
20.1st Trainer Battle (1)

As soon as He said that He threw the Ball in my Direction it opened mid air and out came a Bird Like Pokemon?

Name: Pidgeotto

Rarity: Very Common

Lv: 18

Type: Flying/Normal



           HP: 20

           ATK:  16

           DEF: 13 

           SP ATK: 14

           SP DEF: 17

           SPE: 21


Quick attack: 40

Wing attack: 60

Gust : 40

Tackle : 40

"Wow even tho its "only" 6 lvs below me its stats Suck, this should be an easy win"

Paul: Pidgeotto since this an unknown Pokemon we cant Underestimate it! Quick attack!

The Pidgeotto started to glow a little before it shot torwards me at insane speeds. Still i easily dodged it.

Paul: How did it dodge!? Pidgeotto Follow up with a Tackle!

Because i dodged the Quick attack the Pidgeotto was behind me but i didnt even need to turn around to dodge its Tackle. "Damn that Pokemon is so Predictable my Turn now!"

I planned on using Energy Ball.

Paul: What the fk is that A green Ball is forming in its Hand? i have never seen that attack before Pidgeotto be ready to dodge an attack!

I shot torwards Pidgeotto i guess its speed wasnt high enough to dodge the Energy Ball come flying right at it easily surpassing 150 Km/h in speed.

It got Hit head on and Fell the to ground

Paul:No Pidgeotto!

I could see that it was bleeding from the head. "Time to end this" I Activated Leaf Blade Went over to it and wanted to finish it off but before i could it started to glow again and it dissolved into thin air!?


"Wait that isnt how youre supposed to do this?" now that i think about He was fighting with it meaning that probably in this World its Normal for Humans to catch Pokemon's and fight with them. But then how long do you fight if its not to death then maybe just Till one of it faints?

Well anyways iv'e had enough if all of his Other Pokemon if He even has other ones, are just as weak as that Pidgeotto im out this is Boring.

I tried to fly away but not even 15 Meters away from the Spot He saw a me i crashed into something but there was nothing i could have crashed into? Like an Invisible Wall stopping me from leaving.

[You Cant Run away from a Trainer Battle]

"You got to be Kidding Me!" I Turned around and He was still staying in the same Spot not moving. He was Probably thinking about how one of his Pokemon nearly got Killed.

Paul: Calm down Paul that thing didnt just try to kill your Pidgeotto get it together! Alright i still have 3 Other Pokemon i can do this!

Go Eevee!

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