
I See Love In You (Average word length of the chapters)

After one of Lisa's experiments fails, Lincoln goes blind and sent away of the country with his grandfather, and 3 years later returns with a change, instilling a forbidden feeling in his sisters. My patreon acount for extra chapters: patreon.com/Hana_Chan1 You can find all my links: https://linktr.ee/Hana_Chan1 Discord: https://discord.com/invite/KzRWHga6rz

Hana_0_chan · Anime & Comics
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211 Chs


"And why in Canada? Why go so far?"

"Private schools are not cheap, and my family, although we are not bad financially, is not swimming in gold either. Fortunately, the doctor who treated my case had a sister who was the derictor of the school, which, as you can infer, was in Canada. My grandfather had a house in the town where the school is located, and as soon as I got better and was officially registered, I left with my grandfather. Due to certain circumstances, I couldn't back home until now.

Casagrande was greatly influenced by the story of Ronnie Ann's "Future Husband." On the other hand, the loud knew that most of that story was wrong.

To break the tension of the moment, Lori wanted to start some small talk. "Hey, now that I realize it, I haven't seen Ronnie Ann or Carlotta. Where are they?"

Maria was the first to come out of astonishment and answer. "They went to pick up some things for Christmas decorations."

"Oh. I thought they went out for more drinks after Grandpa fell on them this morning, and you had to remove the bits from his buttocks and bandage his ass." As always, CJ speaks without thinking, which makes the whole family blush, especially Hector and Maria.

The door suddenly opens to reveal that it was Carlotta and Ronnie-Ann who entered with some boxes in their hands.

The latter had awakened the genes of the Casagrande women, as she had prominent thighs like her cousin Carlotta.

"Sorry for the delay; there was a very long line at the glassware." Carlotta left the boxes with glasses on the kitchen table at the same time she noticed the louds. "Oh, hi Loud family, happy ne..." Carlotta Casagrande's words stopped when she saw a handsome boy of what seemed like eighteen standing in the middle of the large family. Plus Ronnie Ann, who, unlike her cousin, recognized the mysterious boy a moment later."

The Latina girl approached the boy with the clear intention of reviving the old customs.

"Hey, Lame-o, where have you been hiding?" Before Lincoln could answer, Ronnie-Ann continued talking. "I heard you went to a good European school; did they teach you how to drink tea and use fancy words?" Again, before Lincoln could answer, Ronnie-Ann hit his arm, but no one expected what followed. Lincoln avoided the blow by moving his shoulder back.

"So slow." Lincoln scoffs.

"What the hell?" Ronnie Ann was at a loss, but that didn't stop her from landing another blow, which was dodged again. The girl had won many boxing competitions over the years, so it was impossible for someone to read her moves, let alone if it was Lincoln.

"Almost, but you are still too slow." The albino mocked her again.

which ceased to be a game for the Latin, which began to multiply faster without much success. "what's happening? Why I can't Hit You"

Suddenly, something happened that you couldn't believe you could see. Lincoln jumped three somersaults in the air and landed behind Ronnie Ann, then pulled his cane from behind him, exposing it and wielding it like a sword.

[A thousand years of hell!]

Ronnie reflexively closed her eyes just like Casagrande and Loud when they heard the boy's scream, but she didn't feel or hear any blow.

Lincoln stopped his cane a few centimeters from Ronnie-Ann's face, then moved it away and used it to poke Ronnie-Ann in the back, causing her to fall to the ground, leaving her buttocks lifted.

Those present could not believe what they saw, not to mention Ronnie Ann, who got up while rubbing the spot Lincoln had poked her.

"I see you haven't changed one bit, Ronnie."

The girl rubbed her buttocks. She had an expression of anger on her face. "Who the hell do you think you are for..." All the girl's anger dissipated when she saw what Lincoln was holding in his hand. That unmistakable cane "Lincoln?..you..you..what happened to you?" Ronnie Ann was now worried about her friend after she found out he was blind.

"We'd better sit down; we have a lot to catch up on."

Lincoln told his story again, only this time to Ronnie Ann. In the end, the girl felt many emotions at once. astonishment, mistake, sorrow, and anger—all that whirlpool inside of her. "But I don't understand. You've been abroad for three years. Why, in all this time, haven't you come home at least for the holidays?"

This question has everyone waiting for an albino response. Especially the Louds, who wanted to know the reason for the absence of their son and brother for three years.

Lincoln took a deep breath, remembering why he felt nostalgic as well as angry, but the latter was for other reasons. "The reason I couldn't go back was because I always had to attend certain 'events' every year during these dates"

"Events? What kind of events?" Lori asked.

"Well, in my first year in Snowy Pines, I had to participate in a martial arts tournament where all kinds of fighting styles could be used; in my second year, I was invited to participate in international tournaments, and they always organized them around these dates, followed by a party to celebrate the new year. I don't know why they chose this date to celebrate those tournaments, but it was fun. A few months ago, one of the judges was killed in this year's tournament by another who wanted to take his place. It turns out that this was a former judge who was fired for corruption and therefore postponed until next year.