
I Rejected a CEO

Happy has been deceitful to someone in the past and now he's back as her boss. The new CEO has done everything to make the love of his life love him back except for one thing, suffering her. _____ I'll update twice a day if you want, you just have to comment you want a double update.

Anita_Badei · Urban
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104 Chs



"You want to work?" The woman eyed Happy up and down. Ezekiel had lead her to this woman then left. she wore an apron to cover her clothes. She was huge in size like a man. Her face was hard and she furrowed her brows in confusion. Probably she did not expect someone like her to apply for a job here...?

But why can't she? She looks poor enough in her opinion.

"Yes ma'am. I really need the money why does that seem unbelievable?" Happy asked anxiously. She shifted from one foot to another nervously.

"Well maybe for one, you're too skinny! You look like you're about to break." The woman grumpily answered HONESTLY. 

"But that shouldn't and doesn't determine my capacity. As you said, I look wretched which could only mean I really need a job and you'll really be a good Samaritan if you hire me." Happy tired to reason with her. god let her not be the reason she doesn't get a job here today. She prayed.

"Yeah but the thing is I'm not a good Samaritan and I need people working as there's no time to waste. You're even wasting my time right now. There's much work to do." The grumpy woman hissed distastefully.

"Okay then, why don't you put me on a hour probation. Like you said, there's much work to do so I'll help out but if you don't like my work and you're not satisfied then you can kick me out." Happy offered then gave her her best smile. "Sounds good?" god please touch this sour milk's mind and let me get the job. She thought. She seriously need the wage.

"Hmm." The grumpy woman said in thought then sighed. "Okay but I'll be watching you." gave in. "So what can you do?" She asked.

"Well anything! I can clean and cook." I said.

"Cook. Cooking would be perfect for you and you probably won't have to cook actually expect go on errands for the chief." The grumpy woman exclaimed and clapped her hands together as the idea struck her and it seemed as if a bulb lit up on top of her head.

She looked like a big baby and it was very ridiculous.

She really did not trust Happy to do anything.

Although she looks homeless, her sophisticated features are undeniable.

"Well hurry then! To the kitchen."

With that, Happy hurried away.



The flight was long and Fred was exhausted sitting one place for a long time. He wasn't used to flights.

Finally he has returned to Eden from Las Vegas.

He had missed the place but want he really missed more was the revenge he hadn't carried out. Yet.

'They'll all pay.' he said internally.

He still had people to teach life lessons, secrets to uncover. He had suffered and understood life at a very young age and he intends on teaching them that.

His mind drifted off to the one whom owned her heart. He still can't get rid of her from his mind. Her curly brown brunette hair danced in his mind.

She was too cruel he thought. She shouldn't have been that mean after all he was just a young kid in love and trying his best to get her at all costs. Well at romantic, clingy yet good costs.

He was going to see her again, he smiled at that thought. He must have changed a lot but nevertheless he would still recognize her.

Regardless of the feelings he had for her, he knew those were his young feelings of infatuation. He's engaged now and she's of the past.

In her case, he holds no grudge. They were kids and it's a long time ago.

Yet the feeling of seeing her again gave him a fuzzy feeling inside. And especially the surprise he had for her? How was he to give it? Now thinking about it, he doesn't know where she lives? She must have relocated. She must have changed a lot now, now how in the world was he to find her?

He scratched his head.

He had just gotten down from the plane and all he could think of was her?

She's the past now, he had promised her this gift and he would give it and that's that. That would be the end of it.

He had a fiancee, whom he adores. She's elegant, sophisticated, well mannered and lovable. She has a heart of gold and is very wise. She's all he needs in a woman.

He took his luggage and walked calmly and quietly towards his destination.

No one was there to pick him as he had instructed.

He loved to walk a seize any opportunity he had to do so. He also wanted to explore the area again as it has been long. He wanted to see everywhere and notice everything and driving in a car won't help with that.

What if he got lost? Well he knows each and every place very well, no matter how much the place has changed, he'll always know his way home.

But this time he's not going back to his territory. He was going for the gift he had promised. In her territory.

The street lights were all on now. He walked gracefully and slowly. His shoe echoing behind his but not too loud for anyone to turn to his direction. Cars zoomed passed him and passer-bys moved along without a care.

No one knew who he was or perhaps it was too dark for them to see him clearly.

Anyhow, the street were busy just the way he remembers it. It won't be at all difficult to find his way.


In front of him was in sign saying HOLY GROUNDS STREET.

This place had so many memories.

He knew the exact location of where he was going even without an address. No correction his legs knew the place far too well. He has been there too many times.

He smiled as he remembered what had brought him there for a good number of times.