

"Kukuku. Long time no see, old man." Orochimaru stood on the roof, half his fake face peeling away after taking a hit from his former teacher.

"It has been a long time, however, you still haven't changed one bit. Who did you collude with to pull off this invasion?" Hiruzen asked his former student as he eyed the barrier that stopped anyone from coming in or out.

"Kukuku. The Land of the Sky had quite a big grudge against Konoha for the deaths from the Second War. Meanwhile, Suna was just greedy for the more fertile land. It was quite easy to gather them up once they were offered some benefits." Orochimaru chuckled darkly, as the former student and teacher went for a few rounds of punches and kicks, mixing it with a lot of jutsus and snake summons.

"You are a tough old man. It seems you still have some strength left in those old bones." Orochimaru commented as he went through a few hand signs, putting Hiruzen on edge.

"Let's see how you fight with your predecessors." Slamming his hands down, three coffins rose from the ground, shocking Hiruzen to the core.

"Damn you ungrateful brat. You didn't even leave the dead alone." Hiruzen rushed forward to stop the coffins from rising completely, as he too summoned a companion.

"Enma. Lend me your strength." Coming out from a puff of smoke, a large monkey with white hair and a Konoha headband stood imposingly, as it too began to attack the snake summoner.

"I told you; you should have brought the snake brat under control way back then. Now, look how much trouble he's giving us." Enma grumbled as he pushed back Orochimaru, however, the duo was a tad bit late in stopping the reanimation from completing.

"Damn, the First, Second, and the Fourth. How troublesome." Hiruzen panted as he clashed against Orochimaru, turning the Monkey King into a staff, swinging it around to stop the dozens of snake summons Orochimaru spammed.

"Who used my own jutsu against me?" The white-haired Hokage with dark eyes and blue armor crossed his hands as he observed the surroundings.

"Tobirama sensei. It's Orochimaru, he's using you guys as a weapon against the village." Hiruzen explained the situation as he kept Orochimaru away from the reanimations.

"That snake brat that you took in your team. Interesting. However, it seems he hasn't had the proper formula to bring us back to our full power. Also, it seems he doesn't have control over us yet." Tobirama walked out of the coffin, but just as he took a step, he stopped his foot in mid-air.

"What? Hiruzen, you have to be careful. It seems that brat has sneaked in control seals in our corpses. I was only able to recognize it now. It is very powerful." Tobirama now moved against his will, as did the other two Hokage, moving like robots, while their facial expressions showed confusion.

"What happened? Where am I?" Minato asked as he felt his body moving on his own, attempting to attack the 3rd Hokage.

"Minato my boy. Orochimaru has reanimated the previous Hokages and is trying to destroy the village." Hiruzen explained as he dodged the attacks of his successor.

"Orochimaru-san? So, he finally defected, huh? Good thing you didn't give him the position of the Fourth Hokage instead of me." Minato joked, causing Orochimaru's face to twitch violently, causing Minato's movements to hasten against Hiruzen.

"Sensei. I'm here." Suddenly, the Toad Sage opened a small hole in the barrier formation and rushed inside, seeing the four fighting against the Hokage and the summon.

"Jiraiya, you're here. Help me keep the First and the Second away from me. I'll deal with the Fourth and Orochimaru." Jiraiya nodded as he fought against the first and the second.

Insane amounts of trees sprouted from the roof they were fighting on, causing the top of the building to turn into a small forest.

"It seems war is still the only constant in the world, even when the villages provided peace." Hashirama sighed in defeat as he fought against the control seal, however failing to win.

The fight continued for a while, turning the newly made forest into a war zone, as the dead Hokage fought at half strength with the living.

Meanwhile, on the other roof, Tsunade was facing off with one of the masterminds of the invasion, Shinno of the Land of the Sky.

"Impressive. I have heard of your skills across the world in medical ninjutsu. People often compared me with you. I believe today, we will finally settle the debate of who is stronger between us." Shinno roared as he charged, attempting to tackle Tsunade down.

"Is that so? I don't think I have ever heard of you though." Tsunade retorted with a smirk seeing the man get triggered.

"Let me fix that for you, missy. I will dominate you and let the whole world know who the better medical ninja is." Shinno raged as he engaged the gambler in a fistfight.

Quite a stupid move if he were a normal ninja.

However, the technique he was currently using, the one that made him eligible to even be considered by 'some' at the same level as Tsunade displayed its might.

"Body Revival Technique" Shinno exclaimed as the damage to his muscles repaired at an astonishing rate, becoming stronger than ever.

"The technique I developed allows me to grow stronger the more damage I take. You, being a medical ninja should know about the cycle of destruction and rebirth in muscle cells, do you not?" Shinno taunted the woman as she dished out punches and kicks, most of them pushing Shinno back before he recovered them in almost an instant.

"I must say, your technique is impressive. However, every technique has a limit. It's up to me to find it out for you. For scientific purposes, you know." Tsunade chuckled as she held her fingers in a sign, causing the seal on her forehead to expand, and purple tattoos covered her body.

"Creation Rebirth" Tsunade activated her signature skill, releasing a massive chakra pressure on the surroundings, causing cracks to appear on the roof.

"Let's see where your limits lie." Tsunade instantly disappeared from her spot, as Shinno was thrown out like a cannonball.

"Hahahahaha. Keep it up. I know the secret to your technique. The longer you use it, the faster you age, don't you." Shinno laughed like a madman, as he bounced around the air, getting numerous injuries to his body before it was healed to be better than before.

The two traded blows almost evenly, causing the landscape to change slightly as the buildings in the surroundings crumbled under the assault of the two.

"I don't need to use this for too long though. I have already seen through your technique." Blue chakra surrounded Tsunade's palm, as she carefully aimed the chakra scalpel at his right abdomen.



"h-How?" Stunned, Shinno stood still as he suddenly felt a stream of chakra leak out of his body, before he looked up at the woman who was grinning in victory.

"You might be a formidable medic, but you are too arrogant. You revealed the background of your technique openly. That gave me more than enough information to disassemble your technique, and I easily found the core of your technique.

Every technique has to have a source to power it. You weren't smart enough to hide it properly. So, I guess you die now." Tsunade explained as she swiftly brought down the blue chakra-covered hand over the man's head.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!" Shinno screamed out loud, as he brought his hand up to block the blow.

However, that didn't help as the chakra blade cut through the muscles and bones like butter, falling on the man's chest.

Thud. Click.

"You are too late." With the last breath remaining in the man's body, Shinno whispered softly, as a hidden button fell along with the severed arm, causing warning bells to go off in Tsunade's head.

"Damn it. What is it now?" Just as she asked, a low whining sound rang in the air, before a huge shockwave hit the village, followed by the hot wave, hottest ever felt by the people.


Instantly, a huge crater, twice the size of Konoha appeared behind the Hokage Mountains, clearing a large area of land, and turning the once green forest into a burnt wasteland.

"Holy mother of all. What is that?" Tsunade cursed in disbelief as all the ninjas around stopped fighting to look at the destruction caused.

Furthermore, the small burns people got all over their skins didn't help with the fighting continuing.

"HORRRAAHHHHHHHHHH. The Flying Fortress is here. The beast has been unleashed. We can win!!!!" Suddenly, someone from the enemy side yelled out, as he pointed to the opposite corner of the village, as a huge, titanic structure flew through the air, a giant smoking muzzle pointing towards the village, as it continued forward on its own.

"Can't there be one normal day in this village.?" Tsunade complained as she quickly sealed the body of Shinno into a statis seal before going towards the fortress to investigate.

"The old man should be fine. The seal I placed on him should heal any fatal injury in a few minutes." Tsunade whispered as she made her way towards the fortress.



"Sensei. I'm done with the First and the Second. How are you going with the Fourth and Orochimaru." Jiraiya panted as he ran towards his teacher, dragging along two bundles wrapped in sealing fabric. However, the scene in front of him shocked him to the core.


With his stomach impaled by the arm of the Fourth, Hiruzen held down Orochimaru by his shoulders, as a burning sizzle came from Hiruzen's clothes on his stomach.

For those that could see, behind Hiruzen was a ghastly apparition of the reaper, as it had its hand thrusting through the Third's belly, overlapping with the crumbling arm of the Fourth while pulling out the soul of Orochimaru.

"Help me, Jiraiya!!" Hiruzen struggled to call out, as he used the last of his dying strength to pull out the soul of his student when he felt Jiraiya close by.

"Sensei!!" Jiraiya rushed forwards when he saw the tell-tale signs of the reaper present in the form of seals on the ground.

"Sensei, you summoned the reaper??" Jiraiya attempted to behead the former teammate; however, the crumbling figure of Minato blocked it, effectively trapping the man as well.

"give me your strength," Hiruzen whispered lowly, as Jiraiya struggled to reach his teacher.

"Sensei, here. Have it all. Live, for the village's sake." Jiraiya begged his teacher as he pumped all his chakra into the old man's body, allowing the Third to slowly overpower the traitorous student.


Orochimaru screamed as he felt the connection between his body and his soul loosen, before a final snap, and it came out loose.

"Damn you, Sarutobi Sensei!!!!!!" Orochimaru's soul screamed as it rushed into the stomach of the teacher, before being pulled into the mouth of the reaper, who began to disappear.


The lifeless body of the snake summoner slowly fell to the ground, as Hiruzen gasped in pain and exhaustion.

"Sensei!!! Stay with me!!" Jiraiya, finally able to move with the body of Minato crumbling completely, rushed to the dying old man, as he cushioned the fall, gently placing him on the ground.

"T-take care of the village. Take c-care of Tsunade, of Na-Naruto. The v-vila-age is your fa-family." Hiruzen coughed out blood as he struggled to speak, blood gushing from the gaping hole in his abdomen.

"No. No. Don't go, Sensei. We need you. The village needs you. Don't leave us now. Please!!" Jiraiya cried, as the tears slowly fell on the dying man's body. Jiraiya's body shivered in pain and hurt as he felt the man's breathing slow down, and the blood stop flowing from the hole.

"No. No. It's not fair. Don't leave me sensei." Jiraiya cried as he felt the stream of warm blood stop flowing, before seeing the old man close his eyes.


"It's not fair. It's not fair. Take me instead!!!" Jiraiya cried louder and louder, before slamming his hands on the old man's body.


Umpfh." Every hit from Jiraiya caused the old man's wound to leak some blood, while gasps of air rushed out of his mouth.

"Damn brat. S-stop. Let me heal." In a whisper, Hiruzen tried to stop the middle-aged man from hitting him further, but the wailing and crying drowned out all the sound from the old man.


"Thank kami. Go investigate the explosion. Leave me alone." Hiruzen, hearing the loud explosion, sighed in his mind as he felt Jiraiya finally snap out of his daze and look up towards the source of the sound.


