
I reincarnated as a bully.

This book is an original work by the author. A man reincarnates into a modern world in the body of infamous bully Jared Myers, but his memories didn’t come with him? Who was he before reincarnating? It doesn’t matter… now I am Jared and your past is a burden I have to carry, bullies want to beat me up? Bring it on, I’ll teach them a lesson, rap battles? That’s my specialty, damn, the original Jared’s personality is influencing me /// Hello readers, author here, the question you are asking yourselves, what to expect from this new novel? The world into which our MC reincarnated is a reality similar to ours, with some differences that will be explained throughout the story, he faces normal everyday problems, school, streets, gangs, fights, passions, besides that our MC will also follow a path of music, more specifically a RAPPER, it is an engaging novel that covers various topics, have fun!

Worldofimagination · Realistic
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13 Chs

Bullying in schools

Warning: This chapter may contain triggers. You have been warned.

POV Jake

Jake grew up in a rough neighborhood where violence and intimidation were routine. The only child of hardworking parents, he never had much, which made him an easy target for the local bullies. From an early age, Jake learned that survival meant keeping his head down and avoiding eye contact.

The school bullies never left him alone. Jake was often cornered in empty hallways or dark corners of the playground. They bullied him to get money from his allowance or any spare change he might have. Sometimes, their demands went further: Jake was forced to take money from his father's wallet whenever he could, always under the threat of violence if he dared to resist.

Physical assaults were common. The bullies didn't hesitate to punch, kick, and shove him, often leaving him with bruises and cuts that he tried to hide with baggy clothes and long-sleeved shirts, even in the scorching summer heat.

These episodes deeply shaped Jake. He became a quiet and distrustful boy, avoiding any form of confrontation that could worsen things. Inside, there was a contained rage and growing frustration; each day, he learned to live with the constant fear and sense of powerlessness in the face of others' cruelty.

Jake finally made the difficult decision to switch schools, leaving behind a history of relentless bullying. He enrolled at Westwood High with little hope that things would improve, but at least he hoped the physical attacks would decrease.

Upon arriving at the new school, however, something surprising happened: there was no bullying. This made no sense to Jake. He had always been the bullies' favorite target; his appearance seemed to attract trouble like a magnet. So why was he being left alone?

He soon discovered the reason: Jared Myers. This name circulated through the hallways like an urban legend. They said Jared was the only bully allowed at Westwood High. Not that there hadn't been others before, but Jared was different. It was as if he were territorial, not allowing others to beat up his "prey."

An unwritten rule formed among the students: Jared was the only one who could intimidate and impose his authority. Jake didn't know much about Jared's past, only rumors. Some said he was expelled from his last school; others spoke of gang involvement and even possession of weapons. The rumors about Jared were so exaggerated that they caused genuine fear in most people, including Jake.

Even so, Jake also felt a certain respect for Jared. He didn't fully understand it, but he was grateful to him for keeping the bullies away, at least within the school limits.

A sigh escaped Jake's lips as he thought about his old bullies. Of course, they had heard that he was studying at Westwood High. As he had said before, he had a very punchable face, the kind that attracted trouble unintentionally.

Today Jake was trapped in a painful routine of bullying at Westwood High. They didn't even study there! Yet the bullies continued to find him; today was no different. They jumped the fence again, taking advantage of the school's security flaws.

As always, Jake took a beating. The bullies demanded more and more money from him, forcing him to steal from his father's wallet twice in the same week. The guilt weighed heavily on his chest whenever he looked into his parents' worried eyes. He wondered if they knew their son was a failure, unable to defend himself and solve his own problems. Jake feared disappointing them, admitting he was just another bullying target at school.

"Where did I go wrong?" Jake thought to himself as he took the punches and kicks from the bullies. He blamed himself for not having the courage from the first time he was beaten at school. Maybe if he had reacted back then, things would be different now. But now it seemed too late. He felt himself sinking deeper and deeper into the pit of despair.

As he was being tormented by the bullies, an angry voice cut through the air. It was the most authoritative voice he had ever heard. As if an angel were ordering them to stop hitting him. Jake blinked several times, trying to understand if it was real or just his imagination.

Then it all began: the argument and the fight while Jake was merely a spectator watching the brawl unfold before him. Jake's mouth fell open as he saw Jared show no mercy. Even when Tommy, Charlie, and Mike were already on the ground, Jared continued punching without hesitation. Jake could see the blood dripping from his hand.

"I always thought I was unlucky to be bullied by Tommy, Charlie, and Mike. But now I see that I was lucky. If it were at the hands of Jared, I don't know if I could endure it."

"Jared is relentless. It scares me, but at the same time, it's hard not to admire someone who doesn't let himself be intimidated."

His thoughts ran wild, and he began to think about Jared's reputation at school. "All the rumors about him are wrong. Jared isn't just any bully. He is the foundation of this school. Without him, everything would turn into chaos."

While Jake was lost in his thoughts, the fight came to an end. He saw Jared walk toward him, his hands still drenched in blood. Jake trembled with fear, but Jared approached calmly. He looked at Jake with a serious expression and asked:

"Which school are these guys from?"

Jake swallowed hard and stammered nervously, "T-they're from… Brookfield High."

Jared nodded slightly, as if processing the information.

After that, Jared simply turned his back and began walking calmly as if nothing had happened. Jake felt a mix of relief and perplexity as he watched Jared walk away toward the Westwood High School buildings.




Reader-Kun: Oh author, you are amazing. Only 10 chapters in and you've done so much; I will have to give you a 5-star review!


Author-Sama: I know what you all want
