
I reincarnated in Mobuseka

The World of Otome Games is Tough for a Orphan I died due to circumstances I couldn't control and was reincarnated in the world of the last novel I read. Maybe this would be cool if I was a noble or even a common commoner, but unfortunately I'm an orphan who they try to sell as a toy for the noble ladies!!! In order to escape this bad way of life, I will do whatever it takes. -------------------------------------------------- All rights reserved to the characters and images to their respective authors/creators. I do not give my authorization for this or any other of my fics to be uploaded to any digital platform and in any presentation. Unless the respective credits are given and they put a link that takes them to the original publication. -------------------------------------------------- Note: Temporary makeshift cover until I find someone who will take pity on making me one... Note: I am translating this from my fanfic in Spanish

MALC_GO · Book&Literature
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28 Chs

11: One Last Patrol

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Two more years have passed and now I am 14 years old, initially I was going to retire after 4 years of service, at 13 years old, but I did not know that I had to request my retirement a year in advance...

Therefore, I stayed a year longer than expected, the good thing is that even though I requested my discharge from the army, I was still rising in rank, now I was a Lieutenant Colonel of the army, I was in a patrol squad that I was in command of.

The patrol was on the border of the Holfault kingdom with the Holy Kingdom of Rachelle, once we finished the tour and docked in a port, I would officially retire from the army.

I was on the deck of the leading ship of the naval squadron observing the landscape and listening to a chorus of "sailors" sing.

Since my rookie time some found out that I was a bard in the capital, they used to annoy me a lot about it, once I reached the rank of officer, as revenge I made them sing. For better or for worse, they ended up getting really good and now they were doing it for fun, their songs remind me of when I used to play a game in my previus life, about assassins who sailed the waters like pirates.

"It's quite comfortable this environment, but I guess it'll be over soon..."

{Just one more run and it will be time to really get going}

[You seem really anxious, Master. Is it because the story of the novel you keep talking about is already coming up?]

{It could be said, I have already intervened with the story of the novel, by meeting Marie and feeding her, she may not be a loli anymore and not be as miserable as before. The encounter I had with Aaron I don't think had any impact, and Olivia should at most think she has an admirer. Lastly, having met the 5 idiots and Angelica. I think it was the biggest change, Julian and the others see me as a friend apparently, Angelica just wants me to become Julian's or her vassal, she still remains professional , although she enjoys listening my stories.}

[You seem to be confident that your actions will really make a difference. Don't you think it's somewhat self-centered?]

{Well, you may be right, but after all, I am a reincarnator who has memories of his past life and information about what will possibly happen in this world. Can you blame me for being self-centered?}

Clare had finally reached a performance similar to Ideal, Schlacht has been established as its main body and it was revamped, now it's like 5 times bigger and Clare said that its combat efficiency should be better than a supply ship like Ideal.

Finally we can communicate remotely and she also already has her characteristic spherical body with her blue lens.

Coin Adventure has also had a great growth, we have kept secret who the high command are, but for the moment Tom is acting as the face of the company, he is my aunt Elena's assistant and soon he will take command of the company, to that my aunt can focus on taking care of the children in the orphanage.

I've already got martial power, economics, and Clare (multipurpose cheat item), that plus a good reputation. I really can do whatever I want once I leave the army.

-Lieutenant Colonel Kepa a messenger from Colonel Euremberg has arrived, he requests your presence on the bridge to give it to you personally.

Those who were singing were silent to better hear what was happening.

- I'm going right away.

"I guess I've slacked off enough"

... ... ...

-Lieutenant Colonel- The messenger greeted and I returned the greeting

-Reporting, recently we obtained information that the Holy Kingdom of Rachelle is gathering a large fleet of aircraft near the border, at the time we were informed of this, they had already gathered 80 aircraft and we don't know how many more will arrive. The commander of the 4th fleet, Colonel Euremberg, has ordered that all the scattered squads on patrol work go to the assembly point, further orders will be given once they arrive.

Silence took over the bridge and the nervousness was palpable, no one expected this.

"Eh!? What the fuck!!? There was never a Rachelle invasion in this time as far as I read!!!"

-I understand... You heard it gentlemen! No time to lose. Let the rest of the aircraft know we've changed our course.

Thanks to my hard training, I could now maintain a poker face when is necessary and now it was necessary.

Although internally I was still in a panic, I acted like a good leader before my men, after all, if they noticed me faltering, morale would immediately collapse.

{Clare bring Schlacht to the rally point, make sure Barbatos and my personal combat gear are in top shape for battle. Make sure Yumeria, Kyle and James stay in the capital and tell Balder to be ready for action. Finally sends scouting drones towards Rachelle's fleet, I need to know what we're up against}

[Right away Master]

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

My squadron had reached the meeting point, the entire 4th fleet was already assembled, there were barely 30 ships. I was currently in the meeting room of the flagship, in it were the 6 squad leaders including me. After waiting for a while, Commander Euremberg entered the room, he stood in front of the table where the rest of us were sitting and spoke.

-I'll be brief, we have to buy time for the border nobles and the kingdom to gather a joint force to repel Rachelle's fleet. If we can hold out long enough, reinforcements will arrive and deal with the enemy.

Commander Euremberg had the most serious face I've seen in the 5 years I've known him.

-How many reinforcements can we expect?

-70 aircraft at least and 100 at most.

Everyone gathered was hesitant to speak.

[Master as reported by the scouting drones the enemy fleet has already started to move and they have a total force of 150 aircraft]

{What is the situation of our reinforcements?}

[They have gathered 70 aircraft, but it seems they are still waiting for more. I estimate that if the battle proceeds conventionally, the 4th Fleet will be annihilated before the joint force even begins to move]

While I was talking to Clare, one of the squad leaders got up the nerve to speak up.

-Wouldn't it be better if we retreat to allied territory? The 4th fleet won't be able to hold out for long even if we stay here.

-We will be branded as cowards and executed for treason if we withdraw.-Again silence reigned in the meeting room

-What is the point of this?- I drew everyone's attention to me

-We will die buying time if we stay and we will be executed if we withdraw.

-Lieutenant Colonel Kepa, are you suggesting that we surrender!? Coward!!!

-Listen to me! I'm not saying we should give up, and even if we do, the enemy will have no mercy on us.

-What I propose, is that instead of our options being to die here or there, at the hands of our enemies or allies. Why don't we bet everything and attack?

-And what would we achieve with that?

They all started arguing again. At that the Euremberg commander raised his hand in a signal to keep quiet.

"Tell me exactly what your plan is" he said as he stared at me with a glimmer of hope.

-According to the reports we can infer that they will reach our position at dawn, if we start move now we can intercept them at night. The main idea is to get as high as possible and being on top of them release all our armed units and make them attack the flagship and the supply ships, if we are successful their command line will be a chaos, they will not have the resources to continue with their invasion and we can withdraw without worrying about being branded as traitors.

-A surprise night attack taking advantage of an elevated position to release our troops on their critical points... It could work.

-What is the probability of success?

-Frankly speaking the chances of it working are really slim, but I think it's better to hold on to it than just resign yourself to dying, right?

Everyone was considering the makeshift plan I came up with and wondering if there wasn't a better option.

... ... ...

I really love seeing the new look of Schlacht, I still remember when the aircraft was presented to me by my aunt that time at the port, now there is no comparison. The renovations done by Clare really are impressive.

Although I was a little afraid that his appearance would be too flashy for this world's standard, but right now I don't have time to worry about it and if things go according to plan, I may not even have to use it at full power.

I boarded the ship and had it take the vanguard of the 4th fleet, now there is no turning back, I am heading to war.

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Clarification: A naval squadron or naval squadron is a military unit made up of three or four large warships, transport ships, submarines or sometimes small boats that can be part of a larger one.

I hope you liked the chapter.

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