
I retired from being an Assassin and now I sell Battle Beasts

A world filled with savage beasts that could destroy mountains and part seas but still humans are the ones on top. The reason being they bond with the beasts and make them their companion, roaming the world fighting for wealth and fame, Beast Masters have the highest authority in this world. where the strong rules, the weak must do their best to escape their miserable reality and stand atop the others. Damian is a kid raised to be an assassin and he became quite successful and known throughout the kingdom, but because of a tragic incident orchestrated by a mysterious figure he wound up owning and beast shop selling battle beast in a backwater city.

VIZCO · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 6: The Small and Weak Shadow Serpent

Inside the abandoned nest.

" Shit, of all the three shadow serpents, I got the dying one " Damian cursed when he saw that the young Shadow Serpent he grabbed when he left the cave is the smallest one with the weakest life force of the three.

Damian is in a pinch, he can't decide what to do about the little Shadow Serpent.

" Though this little one has a smaller body than normal young shadow serpent and has a weak life force, it is extremely talented being at the middle level and has learned three skills already " Damian started to list the pros and cons in his mind.

After a few minutes he stared at the little Shadow Serpent coiled up on the ground, he approached it and put his hands on it, then after a few seconds the little Shadow Serpent glowed and disappeared. Damian chose to bond with the little Shadow Serpent.

" Since I still have about four months, I should start to strengthen this little thing," Damian said talking about the Shadow Serpent he just bonded with.

When the shadow serpent disappeared it actually went to the beast space that a person develops once they become a beast master and a novice beast master can bond with two battle beasts but they can only summon one at a time, but despite being able to bond with two battle beast Damian has no plan to bond with another since he is just starting as a beast master.

" I'll use the spirit fruit first to strengthen my shadow serpent's body and life force " Damian took out a fruit from his pouch, he then chanted a few words to summon his new battle beast.

" Heed my call, summon, shadow serpent"

A black-coloured summoning circle appeared and it spits out thecoiled-upp little Shadow Serpent.

Damian smiled at the shadow serpent because it looks cute, after a few seconds Damian shook his head and is back to having a straight face.

" Here take this " Damian have the spirit fruit to the little serpent.

*Hiss the serpent confusedly look towards Damian, but it took the fruit regardless.

Shadow Serpents are carnivores but all battle beasts will consume anything as long as it contains a great amount of spirit energy.

Seeing the little Shadow Serpent munch on the spirit fruit, Damian also took one to eat.


On the other part of the Forbidden Mountains.

Kane was standing in front of a dead battle beast holding a bloodied sword and beside him is a grey-colored tiger cub.

Kane crouched down to pay the tiger cub's head, the tiger cub purred and closed its eyes.

" Now let's have dinner " Kane said, the little tiger cub, started to jump up and down in excitement.

" I wonder how that kid is doing," Kane said in his mind as he starts to butcher the dead battle beast.

Kane is talking about Damian, since the beginning of the training he always thought that he is the strongest and most talented in this place but after the assessment where they determine everyone's progress in meditation, he was greatly shocked when he found out that he is not the only one to reach the high level of the novice rank beast master, also Damian being two years younger than him make Damian's talent proved that he is a real deal. But Kane is not disheartened about finding out that there is someone with great talent in this place, instead, it motivated him to work harder to not lose to Damian.


On a small hill, two people are sitting in front of a bonfire. And beside them are their battle beast enjoying dinner. These two people are Layla and Gerald, beside Layla, is an Ice Wing Butterfly a middle-class battle beast with the rare ice attribute, and beside Gerald is a Gale wolf a middle-class battle beast as well and has a wind attribute. Though they have both bonded with middle-class battle beasts their battle beast both have an attribute making them stronger than most middle-class battle beasts, plus Kayla's Ice Wing Butterfly is a rare battle beast of the middle class.


In a scorching hot environment, Dante is fighting two tiers 2 Fire cats at the same time, the top of his clothes is burnt up but there is a smile on his face.

" Fire poison toad, poison spit " Dante commanded and an orange-colored toad as big as a man's head jumped up and spits an orange colored poison it hits one of the fire cat and the fire cat started to burn up, despite it being a fire attribute, the Fire Poison Toad has a fire poison that causes it's target to burn up and is extremely potent that even fire attribute battle beasts are not immune to it.

" Hahahahaha good job " Dante praised his battle beast, he is completely satisfied with his battle beast.

After a few more exchanges of attacks, the last fire cat was killed by Dante and his Fire Poison Toad.

The Fire Poison Toad is a middle-class battle beast with a dual attribute of fire and poison, making it more rare than Kayla's Ice wing butterfly.


In a certain woods inside the forbidden mountains five kids are having a fight with an angry Charging bull, the charging bull is at tier 3 it with the five of them working together along with their battle beasts they managed to kill it.

" Good job everyone," Gen said. The group of kids is Gen, Lany, and the other three kids with them who managed to reach novice rank earlier than the others, Gen acted as their leader and they were satisfied with him as their leader since they managed to bond with a battle beast they are satisfied with and survive till now, it just shows how good of a leader Gen is to them.


On the other hand, the other kids are still having a hard time bonding with a battle beast.

More kids started to die from battle beast attacks while some were killed by other kids while fighting for battle beasts and resources they found. Currently, there are only roughly 30 kids left, 20 kids already died in the span of a few months, despite the deaths of kids from other kids the Shadow Hall is not against it, they are an assassin organization killing is their job, and there are times that they must kill their teammates and comrades for the sake of the mission because they have a saying that " mission comes first ".


Aside from the deaths of other new recruits of the Shadow Hall, there is an interesting development happening one recruit created a trading hub located at the small wooden cabin near a small lake on the outskirts of the forbidden mountains, on the trading hub they can trade for resources they need they can even use the information on the location of battle beasts for resources.

The trading hub started to get the attention of the other kids in the mountain, because instead of aimlessly searching for battle beasts and resources they can just exchange something for it. The trading hub helped them save time and avoid risks of running into dangers since kids started to exchange information in the trading hub. Soon after the trading hub became the busiest area inside the forbidden mountains.


When Garu found out about this development he inwardly praised the kid who came up with the idea of the Trading hub.

" It seems that this batch of new recruits is quite interesting, I wonder how much will their progress be at the end of the training " Garu wonders in delight.


Back inside Damian's nest.

The little Shadow Serpent just finished consuming the spirit fruit that Damian gave.

" This one's spirit energy absorption is fast! " Damian said in delight, the little Shadow Serpent just gave him another shock.

" It seems that lady luck will be on my side, with this kind of absorption rate it will be no time before my shadow serpent's body became normal " Damian can now see hope.

If the little Shadow Serpents body got stronger along with its great talent, he will be unrivaled unless someone also has a high-class battle beast with an abnormal talent.

Damian summoned his battle beast back to his beast space so it can rest. Damian also proceeded to take sleep after a short meditation, though there is no more progress on his rank it became a habit of him.


The next morning Damian woke up early and summoned his battle beast, the little Shadow Serpent is still sleepy. Damian inspected it for a bit and he saw that its body is now stronger and it grew a little in size as well, after seeing that there is no problem he jump down from the nest with the little Shadow Serpent on his shoulder, now that the serpent's body is stronger he can now take it out to do some training, since the little serpent is still young he wants to learn how strong it is first and what skills it learned.