
I Refuse to Join The Hero's Party (BL)

Siun lived his life on “earth” in a blur, his incoherent memories troubled him as he feels like he was just living an empty life… until one day he died in a robbery at his minimum wage job. Siun : Is this the after life? Tex : Choose, be reincarnated and help the Hero kill the Demon Lord or have your soul imprisoned and tortured for eternity? Siun : Do I really have a choice?! He is suddenly thrusted into a fantasy world, with a plethora of different fantasy races (dragons, elves, demons and many more) and a world that overflows with incredible magic. Transmigrated into the body of a peasant with a loving family, along with a floating cat named Tex as his guide, his journey is set for smooth sailing! … Or so he thought, unlike what Siun expected, he was not overpowered but instead has to work hard to survive tooth and nail everyday in a war-ridden world, unfit and unforgiving to children, with his actions having huge, deadly negative effects on the original story’s plot. Will he be able to fix plot-changing mistakes caused by his actions and fix the world, or choose to run away in fear… again? ??? : again ----------------------------------------------- COVER NOTICE : I do not own the art for the cover I found it on Pinterest, I couldn’t find the artist, but if your the artist and would like me to not use your art tell me and I will remove the artwork*

ThaiYaki · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
94 Chs

Chp 15 : Waking Woods

"Wooow! Dad is so cool! other than having good eye sight can you also use fire magic?"

"Sadly your dad is not talented like your mom and cant use any magic unlike her!"

The pair of husband and wife looked at each other and giggled.


[Siun : What the heck! If my mom is talented then how do people describe the protagonist!]

[Tex : Hey your being rude to your mother! Let me remind you that you cant even use magic!]

[Siun : But Silas said that I would be able to use Seux's eyes? Isn't that some sort of magic?]

[Tex : No you idiot, those are the things that people from Seux are born with and dont count as magic, and since you have the blood of both a Seux and a Xinthri when you grow up you will be able to see things from a far distance and also move around very quickly]

[Siun : Not gonna lie, that's a pretty good combo of skills to have!]




The family's conversation went on as they played in the spot they used to have their picnics.

"Mom, dad... Why did you bring me outside today? You usually never let me out of the house..."

"Well that's because we have found a way to cure your illness! In six days some powerful saints are going to heal you with moon magic!"

The husband and wife say at the same time waiting for Siun's reaction.


"Hehe I can't wait to come out and play everyday!"


Hearing this Elena and Silas felt super guilty, guilty that they weren't able to provide Siun with the right care and treatment. But now they felt relieved that they were finally able to find a way to help Siun overcome his illness.


"Mom, dad... Lets go home now, I'm getting kind of tired..."

The 3 year old Siun got up and got ready to walk home with his parents but his parents stopped him.

"Actually Siun... We were thinking of going to the church now..."

Siun twisted his head back in surprise.

[Siun : Wait what now??? Why such the hurry? They are coming to Xinthri in 6 days?]


"You see dear, we actually live very far from the main Xinthri's main town where the church is located... so it will take at least 6 days to actually get there" Elena said in a calm tone

"And the saints are only staying hear for at most 3 days! so we better get going now before we miss our chance!"

Silas said impatiently.

"Uhm Silas dear?"

"What is it honey?" Silas replied

"I-I think it's better if I take Siun home while you get the carriage so we can quickly depart tomorrow"

"Huh? what seems to be the problem?" Silas asked as he walked to Elena.

Elena pointed at something... The sun was starting to set...


Silas hurriedly picked up their bags from the ground and started walking to the nearest town so that they could rent a wagon and a horse.

Whilst Silas was doing that, Elena quickly picked up Siun to go home.


"Mom, why aren't we following dad to get the wagon?"

"O-oh, its too far to go right now dear! Its almost nighttime! tomorrow dad will be back with a wagon so we could go to the main town!"

Siun was confused, it seems like Elena was in such a hurry to go back home? Perhaps she is scared of the dark.

[Siun : Tex what is going on?]

[Tex : Are you seriously asking that question? Have you not listened to anything I told you about this world?!]

Now Siun was starting to get scared and more confused. Tex and his mother seemed to be scared of something.

As Elena kept on running... it seems like the trees were walking towards them, and their pace increased at an alarming rate.

[Siun : Oh shit I forgot! The demons!]

What was happening finally registered into Siun's mind. The demons were starting to awaken!

*huff* *huff* "What's happening?! They usually don't come out this early!"

Elena said whilst running at full speed, but keep in mind that she was a Xinthri. If she wasn't, her and Siun would have been killed and eaten already!"

"M-mommy, what's going to happen to us?!"

"H-haha! nothings going to happen dear! Mommy is hear! I'll protect you!"

Elena kept running and running... but everywhere she looked was forest.


They were lost


"H-huh? what's happening?!"

As Elena began to panic she started to run even faster

[Siun : Haha! Yea! just run a little bit faster then we can be safe at home!]

[Tex : Hate to break it to you, but right now you are trapped within a demon's spell! You can't escape unless you kill it!]

[Siun : What the heck is with this situation! We are just side characters! Why is this happening to us!]

As soon as Siun finished his sentence there was a thud




Elena has tripped and injured and her ankle...

Elena time

ThaiYakicreators' thoughts