
I Refuse to Join The Hero's Party (BL)

Siun lived his life on “earth” in a blur, his incoherent memories troubled him as he feels like he was just living an empty life… until one day he died in a robbery at his minimum wage job. Siun : Is this the after life? Tex : Choose, be reincarnated and help the Hero kill the Demon Lord or have your soul imprisoned and tortured for eternity? Siun : Do I really have a choice?! He is suddenly thrusted into a fantasy world, with a plethora of different fantasy races (dragons, elves, demons and many more) and a world that overflows with incredible magic. Transmigrated into the body of a peasant with a loving family, along with a floating cat named Tex as his guide, his journey is set for smooth sailing! … Or so he thought, unlike what Siun expected, he was not overpowered but instead has to work hard to survive tooth and nail everyday in a war-ridden world, unfit and unforgiving to children, with his actions having huge, deadly negative effects on the original story’s plot. Will he be able to fix plot-changing mistakes caused by his actions and fix the world, or choose to run away in fear… again? ??? : again ----------------------------------------------- COVER NOTICE : I do not own the art for the cover I found it on Pinterest, I couldn’t find the artist, but if your the artist and would like me to not use your art tell me and I will remove the artwork*

ThaiYaki · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
94 Chs

Chp 21 : The Xinthris

Silas put his finger under her nose to see if she was still breathing. And after he checked he quickly took her and Siun into the wagon he got.

"Dad? Is the church really going to take us 6 days? Cant we get there any faster?!"

"Sadly there is no way... But we have to stop by at a town to get you and you're mother some treatment first"

After Silas said that Siun's expression calmed down, Silas seemed to notice this and let out a small chuckle.

"Hahaha... Don't worry, you're mother is a really strong person... but... what happened to you guys?"


"There was a tree demon and mom killed it with her magic... then three more tree demons appeared and... I dont know what happened anymore, because mom told me to run away..."

Silas looked surprised. Three tree demons?! He never knew he married such a strong wife. This made him fall in love with Elena even more, not only was she beautiful but also super strong!... Maybe even stronger than him...

Silas is conflicted on how to feel, he wanted to be the one to protect her, not the other way

After almost the whole day, the family finally reached a town and got their wounds treated. Siun got his head bandaged, and as for Elena all they could do was get her to stop bleeding and bandage it up. But the good thing was that she was now conscious.

"Mom! You're awake!"

Siun yelled out as he rushed into Elena's arms hugging her tightly.

"Hehehe, Siun... I'm alright now... You don't have to worry about me, once we get to the saints they will be able to return my body back to normal... We can also treat you're illness too..."

The three of them smiled together, all of them thinking about the things they will be able to do together when they are fully healthy.

"You guys better hurry then"

The three of them looked at the doctor who was busy tidying up.

"What do you mean sir?" Silas asked

"Did you not know? The Xinthri royal family will be there, there are rumors going on that the youngest prince suffers from an illness that can only be cured by the saints. Now that people now the Xinthris will be making an appearance they all want to go and see them!"

After Elena heard this she lightly squeezed Siun's hand as a way to vent out her uneasiness

"What?! What are we supposed to do now?!"

"C-calm down Silas"

"How am I supposed to be calm?! You're arm is literally missing and this is our only chance!"

Elena also started to panic, this truly was her only chance to get her arm back and to cure Siun's mysterious illness.

"Sir please help us! Do you know any kind of shortcut? I'm begging you!"

"Aishh... young couples these days have it hard... There is no shortcut bu-"

"AHH WE'RE DOOMED!" Silas yelled out crying.

"I wasn't finished! Kids these days... As I was saying... There is no shortcut but there is a group of mercenaries travelling to the main town and they are departing today, and i's willing to bet money that they have a horse much faster than you, they can also protect you through the night too"

The family smiled in hope, they might actually be able to go to the main town!

"Thank you so much sir!" Elena cried out in tears as Silas picked up Siun to walk out the door to find the group of mercenaries.

[Siun : Ah isn't this great Tex?! We can get Elena treated and she will be so strong and powerful, then she can go work for the royal knights and get a decent pay!]

[Tex : I can't disagree with you, getting some more money will help you with your task]

[Siun : Hehehe]

The family quickly left the town doctor's house to look for the mercenaries, they only had a few hours left before nighttime when the mercenaries are leaving. At this point they had no other choice but to go with the mercenaries now, because since Elena was injured if they were to go on their own there was only Silas to protect the both of them from the demons

"Excuse me lady, me and my family are trying to find a group of mercenaries that are said to depart today, have you by any chance seen them?"

"Oh yes I have seen them, they are near the edge of the town already! If you want to go with them I advise you to hurry!"


The trio ran as fast as they can to the town, but Elena was falling behind due to her broken ankle. As they neared the edge of the town they saw a huge wagon that was hooked to two tall and black horses.

"They are over there! Wait!"

Silas yelled out as he noticed the mercenaries getting on their wagon ready to depart.