
I reincarnated from a nobody to a.. dragon?

(It’s pretty bad at the start of this novel but it’ll get better gradually, id hope at least T-T) A girl that was walking home from school got taken away an experimented on before dying after 4 years and lost her emotions and sense of pain. A goddess gave her a system and a new life in a fantasy world where she was reborn as a female dragon while she trains to protect herself from harms reach. … “Huh where is this? Did I die, it was about time really.” “Hey darling” “Huh? Who’s that” “I’m a goddess dearie” “Oh, cool” “I’ve decided to reincarnate you because you seemed.. well.. let’s say interesting. Is there anything you want before you reincarnate?” “Nothing really, can’t I just rest I can’t be bothered to deal with this.” “Hm you sure you don’t want anything?” “Do I have to reincarnate?” “I’ve already decided to there is no going back on this” “Fine. Well, you know those systems from games and manga that make people overpowered, can I have one of them? I use to read stuff like that before I was taken and tortured.” “Sure, I’ll allow another thing before you go” “Can I not be human, I’d rather not be one again. They are really messed up” “We’ll all done off you go bye!” “Wait no info, oh for fu- … I’ve never written a novel before so I’m going to try it out I’ll write a few chapters or so before I quit but if people enjoy it I guess I’ll continue. No planning was put into this what so ever but that doesn’t matter, you’ll have to read it to find out if you like it or not. Chapter lengths vary around 1500-2400 words but the first chapter is only 900 words. I will try to make at least a chapter a day. I have school work so i might not be able to post on some days. The main character gets strong quick as well just to let you know.

W_D_Y_W_F_M · Fantasy
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109 Chs

Flying with mother.

(A/N - I'm doing this one about 1k words as I'm a little busy today I'll try post another later today)

I woke up rubbing my eyes looking around to find mother,

'Ah she's not here'

I look over to my nest like bed and see the newborn baby's all laying there. I walk over and pick up violet, kissing her forehead and doing the same to Azazel, Aiden and Leo before saying,

"Bye, don't move from the nest I'll be back soon." I then left the room looking for mother.

'Where would she be? Probably her study.' I ran along the corridor towards mother's study and swung open the door, when I say I swung open the door I mean I was literally hanging there swinging from the door handle when the door opened a little fast. I'm too small to reach the handle so I have to jump and flap my wings a bit to try push myself up there.

"Mum are you in here?"

"Ah darling, did you just wake up?" Mother said walking up to me and lifting me up and grabbing my wing straightening it to full length.

"Have you been using your wings?" Mother questioned me.

"A little, I can't fly but if I flap them a bit it helps me go up a little more for when I try to reach the door handle." I reply truthfully.

"Ah yes I forgot you must be too small to reach the door handle even when you jump. I'll go to Kein's mountain peak and ask for one of his elves."

"Elves? Aren't they meant to be in Sarey? What are they doing in the mountains of Barself?" I ask in confusion.

"They are meant to be in Sarey, yes but when Kein, Seth and I went to the elven continent we saved some elves and they wouldn't leave us alone so Kein took them to his mountain peak as a sort of servant but they enjoy it for some reason or other." Mother said sighing and placing a hand on her forehead rubbing it.

"May I go with you? Also who is Seth?"

"Of course you can come with me but be careful when I'm flying, and Seth is your father."


"Yeah Seth and I used to fly all over Yerseild and visit all the continents, we also saw the human king and the demon queen. Although now.. Seth is.. he's no longer around honey." Mother said with a face that looked distant with a tinge of sadness.

"I'll tell you that another time, anyway I'll go feed the children and I'll come back for you. Do you remember the stone door that leads outside the cave? The one you went through to see me transform, can you wait for me there?"

"Okay mother." I said.


Mother rubbed my head before walking out of her study and I was left alone.

'Maybe I should ask about father another time, it sounds like I touched a sore spot'

I walked out the study closing the door with a little struggle then proceeded to run down the hallway and to the stone door pushing it open and sitting on the smoothed out area. I waited patiently gazing upon the birds in the sky, carelessly flying in the endless sea of clouds that stretch as far as the eye can see before I saw a dragon like being fly up through the clouds chomping down on one of the birds before chasing the rest of the birds that now panic.

'Wow that looks kind of like us dragons but it's front legs are it's wings. Let me think.. ah yes I remember now. I think it's called a wyvern.'

Wyverns are a sub species of dragons and are less powerful in stats all round. Wyverns are used as mounts and also servants for us dragons. When they get far enough in the proficiency of magic they can take on a humanoid form. Wyverns inhabit the biomes for their corresponding element like fire wyverns will hang around in the volcanic biomes and nature wyverns tend to live in forests.

Reaching my hands up, placing them behind my head and dropping my body down into a laying position crossing one leg over the other, i hum to myself closing my eyes waiting for mother to return.

Upon my mother's arrival she picked me up in her arms, stretching her wings out to their full length.

"I'm back, hold on tight."

I wrapped my arms around my mother's neck pulling myself closer, laying comfortably in my mums arms burying my head in her neck.

"Off we go," mother said in a light tone and proceeded to bend her knees a little shifting her weight before angling her wings and with a big push she jumped and sharply flapped her wings down at the same time, pushing herself off the ground zooming through the sky.

We propelled ourselves through the sky before sitting at a comfortable high in the sky flying at a steady pace,

"You can open your eyes, there's no need to be afraid."


I opened my eyes slowly taking in the magnificent view that could not compare to anything I saw in my life, both past and current lives that is. Seeing the endless clouds and flocks of birds along with the wyverns here and there was totally different from flying with them. A whole new experience.

We continued to fly until we reached a mountain taller than the ones surrounding it and gracefully landed on a ledge in front of a stone door just like ours. Mother took a step forward knocking on the door, a little too hard though as spider web like cracks appeared where mothers hand made contact with the door.

"Kein? Are you there?" Mother said in a loud voice.

The door opened slowly and a voice coming from the other side replied,

"For god sake control your strength Anne when your knocking on my door please."