
I reincarnated in Naruto without wishes?!

A normal person died due to mistake of a minor god. The god simply reinserted his soul in a random world, without giving him any wish or checking what happened to his soul. Kazuya , a normal 17-year old weeb, reincarnated in Elemental Nations. Watch how his journey unfolds and he fulfills all his whims and fancies.

xX_Overlord_N_Xx · Anime & Comics
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Chapter-3: Growth and training


When I woke up, I saw that Mikoto had a really worried look on her face.

"I am sorry Kazuya and Sasuke. Looks like mother forgot about feeding you as she had a really long and tough day. I will do it right away." She said as she smiled.

'Plan succeeded.' I smiled brightly after hearing her making her smile even more.

She proceeded to breast feed me and do the same for Sasuke. The scene was really embarrassing but I'm going to do it if it means survival.

As I was being fed, I asked AI.

'What is the current situation, AI?'

[Host, Fugaku Uchiha has decided to adopt you. He has changed the memories of Mikoto and Itachi. He also went outside and its theorized that he must've deleted the record of birth of Sasuke as well you. He also must've wiped the memory of the Mob Uchiha 1 about you.]


This is good. Not only I got myself position of 2nd child of the family along with Sasuke, this will pretty much guarantees my survival of Uchiha massacre.

Now we need to grow up, train myself, hoard jutsus and snatch all resources and stuff from the clan. I won't do anything for Uchiha massacre. After all we still need those resources for my future as well as other things.

I also need to plan my future as this little change might change everything.


It's been 2 years since I've been born and my first year went only towards plans, some low-level research on my own chakra and growing my chakra reserves. I also sort of expected this but still...

My chakra is leaning on Yin side too much! Why? Because of a few factors:

1) I am a reincarnator so a lot memories, experiences and other things.

2) I am an uchiha and they have a natural afffinity to yin.

3) AI gives good and well detailed results and getting knowledge is the way to grow the Yin side.

How to fix it?

I just need train my body and stop learning anything unnecessary for time being.

To assist myself further, I asked AI for an integrated research on Technology from my world and Chakra when I was 4 months old. It is bearing result now as it has come up with blueprint of a machine that can produce nanobots to use all the nutrients I consume to enhance my body. It will be controlled by AI and will not hinder me in future. I will make this when I'm 6 years old as before that I'd like AI to improve on the design and chakra of the model.

Currently I was running Chakra through my body and have mastered doing this passively. The way to grow chakra reserves is not to use chakra and jutsu all time but make it so that inner vessels are pressured by circulating chakra through body so they tend to grow more thicker and deeper, leading to immense chakra reserves. My chakra reserve has grown and is higher than Sasuke by a few folds. I don't need to worry about any ninjas sensing me.

Only a hyuga and maybe an uchiha and a chakra sensor can see me doing chakra circulation, if they are totally focused on me that is.

I've discovered that change in internal chakra is generally not traceable as it doesn't consumes too much chakra and you need to be focusing on the person to detect it. I exploited this to its full potential.

It is helping me growing my reserves passively and also strengthen my body.

During 2 years I have successfully connected with my family.

I started talking in albiet a very unrefined manner in 6 months and walking in 9 months. It was really suprising for Fugaku as I was younger than Sasuke by a few months and still managed to keep up.

My relation with my parents was good. Itachi took a lot of care of me and Sasuke.

I am good with Sasuke too so it isn't too much of a problem.

On the second year, I showed my interest in being a ninja. tou-san now used to accompany me way more, so he could train me secretly in future.

I was 2 years today and he asked about my dream and future. I pointed out that I want be a ninja.

He smiled lightly and said "Hey Kazuya! Do you want to train with tou-san? You need to keep it a secret though. We will surprise everyone when you will join the academy."

I smiled brightly at his idea.

"Of course but can I not tell Sasuke too?" I asked innocently.

"No you cannot. A secret isn't a secret if it is known by even one more person." He said.

I thought for a few seconds and agreed to his proposal.

"Hmm good. We will train now." he said as he started to teach me. He kept his hand on my shoulder for a bit as he knew I already unlocked chakra and just wanted to check my reserves. He was surprise a bit but quickly calmed down.

"You have good chakra reserves. Almost freshly graduated genin level. Try to activate Sharingan with it by directing chakra to your eyes."

I did it and 1-tomoe Sharingan manifested.

He was little shocked because how easily I did this.

He then began giving me basics of what it means to be a ninja, necessary things like what ninjas do, how they do and so on.

"You will train in shurikenjutsu and taijutsu of our clan. You will also do the leaf training for chakra control. I will train you personally to an acceptable level before we start working seriously on chakra." he said.

And so my 2 years of training began.

(Timeskip no jutsu)

During these 2 years, I trained really hard in shurikenjutsu and taijutsu.

Itachi and kaa-san were a little suspicious but they accepted as I was always close with tou-san almost all the time. Sasuke, on the other hand had started training and was angry with me as I got to spend more time with tou-san than him but relented when I gave him all the tomatoes from my plate during lunch.

In these 2 years tou-san personally administered my training while all his work was left to his shadow clone.

I was confident in my skills however I lacked field experience.

I was still improving and had a long way to go.

My chakra control however was really good because of tou-san and AI's advice. I managed to get a firm grip on it. I'm not at Tsunade level chakra control as I still am improving but it isn't a pipe dream.

Sasuke has started training but mostly does it with Itachi as tou-san was busy with me.

He was little jealous but when I faked that I had to train 3 times harder, he got scared a little and didn't say anything.

Today tou-san checked my progress and was satisfied by the results.

"Good. You are at an acceptable level and are still improving." he said.

"Yes tou-san. Can we please start with chakra?" I said.

"You sure are excited. Let's start then." He said.

After an hour or two worth of Chakra theory and playing with chakra, He gave me 4 books, manuals to be precise.

"Now I have explained chakra to you. You will now try to use and master all four of these jutsu. These are basic 3 jutsu that I told you about earlier and Great fireball jutsu of our clan. If you master them in 2 months then I will teach you about our clan's dojutsu usage, which our clan is famous for." He said.

I was visibly excited.

I starting practicing it while also noticing effect of each hand seal on my chakra.

The details were being recorded by AI and my first attempt at them was a decent one. For the following month I spent all the time on the four jutsu and some more time to improve my chakra control even further.

I also asked father to perform the jutsus for me sometimes so whenever he does it, I activate my Sharingan and store it in my brain. My AI would analyze the performed jutsu and I would get more and more efficient with each attempt.

After a month, I could do basic 3 with only one hand seal and I could do great fireball with 4 seal rather than 6. My chakra control was improving at a decent rate as I could stick 10 leaves with a little concentration.

Tou-san was quite surprised at my growth rate. It is natural after all, I got flaws that were sorted by system so I could avoid them in the next attempt. A normal being can practice many times and just MIGHT get an epiphany while they're stagnated on something but in my situation, there is no stagnation in the first place so growth rate could said to be really fast as well as constant.

"I did expect that you would be able to perfomr them but I didn't expect you to even work on the hand seal reduction. Good. Let's start Genjutsu practice now." He said as he started to explain me about genjutsu and Sharingan's usage as well.

"Well now I'm done explaining. Now we will practice genjutsu. Here are a few basic genjutsu's to get you started. You will try the genjutsu on me and I break them and tell you about there quality." Otou-san said.

"Okay, but can you put me in a genjutsu first? I would like to experience it first." I said.

"Sure why not but be careful I will break it if you are unable to." he said as his sharingan rotated menacingly.

'Oh f*ck no! I asked you to do a low level stuff not a high level genjutsu with you damn sharingan! God damn it!' I thought inwardly as I was put in a genjutsu.

(Genjutsu World)

I was returning to my home as today's practice was done.

The clan compund which usually was lively was really gloomy and quiet.

Suddenly I saw Sasuke running towards me with a very scared face. He was slightly injured too as his arm had a couple of scratches and cuts.


'WHY WOULD HE DO THAT I REFUSE TO BELIEVE THIS!' I thought as Sasuke grabbed my hand and started running.

On the way, a big shuriken came through a bush on the way and chopped his head off cleanly.

I was scared. Not because I fear death but because I felt that I would lose the only family that truly loved me. I just lost Sasuke now. What about mother and Itachi?



I took a deep breath and calmed myself.

I felt I changed a lot just by this genjutsu.




'I am really naive. When I thought I didn't love them at all, Curse of hatred quickly turned me into a prey waiting to be hunted. I accept and acknowledge this weakness of mine. This a test as well as a lesson for me.'

"I've decided that I will persevere like every time and accept the reality as it is, so that I can conquer this weakness of mine. When a person defeats their weakness or the past self, they inevitably grow. This genjutsu's purpose was to exploit my love for my family."

"Isn't that right, tou-san?" I said as I broke genjutsu.


(Real world)

He said as he smiled.

"Congratulation on getting a 2-tomoe Sharingan. I really am proud of you Kazuya. You should be proud of yourself. No weak willed person can take such decisive action when their own as well as their loved ones demise stands at the door."

"Now we should resume our practice with low leveled genjutsu and build our way up." he said.

"Ok otou-san." I said.

We practiced genjutsu for a few hours before returning to home.

We ate dinner and as usual I passed all my tomatoes to Sasuke while I was being scolded by mother for passsing those tomatoes.

It is night time and I was thinking about my future.

Today I defeated my weakness once but I might not be able to do so it in future. So my actions in future will not change. I will still use the family to gain magekyo and Sasuke to gain Rinnegan.

I have gained a lot from this test but one thing that could change the game is what I truly lacked before. It was resolve. This was the only thing that held me back all the time. I lacked resolve in past but I don't lack it now. Another weakness of mine is eliminated.

My dream of being truly free and fulfilling my whims and fancies still lives on.

Whoever dies, whoever suffers, at end it doesn't really matter.






(A/N: Some of you might have some questions so you can ask them.


Now as for his goal, he wants to unrestricted by anything in his existence. He doesn't want to bound by the world, laws, orders, gods, demons, devils etc. He will do his best to achieve this sort of freedom.

You can take this as a sign that he may travel to others worlds but know this, it won't happen until later on.

If you want then you can suggest you own thought about this. They are welcomed.)

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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