
I Really Dont Want To Be A Trainer (MTL)

Standing in front of you now is– The board of directors of Devon, the founder of Rainbow Rockets, the master of inverse attributes, the champion of the world championship… Legendary trainer Lu Ye, recalling the scene of the first live broadcast, sighed. “Speaking of which, you may not believe it. My original wish was just to show my face after 100,000 subscriptions.” “I just want to make the right amount of money, starting from a game zone UP owner.” “I really didn’t want to be a trainer!” The book is also known as: “Five-division Lu Ye”, “Adolescent trainers will not dream of a Shenao champion”, “Miss Zhulan wants me to confess”, “Becoming a world champion starts with the anchor”… [Integrated world view, parallel world + animation, game setting + special edition] ps: it's MTL so don't comment some nonsense I just want to share my 1 of fav Chinese pokemon fanfiction pss: if you really want too read it in advance here's the link: https://comrademao.com/novel/i-really-dont-want-to-be-a-trainer/

Sticky_Finger · Video Games
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110 Chs

Chapter 9

Gardenia looked at the fallen Brèloom blankly.

As a Grass Type expert, I know nothing more about Brèloom's habits and combat.

But with opponent's handy maneuver, Gardenia was completely unprepared.

"Use Toxic Orb to trigger Brèloom's Poison Heal Characteristic Trait?" Gardenia muttered.

"What a bold idea!"

In reality, it's not that no one has proposed Brèloom's Poison Heal play, but it is usually passive tactics.

The toxicity of Toxic Orb will cause a great burden on Pokémon, even the'Poison Heal' Characteristic Trait cannot be fully absorbed.

So the Grass Type Trainer Normal will choose the Brèloom of the'Technician' Characteristic Trait. Based on the battery life of the Grass Type, it will enhance its Close Combat ability.

But the current "Teacher Luke" tactics seem to open a door to the New World for Gardenia.

"If the battery life effect of Leech Seed is used to offset the toxicity of Toxic Orb?"

Gardenia combined this tactic into reality, and began to construct crazy in her mind.

"Reuse Substitute to share the toxicity, Poison Heal can absorb all the toxicity of Toxic Orb!"

"Leech Seed, Toxic, Toxic Orb, Substitute...what is this? Bold breeding method!"

Gardenia's face showed a frantic look, "This tactic can be applied in reality!"

For a while, Gardenia breathed Hastily, I clicked on the homepage of'Teacher Luke', wanting to find out.

"The highest ranking...seventh in the world!?"

Gardenia suddenly opened her eyes.

Gardenia complexion slightly changed after taking a glance at the fan group I just joined.

"Red and Mr. Red are there!

"And Champion Blue! "

"Even they are both Teacher Luke fans! ? "

Gardenia was a little frightened for a while, muttered: "Such a famous Grass Type Master, Miss Erika should know him? "

"This year's Attribute Expert Cup, I don't know if I can ask him for some advice..."

Turn on Poké Ball, the red light flashes.

Gardenia Looking at his other'Poison Heal' Characteristic Trait, Brèloom, I began to think back to the scene of the battle.

"It turns out that he did not deliberately provoked, but the essence of Poison Therapy Tactics. Is it..."

Gardenia's eyes regained firmness, and she clenched Poké Ball tightly.

"I still need to keep working hard! "


After the glorious broadcast, the number of subscribers in Luke's live broadcast room reached 7W.

In just one night, Luke gained A reward of nearly 2,000 yuan.

Although the specific income needs to be calculated separately, it is enough for Luke to treat himself.

Take out a can of ice from the small refrigerator. Luke opened with a "zi" and leaned back on the gaming chair lazily.

"system, check the remaining BP points! "

[BP points: 970]

Due to the excellent performance of the program, Luke has increased by nearly 200 BP points, and it won't be long before he can make another ten consecutive draw.

When he came to the cubicle, Gastly still focused on Levitate in Breeder's Handbook and studied it carefully.

Like a strict Teacher, Gastly stared at the file with a serious look, and Haze formed a small The claws are still holding an orange fruit.

"jie jie~! "

As if reading some wonderful insights, Gastly was nodded with satisfaction, and bit the orange into her mouth, and the juice overflowed.

Luke's expression couldn't help but become weird. .

Good fellow, take the academic paper to eat!

Hearing the movement, Haze closes quickly.

Gastly astonished turned his head back and opened his mouth happily. Stick out your tongue and lick it towards Luke.

"jie jie~ ~! "

Luke tried to touch Gastly's head and found that his hand passed through Haze, and a cold and paralyzing touch came from his fingertips.

Suddenly, Luke's ears rang system Broadcast without emotion.

[Gastly, a thin gas-like lifeform, if surrounded by gas, even an Indian elephant will fall in ten minutes.]

Luke complexion slightly changed: "Damn it, why didn't you say it earlier? "

Fortunately, Gastly liked Luke's touch very much. He consciously controlled the toxins and turned into a cloud of mist hovering around Luke's palm.

Luke sighed in relief, said with a slight smile: "Do you want any supper? "

Gastly widened a pair of bell-like eyes and blinked.

Gastly: (⊙ˍ⊙)

"Here, here is your phone Take it and order it yourself. "

Luke handed the phone to Gastly and took out the saliva-drenched document.

Gastly glanced at [Gastly's Breeder's Handbook], Luke astonished: "Good boy , You also took notes! ? "

"jie jie~! "Gastly held the phone in his mouth and raised his head triumphantly.

Just now Luke half-jokingly asked Gastly to mark out how to use Confuse Ray.

For hours, the manual was full of wet and sticky Underwater lines, all of which were comments made by Gastly himself!

"You brat is a genius! "

"jie jie~~~(๑´ㅂ`๑)"

Luke didn't care too much, put Breeder's Handbook back to its original place, and said with a smile.

"Stop smirking, go get some takeaway! "

The training of moves is definitely not a matter of overnight.

Mastering "Confuse Ray" in two hours is obviously whimsical.

Fortunately, Luke is right. Gastly is not very demanding, and the main purpose is to save some electricity bills...

"jie jie~! "

Gastly put her mobile phone on the table cautiously, staring at the dazzling array of delicacies on the interface with bright eyes, and sucked her saliva back.

But it still couldn't bear it. She smiled like a fool, sticking out her long tongue and licking Farfetch'd in the menu.

Gastly: (¯﹃¯)

"Farfetch'd... Have eaten it last time, let's change the taste. "

Luke rubbed his chin, "How about barbecue?" The review of the braided lamb skewers seems pretty good. "

Gastly: (✪ω✪)

Gastly beams her eyes to show her consent.

"Extra spicy, cumin, cold beer...Qi live Up! "

Half an hour later, Luke set up a table by the window.

The evening breeze was breezy, and the table full of fragrant skewers made people move their index fingers.

Gastly was eating Moomoo Milk, her face flushed with hotness, but she was still licking the greasy skewers frantically.

"Eat slowly, no one will grab you! "

"Hiss~~~Jie! "

Although it is a Spirit Physique creature, after finishing the skewers, Haze around Gastly is obviously more condensed.

[Eating "delicious" braided lamb, host BP point +40]

[Remaining BP point: 1010]

Take a sip of cold beer, Luke said with a smile: "How did you appear here? ? "

"I read the Internet and said that Gastly's habitat is not a town. "

Gastly's movements stopped for a while, raised her head and remained silent for a while, then stuffed her head into the lamb skewers.

"Don't want to say it, do you?" "

Luke gently poked Haze around Gastly, said with a slight smile.

"It's okay, we will be family in the future. "

The evening breeze blows, and Gastly suddenly lifts the head——

Even the eyes have become wavy, moving so rustling sound.

"jie jie~ jie jie~ ~ヘ(;´Д`ヘ)! "

"Don't wipe your nose on my clothes!" No, no! "

Luke, who was almost wrapped by Gastly and experienced the "suffocating African elephant", escaped by chance.

Take out the suspicious can of blue drink from the cabinet [speed enhancer ( Enhanced version)], as Gastly's breakfast tomorrow.

Luke places Gastly on the ceiling as a bed for it to rest.

I have to say, every time you open your eyes, you can Seeing a smirking Ghost really made Luke feel safe.

"Turn off the lights, Gastly. "

"jie jie~! "

Following Luke's instructions, Gastly cut off the power to the room.

But even Luke didn't notice. After he fell asleep, Gastly all around slowly lit up slightly. Fluorescence surrounds back and forth like Tail Glow.

This is exactly what Luke asked Gastly to master in the morning——

"Confuse Ray"!