
I reincarnated in Mobuseka

The World of Otome Games is Tough for a Orphan I died due to circumstances I couldn't control and was reincarnated in the world of the last novel I read. Maybe this would be cool if I was a noble or even a common commoner, but unfortunately I'm an orphan who they try to sell as a toy for the noble ladies!!! In order to escape this bad way of life, I will do whatever it takes. -------------------------------------------------- All rights reserved to the characters and images to their respective authors/creators. I do not give my authorization for this or any other of my fics to be uploaded to any digital platform and in any presentation. Unless the respective credits are given and they put a link that takes them to the original publication. -------------------------------------------------- Note: Temporary makeshift cover until I find someone who will take pity on making me one... Note: I am translating this from my fanfic in Spanish

MALC_GO · Book&Literature
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28 Chs

4: Toward Clare

Remembering the story of my parents that Aunt Elena told me, she had said that my father was a soldier recognized for his military contributions, he was know as Cartus "The Storming Lance", but due to the jealousy of several nobles, they killed him before he could be knighthood in the award ceremony that will take place.

My father's loyal subordinates hid my mother, Sara to protect her, unfortunately my mother died in my childbirth and it was decided that it would be better to be in the care of my aunt who ran an orphanage. Although I would not have a life of luxury, at least I would be safe from the nobles who killed my father apparently, I have the right to claim the title of knight that corresponded to him and if the nobles found out about me, they would probably kill me for don't leave loose ends.

Who would have thought that I would still end up drawing the attention of an annoying noblewoman, from what my aunt Elena told me is an Executive of the ladies' forest, the same organization that Zola belongs to, the legal wife of the Baltfault house, those women who they only see men as tools and that they send them to die in war to collect compensation.

With that said, I was still in bed, I have been like this for three days now, thanks to the healing magic of my aunt Elena I had not had any kind of complications and there is only one more day of rest.

Being still for so long had given me time to think and process well everything that had happened up to now, since I was reborn I had been forcing myself to occupy myself with something to forget the ridiculous fact that I am in the world of a novel, leaving that aside, I also tried to minimize the fact that Elena was my aunt, my mother's sister and the history of my parents.

"I guess I can't keep pretending everything is okay anymore."

It is clear that I can no longer continue with my daily routine, but locking myself up in the orphanage is not an option either.

With that in mind I asked Marc to ask our mentor at the Herald if he could get me a couple of firearms and ammunition.

I asked Tom who worked at a general store to get me supplies for a trip.

Thanks to the sum of money I had saved over the past three years, I had quite a bit to spare.

After having thought about it, I decided that I need a lost object that allows me to live without worries, although Luxon was my first choice, I did not know where it was, in the novel they never mentioned its location, if this world followed the story of the novel the coordinates Its location should be in one of Leon's books, but sneaking into a nobleman's territory and stealing something from him, is no different from suicide.

The second most powerful option I thought was Ideal, but he would probably manipulate me into destroying everything and he's too far from me, in the republic.

I also thought of Brave, a magical armor of the new humanity, but I have no clue where he might be.

Therefore I decided to get Clare, I know that she is in the ruins on the floating island home of the elves, although I am afraid that she is the one with least power, having an artificial intelligence at my disposal should give me a great advantage.

I lied to my aunt Elena about my plans, implying that I was traveling until I was strong enough to protect me, and I asked her to help me get an airship to sail to other islands.

She didn't like it, but she admitted that I was no longer safe in the capital.

... ... ...

My body was already recovered and I had gathered everything I needed to leave, I had also spent almost all my money, but hey, "money only works if it is used", or at least that's what I told myself so as not to get depressed.

I was on my way to the port to see what aircraft my aunt had gotten me, my friends Tom and Marc were also with me and were helping me carry my things. My aunt had gone ahead with Cecilia to clean up where I would put the supplies.

-Then you will go on an adventure while we stay here.

-Come on Tom, don't say it that way, you know I don't do it in a small way.

-But it is true that you will be able to travel a lot.

-Well that's true Marc, but don't feel bad, I'll buy you souvenirs if I have money left over.

-Then you will not buy anything since now you are poor.

-Don't remind me, I never thought that the money from three years of work would disappear in just a couple of days.

-The store manager was happy that you spent so much.

-The mentor too

We arrived at the port and Cecilia was waiting for us to guide us to the ship.

(reference image)

It was much bigger than I expected, it doesn't matter if you saw something travel, I thought that at most I would get an aircraft similar to a Viking galley, but this is much better.

I think there could easily be room for about 20 people here and I don't need a crew to handle it, although it will be hard to do it alone.

When I boarded the ship, I rushed to look for my aunt, but I stopped for a moment before speaking to her when I realized that, unlike external appearance, the aircraft was in very good condition on the inside.

-Aunt Elena how did you get something like that!?

-This ship was owned by your father, some of his loyalists keep it for you.

It seems that there are more and more surprises.

-Yes, there is also an armor.


My aunt Elena guided me and I saw an armor

(reference image)

I think it was the standard army model, which is surprising, but...

-Is something wrong Kepa?

-Well, all this is great, but why does that old subordinate of dad give me so much?

-I asked him myself, but he said that "even with this, I'm still a long way from finishing paying for everything he did for me, Mr. Cartus"

-Is that so? I see.

"It seems my father was a great man if he still has people so loyal to him."


I was saying goodbye to everyone before leaving.

-Tom, Marc thanks for always supporting me, I will miss you guys.

-You make it sound like we won't see each other anymore.

-Well, not in the near future, but we'll see each other again.

-Kepa, when you return, come and buy the equipment that he believes, I assure you that it will be of great quality.

"It seems that my rather quiet friend Marc has set himself a goal"

I gave them a hug and they both got off the aircraft.

The next one was Cecilia, she had tears in her eyes, although I had not lived with her as much as my friends, she always helped treat me when I returned injured.

-Thank you for taking care of my Cecilia, I promise to send souvenirsfrom time to time.

Cecilia tried to calm down for a moment.

-It is a promise! Come back whenever you hurt yourself, I'll heal you.

I gave him a hug and she went downstairs.

Lastly there was my aunt Elena, I hugged her directly.

-Thank you for everything, Aunt Elena.

-Write from time to time, understood!?

-I will do that.

In front of me, the woman I considered my mother in this world was coming down, I retracted the ramp and started up.


It's inconvenient not having a ship crew, it took me a day and a half to get here, but I finally see the floating island that is the homeland of the elves.

-Land in sight!!!- I shouted into the air.

"I always wanted to say it"

Now to disembark.

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I don't know how to put photos here like on wattpad. Can someone help me?

I hope you liked the chapter.

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Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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