
I Really Dont Want To Be A Trainer (MTL)

Standing in front of you now is– The board of directors of Devon, the founder of Rainbow Rockets, the master of inverse attributes, the champion of the world championship… Legendary trainer Lu Ye, recalling the scene of the first live broadcast, sighed. “Speaking of which, you may not believe it. My original wish was just to show my face after 100,000 subscriptions.” “I just want to make the right amount of money, starting from a game zone UP owner.” “I really didn’t want to be a trainer!” The book is also known as: “Five-division Lu Ye”, “Adolescent trainers will not dream of a Shenao champion”, “Miss Zhulan wants me to confess”, “Becoming a world champion starts with the anchor”… [Integrated world view, parallel world + animation, game setting + special edition] ps: it's MTL so don't comment some nonsense I just want to share my 1 of fav Chinese pokemon fanfiction pss: if you really want too read it in advance here's the link: https://comrademao.com/novel/i-really-dont-want-to-be-a-trainer/

Sticky_Finger · Video Games
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110 Chs

Chapter 37

At the end of the weekend, Luke has to go back to Magic City University to attend classes.

The quarterfinals of the Piplup Cup are held on Wednesday afternoon.

But Luke didn't panic at all, instead Twain walked around Luke anxiously.

"Brother Luke, are you really sure?"

"This time the quarter-finals of the crouching tiger hidden dragon, you must not be careless!"

Luke laughed and said: "Don't worry, I won't be careless!"

Beside, Damien elbows Twain, teased: "The emperor is not in a hurry for Court Eunuch?"

"It's not you who participated in the competition. Besides, Brother Luke must have been training secretly again!"

"tsk tsk, the last exam was the same. I said that I don't want to review it. I went to the library privately. It's you who are hardworking!"

Brother Damien helped Fu's non-existent frame with an expression of'there is only one truth'.

Luke has a complicated expression.

Damn it!

I really went to train yesterday!

Damn it, I can't refute it!

Luke's promotion to the quarterfinals was last Saturday, and many students learned of the news today.

Everyone looked at Luke with strange eyes.

Study well, look handsome, and even good at Pokémon Battle...

You don't have to hang up!

"The Road School Committee is really awesome, has this all set a record?"

"Yes, he is the only one from the Battle Department in the quarterfinals! "

The morning class is Economics Professor Chen, the one who sent Luke the "smile face".

Professor Chen, who was not enough to laugh, stepped onto the podium, and the huge lecture hall suddenly silenced.

Clearing his throat, Professor Chen called by name: "Luke, someone is looking for you outside, so you won't be counted as absent from class in this session."

A low voice of discussion sounded.

At the door, a middle-aged man dressed in a white shirt and elegant temperament was nodded apologetically.

"Fuck, this is the school team's coach Zhai Wenyao!"

"Which school team, basketball or football?"

"You stupid, Of course it is Pokémon Battle!"

In a flash of attention, Luke walked out of the classroom somewhat confused.

I haven't done anything lately?

Why is someone looking for me out after class?

Out of the classroom, middle-aged man nodded.

"Luke is right, let's go to the next classroom to sit down!"

When we came to the empty classroom, the man straight to the point said:

" I'm the coach of the Pokémon Battle school team, Zhai Wenyao. This time I'm here to invite you to join the school team."

If Luke defeated Angela Shen privately, it could be considered accidental.

Then Luke breaks into the quarterfinals of the Piplup Cup, that is a real hard power.

Although the Piplup Cup is a municipality-level event, its status is comparable to a provincial-level event due to its special geography.

Being able to stand out from the competition is also enough to prove Luke's potential.

Zhai Wenyao has prepared a series of rhetoric in advance.

Including a letter of introduction to obtain the Trainer certificate, and the possibility of securing a research in the future.

But Luke's set of combos directly stunned Zhai Wenyao.

"Sorry Coach Zhai." Luke scratched his head, "I don't plan to be a Trainer."

"I accidentally signed up for this competition... It may be very good luck Well, I didn't expect to be able to enter the quarterfinals."

Zhai Wenyao opened his mouth, hesitated for a while, and asked, "You didn't plan to be a Trainer?"

Luke Sincerely nodded.

"Then you also broke into the quarterfinals?"

"Accident, it was an accident!"

"Then others said that you won Angela Shen, What's the matter?"

Luke said with a smile: "Her Granbull is not in the state. I won by luck."

Zhai Wenyao fell silent for a while.

The reason why he came to Luke, in addition to the identity of Luke's top eight, someone sent him a video is also a big factor.

In the video, Luke used an unreasonable first reading to completely crush Angela Shen.

People who have this kind of command awareness don't want to be a Trainer?

Is he having a problem, or am I having a problem? !

"Since you don't want to join the school team, then I won't force you."

Zhai Wenyao shook the head, helplessly said with a smile.

"It's just that you remember to change the reason for a better next time. After all, Director Zhao of the Battle Department is very greedy for you."

"He also wants me to enter the school team. ?" Luke astonished said.

"No, he wants you to transfer to the past."

"That's okay." Luke said with a slight smile, "I'm used to it."

In the first three majors, it is too late to snatch people from within the Economics Institute.

The letter of introduction from Professor Rowan is still stuffed in a drawer at home.

Luke does not exclude changing majors, but he has not found the right and suitable opportunity.

The end of the day's course.

Luke was walking on the street outside the campus, just in time to see the poster for the Piplup Cup.

[Fight to the top four! Piplup Cup quarterfinals, officially started on Wednesday night! ]

Luke also specifically learned about these top eight players from Twain.

Three from Magic City University, three from Z-University, one from Magic City University of Communications, and one from the High School Attached to Magic University.

They are all enviable prestigious schools.

But because Trainer also has class barriers, the probability of non-prestigious schools breaking into the quarterfinals is not high.

There is a high probability that these players will choose to become official Trainers, challenge Gym, and finally compete for seats in the Alliance conference.

"It's not worth it." Luke shook the head, "After all, those monster innate talents are too abnormal!"

Red, debuted for a year and won the Kanto Alliance Champion.

Blue, debuted for a year, half an hour after winning the Kanto Alliance Champion, he was defeated by Red.

Even Gold, who has been ridiculed in the group, is also a proper innate talent party, at least at the Master level.

But staying with these big guys, Luke has no psychological burden.

As long as I am a trash, no one can beat me!

Back home, Gastly is watching TV.

The full name of the show is "National League Grandmasters Tour Cup".

Gastly concentrated attention completely, nodded from time to time, taking notes on paper with a pencil in his mouth.

"jie jie~ jie jie~!" (Understood, I fully understand!)

Luke slightly smiled, took a video for Gastly and sent it to the group.

Viridian Gym.

Just solved Blue of a challenger, wiped his sweat with the towel on his shoulders, and clicked on the video.

"Gastly breed is good." Blue muttered. "At least the Pokéblock of the Master Craft has this effect."

"But judging from the color, is he training Toxic moves recently?"

[Yellow of Viridian Forest : Ah, is something wrong with Gastly? ]

[Teacher Luke: No, my Gastly is so cute, I want to share it with you guys. ]

[Yellow of Viridian Forest: Hey, indeed. ('▽`〃)]

[Blue: Judging from the breeding situation, Gastly is not far from evolution.

Blue's words reminded Luke.

Although it has only been two months since the takeover, Gastly is not a newborn Pokémon after all.

Counting Toxic moves, Gastly has accumulated a lot of energy, and it's time to put evolution on the agenda.

But Luke is the first to recycle Pokémon after all.

In the eagerness to ask if you don't understand, Luke asked sincerely.

[Teacher Luke: How to make Gastly evolve? ]