
My new class

‘Ok, give me information about those new two.’

[Mage: A student of the secrets and mysteries of general magic. In combat, he specializes in using powerful spells to destroy his opponents.

Earth sorcerer: Someone who has deviated from the path of the mage to specialize in only one type of magic, earth magic. At the cost of neglecting other branches of magic, the power of his earth element spells far exceeds that of a normal mage.]

'Hmm, that sorcerer thing doesn't look bad… but it would bother me quite a bit to limit myself to earth magic alone. I still plan to learn other types of magic as soon as possible. So I am going to choose the mage. Dreams have to become true!'

And that's how I officially became a real mage. At the same time that I upgraded the class, four messages appeared in front of me.

[New magic acquired: Fireball (Lvl - 1)]

[New magic acquired: Air bullet (Lvl - 1)]

[New magic acquired: Water Cannon (Lvl - 1)]

[New special ability acquired: Magic analysis (Lvl - 1)]

'Helpy, why did I learn those four things?'

[By acquiring a class you can get some improvements.

In the case of the mage, the basic magic attack spells are instantly learned: Fireball, Air bullet, Water cannon, and stone shoot. Each certain levels, also get special skills unique to the class.

The magic analysis skill allows to recognize the structure of spells just by looking at them and thus giving the magician the opportunity to learn how they work by himself.]

'I see… It looks interesting.’

I was excited. What I most wanted to do was test my new spells. Maybe they were the basics of the basics, but it was something new, and anything new always makes you want to play with it.

The stone shoot I knew too well already. I laughed wryly at the thought that the magic I usually used to jump was the basic earth element attack magic.

'Right now I don't know if I should consider it a magical or a physical attack. Maybe both in one? Well, it's not worth thinking about it... Let's see what other spells are capable of.'

The first thing I wanted was to take a look at what the air bullet performed, so I searched for something to shoot at, which finally turned to be a solitary little tree a few meters away.

‘Looks like you're going to be my target.’

I rolled until I was about five meters from it.

'Sorry, it's not personal, but you are in the wrong place at the wrong moment, so you are going to become the target of my attacks. I hope you can forgive me one day.'

What? Am I crazy for talking to a tree? I am a fucking living stone! I'm not going to say anything else about it...

'Let's see how much this spell resembles a real bullet.'

The moment I activated the spell, a small breeze rose in front of me and shot toward the target… It left a shallow gash in the crust.

'What the fuck attack is this?! It's crap! Well…. at least it is invisible….'

The way I saw it, it was only something stronger than a blow with a hammer. Well, that was pretty strong if you hit someone's head, and considering it was a hit that couldn't be seen, it actually turned out to be a relatively good attack. In higher levels probably would be pretty good.

Next was the water cannon. As with air, the moment I used the spell, water began to accumulate in front of me. After a few seconds, it formed a sphere the size of a soccer ball that shot through the air, crashing into the trunk of the small tree, splitting it in half.

'Wow! This spell has decent strength, although it is a somewhat slow attack if compared with the previous one. It can be quite predictable and easy to dodge. Well, next is... but I no longer have a target...'

I left the place in search of another objective. Luckily, before uselessly chopping down another tree, I found one of those grasshopper rabbits.

[Grasshopper rabbit: Monsters with the body of a rabbit and the legs of a grasshopper. They are not very strong and their only attack is based on ramming their enemies with a strong jump.]

Name: -

Kind: Rabbit | Race: Grasshopper rabbit

Level: 2 | Grade: 1

HP: 15/15 | MP: 5/5


Vitality: 5 | Strength: 2 | Agility: 34

Intellect: 1 | Magic power: 3


'Well, it really is a weak monster. A normal human is practically as strong as it... Although its agility value is a bit scary...'

As I approached, it seemed to notice my presence and got up on two legs. It stared at me, wiggling its nose like it was smelling something. Since the only thing it saw was a stone, it did not run away at once. At moments like this, being a stone is very useful. Still, it seemed to be completely alert.

'Fried rabbit... In some countries, grasshoppers are also fried, right? They would love this two-for-one offer.'

I waited for it to let its guard down a bit, and the moment it was distracted and turned around, I cast the fireball. The flame sped toward it, hitting it squarely. The blow itself was not exaggeratedly strong, but the flames engulfed the monster instantly, killing it practically on the spot. Even after it died, its body continued to burn.

[You have gained 121 experience points.]

'I really like this spell! To think that what is commonly known as a basic attack spell would be that strong… Fire mages are OP!'

Happy with the result, I turned around and resumed the exploration. Along the way I found another rabbit… and I also fried it. After all, it gave experience points, and at that moment I was back to the damn level 1. I wanted to take the opportunity to raise my level again, but I was not able to find more monsters. Before I knew it, the sun was already at the top, which indicated noon.

'Helpy, what do you think, we should go back with Limy? ... No... better don't answer.'

I didn't pay much attention to the path I traveled, but thanks to having a map I was able to easily get back to the city. After asking Limy where they were, I returned with those two.

—Hello, master.

—Ehm… Did you catch all that?

—Yes. They were easy to catch using my tentacles.

—Of course… your tentacles...

What I found was a mountain with more than fifty rabbits piled high.

"It's not fair..." Aeldrya said, looking at that mountain of rabbits with a dejected glaze.

—And why does she seem so depressed? Did you do something to her? Although maybe I don't want to know... Ignorance is sometimes a blessing...

—No, she has been like this since I stopped hunting.

—Maybe she's depressed because she hoped you couldn't hunt them down and now she feels inferior?

Her face, completely red, showed a strange, unpleasant grin.

‘"Ok... whatever reason... I don't want to know…’

—By the way, did you level up hunting them?

—Yes, I went up to 5.

—I see.

[You have gained 121 experience points.]

[Your level has risen to 2. Because of your kind, the stats can’t go up.]

‘Huh? Why the hell did I level up? … Ah! Shit…’