
I reincarnated, became anti-mage, came back and find that magic exist

After he loses his right to inherit the company and loses all hope for his future, he gets very acquainted with ropes and finds himself being born in a new body. The world has magic, but the boy has a condition that makes him perfect to fight against magic, so his parents basically abandon them to the anti-magic organization. He trains there and huptidoo, time passes and he is now an S-rank adventurer and the gate back to his original world opens and he goes back. Then he finds that magic existed in his old world and now he has ample opportunities to... chill out and drink coffee. Oh and turns out the reason why he wasn't the next company head was because the company is basically a high end magic comorodate. His lack of magic was the reason why he couldn't become the next head of the company. He was never told of this and he gets really annoyed that people around him hid this from him and he tried his best for nothing. But since he is an anti-mage and his old family was full of mages, he has ample opportunities to screw with them. Will he? Who knows. As long as he gets to enjoy his coffee.

SanderTomson · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 4: Love-Hate relationship with law

"I love how law works"

These are the thoughts that Anthon felt when reminiscing about how he got away with the mana castration of the Worshta family. He thought "Since it takes so long for laws to come into place in the US, the mages aren't exactly protected from something like that. Sure, there were some repercussions since I spent some time in jail, but those were just because of the rules that the mages have followed for centuries. That being said, there was no way for the mages of earth to actually remove the magic from their very genes, so even they couldn't do much about it."

Anthon muttered to himself while chilling in his apartment. Then he asked "So why are you here Yisha?" Then the cat-girl from the previous chapter appeared and said "So you found me out now did you? As expected of the genius of our generation."

Anthon said, "You didn't answer my question." And Yisha responded "My apologies. I have come here to deliver you this and make good on the threat that I made when you rejected me that day."

Yisha handed Anthon some papers and Anthon looked through it. It was a list of names, more specifically names of women around the age of 15 and 30. 

Anthon asked "What was the threat exactly?" and Yisha answered, "I said, and I quote, "I will make sure that your genes will be passed on, just you wait." End quote."

Anthon then said "So, the reason why you gave me this list of names is to get me to have kids with them. Am I following your thought process so far?" Yisha responded "Yes. That is indeed correct."

Anthon then asked "And you expect me to sleep with them?" And Yisha answered "I only ask that you only sleep with one of us so that we can extract your semen. I have studied this world's technology and found a way to extract many seeds from semen and make the seed last very long."

Anthon then thought to himself "Careful now Anthon. You are dealing with someone who clearly isn't all right in the head. That and probably plus all the names in this list. Explain to her calmly that it isn't going to happen and make sure she doesn't do anything crazy. And remember what a wise man once said. "Don't put your dick in crazy." And currently, I think that is very good advice to follow.

I mean she is pretty and all and she came second in the scores in our class after me, so there are some plusses in there, but you don't want to spread the cray cray.

Now then Anthon. Say something that will convince a crazy person to stop their pursuit. You aren't called a genius for nothing, are you? Now show the world your extraordinary persuasion skills."

Then Anthon spouted "Nah, I'm good." And the room fell silent after that.

Anthon thought to himself "I'm very disappointed in you Anthon. You failed to say anything useful. You should feel ashamed of yourself. But let's see how she will respond."

Then Yisha backed down a little and snapped her fingers. With that, the window that was open before got closed and Anthon was pretty sure he heard the door lock up.

Then Yisha started to undress and Anthon started to smell something sweet. Yisha said "I won't take no for an answer this time. I made the promise that I'll make sure to pass on your genes no matter what, so I'll do just that."

Anthon responded "But I can easily overpower you, so there is no way you can force yourself on me." Yisha gave a slight giggle and then smiled devilishly. Then she said "Oh I don't have to. After all…"

Yisha pointed at Anthon's lower part with her finger and Anthon looked only to notice that he got an erection for some reason.

Then Yisha continued, "You will do that all by yourself." Anthon started to feel very horny, so he asked "What did you do?" Yisha replied "I released a drug that will make men go all out on reproduction. It is only a matter of time before you lose to your desires."

Anthon said "But I…" and everything went blank.

When Anthon woke up, he could smell all kinds of bodily fluids in his apartment. He commented "Well this isn't a pleasant smell to wake up to." 

Anthon noticed that he was naked and he started to fear for the worst. He found a letter on the table that said 

"Thanks for the material, hubby. I'll make sure your genes will pass on to all selected individuals on the paper.

You should contact that demon lady when you wake up."

Anthon looked through his phone and saw that Elis had sent multiple messages. The messages told that she'll be over to Anthon's house and to be ready with something.

The messages continued asking for a response, but there was never one from Anthon's side.

The last message read "Thank you for last night. I know you weren't exactly in your right mind, but if anything happens, I'll make you take on the responsibility."

After reading that, Anthon just blurted out "Yeah. Life is not good." And contemplated the future. Then he said out loud "If there is a god in this world, please, if the last night will result in pregnancies, please let Elis be the one that won't get pregnant." Then he started cleaning the mess that was left behind.

After two weeks, Elis sent a message saying "I missed my period, so I did the pregnancy test that this world has and here it is." She sent a picture of her holding a positive pregnancy test. Then she sent another message "The instructions say that I'm now pregnant, so I'll make you take on the responsibility. I've sent a message to daddy and we'll go further from there."

Before Anthon could process the messages, he heard that he got mail and went to look at them in hopes he would forget what he just read.

He looked through the letters and found one that had a sign of the Hexen academy. He opened the letter and read it. It said:

"Hello Anthon.

The insemination has been confirmed successful with 37 women, not including Yisha.

There are 381 women who have gone through the method Yisha learned from earth but we are still waiting on the results.

Thank you for your cooperation with this project.

With kind regards

~Mortimer Floute Irlimos"

Anthon lowered the letter and said "Fuck" in the most casual way possible.

Then he shouted "GOD FUCKING DAMMIT!" And then started spouting "What do you mean "cooperation"?! I explicitly sent you a letter saying that I will not consent to this! Goddammit old man! That is a whole damn village worth of people that you are trying to make carry my child! Damn you and your granddaughter while I'm at it! She was probably also the one who made this all happen in the first place! I bet she is having a smug face at this very moment! Goddammit!"

Then after a breather, Anthon just said "I know I'm a horrible person for saying this, but I hope that the infant mortality rate does its dang job."

Then he paused for a moment and said "It sounds a lot worse now that I said it out loud. Those are people's lives that we are talking about for fuck sake. But still…"

Anthon started to scratch his head furiously and then he collapsed on the ground.

Then he muttered "I guess me trying to retire before I even hit 20 was too much to ask for. Well, I mean I have lived more than that, but in this life I mean."

He continued to stare at the ceiling and mutter "While I'm sure there is probably a law of some kind in these kinds of cases, but since we are talking about the other world, there is little I can do about it. I bet that they have no idea that man's seed can be distributed that way."

Then he took a moment to think and said out loud "While I could ask Elis to do an abortion, I doubt that she would follow through. I'm also pretty sure that she would make good on her threats and cut my legs at that moment. And even still, I basically fucked a demon king's daughter, so I have to face some sort of consequences for that."

Anthon stared at the ceiling a moment more and gave out a sigh. Then he said

"I hate how law works"

It is basically if a fanclub managed to get a hold of their guy's semen and they could go wild with it.

SanderTomsoncreators' thoughts