
I reincarnated as an OP Class, so what?

Hey, hey, are we live already? We are? Good hello there, reader. This is Akira, AKA your best host and protagonist. This story follows Yui, the less critical protagonist. As per the primary goal, it depends on who you ask. Some seek pleasure on this land, and others seek glory. However, some want a quiet life as an ordinary individual, and while I respect that, I don't get it. As per me? Well, what I want is to find my old master and friend that left me behind. I want to see them again, and I will do everything to find them. This story is somewhat based on real-life events but is not historical fiction, so don't worry. Written by: Misami_ne Artwork by: MistyTheWolf Note to reader: You might have noticed a drop in chapter updates. I ask for your forgiveness. This drawback is temporary. Recently, I have been working 80+ hours without much time to work on my novel. I still try to keep up with updates, but as more and more expenses keep pouring into me, I have been struggling to keep up. I’m sorry you have to wait so long for chapter updates, and I will try to perform better. Please have patience with me. With love and care Misami_ne

Misami_ne · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Sister Rosaria II

"You're expelled from here," I said, followed by removing the pope from my holy field. He was trying to deceive me again. Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me. I will not fall into his trickery again. At first, I was happy to join the convent since I have always been so applied to the light of god cult, but ever since meeting our leading figure, my faith has been fading ever so slightly. Once you start stripping away the good deeds the church does, you begin to realize that we are an extraordinarily corrupt and evil organization. Becoming a pope would give me more influence as a leading figure, but I'm scared the power grab will corrupt my soul, so I would rather not take that risk. 

What are my options, though? If I become a Valkyrie, I will only take orders from those corrupt authorities, but then, if I become an average nun forever, I will start to get lost in the crowd of nuns, and my powers will surely fade. Oh, my merciful God Illumina, please guide me in this predicament. I need your advice on this time of trial. Instead of hearing the voice of my God, Another very well-known voice spoke to me. "Proficiency has reached the required level, acquired skill [Height of occultism] Level 10. Your prayers have been answered. God's blessing may be upon you." Does this mean God wants me to become the strongest? Why? Please tell me. 

I got no answer-back, so considering what the pope said, even if he had deceiving words, maybe he was telling the truth. I must apologize if that is the case. For now, I will reflect on what my God, Illumina, wants. I will not stall his wishes if he really wants me to become a leading figure. Illumina knows best. He's the most extraordinary God among all seven of them, after all. No other Gods come even close to his excellent power and intelligence. He's perfect in every way. Compared to him, we are imperfect and not worth our lord's mercy, yet he thinks we are. Oh, how merciful he is. 

Several days passed since I began staying inside my holy field or "realm," as I may call it. Strangely, when I'm in here, I don't have to eat or sleep, so I enjoy it as much as possible. Time also moves differently from time outside this field. It might feel like you have been here for days, but it has only passed a few minutes in the outside world. Very few people are even allowed into this realm, as getting the right mindset to activate the skill is so hard. As a holy representative, everyone who works for any church should have the skill that allows you to use this field, but I have never been visited by anyone else if I don't bring them here first. It's like nobody else, but me can get into the right mindset. I don't understand why, if we are all devoted, only me? I'm not unique in any way, so why me?

I'm getting away from the point. So, since both God and the pope want me to become a leading figure, I will start by asking to replace Mother Barbara. She's a good leader, but I need some experience leading before I take over the whole church as my God wishes. Please train me first, my lord Illumina. I have never led anything, so putting me in front of everything so suddenly is not a good idea. I'm not that arrogant.