
I Refuse To Be King

Kawlan, ever since he was an infant was already aware that he was abnormal compared to the rest of his peers. His intelligence, comprehension and wisdom was too much for a normal child who was barely two years old. However, when he reached the age of three, he was hit on his head and it was then he recalled his past life and his forgotten friends that were still in deep slumber within his shadow. And the most unfortunate thing he found out.... was that the world he was currently in was exactly like the novel he read before he passed away. And so Kawlan, our main protagonist, made it his life's goal to never be entangled with the novel plot because he finds it troublesome ....... but fate seems to go against his every wishes. "You'll be entering Bakunawa Academy!" His father said. But that's the main setting of the novels plot?! "I am in great awe of your strength and so I shall follow you! Please let me be your follower!" A cold-looking man said as he kneeled in front of Kawlan. Great villain why are you looking up at me as if I was your idol?! "Can I call you Kuya?" said a good looking white-haired man whilst looking at him in admiration. (A/N: Kuya means older brother.) Sir Protagonist why the hell are you following me around?! Troublesome! Every single thing! Cumbersome! Every single one of them! Please just leave me alone in peace! The seven friends living in his shadow: You sure are popular! I don't want this popularity what I want is peace! (Photo is not mine. Credit goes to the rightful owner.)

The_Great_Cookies · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs


Hagilap's interest was suddenly piqued at the sight of the two men who were raising their hands. These two were one of the top listed candidates to be made royal and so he grew curious as to how Kawlan got both of the students attention.

"Student Adlawan and Student Luntian, is it?"

"Yes, Ginoong Hagilap!"

"Yes, Ginoo!"

Both male shouted with loud voices.

"Aren't you popular student Kawlan." Hagilap stated as he glanced at Kawlan with a mysterious look in his eyes.

'Hehehehe looks like you piqued his interest.' Sakim voiced.

'Knowing that I piqued a mans intereset doesn't account to much in my book.'

'You never know maybe you'll soon find yourself attra---'

'No. I have nothing against it however, I for sure am aware of my own sexual identity.'

'Well humans are adaptable---'

'Can you please just shut the hell up?'

'You wish to shut hell up? I highly doubt you have the a ability. '

'.....forget it.....'

"Student Kawlan must be joyed to see you guys volunteer to be his slar partner." Hagilap added.

'Bwhahahahahahaha! This guys words are gold! Come on Kawlan! Be joyed!'

Hearing familiar words come out from Hagilaps mouth made Kawlan unknowingly twitch his left eye.

'Bwhahahahahahaha! '

Kawlan's head was filled with Sakims laughter and it did not help him with his current predicament.

"I would love to see you youngsters battle it out but unfortunately only one can battle him."

Dakila and Tanum looked at each others eyes, neither of them had zero intention of backing out.

"Tanum I really wish to exchange blows with Kawlan so why don't you just give way?" Dakila asked gently.

"What?! No! I also want to fight and beat him up!"

Kawlan who heard his violent words: "......"

'I'll make sure to pray for you kid.'

'Who the hell are you kidding? I've never heard of a demon praying!'

'Is that discrimination I hear?! Even demons can give prayers you know! That's such an untrue stereotype!'


Kawlan felt like he had just wasted tons of his energy and time conversing with Sakim and he deeply wished for it back.

"How about we settle this with a good old coin toss?" Words that Kawlan never expected to hear came out of Ginoong Hagilap's mouth.

'Are they deciding your fate through a meager coin? BWAHAHAHAHAHHAHA! That's gold! Hey Kawlan, why don't you go ahead and pray to the coin for good fortune! BWAHAHAHHAHA!' Sakims irritating laughter once again sounded and Kawlan took it upon himself to ignore his noisy comrade.

Kawlan was in deep thought as he tried to mute out Sakim's voice ringing inside his brain.

'My odds in winning alone is close to zero. Tanum is a strong earth mage who is pretty skilled in earth mahika and there's Dakila, the protagonist, his protagonists halo is enough to make me miserable what more this easy spar?'

If given the choice Kawlan really wished he could back out.

'What do you plan on doing kid? No matter who you choose you're bound to lose.'

'Lose? That's my whole intention.'

'Don't tell me you're planning on throwing this fight?'

'There's nothing for me to throw since no matter what I do I'm bound to lose. It's just a matter of how and in what manner I face failure.'

'So basically you're not aiming to win but aiming to lose without much pain?'

'Yes. Lose with zero injuries and with my dignity intact.'

'Bah! How uninteresting! Just go and duke it out! Show me some blood! Show me some spirit! Show me violence!'

'No.' Kawlan deadpanned and turned his gaze back to Ginoong Hagilap who was preparing to toss the coin.

"Now Student Tanum and Student Dakila. I would like you to choose a side before I toss the coin."

"FRONT SIDE! I CHOOSE THE FRONT!" Tanum excitedly said as he repeatedly raised his arms in a hurry.

"So by default Student Dakila gets the back side."

"That's fine with me." Dakila answered with a light shrug.

"Fair enough."

Hagilap tossed the coin using a small amount of his strength and the coin spun rapidly in the air making it unclear for people to notice which side is which. It spun in the air for a few seconds before Hagilap skillfully caught it and placed it in the back of his left hand whilst using his right one to cover the result.

He playfully glanced at his students that were looking like Meerkats as they strain their necks and tipped their toes in an attempt to look at the coin. Hagilap gave a mischievous smile as he slowly opened his right hand to reveal the result.

"Congratulatiins Student Tanum you get to spar with Student Kawlan."

"YES!" Tanum loudly yelled as he pumped his fists upwards as if having to spar was similar to winning a lottery.

Kawlan was already mapping his ideas as to how to lose painlessly.

"Okay both students please step into the stage!"

Kawlan was placed on the left corner while Tanum was standing opposite to him.

Tanums gaze was fiery as he looked at Kawlan. He looked like a beast who was getting ready to shred him to pieces.

'Kuya Sakim....'


'It seems like he's ready to vent out his anger towards me.'

'Well you were acting like a complete asshole so I can't blame the guy.'

'.... you were supposed to be on my side....'

'Bah! I side with the person with the most gold! And that for sure is not you.'

'I can't refute that.'

"The rules are as said. You're free to use your mahikas but you are not allowed to inflict major injuries. A few broken bones are fine but fighting with the intention to kill or with bloodlust will get you a visit to the Students Office. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes Ginoo!" Everyone echoed.

"Thats good. The time limit for the spar is only five minutes. If no students are pushed out before the limit then the spar will end up in a draw. Now, Both students positions!" Tanum stretched himself to a well trained fighting stance and his gaze focused on Kawlans visage. Seeing his opponent he visibly frowned.

'His stance is crap! He is not even bothering to hide his vitals!

This problem was not only noticed by Tanum but to everyone else.

Hagilap in particular was curious.

'Was he doing it as an act of provocation? Hmmm..... that's indeed suitable tactic considering Tanums personality. That way he could mess with Tanums flow and logic, agitating him and pushing him to act rashly.' Hagilap was slightly impressed by Kawlans strategy and so his lowered impression slightly raised.

'Hey why the hell are you just standing there?' Sakim questioned in a dumbfounded tone.

'???? Am I supposed to be doing something?'

'Pose! Do a fighting pose! Dear Bathala! Kid are you actually just going to stand there and wait for him to just attack you?!'

'.... fighting pose?'

'Do as Manggob did!'

'I'm not used to fighing without Kuya Manggobs help.'

'That wrath bastard ain't here so you're gonna have to fight by yourself.'

'.....this is such a pain in the ass...'

'Just quit complaining and focus on the fight!'

"Positions..... and start!" Hagilap yelled.

Tanum as if he was waiting for the signal sprinted towards Kawlan and let out a left punch.

Kawlan remembered Manggobs teachings as he raised his arms to guard against the punch with his right arm and he succesfully did before he reflexively countered with his own punch. Tanum wasn't fazed by his unsuccessful attack as he used his earth mahika to create a small ground booster on his right leg and jumped up to avoid Kawlan's counter punch and he landed lightly on the ground. His stance was never broken as he alertly glanced at Kawlan who once again lowered his guard and massaged his right arm.

'Aahh I want to quit. He's too strong. That one punch of his made my whole right arm go numb.'

'I thought the goal was to lose with dignity?'

'What is dignity in the face of excruciating pain?'

Sakim was used to Kawlans pessimistic words and so he shut up.

Tanum who was once again faced with a calm looking Kawlan felt angered.

'Tsk! He's once again letting his guard down! Is he taking me lightly! This snobby bastard!'

Hagilap could sense Tanum's irritation and he once again marveled at Kawlans successful tactics.

If Kawlan heard his thoughts he would definitely feel baffled, confused, and wronged.

'I really didn't have any tactics in mind.'

The reason why Kawlan didn't have his guard up is because he was unused to fighting without his Kuya Manggob. Manggobs ability is skillful fighting and so he usually borrows his ability to fight. And now that Manggob is not here he is at a lost and so he had to use his instincts and reflexes that he remembered by memory.

Tanum's fuse was broken and so he knelt down and placed Sakim both his hands to the ground and started to gather his mahika.

'Shit! that kid is planning on doing something big!'

Kawlan didn't need Sakims words to know that. Seeing the kneeling Tanum with his hands glowing a bright green color he didn't doubt it. Kawlans extreme dislike of pain drove his body and so he sprinted towards the kneeling opponent.

'The Greedy One, Sakim Dimaculangan!' Kawlan inwardly chanted.

'What-- why me?!'

A bright green light shined through Kawlan's hands and the weight he felt last night was now back in his hand.

Tanum was still busy focusing on his mahika that he hadn't noticed the nearing Kawlan.

Kawlan disregarded the puny bow and merely used the small miniature sized arrow and held it in his left arm because his right arm was still numb.

'My bow!'

Not giving a care for Sakim's cry, he sprinted faster and when he neared the kneeling man he slid through his back and pierced the miniature sized arrow on the back of Tanums neck.

Tanum who was still gathering mana didn't expect Kawlan to not follow etiquette and attack him while he was gathering mahika when he suddenly felt a sting on the back of his neck like he was bitten by a mosquitto.

He unknowingly broke focus and his mahika was stilled as he reached out to grab the back of his neck. His eyes grew large in shock and when he turned his head and was met with Kawlans stoic face that looked too cold in contrast of the bright sunlight that it sent shivers down his spine he felt his heart hammer in fear.

Thr place where it stung suddenly felt numb and before he knew it, he felt his surrounding turn before he passed out.

Kawlan who didn't think the puny arrow could do much: "......."

'Maybe you killed him?' Sakim asked.

'I doubt it. Considering your current size and prowess I'm sure the posion in your arrow is only enough to knock him out for a few minutes.'

'Tsk! It's because I'm weakened okay?! WEAKENED! If it was the usual me, I could've---'

Kawlan merely treated Sakims rambles as air and glanced at the knocked out Tanum. He was too busy focusing on his spar that he hadn't noticed the surroundings fall silent.

'Kid everyones looking at you weirdly.' Sakims words seems to have made him remember that he was being watched and so he quickly scanned his surroundings only to see every one of his classmates look at him with their mouths agape.

'Why do they look like that?'

'Beats me?'

Kawlan felt confused and so he unknowingly glanced at Ginoong Hagilap looking confused.

Hagilap seemed to have understood his concern as he answered, "Usually in friendly spars the opponent waits for the other to cast his Mahika before attacking. That way they could exchange blows and learn how to counter and improve their respective mahikas."

'I really had no idea.'

"I seemed to have forgotten that certain gesture and so this spar is counted as my loss." Kawlan lightly said as if the spars results amounted to nothing in his book.

This only made the others feel more bewildered and confused. Their spar lasted only for about 45 seconds, there really was nothing much to see. They still weren't able to tell Kawlans current prowess and abilities and they also didn't have a clear look of his mahika.

"I saw a green light so is he perhaps an earth mahika user?"

"I saw him use something to knock Tanum out."

"Perhaps it was poison?"

"So is he a dark healer type of mahika user?"

"But the light was green?"

"But he uses poison?"

The class was in a state of frenzy and debate and as for the person responsible for the debate. Kawlan stared at his laying opponent and counted the time before he could wake up.

A few moments passed before he saw a small movement between Tanums fingers before he slowly rised and rubbed the back of his neck that felt a tad bit numbed.

'3 minutes. Thats the time your current poison can knock someone out.' Kawlan voiced inside his mind.

'T-three minutes?! I, the great Demon of Greeds poison, am reduced to such humiliating state?!'

'It's good enough for the current me since I still don't have much vitality and energy to feed you guys.'

The just awoken Tanum looked all around and saw everyones conflicted gazes before he recalled what happened.

He was at a loss.

'Have I... lost?'

Tanum felt down in the dumps and was about to fall in a depressed state when he suddenly heard Ginoong Hagilaps voice.

"As Kawlan has stated the winner for the first spar is Student Tanum Luntian! Everyone clap for congratulations!" Everyone hesistated before giving out a full blown clap.

Tanum who thought that he had lost in a humiliating manner looked confused as he gazed at his teacher.

"Student Kawlan didn't uphold the spar etiquette of waiting and so you won."

Tanum pursed his lips tightly. He knew that what Ginoong Hagilap was saying was the truth but still... he remembered the view and the chill he felt when he locked eyes with Kawlan who seemed to suddenly teleport behind him and pierced him with his unknown weapon that knocked him out.

Tanum stood up dazedly and slowly stole a glance at Kawlans direction and saw him looking stoic and cold.

"Student Tanum there's no need to question your result. You won fair and square."

Tanum won but he felt like if this wasn't a spar but was a battlefield then Kawlan had every chance to kill him. This idea lightly scared Tanum but still he chose to accept his victory. He walked towards Kawlan and stopped a few steps away from him before he stretched out his right hand.

"That was a great spar. I learned a lot of things."

Kawlan froze as he stared at Tanum's outsretched right hand.

'Hey kid just shake the goddamn hand and get this over with!'

'I would like to but my right hands asleep.' Shaking his right hand with my left will leave an odd impression and so Kawlan did nothing but stare as he contemplated what to do with this outstretched hand.

Tanums outstretched hand awkwardly hung in the air and he can't help but stare at Kawlan only to see him gaze blankly at his hands as if they weren't capable to enter his eyes. Tanum was once again angered at Kawlans snobby attitude and took back his hand with a huff.

Kawlan who finally decided to use his left hand to shake: "......."

Kawlan thought that all was done and he didn't wish for more screen time as he quickly jumped off the stage and walked to stand by the sidelines and turned on his spectator mode.

Everyone was still curious about him and so they unknowingly followed his visage. Kawlans air of mystery seemed to thicken more and so they felt like he was hiding his true potential.

Naturally, Hagilap the teacher, also thought the same way. He noted down Kawlans name and clapped his hands to get everyones attention.

"Now that the first spar is over let's head to the next! Student Dakila you're up! Who would like to challenge this student?"

"I do." A stable feminine voice sounded.

"Well now this is once again an interesting pairing. Student Dakila and Student Mahalia."

Seeing the two leads face each ither in the stage Kawlan can't help but wnat to let out a clap at the sight of two beautiful and handsome pair.

'Male lead against the female lead. Now this will be interesting.'