
The Tort....Training Begins

Class 7 were lined up in a training area within the Institute. Akari and Tallis had led the class here and were standing in front of a table with cups filled with a clear liquid. The cups also had everyone's names on it. Next to the table was a young boy sleeping on the ground. Everyone recognized that it was Visha. What was Visha doing here? And why was he on the ground sleeping? Behind the table, crouched down, was Ryouma. He seemed to be fiddling with something.

Akari and Tallis had spent yesterday going over the training regimes with Arata. They were then told that they should take the class to the training area that they had booked for the next two weeks, that there will be a table there and they should line up in front of it. After being told that and given a few instructions, Arata went off and they didn't see him for the rest of the day. Akari made the connection first as she saw the cups and Visha on the ground. She then looked nervously at Aisha, who also seemed to make the reach the same conclusion.

One of the tasks that Arata gave Akari was a recipe he wanted her and Aisha to concoct. He asked for a specific amount and said he needed it all by the next day. The two of them worked hard over the night to produce them all. Although the ingredients were quite common, the skill required to make it helped to push and grow Akari and Aisha as Medicine Enhancers. They felt a chill as they realized what they were making those pills for. To counteract Visha's poison.

Medicine Enhancement and Poison Enhancement were two sides of the same coin. Alchemy. Although there were a lot more that could be created through Alchemy, Medicines and Poisons were the main things created through Alchemy. Medicine Enhancement and Poison Enhancement involved another level in Alchemy. It involved a mixture of Alchemy and the use of your Elemental Reservoir. Although it was theoretically possible to do both, it was only possible to master one as your Elemental Reservoir would only allow you to become fully immersed in one or the other as they were too conflicting. Akari and Aisha were both walking the path of Medicine Enhancers while Visha was a Poison Enhancer.

After Arata disappeared from Akari and Tallis, his first stop was to visit Visha and convince him to help him. It talk a lot of offers and banter before he finally agreed. Arata then disappeared to the Sato Clan and hadn't returned. Ryouma stood up and walked away from whatever it was that he was working on. Akari noticed that there was a scroll on the ground and it was glowing. The class watched in amazement as darkness began to swirl out of the scroll. Even the sleeping Visha opened his eyes to watch what was happening.

The shadows connected together to form a large orb. The orb of shadows slowly began to dissipate and there four figures revealed to be inside. Standing in front was a handsome young boy with an arrogant demeanor. To his side was an extremely handsome man who gazed at the shocked class. On the other side was a refined looking old man who held himself with a neat and proper manner.

But the class were all staring at the mountain of a man that was standing behind the young boy. He had a powerful aura and gaze that completely gripped the students with fear and awe. He had a cold and blank look on his face, as if he didn't acknowledge anyone here. This was the Angel of Death! The students were all feeling a mixture of excitement and fear as they saw him. Even Teacher Takuma was in awe at seeing the person she idolized.

The young boy, who was obviously Arata, stepped forward to inspect the cups on the table. After glancing over them one by one, he turned to the sleeping Visha.

"You did well. Do you remember the plan?"

Visha yawned as he stretched out on the ground.

"Yup. I have my Energy in the cups so I can increase the strength when needed. Just one question. If they die, is that my fault? Follow up question, who gets their stuff after they die?"

Arata smirked.

"I'll take the blame. I don't know who gets their stuff."

Visha shrugged and went back to sleep. The class were stunned. Did they just casually talk about accidentally killing us? The old man then cleared his throat loudly. Arata turned and nodded.

"Today will be our first day of training. For the next five days, we will not be leaving until you finish your objectives. Akari and Tallis, could you please hand everyone their specialized regime."

Akari and Tallis pulled out sheets of paper and began distributing the sheets of paper. One by one, the faces of the students turned to shock, the color drained from their faces. This was just too brutal!! Arata grinned at their reactions.

"As you can see, the tasks you have before you are not easy. In fact, the current you will be unable to complete this tasks. But you must complete it regardless. Akari. Aisha. Did you finish what I asked of you?"

They nodded as Aisha came forward and handed a bag of Medicinal Pills. Arata looked over them and nodded.

"OK. If you could all please step forward and grab the cup with your name on it."

The class slowly stepped forward, they each picked up the cup with shaking hands and looks of dread. A young boy realized that there was no cup for him. He also didn't have a sheet of paper. Arata saw the confused look of the young boy and chuckled.

"Damien. We have something special planned for you."

Azrail then glanced at the young boy. Damien felt Azrail's piercing gaze, as if it could see everything within him. Azrail stepped forward. Damien panicked as Azrail's hand came close to him.

"D-Don't s-Sir A-Az-z."

Azril placed his hand on Damien. He felt the Energy surge briefly before returning, suppressed completely. Damien stared at Azrail in awe. Azrail looked back with a curious look.

"Demonic Source. Interesting. No wonder Arata couldn't suppress it. Hyosuke, you will stay behind train young Damien here."

Hyosuke bowed obediently. Azrail turned around and joined Masahiro before looking back at Arata.

"I'll leave the rest to you."

Arata bowed.

"Thank you, Father."

The shadows from the scroll rose up again, swallowing Azrail and Masahiro before vanishing. Seeing the Angel of Death come and go after interacting with Damien, they realized that he had only come for him. They all stared curiously at Damien. They were previously scared of Damien and avoided him, but now they realized that he must have some incredible power in him to summon the great Angel of Death. Once they vanished, Hyosuke stretched.

"OK, kid. What's the plan?"

Arata whispered a few things to Hyosuke who lit up.

"You truly are your Father's son. Twisted and evil. I like it. I'll take Damien and leave you to your fun."

At this, Visha sat up.

"Ooh goodie. Is the tortu....training about to begin?"

The class froze, obviously understanding what he was about to say. Hyosuke led Damien away to a corner. The class all stared at Arata apprehensively. Arata looked at the others, grinning, and made a gesture. The class understood what he was trying to say.


The class looked at each other nervously. Ryouma naturally trusted Arata the most so drank it without hesitation. The others followed suit. Nothing happened. The liquid was bitter but it wasn't that bad. Once everyone drank it, they looked around at each other, waiting for something to happen. Arata began explaining.

"Your training is simple. Once you finish the tasks, you will receive the antidote and be rid of the poison in your bodies. You may now begin."

The class were surprised but also suspicious. Things couldn't be this simple could it? They didn't trust the poison within them, who would trust poison inside of them? They wanted the antidote so they could have a peace of mind so they went ahead with trying to finish the tasks. Arata turned to Visha with an evil grin.


Visha clapped his hands happily as he got into a meditative position and began circulating his Elemental Reservoir. Instantly, screams could be heard. The Class 7 students began falling down as they were hit by intense pain. Some were shaking uncontrollably on the ground. Almost everyone was screaming and groaning in pain. Teacher Takuma stared amazed at the students struggling and groaning in pain, she had read the full plan from Arata so she knew precisely how evil this training was. Operation: Deathwalk was an aptly name for this intense training. Arata spoke loudly so everyone could hear.

"From our estimations of the dosage we gave you all, in 5 days, your bodies will completely shut down and you will slowly decay and there will be nothing we can do. You have until then to finish the tasks you were given. Once completed, you will be given the Medicinal Pills and the poison will be expelled from your body."

The Poison that Arata asked Visha to make was a Class 8 Poison called Devil's Heart. Devil's Heart was a seemingly harmless poison that would only be activated when the Poison Enhancer who made it activated it. The Poison Enhancer would place a piece of their Energy within the Poison. When the Poison Enhancer circulates their Elemental Reservoir, as long as the person that consumed the poison isn't too far away, the poison would trigger and begin circulating through the persons bloodstream.

It would send an acidic stream of Energy through the body, causing immense pain throughout the persons body. The more the person panicked, the more the blood would circulate and the more intense the pain was. It was a terrible poison that killed the person slowly and painfully. There were 10 Classes of Alchemy Products, 10 being the most basic and most common, whereas Class 1 were godly existences. Although Devil's Heart was only a Class 8 Poison, however, as it was easily removable with the right Medicinal Pill.

Arata had Akari and Aisha create the Class 8 Medicinal Pill, Light Expulsion. It was a useful and easily made Medicinal Pill that used the power of Light to rid the body of unwanted and harmful toxins, such as they Devil's Heart. Although it wouldn't normally be enough to dispel the Devil's Heart, this was a modified recipe from Arata that they had used and would indeed dispel the poison if they had it. But they didn't currently have the Medicinal Pill. Arata did.

A fear consumed the class as they digested Arata's words. The tasks they were set were extremely difficult normally. Now that this poison was limiting them and wracking them with pain, how were they expected to finish these tasks? Even Akari and Tallis were kept in the dark about this. They knew about the tasks that were needed to be completed, but this horrific poison was something they weren't informed about. Arata grinned.

"You may want to hurry. You don't have long and the pain will only get worse from here on out."