
I Refuse to Join The Hero's Party (BL)

Siun lived his life on “earth” in a blur, his incoherent memories troubled him as he feels like he was just living an empty life… until one day he died in a robbery at his minimum wage job. Siun : Is this the after life? Tex : Choose, be reincarnated and help the Hero kill the Demon Lord or have your soul imprisoned and tortured for eternity? Siun : Do I really have a choice?! He is suddenly thrusted into a fantasy world, with a plethora of different fantasy races (dragons, elves, demons and many more) and a world that overflows with incredible magic. Transmigrated into the body of a peasant with a loving family, along with a floating cat named Tex as his guide, his journey is set for smooth sailing! … Or so he thought, unlike what Siun expected, he was not overpowered but instead has to work hard to survive tooth and nail everyday in a war-ridden world, unfit and unforgiving to children, with his actions having huge, deadly negative effects on the original story’s plot. Will he be able to fix plot-changing mistakes caused by his actions and fix the world, or choose to run away in fear… again? ??? : again ----------------------------------------------- COVER NOTICE : I do not own the art for the cover I found it on Pinterest, I couldn’t find the artist, but if your the artist and would like me to not use your art tell me and I will remove the artwork*

ThaiYaki · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
94 Chs

Chp 13 : Mikhail Curran

[Tex : *hmph* People who are chosen by the gods like you can't use any kind of magic! And I say that's what you get for insulting me yet again! You'll get to know what you can do when you're 4!]

[Siun : Ahhhh! I cant wait that long! It's too long! I dont have time for this! I have been here for 3 years!]

Siun's whining greatly appalled Tex, even though he is in the body of a 3 year old. You had to remember that he was mentally 23! ( 20 years from his own world and 3 years from this world )

[Siun : Can't you make me older or skip time with your weird system magic?!]

[Tex : *sigh* If that's how it worked I would've done so! Do you think I want to waste time watching you grow up!]

[Siun : Urghh! You're not helpful at all! I wish that little cucumber was my system instead of you! he is way more helpful and cuter than you!]




In Tex's mind, Siun was now a eunuch


[Siun : Anyways dont you think its about time you tell me the hero's name? You've been delaying telling me such important information!]

[Tex : Fine, I guess you have adjusted to this world enough. The hero's name is Mikhail Curran, a member of the Xinthri royal family.]


Hearing this made Siun depressed, his task was to help Mikhail slay the Demon Lord, how in the world was he supposed to get close to a member of the royal family as a peasant?! Let alone do any side tasks if he couldn't get anywhere near Mikhail!

[Siun : Ahhhh Tex! what am I supposed to do!? How am I supposed to help him? How am I supposed to meet a member of the royal family when my overprotective parents haven't let me outside the house since I was 9 months old?!]

[Tex : That's why I have been delaying telling you anymore information about the hero. With your personality I knew you were gonna whine! There's nothing you can do except wait until your old enough!]

Hearing Tex say that made him demoralized, It didn't matter how little, Siun wanted to make some kind of progress!


Then suddenly there was a knock on the door.


Silas went to the door and opened it, It was a messenger wearing the Xinthri's royal crest!

"H-hello sir, why is the king wasting one of his precious messengers to come to this lowly one's house?"

"Don't fret, the king has sent out all his messengers to every single household to deliver this important message!"

When Elena heard this she quickly walked to the door to personally hear the news along with her husband.

"The king has an announcement for everyone! A week from now, 2 saints from New Cerulean will be coming to the Xinthri churches to heal our citizens free of charge!"

Hearing this there was a moment of silence from Elena and Silas. They were so happy that this was happening! Ever since Siun was born he always had trouble sleeping and every time he woke up he would vomit. They thought he Siun was getting better but it turns out as he gets older it just got worse!

Now it was finally their chance to get Siun healed! Or at least get him diagnosed by saints!

Elena and Silas looked at each other with happy tears in their eyes, the messenger seemed to notice this and decided to let them celebrate by themselves.

"Now I must get going! Everyone is allowed to come, even if you are not in need of healing you could still come see the saints!"




"Hahaha! Honey do you know what this means?! We can finally get Siun treated!"

Silas exclaimed loudly whilst Elena laughed and cried of happiness at the same time.

The pair were happy beyond belief, after Siun's "illness" seemed to get worse day by day, they were scared to let him outside the house. They were too focused on making sure nothing bad happened to Siun that they didn't let him out for more than 2 years!

They were so happy because if Siun was finally cured of his "illness" they can finally go out together as a family again without worrying about Siun's "illness"


Siun overheard all of this... somehow seeing his family getting so excited about might being able to heal his illness made him feel an emotion he had never felt in his previous life before.

[Siun : Alright! I'll use this opportunity to get rid of this headache I wake up with every morning! Then I can finally go outside!... To find the hero!]

[Tex : You know that your headache cant be cured even by those saints right?]


[Siun : I-I know... but still! If there's a chance, I'll take it!]

[Tex : Hehe... Alright then!]


Even though Siun absolutely knew what Tex said was true, Siun was still willing to try anything to get healed... but this time he wasn't doing it to be able to go find the hero. Tex knew that Siun was doing all this to make Elena and Silas happy, so that they will be able to spend time outside bonding as a family.


[Tex : I'm really proud of you host! You're no longer the greedy person I used to know! Huhuhu]

Hero name reveal omg

I even had myself worried it was never going to be revealed

ThaiYakicreators' thoughts