
I reincarnated in Mobuseka

The World of Otome Games is Tough for a Orphan I died due to circumstances I couldn't control and was reincarnated in the world of the last novel I read. Maybe this would be cool if I was a noble or even a common commoner, but unfortunately I'm an orphan who they try to sell as a toy for the noble ladies!!! In order to escape this bad way of life, I will do whatever it takes. -------------------------------------------------- All rights reserved to the characters and images to their respective authors/creators. I do not give my authorization for this or any other of my fics to be uploaded to any digital platform and in any presentation. Unless the respective credits are given and they put a link that takes them to the original publication. -------------------------------------------------- Note: Temporary makeshift cover until I find someone who will take pity on making me one... Note: I am translating this from my fanfic in Spanish

MALC_GO · Book&Literature
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28 Chs

8: (Untitled)

Note: The protagonist's aircraft will be called Schlacht from now on.

When I arrived at the port of the capital, there was quite a stir, since Schlacht was towing the pirate ship. Immediately some soldiers came to the place and began to interrogate me.

The interrogation was quite grueling, until they verified everything with the testimonies of Yumeria, Kyle, and the imprisoned pirates.While that resolved the confusion, another problem arose.

-I will not allow you to take my loot, I risked my life to defeat those pirates, I have the right to keep it

-Young man, I'm afraid that the army has the right to confiscate the pirate aircraft and the prisoners, since you are not on legal age and not being registered as an adventurer, there you have no justification for keeping them.

The damn commanding officer who had a smile on his face, seemed to be a nobleman, from what I could find out, he wanted to take the airship and prisoners from me, to take the achievement for capturing them and collect the reward on the head of the pirate chief.

"It is lucky that I have put all the treasures in my cellar in Schlacht, thanks to that they will not be able to take it"

{Clare, options}

[I don't think we could run away with the loot and in the current situation we don't have room to maneuver, if I had the capabilities of an old humanity ship we could do something, but in my current state, I don't think I'll be of much help.]

{Shit, if I have known I would have sold it on any island before arrived}

[It was his greed for higher profits and reputation that led you to this]

{Well I didn't think I would have the bad luck to cross paths with a noble bastard}

[From what you have told me, you never had the best of luck, did you?]

I was very angry and was thinking that I could challenge him to a duel if this continued.

--Knock Knock knock!

The door opened and a man who looked like a commander from his uniform walked by.

-What are you doing Lieutenant?

-Commander of the 4th fleet. Euremberg!?

The noble officer immediately got up and stood to saludate.

-That's me, I asked you what are you doing?

-I was interrogating this subject on suspicion of cooperation with the captured pirate group Commander.

"Eh? That bastard wanted to not only rob me but also frame me"

-What are you talking about, bastard, I defeated and captured the pirates, the only reason we're here is that you want to rob me to award you the achievements- I glared at the noble officer as he spoke.

-Commander, don't listen to this commoner, he's just telling lies to get out of the problem.

-You can collaborate with the testimonies of my servants and the prisoners.

... ... ...

My innocence was proven and the corrupt noble officer was arrested.

-I'm sorry you had to go through that.

-Thank you very much for all your help, Mr. Euremberg.

-Call me Carl boy, you are lucky that I was around when this happened, you really are similar to your father in the aspect that you easily get into trouble.

It seems that Commander Euremberg was my father's right-hand man at his time and he is also the one who kept Schlacht for me.

-It's hard to believe that I look like someone I've never met...

-I suppose it's an inherited trait like your gray eyes, apart from that you have more resemblance to your mother.

-My aunt never told me that.

-Well, she has her reasons, but anyways, I have spoken with an acquaintance in the adventurers' guild, he will allow you to register even if you are not of legal age.

-Thank you very much Carl.

-It's not a big deal boy, but tell me. What are your plans? As I understand it, a month ago you left the capital to keep yourself safe and now you are here again.


I told Carl that I had been in some ruins collecting a lost object and a couple of treasures, he omits several details just in case, I also told him that after facing the pitaras I feel that it is necessary for him to have a formal training and that finally I think reclaim my late father's title.

-I understand... if that's the case, why don't you join the army?

[I think it could be a good idea teacher, you will get experience and I will get a lot of battle data]

-It would be the best option, but could you give me a little more time before making a decision?

-Sure kid, take your time, once you join, I don't think it will take you long to rise up seeing how you were able to deal on your own with those pirates.

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

Now I was formally an adventurer, I claimed the pirate chief's bounty, I sold the airship and the prisoners as slaves.

[Looks like your luck is finally turning around Master]

{I hope so}

I was in a private room in a hotel restaurant. I was not alone.

My friends Tom, Marc, Cecilia and my aunt Elena accompanied me at the table.

When my aunt found out about my return and everything I did, she called me: "a huge unconscious idiot" and she gave me a good beating, when she calmed down she hugged me.

"I suppose I deserved it for having been reckless"

On the other hand, my friends were quite surprised by my achievements in just one month and they wanted me to tell them more details about what happened.

But I didn't gather them here to tell them what I had done and eat good food, but to tell them what I was planning to do.

-Well, roughly speaking, I plan to create a commercial company and join the army to have formal training.

The room was silent, they were surprised and did not know what to say.

-To begin with, I have bought this hotel.

The place wasn't great but it was pretty decent and seemed profitable, my wallet hurt when I bought it but it was an investment for the future

Yumeria entered the room - Master, the transaction has finished, I bring you the papers to confirm it.

-Thanks Yumeria, could you please show my friends the place, they will stay here tonight

When they came out I faced my aunt who had been staring at me for a while.

-What is your intentionds doing this Kepa?

-I plan to claim the title that corresponds to me and avenge my father.

Although that was only a means to realize my true goals, it would be easier to intervene in future events if I am a noble and have strength. My father's revenge in this world doesn't really matter much to me but if I don't deal with the nobles who killed him I couldn't feel safe.

-I need your support with this.

My aunt was silent for a moment as she stared at me.

-I supposed something like this would happen since I told you everything. You know it's quite funny how you've always been different from the other kids, you were always quite daring. It's unfortunate to see that although your appearance is closer to my sister, you have inherited your father's eyes and determination...


-Tell me what you need from me.

I just nodded my head

-In a week after founding the company properly and having bought several businesses, I will join the army. When that happens please take care of the company, you are the only one I can trust, since Tom, even though he has good business sense, is still immature.

-But I don't know how to do that.

-Don't worry, I'll leave you instructions on what to do and I'll hire the right staff to help you, but I need you to be the one in charge.

-If you put it that way, I have no choice but to accept.

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

-So "Coin Adventure", is a bit peculiar name for a commercial company.

-I won't deny it, I thought of that name hoping that people would remember it.

I was talking to Commander Euremberg.

My pockets were pretty much empty for starting Coin Adventure, but with the business plan that Clare and I came up with, we were sure it would be profitable.

-Leaving that aside I'm glad to see that you decided to join the army.

-Please take care of me during my stay in the army. It will only be for four years as I plan to claim my title and go to the academy, but I hope to learn a lot from and gain strength.

Commander Euremberg gave me a pleased look and immediately assigned me to a unit.

This is how my time in the army begins.

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Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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