
I rely on medical skills to cut the dragon

After I was haunted, I learned witchcraft in order to survive. I will try my best to live.Of course, as a doctor, or a witch doctor. Of course, I will help the patient. Including patients who are sick because of ghosts.

liang_zhang · Horror
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56 Chs

Encounter brother dog

Since grandma said so, I had to continue to study medical books, began to read "treatise on febrile diseases" and "synopsis of the Golden chamber".

Both books were written by Zhang Zhongjing, who was said to have been able to predict illness and death 20 years later.

Hua Tuo was also capable of this. For example, it is impossible to detect the growth of other people's brains or stomach by feeling their pulse, but Hua Tuo was able to know it clearly because he had learned the ancient art of detecting air.

Looking at air means looking at shade and shine. Many famous doctors in the Spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period have records of using the technique of looking at qi. However, after The Three Kingdoms period, there appeared a big fault. According to the medical history, the separation of sorcery and medicine appeared after The Three Kingdoms. Before that, sorcery and medicine were closely related, and the word "medicine" in the earliest version was also written as "Upper medicine and lower sorcery".

Gas in the grandmother's careful teachings, I gradually understand the sorcery and medical root is what, is two words - catch ghost!

In ancient times, doctors believed that illness was caused by the sick ghost living in the body or mind of a person, driving it out of the body through rituals, spells, decoction, and needle stones, and the patient recovered.

Of course, witch doctors are also advancing with The Times, absorbing a lot of traditional medical skills, now not only rely on catching ghosts to cure diseases, but we have not lost the ability to catch ghosts.

After reading all these ancient medical books, there wasn't much to do here anyway, so I spent all day reading on the stone table under the almond trees.

Once in a while grandma would come out of the house to see me and push my forehead, telling me not to put my eyes so close together, lest I should be nearsighted.

A year passed in the blink of an eye, and I had not been out of the clinic, but my life was very full, except that my grandmother's cooking was so weak that I had to learn how to cook.

Next summer, grandma asked me to go for a walk with her.

The sun on the day of Start of summer is better than any tonic. Basking in the sun on my back can dispel cold evil spirits and replenish sunshine. But I looked at the bright sunshine spreading from the branches and leaves of the apricot trees and said with a wry smile, "Grandma, when I go out, even the sunny day will become cloudy."

Grandma looked in a good mood, smiling and said to me: "Miao Miao, you go to the pharmacy, there is a box on the cupboard, open it."

I ran to the room where the medicine was stored. Sure enough, there was a long chest on the cupboard, with a sign on it on jute paper.

I hesitated, since grandma told me to open it, it should be okay.

So I took off the paper carefully, and just as I pushed the box open a small crack, I heard "Wang" behind me.

I froze for a moment and looked back. The sun was shining strongly into the room, but the corner was darker. In the shadow, there was a translucent big dog faintly!

The dog stood in the shadow and looked at me innocently.

To my surprise, I looked inside and found a whole black dog skin.

At this time grandma outside the window said: "Miao Miao, you have lightning strike mark, it dare not approach, you use the dog hide to cover their back try."

I did the same thing, confused. After putting on the black coat, I felt a cold hissing on my back. Then a breath of cool air entered my body and I heard "Woof" again, from ear to ear, as if it was inside me.

I went outside and asked, "Grandma, what is this dog skin for?"

"Here, you come with me."

Grandma held me gently with her warm wrinkled hand, and with the other she opened the gate.

"Can I get out now?"

When I stepped out of the clinic, I was a little nervous, but I trusted grandma.

I anxiously looked at the sky, waiting for a while, the sunny blue sky was not a haze!

I pleasantly surprised to ask: "Grandma, this piece of dog skin is lightning proof?"

See me happy, grandma also pleased to smile.

She told me that this dog skin has a long history. About a hundred years ago, there was a big family in a village who had a big dog and lived for more than ten years. It was very human.

One night, the big dog was barking. When the owner woke up, he found that the wood pile in the warehouse had been set on fire by sparks. Thanks to the dog's warning, the family was safe.

However, there was a wandering Taoist priest who was gossiping. He told the master that he had become an old man and asked his master if the dog had ever saved human life.

His owner said with some pride that the dog once saved his family by stopping a fire by barking in the middle of the night.

The Taoist patted his thigh and said it was broken. First of all, things grow old and become fine; Secondly, if animals have saved human lives and forged a good relationship, it is an opportunity to become a goblin. I'm afraid that your black dog will become a goblin in the morning and night! At that time, the dog will be out of control, so we have to find a way quickly.

The master was so intimidated that he did what the Taoist priest told him to do. He boiled some cattle and sheep into water and selected some strong men to help him.

First the dog was enticed to eat meat, and then several men who had been lurking in the shadows jumped out, ready to strangle the dog.

The dog is very alert, left and right, how can not catch, almost to escape, master obeying the Taoist instructions, shouted its name.

When the dog heard his master call him, and habitually turned back, several ropes whistled around his neck, and pulled him up in a hanging tree...

At this point, grandma sighed: "The Taoist priest is meddling, cultivation into the fine this matter is allowed by God, people are good and bad, evil nature is also good and bad. But the Taoist priest wanted to interfere at random and kill this good dog that was about to be perfected."

I realized that the poor big dog in the story was the one I was wearing, and I asked eagerly, "And then what?"

Grandma went on to say that decades later, the descendants of that family found that strange things happened frequently in the house. They heard dogs barking in the middle of the night, and dog paw prints appeared under the eaves. Sometimes I can see the silhouette of a dog flashing through the window in the middle of the night. It's weird, but the problem is that there are no pets at home at all.

So the family called grandma for a solution.

When she arrived at the house, grandma looked around and noticed something strange under a pillar in the back of the house. She asked someone to move the pillar and found a black dog skin underneath.

The owner of the family remembered the story of the big dog he had heard in his childhood, and suddenly realized that the "demon dog" that had been killed at that time had been skinned and kept under the house, probably for fear of its revenge.

After hearing the cause and effect, grandma sighed with emotion that their family had done too much. She was really not afraid of being retaliated for doing this to the dog.

Grandma suggested that they put up the dog skin to make up for the mistakes made by the older generation, but the family seemed unwilling to adopt it and turned around to find a Taoist priest to subdue the demon. Coincidentally, this Taoist priest is the same one who suggested killing dogs. He is now in his eighties and is quite skillful, so he is called a "living immortal".

Taoist priest pinched finger to calculate, think oneself at the beginning of means not cruel hot enough, as a result of seal looseness, evildoer ran out again.

Taoist priest reconnaissance, see courtyard have a dry well, then plan to adjust measures to local conditions, with dry well to disgusted town evil, this time will call it never exceed life.

So soon after the Taoist priest will be in the dry well edge set altar practice, read the most vicious incantation. But all of a sudden there was a strong wind. The dog's skin, which had been nailed to the corners by steel nails, flew up and caught the head of the Taoist priest, who was struggling and was about to fall towards the dry well.

The whole family was frightened, and then there was another dark wind, which blew the dog's skin away. The old Taoist almost fell into the well, and his face was black. He waved his peach wood sword awkwardly and made up some words to make up for his face.

And the dog's skin disappeared after that, and nothing strange ever happened in this house again...

At this point, I looked at the dog skin corners, and sure enough there was a steel nail huo Rotten traces, I asked: "Grandma, is you get it away?"

Grandma nodded and fondly touched the black dog skin on my back. "Pity this loyal dog. He could have been a good man, but he was ruined by the Taoist Priest. It would have been nice to take revenge, but I was doomed, so I helped him at the eleventh hour and took him with me."

Then the grandmother lowered her eyes, looked at the dog's skin gently, and said very earnestly, "I promised that I would find a good home for you one day. Now please follow my grandson and take good care of him."

Grandma said to me, "Miaomiao, you should also treat it well. You can achieve each other and practice together."

I listened to the grandmother just told the story, the heart of this big dog is also full of regret and sympathy, heavy nodded head, stroked the dog skin, solemnly said: "big dog brother, you rest assured, I will be good to you!"

Grandma smiled, as if relieved.

With dog skin on my body, I won't be struck by thunder. It's also very magical.

When I asked my grandmother what was going on, she explained, "Because it's half a ghost, it can cover up your shine spirit, and the one who tries to strike you with lightning won't be able to find you."

She pointed mysteriously at the blue sky above her.

I narrowed my eyes and nodded vaguely at the vast, deep sky.

In this sense, it was god who was going to chop me to death, probably it felt that the ghost of disease lurking in my body was too dangerous...

If I can't cure myself before it starts, everyone else will suffer with it!

But today, I will forget these heavy things for the moment, walking on the mountain with grandma, breathing the fresh air, enjoying the warm sunshine...