laugh, and the others celebrate.

-Meanwhile, with Christina-

The girl got into her car. She fastened her seat belt but did nothing else. She just stood out like her car.

Her friends noticed this and began to worry.

"Christy? Everything okay?" Molly asked.

"It's all right," Christina answered dryly.

"Okay. Then let's go."

The girl started her car and left that place.

After leaving her friends at their homes and arriving at her house, she went up to her room and prepared everything for the shower.

Christina took off her clothes and left them on the bathroom floor. A blood stain appeared on her panties as well as on her intimates, which meant that she had been a virgin only a few hours before.

The redhead immersed herself in the hot water that filled the bathtub and then sat down, holding her knees, and started to cry.

-Return to the new and renovated Loud House-

After dinner, all the adults and girls began to enjoy the new rooms in the house. All but three of them were Lily, Lana, and Lucy, who were in the small orchard behind their house. The girls were in front of two graves with wooden headstones bearing the inscriptions Charles and Charles Jr. Both blonde girls were crying as they remembered their pets. Lincoln, who was next to him, hugged them to comfort them.

"They were good friends. I wanted to get to know Charles Jr. better and spend more time with Charles Senior."

"They're in a better place. Lincoln right?" Lily asked, tears covering her cheeks.

"Sure, Lily. Now they're in puppy heaven."

"How's puppy heaven?"

"It is a wonderful place where dog biscuits grow on the trees and bones on the bushes. There are mountains of coquettes and toys, a wonderful river, and seas of fresh water so that they never get thirsty. And there they play every day forever."

"Is that true, Lana?"

"Yes, sister. They are now playing with all the puppies in the world, and the best thing is that they will never grow up."

That seemed to bring Lily's smile back a little. The girl kisses the palms of her hands and places each one on the graves of her former canine companions.

"Rest in peace, friends. I will bring you flowers every day."

Both blondes place a flower on the dog's graves and leave. Lincoln and Lucy stayed a little longer.

"Puppy heaven? Really?" Lucy asked impishly.

"You mean you don't think there's an afterlife for dogs?"

"I'm not saying no. But I think it should have a better name than that."

"Why don't you try calling any of them and asking them?" Lincoln ruffled his little sister's hair and headed home.

Lucy remained thoughtful only at the thought of her brother being intimate with her, and she blushed at his display of affection. "In addition to being handsome, he's smart," the goth said with a sigh. At that time, she had to tell her brother how she felt. Lucy took a deep breath and said it firmly. "Lincoln, wait"

"Wow, Lucy, what's going on? Why are you screaming?"

"I... I have to tell you something important."

"Oh. About what?"

Lucy had never been good at expressing feelings except through a dark poem, but this time she was willing to speak without a poem. "I... I wanted... I wanted to tell you... that... that... that... that... in..."

"In? In what? What were you going to say, Lucy?"

"I'm in..." Sigh "I'm really glad you're home."

"Hahahaha, I'm happy too, little sis." Lincoln kneels down and kisses Lucy's forehead, then goes back on his way, leaving the girl alone.

When Lincoln pulled away enough that his ear didn't catch what she was saying, Lucy began to blame herself. "Stupid, stupid, stupid," Lucy scolded herself as she hit her forehead against a tree. You had the perfect opportunity. You were with him alone in front of two graves. It was the perfect time to confess your feelings. But no! You should have backed off, and the worst thing was that those damn whores would continue to control his body. While you are left useless. In addition, there is also Leni. Without a doubt, she will be his favorite. After all."

"She was always the most beautiful and sensual ever," Lucy said, placing her hands on her developing breasts. "No, I'm not going to let them take me away from this. If they want something with Lincoln, I want to be a part of it too. I'm not going to leave them alone, enjoying everything." Lucy set her goal at that moment, and she's not going to let her insecurities get the better of her again.

Upon entering the house, all the adults were drinking coffee with complete peace of mind, which was strange for Lincoln. This was the first time he had not heard a noise. "Hey, why is everything so quiet?"

"Your sisters are upstairs. It seems the inner walls are soundproof as well," his mother answered.

Lincoln focused, barely hearing Luna's loud noises or Lynn's jumps and screams. Speaking of the two, remember that he still had unfinished business with them.

Lincoln went upstairs and knocked on Lynn's door, and the athlete heard the knock and opened the door to see her brother.

"What's up, Lincoln?"

"Lynn, we have to finish work of this morning, remember?"

"Oh... sure, come on."

Lincoln entered the room and sat on Lynn's bed. "Good thing you can do." Before he finished, Lynn silenced him with a kiss on the lips and began unbuttoning his pants. "Wait, Lynn, what are you doing?"

"Don't you want to finish this morning's work?"

"I didn't mean that; I meant what you and Luna decided about... our situation."

"Oh, you're talking about that?" Lynn frowned and crossed her arms.

Lincoln understood Lynn's disappointment, and to encourage her, he gave her a quick kiss on the lips. "Calm down. We will talk to Luna about this. Then I will give you a special massage."

The promise of a "massage" seemed to lift Lynn's spirits.

"Okay. Let's go with this." Before leaving, Lincoln squeezed her butt. "Little preview."

"I see you're already gaining confidence."

They both laughed a little and went to Luna's room. They had to wait for the break because Luna was playing at full volume. As soon as the noise stopped, there was a knock on the door, and after a minute, Luna opened it.

"Hey fans, what's up?"

Lincoln was the first to speak. "Luna. Do you remember this morning's work?"

"Oh, right, there's still unfinished business."

"Yes, and what..." Before finishing, Luna drags Lincoln into her room and closes the door. After a moment, Luna reopened it with a disappointed face, as Lincoln was next to her with his pants unbuttoned.

"Don't feel bad, sis. I got confused too," Lynn said after entering the room.

Inside and behind the closed doors, both the rocker and the athlete were sitting on the bed, while Lincoln was sitting in a chair in front of them.

"Good. Obviously, our situation is complicated. But I don't want to be the one who decides. Tell me. Have you already talked about this?"

"Yes brother. Lynn and I have already reached an agreement."

"And what's the deal?"

"We'll share you," they said in unison.

"Are you sure?"

"This wouldn't be the first time we've shared something, Lincoln."

"But this isn't about sharing a room or a bathroom, Lynn. We're talking about a relationship."

"Lynn and I have thought a lot about it, and we are ready to do it."

"Okay. If you guys think you can do it, let's do it officially." Lincoln stands up and takes both their hands. "Luna, Lynn. Do you want to be my girlfriends?"

"Yes!" They both said it in unison while hugging Lincoln.

"By the way, bro. Would you mind including Sam and Tabby in the relationship?"

Hearing that, part of Lincoln's blood went to his feet. "What did you say?"

"And I want to include Polly."

At that moment, Lincoln felt the strings in his brain snap. "What do you what?"

"We want to include our friends. Polly asked me if she could go out with you."

"And Tabby seemed very interested in you."

Lincoln pulls away from the girls embrace and falls onto the bed. "Awesome. Girls, don't you think it's a bold thing to ask me that? We're just starting out, and you actually want to get me into a polyamorous relationship?"

"Well, you still have to ask them if they accept. I'll tell Sam and Tabby at our next rehearsal."

"And I'll ask Polly at our next training."

"How would you tell them something like that?"

"Leave it to us. In the meantime, you'll just be ours." Luna locked her door and slowly walked to the bed as she took off her shirt.

-one hour later-

Lincoln left Luna completely disheveled and looking very tired. "I guess I wasn't ready for a threesome," he said. Lynn and Luna sleep. They snore loudly, with drool dripping from their mouths and a big smile.

Lincoln entered one of the guest rooms, ready for bed. He was so tired that even his echolocation failed, causing him to bump into furniture until he felt the bed.

"Thin bed" Lincoln sank down onto the foam mattress, sinking in like he was inside a cloud. Filled with feathers from Eastern European swans The professor sure knows how to throw a house out the window." Lincoln started to close his eyes when he heard a voice.

"Yes. It is the most comfortable mattress I have ever felt."


At that moment, something happened that had not happened in a long time. Lucy managed to scare Lincoln.

Lucy was sitting on the edge of the bed, tugging at her skirt due to her nerves from being alone with her brother again. "I'm sorry, Lincoln. I didn't want to scare you. I thought you already knew I was here."

"Don't apologize. I'm very tired; that's why I didn't feel your presence." Fortunately, this terror did not scare him from sleep.

"Yes, I imagine."

"And...is there a reason you're here?"

"Yes... I... I wanted to tell you something very important."

"Can't you wait after my nap?"

"I'm afraid so, Lincoln. It's very important."

Lincoln sighed, his face buried in the mattress. Well, sum it up in ten words or less. I really want to catch some Zs.

Lincoln only gave Lucy ten words. But she only needed to say five. "Okay... I'll tell you."

"I'm all ears"

Lucy took a deep breath. It was now or never. She vowed to wear pink forever if she came back this time. "Lincoln... I love you."

If Lincoln had not been roused by the fright of a moment ago, this confession must have compl etely removed his weariness. "WHAT WHAT WHAT?"

(TR: I imagine Kyle's mother from South Park who said WHAT WHAT WHAT 😂😂😂😂😂)

Lucy hugged Lincoln and wrapped her arms around his waist. "I love you, Lincoln. I'm crazy in love with you."

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