
I Reincarnated in Douluo and Became a Member of Multiverse Chat Group.

A young man named Rayne had a dream about having a harem, and just when he was about to achieve it, a meteor put an end to his absurd dream. or so he thought. It turns out, he was given an another chance at life. With a system and cheats at that. And his destination for reincarnation is Douluo continent! What sort of adventures are awaiting him? Disclaimer: I do not own Douluo Dalu or the other fictional works mentioned in the story, other than the Original. The works belong to their respective authors. This is only a fanfiction.

Chaotic_Sovereign · Anime & Comics
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40 Chs

Chapter 2 Unpleasant Encounter with Yu Xiaogang.

Rayne walked away from the grassy field to return to the dormitory provided by the academy.

The orange and gold sun up in the sky showed signs of setting, and darkness slowly started to appear.

The teachers of Nuoding academy is quite strict in the matters of punctuality. It is strictly demanded for the students to return to the college premises before sunset.

"What a pain. Why am I even in this forsaken place, wasting my time?"

As for why Rayne, who has connections with Spirit Hall, is attending Nuoding academy, which isn't particularly a well-known junior academy in the empire?

It all starts with his mother in this life.

His mother, Shui Xin'er was a close friend and a teammate of Bibi Dong, during her teenage period. Because of her relationship with Bibi Dong, she has a good opinion on Yu Xiaogang, the so-called grandmaster.

Because Rayne awakened Blue Silver Grass martial soul with the innate soul power of 0.5, Shui Xin'er was depressed and devastated.

She believes that it is her own fault for not being careful when she was pregnant with Rayne, which caused his current predicament and destroyed his future. For this reason, Shui Xin'er blames herself a lot.

When she was depressed about her son's misfortune, she remembered the 'number one' theory master of Douluo Continent, Yu Xiaogang and his famous/infamous saying… "There are no trash martial souls, only trash spirit masters".

With all her hope placed on this 'Grandmaster', she took Rayne to Nuoding academy to meet Yu Xiaogang and begged him to accept her son as his disciple. Shui Xin'er even introduced herself as a close friend of Bibi Dong for a guarantee.


Despite her expectations, Yu Xiaogang flat out refused after hearing about Rayne's innate qualification and martial soul. No matter how much Shui Xin'er requested, Yu Xiaogang paid no heed to it and went on his way with evident disdain for Rayne. Truly someone who has no self-awareness.

Even so, Shui Xin'er didn't want to give up just yet. After all, this concerns her son's future.

So she asked Rayne to stay in Nuoding academy for a while and try his best to impress Yu Xiaogang, while she returns to Spirit Hall to look for other solutions.

"My mother in this life is also very good to me. But… Yu Xiaogang has an incredibly bad impression on Spirit Hall. Asking him to accept a person of Spirit Hall as a disciple is simply impossible. Not to mention, that guy has no way of helping me. If he could, he would've solved his own problems first." Rayne had a wry smile when he thought of the things his mother did, but it soon turned into a mocking smile when he thought of Yu Xiaogang.

He even felt a little comical, when he thought of his mother's respectful attitude towards Yu Xiaogang and the latter's blatant disrespectful and casual attitude.

To know, Rayne's mother is a level 79 soul saint. If it wasn't for the fight with the dark spirit master which damaged her foundation, she would've long broken through to Soul Douluo realm.

Rayne has no idea where Yu Xiaogang gets the courage to talk to a peak soul saint in an arrogant manner, when he himself is just a level 29 soul grandmaster, a trash so to speak. Just an accidental soul pressure exerted by Shui Xin'er could crush Yu Xiaogang to death.

Of course, Rayne knew that his mother wouldn't really try to harm Yu Xiaogang, unless her bottom line is touched. After all, there is a mad woman silently guarding him. Even if Shui Xin'er considers herself a friend of Bibi Dong, its unknown if the latter feels the same.

"Sigh.." With some thoughts on his mind, Rayne made his way back to his exclusive dormitory. Despite the strict rules of the academy, Rayne gets to have an exclusive dormitory. A powerful mother is truly a blessing.

On the way, he seemed to see a familiar silhouette walking towards the direction where the teachers dormitory was located.

The person seemed to be a middle-aged man with a somewhat dishevelled and slovenly appearance, his facial looks were quite average. His figure didn't look quite fit, giving a lazy feeling. He was dressed in a rather scholarly type clothes, but his overall appearance seemed quite unkempt. Despite this, he had a scholarly look on his face, as if trying to show his excellence to others without them asking about it.

This middle-aged man is Yu Xiaogang.

When Rayne saw this man, he had an uncomfortable look on his face.

"This piece of trash!" Rayne subconsciously uttered at the sight of this man. While shocked at his subconscious words, he quickly understood why he said such a thing.

Its been eight days since Rayne started his study at Nuoding academy According to his mother's expectations of him, Rayne has always tried to get into contact with Yu Xiaogang and make a good impression these days.

Even before awakening his past life memories, the immature Rayne who was obedient of his mother's request, gradually became disgusted with Yu Xiaogang.

During his eight days of observation, Rayne carefully observed Yu Xiaogang. But the more he observed him, the more disappointed he became.

Despite receiving salary as a teacher from Nuoding academy, Yu Xiaogang has never bothered to take a single class so far, according to what he learned from other teachers of the academy. When students come to Yu Xiaogang to seek advice, he is often perfunctory or outright reject them. Apparently, this is the main reason the teachers of the academy don't like Yu Xiaogang. But unfortunately, the dean of Nuoding academy seems to tolerate all of Yu Xiaogang's whims, despite the complaints from majority of the teachers.

Later Rayne witnessed Yu Xiaogang express his dissatisfaction with Spirit Hall and even instigate other people to dislike Spirit Hall. The same Yu Xiaogang seems to be quite punctual when the time for collecting monthly spirit master subsidies comes.

This is what made the immature Rayne completely disgusted with Yu Xiaogang.

From his mother, he had learned that Yu Xiaogang is a Honorary elder of Spirit Hall, and that most of the 'foundation' for his theories comes from the collection of Spirit Hall.

This kind of person who bites the hand that fed him, it was easy for the immature Rayne to dislike him. If it wasn't for his mother's request, the young boy would've already left this place.

But of course, now that Rayne has awakened his past life's memories, he will not bother with Yu Xiaogang anymore.

After all, its quite clear that Yu Xiaogang has no way of helping with his current situation.

Just when Rayne was thinking of changing directions to avoid contact with this self-proclaimed Grandmaster, the middle-aged man seemed to feel something and turned his gaze to Rayne.

As soon as Yu Xiaogang saw Rayne, his face became gloomy and said in a cold tone.

"Didn't I tell you not to bother me anymore? Just give up. You are not worthy of being my, Yu Xiaogang's disciple."

Hearing the unkempt man's words, Rayne was annoyed. But he didn't bother to waste time with him, so he simply said.

"Okay. I also don't want to be your disciple anymore. I won't be bothering you again."

After saying that, Rayne turned to leave. He truly didn't want to waste his time on this trash. After all, he still has a novice gift pack to open after returning to his dormitory.

Yu Xiaogang frowned when he heard the young boy's words. At the same time, he felt that this Rayne seemed to be quite different from before.

"It's good that you can come to your senses and give up unnecessary aspirations. According to my theory, it is impossible for you achieve anything with your qualifications." Yu Xiaogang unhurriedly said with a tone of appreciation, as if he appreciated Rayne for giving up early without struggling.

"Who said anything about giving up on cultivation?" Rayne asked back with a puzzled expression, unable to understand why Yu Xiaogang suddenly said such a thing.

"Not giving up cultivation? Then what do you mean by not wanting to be my disciple?" Yu Xiaogang asked back with a frown. To him, Rayne seems to have completely given up. Because, only he has the 'ability' to help this boy. After all, he is the number one spirit master theory specialist in the continent.

Rayne: "…"

Rayne was speechless after understanding what Yu Xiaogang meant. At the same time, he was unable to understand where this so-called grandmaster was getting this self-confidence from.

Looking at Yu Xiaogang brimming with self-confidence, Rayne asked plainly,

"Say Grandmaster, if I become your disciple, can you help me with my talent problems? You're not even capable of solving your own cultivation troubles. How exactly are you going to help me?"

"Since you have nothing to offer me, what's the point of being your disciple? Isn't it just a waste of time? Also, its about time you have some self-awareness. You're someone who doesn't exactly have the qualifications to call me unworthy. It's like a pot calling the kettle black. If cultivated properly, my Blue Silver Grass can still give me some barely decent soul skills. Unlike yours, which can only fart."

Yu Xiaogang: "…!!"

Yu Xiaogang was suddenly filled with anger and felt humiliated by Rayne's words. But he couldn't really come up with a response and he could only helplessly watch Rayne walk away.

Looking at the direction where Rayne left, Yu Xiaogang's expression was cold as he uttered.

"How dare he…!"

Nuoding academy dormitories.

In a room specially allotted to him, Rayne is different from other students, who have to share a room with more than a dozen fellow students.

Rayne's dormitory room didn't have any extravagant arrangements. Just a bed and some daily necessities.

There was no need for any extra items to be placed in the room. Such things can be stored in his storage soul guidance. He has a Soul Saint mother, so he is fortunate enough to have a fairly good storage soul guidance.

After getting to his dormitory room, Rayne sat on his bed and let out a long breath.

"Now then, let's properly explore my cheats."

"First, system explain your functions."

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