

Yasmin remained working here at their family's inn for the past few years. 

Aside from that, she had also become a two-star Hunter and was even given a chance to summon her own Arcana through the recommendation of the current branch leader.

She didn't think of leaving this place yet since her mother has gotten sick and someone has to take care of her… If not, she's probably adventuring right now and perhaps, looking for her old friend who had forgotten to visit her.

"So, who are you looking for in this small village?" She asked the two beautiful ladies in front of her. 

It is uncommon for strong Arcanists to visit this village. The number of Evil Beasts here wasn't a lot and most of them were on the weaker side. It means that the two are most likely on a mission… 

Anyway, the recruiters of other Knight Schools had also completed their task a few days ago. This means that they aren't here to look for talents as well. 

Next chapter