
I reincarnated as the villain in my sister's otome game!

As a young unfortunate man died in a car crash and ended up waking up in a body of a young child who is the son of a powerful rich mage. He soon come to realise he incarnated the villain of the populair otome harem game his older sister used to play. He has all the tools he need to avoid his one and only death as he grows older.

AmberChico · Games
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The Fiance

Awkwardly I sit across from a young lady in the visitor room. She's the same age as me. And her name is Lily and my fiance as far as I know of. What am I supposed to say? What am I supposed to do? I have never dated anyone in my life before. It's silently awkward. Think of something to strike a conversation! But what?!

"I heard you fell from a tree this morning."

I looked at her. It surprised me how mature she sounded. I guess elite children are a different breed. She took a few sips of the tea the young maids had prepared. It has a sweet scent of honey and camille mixed into it. Lili wore a green dress that complimented her grass green eyes and her light brown hair. There are no hair accessories in her hair, which makes it a little boring. But assuming she liked it that way. A very modest lady.

"Mhm. Yeah, I am fine. Just a bit lightheaded from the fall."

I awkwardly smiled. Lily placed down the cup of tea on the small plate.

"That is good. Made me worried a little bit."

There is no hint of worry in her voice. Is she emotionless or something?

"But don't get the wrong idea. I still don't like you, I only came here because my father told me to check on you. You're not my type at all. You're still childish. And you do stupid things."

What? The hell did Zafron do to her before I came here?! Childish?! Me?! I gritted my teeth.

"Guess what. I don't like you either. You talk like an old lady, and I bet you grow up old and ugly. And I totally do not like older women. And I can already see your hair is turning grey and you get wrinkles in your face, stupid."

I said in the heat of the moment, as I crossed my arms and looked smug. I wonder what face she would make. And I looked at a face I wasn't expecting to see. Flushed cheeks, eyes that are trying to hold back tears and brows are frowned down. Oh- she does have emotions. She couldn't hold her tears any longer. Before I could say it was just a joke she got up fast.


She shouted and rushed out of the visitor room, pushing aside the butler who just opened the door.

"Lady Lily?!"

Defeated, he watched Lily run away. Turning towards me and I can already feel the rage from within him.

"Young master, we are going to talk. For a very long time."

I gulped.


I was mentally drained after the long hours of being scolded by the butler. Telling me to be a gentleman and not say such rude things to a lady. Not even my mom could scold me that long like he did. I was lucky that the older maid needed the butler for something and told me to look for lady Lily. Whilst looking, I decided to give myself a little tour to be familiar around the place. I learned a lot that the name of the butler is Heran and he is the head butler and takes care of everything. Under him in the servant ranks is Alia, who is the head maid and works alongside him. She takes care of who gets hired and who gets fired.

Both of them have worked for this family since they were children. A lot of the servants here worked here for a pretty long time. Talk about loyalty here. It made me chuckle. This is far different than my previous life. My father died of an untreatable illness, causing my mother to work many hours she could to support us. I studied hard so that I could get a job that could rest my mother at ease. I succeeded… but I had to leave too early.

I wonder how they're doing. I wonder if my sister has watched the movie she wanted to watch. I hope they're not grieving for me for too long. I looked around and saw a huge door was opened a little bit. I moved closer and it seems this door is for the library. I looked around before entering. The library is huge. I heard the soft sniffles. Ah… what can I do… I felt a little defeated, but I didn't give up. I looked at the various books and grabbed something that would appeal to an eight year old child. Something I used to do to cheer up my older sister. I searched around the library and finally found the brunette in a corner behind a bookshelf. I silently sat beside her, but she quickly shifted her back to me.

Can't blame her for being upset at me. She did go all the way here to check on me, despite disliking me. I opened the book.

"Want me to read a story?"

There is no response. Something I already expect. I started reading a story from the pages. Something I once did when our father was on his deathbed and left us behind. My sister couldn't watch him like that and ran away. I went after her with a book under my arm, desperately searching for her. Once I found her as a crying mess. I couldn't understand what death was, she was older than me so she understood. I did understand her pain and sadness. I read her a story to ignore the awful experience for a little and it calmed her down. And it became a ritual for us. We read each other's stories before bedtime, eventually our mother joined us.

I continued reading the story, noticing Lily had taken an interest in the story. She ain't crying anymore. That is good.

We had a lot of fun in the end, besides she still insulted me. I probably had forgotten to apologize before she left, but it seemed she had forgiven me. So it didn't matter anymore.

What matters to me is the game never mentioned Zafron had a fiance…