
I See Love In You (Average word length of the chapters)

After one of Lisa's experiments fails, Lincoln goes blind and sent away of the country with his grandfather, and 3 years later returns with a change, instilling a forbidden feeling in his sisters. My patreon acount for extra chapters: patreon.com/Hana_Chan1 You can find all my links: https://linktr.ee/Hana_Chan1 Discord: https://discord.com/invite/KzRWHga6rz

Hana_0_chan · Anime & Comics
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211 Chs


Chapter 15: The Facts, Part 2

Lying is like trying to cover the sun with your hands. You cannot cover up the shine unless you use it to cover your eyes.


Luna was hugged by Luan, who was crying inconsolably, prompting her worried parents and sisters to approach her.

"Luan, daughter, what happened? Why are you crying like that?" Rita asked.

Luan turned her face away from Luna's shoulder to see her mother. Her eyes were puffy and red. Which means she was already crying before she got home.

"Mom. Benny... he... he..." Luan ran to her mother and hugged her tightly, crying into her chest.

"What's wrong with you, daughter? What did that bastard do to you?" Mr. Loud actually fears the worst when it comes to one of his daughters crying.

"Lynn. Go make some tea for your sister."

"Yes mom"

"Hot chocolate is better. This will make her happy. I'll make it." Mr. Loud began heating the milk while his wife and daughters accompanied Luan to the sofa to rest.

Once the chocolate was ready, Luan drank it while recovering.

"I'm feeling better. Thanks, Dad."

"Now, Luan, tell us. What happened?" Lori asked.

Luan took a deep breath and began telling her story.

"It all happened like this"


In the city of Forest Bell, a bus arrives at the station. Luan came down with a suitcase. The girl's face showed great joy and excitement at being able to spend a few days with her beloved boyfriend.

Luan took a taxi to the community of secluded arrolos del ocazo, where Benny's uncle lived. Although she had never seen them in person, Benny had told her a lot about them and where they lived. Even though Benny told her she didn't need to go there, she couldn't stop thinking about her boyfriend and how he could brighten his sick uncle's day. Moreover, if she spent some time with her boyfriend, she would forget those thoughts she had about her brother.

The taxi finally arrived at the retirement community. After paying for the ride, Luan headed inside the gated neighborhood.

The girl arrived at the easily recognizable house, where Benny had shown her in the past some pictures of what her uncle's house looked like. Luan's heart was full of hope of seeing her boyfriend again, thinking of everything they could do in the week they left on vacation.

Luan rang the bell and waited for someone to open the door. After a minute, the door opened, and on the other side there was a nice-looking old lady who greeted her with a warm smile.

"Good morning, are you Mrs. Vera?"

"Yes, young lady. And who are you?"

"Let me introduce myself. My name is Luan Loud."

"Oh, are you one of the girls who volunteers in the neighborhood community?"

That confused Luan. "Er...no ma'am, I am" Before she could answer, Madam Vera placed her hand on Luan's back and invited her to come.

"Come, dear, come and have some tea. Martin, my love, the volunteer girl is here."

"Mrs. Vera, I'm telling you, I'm not..."

At that moment, an old man was descending the stairs with the help of an installed automatic chair. "Hello, young lady. Have you come to read us the Bible or help us around the house? We don't want to, but we are always happy to have visitors for tea time."

"Oh no, sir. I am not a volunteer."

"Oh, aren't you?" Vera asked.

"No, ma'am. I'm sorry."

"So what did you come for?" asked Mr. Martin.

"Okay, like I was saying. I'm Luan Loud. I'm Benny's girlfriend"

At that time, the elders looked at each other in confusion.

"Excuse me, daughter, but my ears are not what they used to be. Maybe I heard wrong. But did you just say that you are Benjamin's girlfriend?"

"Yes, ma'am" Luan takes out her cell phone and proceeds to show her the pictures she took with Benny. "See? We studied at the same university; we've been lovers since high school"

At that moment, the elders faces turned into complete surprise.

"Benny told me you were sick, but you look good, sir. Benny seems to be taking good care of you."

"Sick? Me?" Martin asked.

"Yes sir. I asked if there was anything I could help you with, but I see that Benny has taken great care of you. I still want to come meet you and help Benny."

The old man actually felt that this girl was a victim of a lie, so he tried to tell her as gently as possible. "Girl, I don't know what Benjamin told you. But the bottom line is, even if I catch a cold, the United States still has 49 states."

This answer left Luan confused. "What do you mean by that, sir?"

"I haven't been sick in over sixty years. The only reason I go to the doctor is for routine checkups. Even at my age, I'm as strong and healthy as an ox."

"Also. If you were his girlfriend, who was the girl he came with?" Vera asked.

Luan felt her heart tighten upon hearing those words. "Another girl? A girl? What other girl?"

"When Benjamin arrived, he brought a girl with him. He told us she was his girlfriend."

"B-but...but then...Benny...he...but he told me you were...he told me you were...and I didn't..."

Before finishing, Vera approached Luan and gave her a tight hug. "Dear. I'm afraid Benjamin lied to you. In fact... he lied to all of us."

Luan began to shed tears that fell like fat drops that wet the carpet. Luan was pretty shocked by the news. It brought back memories of her little sister, Flora. Which was very similar to Luan's appearance, except for the color of her hair and teeth.

Like Luan, Flora also went through a breakup due to infidelity, which caused her to fall into a depression that led to her committing suicide. In Luan, she was able to see her little sister from many years ago. A little girl with a broken heart, but this time she will make sure to save her.