
I reincarnated as an OP Class, so what?

Hey, hey, are we live already? We are? Good hello there, reader. This is Akira, AKA your best host and protagonist. This story follows Yui, the less critical protagonist. As per the primary goal, it depends on who you ask. Some seek pleasure on this land, and others seek glory. However, some want a quiet life as an ordinary individual, and while I respect that, I don't get it. As per me? Well, what I want is to find my old master and friend that left me behind. I want to see them again, and I will do everything to find them. This story is somewhat based on real-life events but is not historical fiction, so don't worry. Written by: Misami_ne Artwork by: MistyTheWolf Note to reader: You might have noticed a drop in chapter updates. I ask for your forgiveness. This drawback is temporary. Recently, I have been working 80+ hours without much time to work on my novel. I still try to keep up with updates, but as more and more expenses keep pouring into me, I have been struggling to keep up. I’m sorry you have to wait so long for chapter updates, and I will try to perform better. Please have patience with me. With love and care Misami_ne

Misami_ne · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Interlude, the teacher; Ronnie

"Come on, is there seriously no jobs available yet? I really need the money. I would even take some tutoring job at this point." My frustration was real, yet I knew sweet Kathy would give me the same answer as the previous day. "I'm so sorry, Ronnie, but there's nothing. It's not your fault, and don't feel bad; it's just the hero who slaughtered all the danger around the city on his most recent visit." Of course, she would say that. "I know. Well, thank you anyway, Katherine." I said while waving a hand at her, leaving the guild immediately.

Dam it, like this will help out, dumb hero doing hero things! Gosh, I hate him! I need more money. I need to find a job soon, or I'll be in serious trouble, uhhhhgg! Why do I have such bad luck! Just because I'm so desperate, I will head to the academy again; let's see if there are any tutoring jobs. As long as I don't starve to death, anything will do.

"Good morning, Lizy." My greeting was quickly answered. "Good morning, Ronnie. Are you here for the requests?" What else would I be here for? To see you? I wanted to say. Ultimately, I replied, "Yeah, has anything come up yet?" With low hopes of getting a different answer, I clung to my staff while preparing for her obvious answer, which would be a no. To my surprise, she answered with good news. "Yes, indeed, there's a new contract for the taking. You wanna know more?" Did I look like I was in a position to decline? Of course you fatty. 


"What kind of question is that? Of course, tell me about it." Once I said this, Lizy showed me the picture of a cute girl who didn't even look five yet. "So, it's a girl, uh?" This was A risky job as these missions often smelled like jail bait to an experienced old man like oneself. "Not only that, but the parents say she's only five." I knew it. This was jail bait. "Is the client trustworthy? No shady undercover cop, right?" I had to be sure. "yeah, he is of trust. The dad seemed to be telling the truth, and he already left money for the trip there, so you wanna take it?" What choice did I have, Lizy? I sighed. "Yeah, I will. I don't like kids too much; they're disrespectful sometimes, ahaha." Lizy couldn't let me go on my way without hurting my ego again. "well, you're broke, aren't you?" Dam, the audacity. "Shut up, Lizy." and with that, I left.

One thousand stone coins for the trip, uh? This guy does know precisely how much it costs to feed my horse and stop to buy some food for myself. Well then, let's stop wasting time and start heading there; if everything goes well, I will have an assured job for a while; if they can afford me, I wouldn't mind staying with them until the girl gets at least half my power level, ahaha! that means until she's almost an adult ahaha! My life is secured! Although I doubt it now, if she is five, I wonder how fast she will take to get to my level. After all, I was able to use magic when I was fifteen.

Greddy geezer

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