
I See Love In You (Average word length of the chapters)

After one of Lisa's experiments fails, Lincoln goes blind and sent away of the country with his grandfather, and 3 years later returns with a change, instilling a forbidden feeling in his sisters. My patreon acount for extra chapters: patreon.com/Hana_Chan1 You can find all my links: https://linktr.ee/Hana_Chan1 Discord: https://discord.com/invite/KzRWHga6rz

Hana_0_chan · Anime & Comics
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211 Chs


"Maybe the great-grandfather is not with you in the afterlife?"

"No, he was a soldier who believed in the Norse gods and went to Valhalla. If you think long-distance relationships don't work in the world of the living, they won't work any less in the world of the dead."

"Damn, this guy pees like a horse and is the same size."

"Great Grandmother Harriet, now! I've come here to ask you for advice."

Harriet sticks her head out from upstairs. "You're right; I'm sorry. Well, tell me, what do you want to know?"

"Well, actually, a lot of things. What should I do? How do I confess to him? How do I approach him? But most of all, because he is my brother, we have the same blood, and our society will never accept it. But when I think of him, I find it difficult to think clearly. Since his arrival, I have touched myself four times thinking of him and even had wet dreams because of him."

Harriet was ashamed of what Lucy was telling her, which was physically impossible since there was no blood in her body. "Oh, I see. You have a moral dilemma. On the one hand, you want to be with him, and on the other, you're worried about what he'll think of you if you confess to him, or worse. What will your family and community think of you if he aligns with your feelings?"

"That is. Tell me, what do you think I should do?"

"Well, like I said, it's complicated. I was born at a time when practically everything was taboo. If a woman doesn't cover her ankles, it's socially unacceptable, but if she wants to work, it's not. Even something as simple but at the same time as basic as love was forbidden without the strict consent of your parents; it was more cruel in my time.

"Women can't comment; if they put a betrothed, you can't object, let alone marry someone who is not of your nationality or skin color, except in some places like Canada and some northern states. But there was no parental love. At least there isn't a love that everyone knows."

The last thing Harriet said made Lucy curious. "What do you mean?"

"Well done. When I was your age, I fell in love with a handsome young man from high society. I was from a humble family, and we didn't have much, and I didn't know what to do. Whether I would confess to him or let him go, because I knew someone like him would never notice a low-society girl Like me, I asked the only woman I could trust for advice, the ghost of my grandmother Elizabeth."

"And what did she say to you?"

She told me a story when she was alive in the year 1820. Her parents were forcing her to marry a man she did not love; she was seventeen and he was thirty-eight, but he was a millionaire, and that was enough for them to give their daughter to an old degenerate. Alas, this was very common at the time, but she loves another boy. A nineteen-year-old shepherd she first saw for a few seconds on the journey home

Her parents never approved of their marriage, except for the members of high society who frequented them. In addition to that, it was necessary for her and the man they chose for her to marry because her family was suffering from financial problems and debts. It was piling up, and money was getting scarcer. The servants' only reason for staying was the promise of more money to be made by the guild.

On the other hand, the priest did not know that he had a girlfriend who had seen him from afar, as she was strictly forbidden to leave the grounds of her house, and the few times she did, it was in the company of her parents or some old people. However, she was clever and hatched a plan to finally confess to her lover how she felt.

She skillfully persuaded two servants, a major domo and a maidservant, who had suffered humiliation and abuse by their parents, They only put up with this treatment because these people had a lot of money. But with their daughter's wedding, they will return to the abyss, and the poor servants will have to endure this treatment until the day of their deaths. But if she manages to escape with the shepherd, the wedding will be annulled because, without a bride, there will be no wedding, and her cruel family no longer has the strength to work for more respectable people.

And so the butler and maid helped her under the pretense of trying on a wedding dress. In order not to arouse suspicion, they first went to the boutique and then met the shepherd, who was named Leonidas in honor of a great warrior king of ancient Greece.

Soon love was born between them, for the young man had not much, nothing more than a flock of sheep and his humble cabin, in which he lived alone with his mother, for he had never known his father. No bastard was seen well, so the boy and his mother were sidelined around town with hardly anything to eat, but it didn't matter to him. My grandmother Elizabeth was so fond of that young man that every day she and the maid's butler went to the shop to try on the dress and then to the sheep farm to see the shepherd. But her parents are starting to get suspicious because of the long amount of time she's been out and that the dress isn't finished yet, so they make it part of her plan to hire a seamstress who has been paying to wear the dress every day in order to delay the wedding. As far as possible, she didn't mind since there were so many employees; her only job was to make the dress.