
I Reincarnated As A Pillow

Seth suddenly died while sleeping. After he woke up he found himself in another world as a pillow! What would happen if a sentient pillow lived in a world of puppetry? Where a person could awaken attachment abilities for enormous puppets. But Seth wasn't an ordinary pillow. He discovered that he could acquire these abilities whenever a person slept on him. However, despite his unusual ability, Seth found himself frustrated. "How could I use all these abilities when I'm just a pillow?!" ----------------------------- The cover isn't mine. Just found it on google. If the artist wants it removed, please message me. -----------------------------

Sage_Puppet · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

Lucas is here!

Inanimate Puppetry!

This is the technique he received from his third Pillow Inheritance. Inanimate Puppetry is a higher level of Puppetry that could give life to any object.

Seth quivered in anticipation, 'I can finally explore this world!' he thought.

Henry at the side noticed the unusual movement and tilted his head in confusion, "Did the pillow quivered just now?"

Then, he laughed and shook his head, amused by his imagination.

Seth suppressed his emotion as he entered his void mind. It would be troublesome if he got caught, it was already too much for a pillow to magically relieved soul energy depletion, much less a pillow that could move.

It was already his 48th time to be used as a magic pillow that could magically extinguish fatigued and other affliction.

All in all, Seth now had a total of 68 abilities: 1 black, 15 red, 26 blue, 12 green, 14 greys. However, he'd only received a few upgrades and didn't attain another pillow inheritance.

Seth ignored the fatty and cut his senses from the outside world. At his 50th ability, he could heal fatigues indirectly, in prerequisite that he entered the void mind, so he wasn't worried about the person who's resting on top of him.

"To cultivate Inanimate Puppetry, I have to transfer my Attachment Ability to inanimate objects," Seth said with excitement as he studied the memory fragments in his mind.

He wasn't in the least disturbed about losing some attachment abilities. He has a ton of them, he would even get dizzy every time he cast a glance on the wall of words in his void mind.

"However, I could only cultivate 4 inanimate puppets at a time," Seth was slightly disappointed.

With his 68 abilities, he could build an army of puppets. Seth could then smacked the life out of Henry and the muscular man.

"I would have to choose the object with utmost seriousness," Seth said as he exited his void mind.

Once he was out, Seth was greeted by cheers of excitement from every direction. Which momentarily confused him.

"Lucas is here!"

"It's finally gonna end?"

"That took him long enough." A man with heavy eye bags grumbled.

Seth agreed with the weary man.

It had been 18 hours since the Black Void appeared, considering that there are teleportation portals in every stronghold, Lucas was, awfully slow.

If it wasn't for Seth, there would be hundreds of casualties with the base being destroyed.

Seth wondered if there are other matters more important than the Black Void hanging over the Green Forest.

With Lucas, it only took them 2 hours to stop the continuous destruction in the Green Forest. Seth heard that the Manticore only took a deep breath before pouring blazing fire onto the rampaging Gigantic Beasts.

It was rumored that Lucas's ability could enhance the fire properties of the Manticore. As far as they know, a normal Manticore could never achieve such a feat. However, his Goliath Puppetry was vague, it was said that his Goliath Puppet is in the realm far higher than Orange Realm. And he had assimilated up to level 70. Of course, rumors couldn't be trusted, it may be an exaggeration or the contrary.

The Black Void was immediately sealed with an unknown technique after the massacre of thousands of Gigantic Beasts.

It wasn't long before Lucas arrived, there are also a hundred Puppeteers following on his back, including James.

Their shoulders are hunch as tiredness weighs on them. With eyes half close, they slowly went to a stretcher and laid down in their best comfortable position. They didn't give concern to the people's gaze at all.

Seth was speechless and so was everyone.

"Junior Hans, you made me proud this time!" The old man patted Han's shoulder, "You dealt with a Black Void without heavy casualties! How did you even do that?!"

To Seth's surprised, the strongest man of Stone City was much more casual than he thought. It was unlike the dignified demeanor he showed during the awakening ceremony.

Hans smiled awkwardly, contrary to Lucas, he was much more straight-laced, "You should thank Henry instead. If not for his brilliant idea, we would have lost from the never-ending flood of gigantic beasts."

"Ohh?" Lucas was piqued by his unexpected response. "Who is this Henry? Are there any genius visitors when I was gone?"

"No," Hans chuckled as he pulled Henry to the open, "Introduced yourself."

"U-um I'm Henry Miles, a grade 2 puppeteer. It's a pleasure to meet you, Sage Lucas!" Henry saluted with a somewhat shaky tone. Sage Lucas himself is looking for him!

In the Puppeteer's Association, puppeteers are graded base on their achievement and Goliath Puppetry. To promote to a higher grade needs to accomplish various trials provided by the Association. There are a total of 6 grades and 3 titles in the association.

Starting with grade 1 all the way to grade 6.

Next to grade 6 are Titles, ranging from King, Emperor, and Sage.

And the man in front of him is 8 levels higher than his grade-2 rank. Henry couldn't help but gulp nervously as he waited for the Sage's reply.

"Hmm. Henry right? Tell me, what puppetry did you use that even the stone-face Hans highly praised you?!" Lucas put his arms on Henry's shoulder as though they have been best friends for years.

"Give me a clue so I can subjugate Han's cold heart," He laughed. Henry followed with nervous laughter as he averted Hans's ominous gaze.

Henry organized his thoughts for a bit and briefly explained what transpired during the emergence of Gigantic Beasts from the Black Void.

"A pillow could do that?" Lucas raised a brow.

He has seen countless divine treasures with powerful effects, including the reduction of soul energy depletion. But he had never seen a pillow as a divine treasure.

It was inconceivable!

Seeing the old man's doubtful expression, Henry went to a nearby man whose snoring loudly from his sleep.

After waiting for 15 minutes, the man woke up gaily and energetically, which surprised Lucas. From scanning the man, he knew that he was extremely tired from fighting yet he was now strutting with immense vitality.

"Yes! I borrowed it from-"

Before he could finish, Lucas suddenly waved his arm and the air immediately constricted the area, forming a hemispherical barrier that blocked every sound.

Lucas curled his lips and smiled, "Continue."

Henry nodded, if it was leaked, it could pose danger to everyone. He knew that there are hidden eyes that are watching their every move, "It came from an Inn called White Cloud Inn."

"An Inn?" Lucas repeated before saying, "Bring me to this Inn, we should thank them for their tremendous helped that even our 'allies' couldn't provide."

With a glint in his eyes, Lucas removed the pressure that constricted the space, "Junior Hans, we'll be going out for a bit. I'll be leaving the aftermath to you."

With that, Henry took the lead towards the White Cloud Inn as he drove a luxurious car.

Lucas looked at the three-story building covered by pure white silk as his eyes flickered. He was somewhat curious about the origin of the pillow.

Is it a natural divine treasure?

Or better, a forged divine treasure.


Sage_Puppetcreators' thoughts