
I See Love In You (Average word length of the chapters)

After one of Lisa's experiments fails, Lincoln goes blind and sent away of the country with his grandfather, and 3 years later returns with a change, instilling a forbidden feeling in his sisters. My patreon acount for extra chapters: patreon.com/Hana_Chan1 You can find all my links: https://linktr.ee/Hana_Chan1 Discord: https://discord.com/invite/KzRWHga6rz

Hana_0_chan · Anime & Comics
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211 Chs


Chapter 17: Eyes that do not see, hearts that feel. Part 2 (Darkness)

"I am what roars from your window, hungry in the dark of the night. I am what watches you from the dark corners of your dwelling. I extend my claws from your closet and under your bed, and I whisper your nightmares in your ear.

Fear me, for this is what resides in everyone.

"I am the fear" (unknown)

Forty meters underground, in an underground arena, the Battle of Drakoviam was underway.

The battle was between Lincoln and a representative of Globoday Industries, a burly man with sharp teeth and long hair known as "The Cannibal"

The man lay on the ground, unconscious, his teeth broken. Standing in front of him was Lincoln, covered in blood with bite marks all over his body.

"The fight is over! Winner: Lincoln Loud!"

Lincoln accompanied Professor Lincoln to the mobile infirmary to be bandaged and treated for whatever he had encountered.

"It took you a long time to defeat him, Lincoln."

"I know, sorry, boss."

"This isn't the first time. The same thing happened in your fight with Horace. Is there something distracting you?"

"My sister. I'm worried about her. Ever since the attack, she hasn't woken up from her coma."

Venom knew he had to do something to improve his fighter's performance.

But another worry consumed Lincoln's mind. His name was Hideki.

-The next day-

The second day was no different from the first. The tension between the Asian boy and the albino boy was palpable.

Andy and Clyde watched as the boy calmly walked to his seat. They could sense the conflicting aura emanating from both of them, like two monsters in a cage about to kill each other. A fact that went unnoticed by the students and the teacher.

The first class is over.

While the other students went to their activities, some of the female students were gossiping about the new student.

"He's very nice."

"And his complexion is flawless."

"It seems like he works out."

"I can't decide who looks better, him or Lincoln Loud."

"I prefer Loud. I really like his hair color. Though his friend Andy isn't bad either."

"Do you like a guy without arms?"

"Yes. His voice is very sensual."

"But no one is as handsome as our Clyde," Emma concluded, with Chloe and Penelope agreeing.

The girls' comments caused some of the boys to reconsider, especially those on the soccer team.

During lunchtime, most of the girls at school didn't take a single bite, except for a few who were fans of Hideki.

However, our favorite group of friends kept a close eye on the Asian boy.

"What do you think this crazy guy is doing here?" Clyde asked.

"I don't care; I'll take this guy down," Andy replied.

"I think someone beat you to it, Andy," Clyde said, pointing towards Lincoln, who was heading towards Hideki's table.

"Shit. We have to stop him before he causes chaos."

The boys went to Lincoln. However, he dodged them, and they fell to the ground. He finally arrived at Hideki's table.

The boy ate alone until he noticed the albino.

Hideki said with his trademark sarcastic calm, "Dear Lincoln. It's an honor to have you approach me."

"I thought I was done with you."

Hideki stopped eating and wiped his mouth with a napkin as he laughed. "Unfortunately for both of us, it wasn't."

"Unleashing your divine power that day was great. But it wasn't enough to end my existence."

"Then, let me fulfill your wish." Lincoln prepared to attack Hideki, but his wrist was grabbed by Clyde. "Clyde. What the hell do you think you're doing?"

"I was going to ask you the same thing. Lincoln. Don't do anything stupid."

"Clyde, let go of me."

"Dude. Leave him already. They are watching us."

The students saw the strange scene between the boys. Because Hideki's table was the furthest away, no one could hear what the boys were saying.

"Calm down, Lincoln. Clyde's right. It's not good to attract so much attention in such a public place."

Lunchtime is over. The rest of the day passed normally, with a few looks, both from girls interested in our opponent as well as from older, more mature students who were annoyed that someone else was stealing the girls' attention since they had enough of Lincoln.

The school day was already over.

The school was almost empty.

Hideki was one of those who took his time the most. This was the first time he had attended a school in a long time. The Asian boy was hanging out at the soccer team's practice field. On that day, there was no practice, so the place was free. Or partially.

Suddenly, two people took Hideki by the arms. They were running back with the tackler. In front of him was the team leader. Hideki didn't flinch. He just smiled softly.

"Can I help you with something, gentlemen?"

The leader approached the boy and punched him in the stomach. "Do you think you can come here and steal our girls?" He hit him again, but this time on the cheek, causing his mouth to bleed. "I'm going to destroy your pretty face, pretty boy."

Feeling the taste of his blood, Hideki changed his calm expression to anger. "How dare you?" The boys looked confused. As he made a quick movement, Hideki changed his position, holding the boys by their wrists. "My body can only be harmed by my God. You have defiled it."

Hideki began to press harder until he heard the sound of bones breaking. It caused terrible pain for the boys.

"And so... you will pay." The last thing heard was the boys screaming.

That night, someone moved in the shadows. It was White-Flame, which Lincoln was riding.