

An hour Prior. Sasuke POV

"She cares a lot for you. And I can say you care even greater for her." Sasuke stood before an ash blond, green-eyed middle-aged man with a long ponytail, who spoke with a stern face.

"R-Really. Thank you, sir." Sasuke fumbled his words slightly as he tried to keep a respectful and professional demeanor in front of his girlfriend's father. It was, after all, the first time he spoke with the man face-to-face in a personal setting.

The only previous interaction he had was long back when his brother annihilated the clan and left Sasuke behind suspiciously. Sasuke remembered the intense feeling he got from the Head of the Analysis Team of the Intelligence Division.

"Relax. Don't worry too much. Ever since you guys started dating, Ino hasn't shut up about you at home. She also smiles all day, sometimes giggling suddenly. To be honest, it's a bit creepy to hear her giggle suddenly during the evening before going to bed. But it seems she is quite happy with you. That's all that matters to me. Her happiness." Sasuke revealed a smile hearing all these details about his girlfriend.

However, Inoichi suddenly lost his smile and turned gravely serious.

"But listen up, Uchiha Sasuke. If you ever do something that makes her sad, that makes her hurt, believe me, I won't care for your status as the last remaining Uchiha. I will personally hunt you down and hang your corpse on the village gates. Is that understood?" Inoichi released a dark aura, as Sasuke kinda leaned back smiling awkwardly.

"Don't worry, Yamanaka-san. I will not do anything to hurt Ino. I care too much about her to do something that will hurt her or make her sad." Sasuke reassured the man as he looked at the sleeping figure of the girl, he started dating a few months back.

"That's good to hear. Very well. I should leave, and let her rest. It seems she overloaded her mind with that technique. You should head to the stands as well. I believe it will be your turn next soon." Inoichi commented as he placed a small bouquet of flowers on the bedside table of the hospital room, right next to where Sasuke sat.

"Yeah. I still have a while. I'll stay here till she wakes." Sasuke smiled as he watched the man nod and walk away, closing the door behind him.

"Your dad seems like a nice guy. He's very protective of you, huh?" Sasuke talked to the sleeping girl, the light scent of the flowers rushing into his nose, calming him down.

"So, I hear you can't stop talking about me at home, huh? It seems you really like me too." Sasuke chuckled as he continued to watch over the girl for a while, occasionally stroking the stray strands of hair that fell on her face.

"I must have trained too hard yesterday. I'm feeling kinda sleepy." After a while, Sasuke suddenly felt his eyelids grow heavy as he leaned down to rest his head against the soft bed.

"Wait!! No. Something's wrong here!!" Suddenly, Sasuke sat up with a snap, his mind turning foggy, as his eyes began to lose focus.

"Hehehe. Quite a good effect, isn't it? It's impressive that you stayed awake this long. Your chakra must really be overactive. Or is it an effect of the Sharingan?" Suddenly, the door to the room opened, and in walked Inoichi, a slimy smirk on his face as he wore a pair of large circular glasses.

"Wh-who are you? What have you done?" Sasuke tried to take a stance and pulse his chakra to negate the effects of the poison, but he couldn't focus enough to do anything.

"Aw. Forgot little me already. I thought you had really good control of your sharingan that gave you the ability to see through most deceptions. But I guess you dropped your guard seeing that it was your girlfriend's father." 'Inoichi's' face twisted and morphed as he spoke, slowly turning into a familiar face that Sasuke saw during the first round of the exam.

"Kabuto!!!" Sasuke gritted his teeth as he struggled to keep his balance, but Kabuto moved before he could do anything.

"Yeah. Surprise!" Kabuto mocked the boy before throwing out a quick jab to the boy's neck, knocking him out cold.

"Tsk. I see why Orochimaru sama wants this body so much. Such a strong and robust chakra pathway. A normal ninja would have been knocked out by that scent almost instantly, but he held on for more than ten minutes." Kabuto clicked his teeth before he opened the window and passed him to a pair of ninjas that stood outside, waiting.

"Take him to the flying ship. And keep him locked up in the underground cells. Make sure he is sedated thoroughly." Kabuto ordered sternly as the Sky ninja nodded and made their way outside the village, towards a large flying structure a few kilometers away.

Almost half an hour later, the invasion started, and the pair of ninjas made it to a large flying structure that stood imposingly in the air, far away from the village.

"Let's quickly put him in his cell downstairs. He'll make a good battery for the Beast." The ninja on the right spoke, while the one on the left nodded and made their way into the ship.

It was at this time that Sasuke had completely woken up. His body had changed a lot ever since Naruto had shared Ashura's chakra. And after Indra recovered completely, Sasuke had seen his recovery rate shoot through the roof.

He had started to regain consciousness a few minutes prior, however, his muscles refused to move.


"Weren't we told to handle him with care?" The ninja on the left asked as he saw the other one throw Sasuke to the ground in a cage.

"He's a tree hugger. This is the most care he's going to get." The ninja of the Land hidden in the Sky spoke with disdain as he spat on the body of the boy.

"Is that so?" The two instantly turned around in shock, coming face-to-face with the same boy whose body they had just thrown.

"What? How?" The one on the right looked up in surprise as he saw the body in the cell vanish like an illusion before he saw the red eyes of the Uchiha.

"Fuck." The two ninjas were quickly dealt with quick genjutsus and cuts to their napes, as Sasuke began his journey around the unknown location.

"Where am I? This looks like some sort of fortress. But why do I remember it flying? Was I hallucinating because of the drug?" Sasuke muttered as he quickly made his way around the hallways, before finally finding someone.

Quickly using his ninja training as well as his Sharingan, Sasuke quickly interrogated the random mob patrolling the hallways for information.

"So, it's the Land Hidden in the Sky that attacked Konoha along with Suna and Oto. Damn, how many villages ganged up on Konoha at the same time." Sasuke muttered as he struggled to move his body to its full control, the drug still slightly affecting his coordination and control.

"Let's see. This should be the way for me to reach the main control center of this flying fortress. This should be where I can find a way off this fortress and back to Konoha." Sasuke followed the path described by the mob he killed a while back and happened upon a bustling scene of shinobis working in some sort of control center, while a huge floor-to-ceiling window showed the scene around the fortress.

"Alright. These guys seem quite weak. Most of them are just genin, the highest being veteran chunnin. 15 genin level chakra signatures, 5 chunnin level signatures, and 1 seems a bit higher. He's the one I need to be careful of." Sasuke mapped out the whole control center, spreading his senses with his Sharingan to check the enemies' chakra levels.

Cracking his knuckles and his neck, Sasuke released the movement limiters from his body, finally getting enough control over his body with the lingering effects of the drug still present.

"Let's fry some bitches." From behind the wall, he was hiding, Sasuke grinned, as lightning covered his body, and his eyes blazed red.

15 seconds.

That's all it took for Sasuke to mow down the enemies with his speed and precision. Crackling violently on his hand was a blade made of lightning, currently frying and burning the traces of blood and flesh stuck to Sasuke's forearm.

"Demon!!!" The last remaining ninja clutched his stomach, trying to stop the guts and organs from falling out from the cauterized hole, as he looked at Sasuke in fear.

"Tell me. What is your plan?" Sasuke spoke menacingly, causing the man to whimper in fear, as his eyes darted around the control center, shocked at the pieces of dead bodies lying around.

"S-stay back!!" The ninja with the highest level of chakra was still afraid but still didn't open his mouth to reveal any plans.

"Very well. I gave you a chance." Sasuke muttered as the three black tomoe revolved furiously, sucking in the mind of the enemy, trapping him in a torturous genjutsu.

"See, that wasn't so hard, now was it?" Sasuke chuckled lightly as after a moment, the man gasped loudly, before finally dying from the injury and the torturous load on his mind.

"So, they planned to wait for a signal to level out Konoha. What audacity they have? With just 150 shinobi? They must be dreaming." Sasuke scoffed at their stupidity as he walked over to the control center and began to control it to fly towards Konoha.

"Good thing that guy revealed the location of the flying manual. Turns out, even he was new at flying this monstrosity. The main guy is in the village, fighting either the Kage or someone strong." Sasuke followed the directions in the manual. Before long, the village hidden in the leaf became visible.


Suddenly, alarms blared in the control room, stunning Sasuke as he looked around for the source. Suddenly, from the corner of his eye, he saw a flashing screen with the words, "Remote Launch, Activated.".

Panicking, Sasuke flipped through the manual, attempting to find the meaning of the words, when a loud shockwave rocked the fortress.


"What the fuck?" Standing up after being pushed to the ground by the shockwave, Sasuke's eyes widened as he saw the area behind the village vaporize into nothing, leaving behind a huge crater, twice the size of the village.

"Holy shit. What happened?" Sasuke controlled the fortress to lower itself, as he found a way off the ride, and began to run towards the village, anxiety shooting through the roof.




Sorry guys. The chapter was a bit late (two-three hours, I think).

Hopefully, consistent uploads grace this site from this week. I have a bit of a stockpile ready but don't know if I can fill it up fast enough.

With the previous two weeks putting me out of commission, my uni stuff has piled up and I'm playing catch up with the weekly content.

Since its my final year, and my final semester, I need to give it my all, and the subjects are hella difficult.

So, I'll upload the chapters and fill my stockpile as a way to relieve my boredom or as a way to procrastinate on my studies. Which will most likely result in chapters being uploaded every weekday.

Though there might be a few skip days, but I'm hoping not.



And let me know if there are any mistakes I made.