
I See Love In You (Average word length of the chapters)

After one of Lisa's experiments fails, Lincoln goes blind and sent away of the country with his grandfather, and 3 years later returns with a change, instilling a forbidden feeling in his sisters. My patreon acount for extra chapters: patreon.com/Hana_Chan1 You can find all my links: https://linktr.ee/Hana_Chan1 Discord: https://discord.com/invite/KzRWHga6rz

Hana_0_chan · Anime & Comics
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211 Chs


On the way to the Loud House, a very strong blizzard broke out. The normal roads were closed, so they had to take an alternate route. A paved country road running through a forest covered the road as if it were a tunnel, so snow accumulation was minimal. The only drawback was that there were no lights except for headlights. It's going to be a dark ride.

It was getting colder, and as Mr. Loud had to keep his headlights on as high as possible at all times, he was unable to turn on the heating, so fortunately Lana had brought four blankets, one for each of her parents and two more for the rest of the family. The warmth of the blankets put all but one of the passengers to sleep.

Awakened by a strange sensation, Lincoln opened his half-asleep eyes and realized breathing sounds were around him. All his sisters and his mother were asleep, and his father was so focused on driving that he got this feeling again, as if a sandbag had been pressed against his whole body. When he woke up a bit from his drowsy state, he realized that this feeling was the pressure on his body from Lynn, who was sleeping on him. Sitting on his lap with her back to him. The girl was snoring and drooling so ridiculously that it was a miracle the family didn't wake up with that noise. "She must have turned over in her sleep. I just hope she kicks the habit of farting in her sleep." Think Lincoln. The boy was about to go back to sleep when he felt something undo his pants. "What the hell?" Lincoln wanted to zip up again, but one hand grabbed his wrist and pushed him away.

"Lynn? What the hell are you doing?"

The girl was still snoring, but it was obvious that she was only pretending to be asleep. Taking advantage of the fact that they had a blanket covering them, Lynn pulled out her brother's dick and then lowered her pants just so her butt and Lincoln's dick were in contact.

Lincoln wanted to pull up Lynn's pants again, but she grabbed both wrists. The slow motions of the frozen, slippery road shook those who were deep asleep, but for the girl, it was different—the rubbing of her lover. He couldn't believe that Lynn was doing this; the risk of being literally caught by his family was more than likely. Lincoln was at his limit, and Lynn knew it by pressing her butt against her brother's crotch more when the engine stopped. Lynn quickly stopped, pulled on her pants, and put her brother's dick back just in time. The family would wake up. Lynn acted normally, but Lincoln had his heart in his mouth in shock.

When the Louds opened the door to their home, everyone but Lincoln's jaws opened until they touched the floor. On the tree were so many gifts that they were confused; they had only bought a gift for each of their daughters and their son, but there were four each.


The girls pounced on the boxes and began tearing the wrappers off. The only one who wasn't surprised was Lincoln. Because these were all the parcels he had been sending to his family these years. Remember when he and his grandfather returned to the United States from Canada and planned to leave the returned packages under the tree?

The girls left stacks of wrapping paper all over the room.

Lori gets a new bag from her parents, a scarf from Lincoln and her grandfather, a coat, and some bracelets.

Leni received a makeup kit. Gloves, scarf, and hat

Luna received some records. a leather jacket like the Lincoln jacket but in purple; a collection of twelve guitar pieces and flutes decorated with the motif of the indigenous people of the area.

Luan received a new video rating for the winter, an Amagic Game special edition, and a new jacket and costume for Mr. Coconut.

Lynn received a new set of exercises: some skates on the ice, some soccer shoes, and a hockey stick signed by Adam Dudley of the Texas Snowmans.

Lucy receives a set of candles in the shape of skulls, a new book, an old typewriter, and a necklace with a claw in the middle.

Lana received some snowshoes. tent; sleeping bag; and necklace from bear fangs

Lola got makeup and three dresses.

Lisa received a new set of test tubes and three rocks, and the latter, though it seemed like a lousy gift, the scientist loved because they were unknown specimens to her.

Finally, Lily receives four stuffed animals: a bear, a beaver, a seal, and a reindeer.

Lincoln did not expect to receive anything because being with his family was the best gift he could ask for.

Late at night, the Louds fell asleep, and Lincoln went back to sleeping in the basement because it was warmer and took up less space. Suddenly, he heard someone coming down the stairs. Lincoln assumed it was Lisa who wanted to take another blood sample, and the boy prepared himself by opening his sleeping bag a little and sticking out his arm so that the little genius could extract the blood sample. blood. Blood is required, but the sound of something falling to the ground disturbed him, more so when this person got into his sleeping bag. Lincoln noticed that it was a tall person and that she was naked.

"Lynn? What the hell are you doing here? Why are you naked?" whispered Lincoln.

Lynn kissed him on the lips and replied. "I came to finish what we started on the truck seats."

"No, you started it."

"Now we finish it together." Lynn pulled her brother's pants off and started rubbing her vagina with Lincoln's penis. "Haha, it's getting hard again."

Lincoln tried to get up, but Lynn caught him in her arms. "Lynn, stop it; this is wrong."

"It didn't matter when you raped me in this very room."

"You started. Or have you already forgotten what you did in the kitchen?"

"Either way, we're having fun, so be a good little brother or boyfriend and give me my prize."

"boyfriend? What?"

Lynn silenced him with a kiss as he inserted his dick.

Lynn slowly moved her hips up and down, which made Lincoln enjoy her.

He let go of Lynn's fist so he could hug her and change his position, leaving him in front.

They both caressed each other's faces and bodies, sticking their tongues into each other's mouths while Lincoln moved his hips, causing a soft moan.

Lincoln and Lynn had a good night of sex without imagining that, as with Lincoln and Ronnie-Anne, the two siblings had onlookers. In vents hidden in the shadows, Lucy watches helplessly as her sister takes her lover. "First Leni kissed him and took him to her bed, and now Lynn takes what should have been mine."

Lucy carefully crawled out of the ventilation of her room, which she shared with Lynn.

"These two have deceived my lover, and it is up to me to save him and make him mine."

Lucy lay in her bed thinking about how much she hated her sister Leni for seducing Lincoln and hated Lynn for taking her brother for the first time, but she would pay them when it was she who chose to spend the rest of her life with him. as his wife.