
Chapter 83

"You… Are you really giving me this?" Monthe's expression was one of incredulity as he looked down at the small basket full of eggs. He looked up at the bearded man that provided him with meat. Monthe had the impression that Lucas had become even beefier, stronger.

Lucas nodded. "Isabelle told me." She had been so happy to know their hens were finally laying eggs after weeks of feeding them. 

For a while, they all thought the hens would never lay one sole egg as the plan had been to have them for that purpose. They were starting to think of killing them and selling them, however, a couple of days ago, they started to lay eggs.

It must have been because they finally had a shed where they could peacefully make their nests. 

It had been over a week since they got their new plot of land. The whole village talked about it, and many men approached to 'help'. The brothers would have accepted the offers, yet they knew that help came in exchange of something. Wood, most likely.

Since they had plans for the wood, they had to turn down the help offers. Some were reasonable and left like that, others were quite insistent and had to basically be kicked out. That, of course, made the brothers' reputation worsen as the men spread their gossips.

They had no time to care about what what others said as they worked worked hard to fulfill Isabelle's design. 

After asking her, Isabelle took a good look at the land and divided it in three. 

The first part was on the plainest area: the right bottom part. They all agreed it was a nice place to plant their vegetables. They could even build a door that directly connected to the house. Of course, this area conformed a bit more than a third of the acre of land.

The second part was the shed area. Isabelle had confided her desire to not only raise chickens and rabbits, but a cow, too. In here, Lucas also thought about the horse he wanted to buy. So, he was the first to agree to her idea. 

It was very ambitious as they would have to build something as big as a house to keep the animals. Each in their own space, of course. Since the trees they had cut down to make the first stacks of wood were only enough to build a chicken coop, they started with that.

It had been a simple design taught by Ethan to Lucas filled with dry grass, but it was enough to make the hens love it and start laying eggs.

The third part was going to be dedicated to grazing and let the animals roam around. To prevent them from trampling the vegetable patch, they decided to fence it.

And, talking about the fence, on one of Lucas' trips to the mountains to hunt, he had found a grove of bamboo. When the other two heard about it, they armed themselves with machetes and rope and headed to the mountains. 

It took them a whole day to cut down the grove, and even took back some bamboo shoots to eat. Joseph was even thinking of planting some cuttings in the fruit patch to grow his own bamboo. 

Anyway, the idea was to use the bamboo to make the fence as tall as Isabelle liked it. According to the land's layout, only two walls were necessary as the side where the birch trees were headed to the river; and there was a quite tall earth wall in that side.

The other side was facing the house, so they decided to make lower fences, but with traps to prevent other wild animals, or wild people, to enter their plot.

As soon as they started making the fence, people once again started talking. And, men once again presented themselves to 'help'. The brothers once again had to shoo them away. Some men were direct in asking for bamboo cuttings. Lucas magnanimously gave them a few. 

Although village men looked tough, they did not dare to enter the mountains like Lucas did. The last time some tried, a few returned with several injuries and not that much gain. From then on, fewer and fewer men risked themselves and focused on working the land.

Only Lucas was brave enough, or stupid enough depending on who you asked, to venture into the mountains to hunt.

With the brothers focusing on building the fence, something they considered easy, their hands were somewhat free. So, they went back to some homely chores. Felix started cooking once again to let Isabelle focus on sewing.

Not only she had to sew the suits for the brothers, she even had to send either Felix or Joseph to town to deliver handbags, collect the money from the sold ones, and to buy more fabric to make more handbags. 

Though, there was something curious Felix told her when he returned from doing that errand. "I saw more handbags in the store with the same design." 

Isabelle was not surprised Mrs. Priddy had asked another embroiderer to replicate the handbags to sell them at a lower price and compete with her. She just thought that she was not going to deliver more handbags to the workshop. 

Either way, she had earned quite a sum with them for as long as that lasted. 

She was not being proud and close-minded. She just thought that with more and more handbags being made not only in Mrs. Priddy's workshop, but in others, too, then that money vein was soon going to dry up as she would be forced to lower the price to compete with others.

She rather sew something new than lower the price of her wares.

Good thing the opportunity with Mrs. Attile presented. Isabelle had drawn some designs on the notebook she bought and thought they were enough to give to Mrs. Attile. In fact, she was a couple of days late with the delivery of the designs as she had not gone to town.

She was going to go to buy the weekly supplies, but she got busy – distracted – by the laid eggs.

Isabelle had become a whirlwind of happiness after knowing they had eggs and started coming up with lots of dishes. 

Just remembering the expectant eyes with which she looked at the brothers to tell her how the new dishes tasted brought a smile to Lucas face.

"Ethan's woman? Well, she's rather generous." Monthe blinked surprised.

Lucas good mood from the past few days was ruined a bit with that comment. "She's my woman, too." He frowned.

"She's what?" Monthe gaped, not quite sure if he heard correctly.

"My woman. We're all marrying her." Lucas revealed. 

Monthe remained silent for a moment before laughing. "Well, congratulations!" He boomed, clapping Lucas' shoulder. To think all four brothers would delight themselves in the wonders of a chubby and buxomed lady! 

Monthe was happy to know more and more people were getting interested.

Lucas nodded, accepting the other man's words. "Have to go."

"Right! Thanks for this!" Monthe rose the basket and beamed at Lucas. As he saw the leaving back of the bearded man, Monthe suddenly remembered the news he had about the carriage and horse Lucas asked him about.

Oh well, he could always relay the information next time Lucass delivered more meat.

Done with his errands, the second brother had to go meet up with Isabelle at that fabric store he still had no idea what the name was. 

While he had been selling game at Monthe's stall, Isabelle had gone to the Mrs. Priddy's shop to buy more red thread and to ask if there were orders she could do. 

"Nothing has come for the time being. Just make more handbags, they are selling well." Mrs. Priddy said. Isabelle had noticed that the money she was given for her handbags didn't correspond to the amount sold. When asked, Mrs. Priddy just said: "I confused them with the other ones."

Since it was a 'confusion' the money was already paid by the client, so there was nothing to be done. After all, Mrs. Priddy didn't look like the type of person to give the rest of the money.

"Very well." Isabelle just smiled and left. She was definitely going to quit as soon as the business venture with Mrs. Attile took off.

Fortunately, Mrs. Attile was more receptive to her ideas. The moment she looked at the designs, her eyes sparkled and a wide smile erupted on her face. Once she looked back and forth at the four designs, she grandiosely made her demand.

"I want them all!"

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