
I Reincarnated into a Dark Queen

Once an average girl living in a small village, she was just a simple farm girl who barely got buy in life selling crops to the local townspeople. One day she gets into a fatal accident beyond recovery, but wakes up in a strange castle. Apparently to her people she was just having a small nightmare, but to the girl it was real. She looked in the mirror and noticed she was a Dark Queen.

AisuruOfficial · Fantasy
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62 Chs

The Final Chapters of Arcania 2/ Start of a New Era

"This power...is the power of a Dark Lord.." Unknown said and heard the roar of Ysserel. "Who exactly is Stella..? What are her origins..?!"

I took a step forward and appeared in front of Unknown and punched his face and appeared behind him and caught the back of his head then slammed his face to the ground. The ground began to rumble as lava began to emerge from the ground in Maanga. Arcania was falling apart and yet I no longer cared. My mission, my final mission was to kill Unknown. Unknown bellowed and his aura pushed me off of him. I landed on my feet then Unknown dashed towards me. I held my hand out and a repulsive force of energy surged around my body and destroyed the ground and the energy spiralled then turned into a small ball of energy.

"Chaotic Frenzy." I said and the ball of energy exploded and caused a massive crater in the ground.

The explosion ended and I didn't see Unknown then I looked up in the air and saw him hovering. He looked at me and I could see some fear in his eyes. I smirked and my aura surged and black lightning crackled around me.

"What the hell..?" Unknown looked at me.

"Keep running my prey...soon you'll meet your inevitable fate!" I flew up towards Unknown and reached my hand out towards him and he went to punch me then my spirit vanished.

"I destroy your physical body and spirit! I'll make sure you don't even get to see Hell.." I said and grabbed his arms and kneed his back then crashed to the ground and he vanished last second and appeared in front of me and went for a kick. I caught his leg and my hair slowly turned black and I let out tiny giggles. "Why do I sense fear in your heart..? You weren't scared when you murdered my friends and family."

Lava erupted from Uphelia and Lunia. The ground began rumbling and Arcania began to split apart. Himiya closed her eyes tightly and hugged her knees more. She was completely terrified as she didn't know what I had become.

"Is this who Stella...really is..?" Himiya asked.

"You're insane.." Unknown said and tried to escape my grip.

"In..sane..? You're right...I am.." I laughed a bit. "If only you've lived my life, the hell I've been through. It wasn't bad at first aside from the entire country trying to kill me...no. I'm in the wrong for being insane...I am in the wrong for spreading darkness across the entire land. No..I have no reason to be how I am."

I pushed Unknown back and he fell down. I walked towards him and stomped on his chest and looked at him and smiled evilly as demon wings emerged from my back. He looked at me and was nearly engulfed in fear. I snapped my fingers and a huge ball of energy appeared in the sky.

"Arcania is already gone...because of you my home is gone...so I will do you a favor and finish the job for you..in ten minutes, this land will be erased from the maps." I said. "You have ten minutes to escape this land if you want to live."

"You've lost your mind, you'll be killing yourself!" Unknown said.

"Oh this is only part one of my ultimate move. I will cause Catastrophic Spacial Erasure. This will erase Arcania from the world and with you on it! I will survive...I can't say the same for you." I pressed my foot down harder on his chest and he groaned louder. "Yes...music to my ears...hearing my enemies suffer. Scream louder for me!"

I stomped on his chest multiple times and he groaned and coughed. I twisted my foot against his chest then kicked him away. He slid on his side and hit his back against a building and coughed a bit of blood.

"You said you can't be defeated yet I beg to differ. A man who saw himself as a God, now falls to me, A Demon Goddess. Pathetic.." I said and was about to take out my bell then dodged a blast and my after image vanished. I looked at Unknown. "Still have some fight in you, pretty boy..? Well I guess I won't be as merciful as I wanted. I'll just kill you with my own hands and erase your existence."

"I...refuse to fall!" Unknown stood up and panted. "I rule this world! The Unknown Order...will soon be the New World Order! The Unknown Order will rule the universe and soon the entire multiverse!"

I looked at Unknown and didn't grab my bell. I looked at Unknown and lava began erupting from Arthvia. Himiya screamed and I heard it and looked back then saw her running from the house. I saw a large rock headed straight down towards her. I caused a time fracture by clapping my hands together and dashed towards Himiya and scooped her off her feet then time reverted to normal and I dodged the next few waves of large rocks and bellowed and my aura surged as I began to move faster than light. I got to safe ground and opened a portal.

"Leave this place now. It's no longer safe. I will find you a home and a family for you. Just wait for me when I finish my mission." I said.

"Stella..!" Himiya cried out.

"Go now, while I'm still sane in the head!" I yelled.

Himiya flinched and ran in the portal and the portal closed. Only eight minutes left until the large ball of chaotic energy crashes into Arcania. I saw Unknown flying away and I picked up a rock and threw it past him then warped to the rock and kicked Unknown down. He crashed to the ground and I followed it up with a punch to his spine that caused us to crash into a cave and we landed on the floor of the cave. Unknown stood up slowly and held his back and panted.

"You're not escaping! Not while I'm still alive!" I bellowed and dashed to him and grabbed his face and slammed his head against the cave walls and kicked his chest and he coughed blood. "You got your wish...the destruction of Arcania...now you will die with Arcania."

Meanwhile with Saya and the others. Saya sat on the boat with lifeless eyes and Miyuna tried her hardest to cheer Saya up. Nothing worked because she witnessed the deaths of some of her closest friends and her home was destroyed. Sazuka and Su Yi looked at her. Sazuka ruffled her own hair and groaned.

"Where the hell are we gonna stay now? This whole situation is a pain in all our asses!" Sazuka said.

"You could always stay in Genten until you find a new land." Aria said.

"We don't want to trouble you any more than we already have." Miyuna said.

"I can't possibly imagine the pain you all are going through...I can't.." Azami said. "This whole situation..."

"Stella has always been sacrificing so much for our happiness while hers is always being ripped away from her. She deeply blames herself for everything. The burden she carries in her heart...I can't imagine how big it is." Miyuna said.

"Yeah...I know...She damn there risked her life to get me away from Zephyr...her and Victoria. Now Victoria is gone and aunt Adriesta.." Kielazar held back his tears and closed his eyes.

"Kanon, Tia, and Ashe as well.." Kotome said. "Stella loved them to death..."

"Look there. Some shore." Miyuna pointed.

"That's the Country of Eshea." Aria said. "It's in alliance with Aysio. You might see me in Eshea a few times or more depending on the seasons."

"This is where we part ways for now." Sazuka said and the boat stopped at a port. "Thank you for everything.."

"Don't mention it." Aria smiled a bit.

The Nightmare Assembly got off the boat and Azami looked at Aria. Aria looked at her daughter and wondered what was on her mind.

"Mom..if you don't mind...I want to join them in Eshea. I want to help lighten their destroyed spirits." Azami said.

"Sure, why not. Just make sure to stay safe okay?" Aria smiled.

"Thank you." Azami nodded and hugged Aria before leaving the boat.

The boat sailed off to Genten and Aria sighed and closed her eyes.

"Stella, I sure hope you're still alive. Your family needs you more than anything right now." Aria said.

I kicked Unknown towards the wall of the cave again and gripped his neck and looked at him then Ysserel landed and warned me.

"Only three minutes left! Finish torturing him now and let's get a move on!" Ysserel said.

"Fine.." I said and stomped on his face and Unknown slid down the wall and panted. I teleported to the large ball of chaotic energy and bellowed. "Final Arts: Catastrophic Spacial Erasure!"

I sent a tiny black ball of energy at the large ball of chaotic energy then the two collided and I teleported on Ysserel's back then she flew off quickly. The large ball of energy shined brightly and exploded and began to grow, turning everything around it to dust and Unknown opened his eyes.

"I refuse to die..by her hands.." Unknown stood up slowly and two figures appeared in front of him. "Who..are you..?"

"No time to explain...just come with us." The woman said and placed her hand on his shoulder and teleported back to the invisible airship.

The male teleported back to the airship as well and looked at Unknown. He was badly beaten nearly beaten to death. The woman healed him and looked at Unknown.

"We can no longer target this world...as long as Stella is in it." The woman said.

"Wait.." Unknown looked at her.

"We are Unknown Order members as well created by Lazlord. My name is Evie Rei. This is my brother Ioda Rei. We are not related by blood but by bond. We came to save you, our leader. Stella and her friends won this war...but our plans for Universal Domination is still fair game. We shall target Gaia EX7. It shall be an easy feat because only humans live there. It is a Highly Enhanced Earth and we could use such technology to rule the different parts of the Galaxies and then the Universe." Evie said.

"I like the sound of that.." Unknown said.

"Good...we shall arrive in a few short years. There's enough supplies for us to make it to Gaia EX7. In the meantime, relax...it will be a long journey." Ioda said, looking out the window.

I looked back at Arcania and watched it slowly be vanquished slowly. I looked at the sky and sighed then turned normal.

"How are you feeling Stella?" Ysserel asked.

"Real chipper.." I said sarcastically.

"I'm sorry for all that's happened...I can't fathom the emotions you must be feeling on the inside right now." Ysserel said.

"I just want those who died there to rest in peace...I don't want to fight anymore...I just want to be happy...I just wanna be with my family...Nothing more nothing less." I said.

"I understand." Ysserel said. "I wish to be with you for the rest of eternity."

"Then stay with me." I said. "Maybe you can help me with my soon to be child in the future."

"I would be delighted." Ysserel said and kept flying.

Several days later...

"Mama!" Zofia ran to me and tackled me into a hug and smiled. I hugged back and smiled as well.

"Stella..!" Zain ran to me and saw Ysserel and Ysserel looked down at him.

"At ease, Ysserel. He's my husband." I said.

Ysserel stood down and closed her eyes. Zain held my cheek and closed his eyes. I closed mine as well and sighed. The deaths of Kanon and the others still weighting heavy on my heart. Zain felt the trouble inside me and opened his eyes.

"Wanna talk about it?" He asked.

"No...I just wanna take my mind off it." I said. "Can we go inside?"

"Yeah let's go inside." Zain said and walked inside the inn.

I followed him inside and I didn't even talk about the events of the war in Arcania. I everything to not talk about the events but it slipped out and Zain and Zofia went silent. I looked down and Zain rubbed my back. I covered my eyes and began crying softly. Zofia tried to comfort me as Zain did as well. They decided to give me some time to myself. Zain nor Zofia has ever seen me so broken. It was the first they saw me cry. A few hours passed and they came back in and saw me sleeping on the bed. Zain smiled and put the covers over me and kissed my cheek. The next day I woke up and saw Zofia sleeping beside me and I stroked her hair and smiled. Zain was asleep beside the window on the couch and I decided to go back to sleep as well.

10 months later...

"Stella! Stella! Meet my friend!" Himiya ran to me and saw a baby in my arms then she stopped. "Y-You have a child?"

"Yeah a beautiful baby girl...her name is Kufka." I smiled. "I was blessed with her by the hesvens...to be a mother of a child was always my dream when I met Zain. Now it's true."

Himiya was interested while her friend looked at me with a blank stare. She tilted her head and Himiya just remembered what she was gonna tell me.

"Meet Murano! She's an actual Demon! And guess what she's a Demon Princess! That's so cool!" Himiya smiled.

"Demon Princess. I see, nice to meet you Murano." I smiled.

"Likewise...Stella." Murano nodded.

"I just thought to stop by and see how you were doing and it appears that I have nothing to worry about." I smiled.

"Mhm! I'm just glad you stopped by. Guess what! I will be come a Demon Princess too! My dad is one of the strongest demons in the Underworld! I will train hard and one day you'll see a new me!" Himiya smiled with her eyes closed.

"I'll look forward to that day." I smiled and looked at Himiya.

This was a start of a new era for me. Now that I have my birth child, I have a reason to finally settle down and not focus on fighting. Kufka is the best thing to have happened to me and I plan to spend every waking moment with her away for the Human Realm. Once she grows of age, I'll let her do what she desires and let her pursue her own dreams. Maybe she and Himiya will meet in the future and become friends and have each other's backs. My series as a fighter has come to an end...

The End.