
I Really Dont Want To Be A Trainer (MTL)

Standing in front of you now is– The board of directors of Devon, the founder of Rainbow Rockets, the master of inverse attributes, the champion of the world championship… Legendary trainer Lu Ye, recalling the scene of the first live broadcast, sighed. “Speaking of which, you may not believe it. My original wish was just to show my face after 100,000 subscriptions.” “I just want to make the right amount of money, starting from a game zone UP owner.” “I really didn’t want to be a trainer!” The book is also known as: “Five-division Lu Ye”, “Adolescent trainers will not dream of a Shenao champion”, “Miss Zhulan wants me to confess”, “Becoming a world champion starts with the anchor”… [Integrated world view, parallel world + animation, game setting + special edition] ps: it's MTL so don't comment some nonsense I just want to share my 1 of fav Chinese pokemon fanfiction pss: if you really want too read it in advance here's the link: https://comrademao.com/novel/i-really-dont-want-to-be-a-trainer/

Sticky_Finger · Video Games
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110 Chs

Chapter 35

Early in the morning on the weekend, Gastly used Lick to kindly wake up Luke who was sleeping late.

The paralysis effect is triggered!

Luke shivered, and with a trembling hand, he removed Cheri Berry from the head of the bed.

In the stuffed mouth, Luke chewed blankly, moved towards Gastly nodded.

"Thanks for your hard work."

"jie jie~ jie jie~ !"

Luke told Gastly last time that Toxic must be accompanied by Luke It can only be trained under the circumstances.

So early in the morning, Gastly couldn't wait to wake Luke up and flew around the room excitedly.

Luke gets up to wash, while yawned.

Last night I played games with the rich woman until late at night, and today I will accompany Gastly to training.

Is this the daily routine of Trainer?

It's so funny!

But since he agreed to Gastly, Luke rarely had the interest in training.

Open the Pokémon Pokédex of the system, showing the moves Gastly currently masters.

[Gastly, Ghost +Poison Type

Characteristic Trait: Levitate

Strokes: Confuse Ray, Lick, Hypnosis, Curse, Night Shade, Will-O- Wisp, Mean Look, Protect, Substitute]

I have almost mastered everything I could learn before evolution.

As long as you master Toxic again, Gastly's'Substitute-Toxic-Protect-Paralysis' tactic will be considered successful.

Because of Gastly's early offensive methods, Toxic can be described as a crucial move for Gastly.

"Let's go, take the poison gem, let's go to the special training venue!" Luke yawned.

"jie jie~ jie jie~!"

The income from Bilibili and the live broadcast has been paid out. Counting the extra money earned yesterday, Luke has about 60,000 yuan.

This also gives him the confidence to go to formal professional training.

Although the charge for an hour is as high as 1,000 yuan, professional venues will provide professionals and safety guarantees.

With the medical team, Luke can feel a little more at ease when he trains Toxic.

Luke chooses to be a fighting club called "Bulls Arena".

Trainer can choose to charge directly or enter the training venue in the form of a card.

But Luke knows himself well, he may not come several times throughout the year, he paid 3,000 yuan, and directly packaged a small training field.

According to Luke's request, the club introduced an elite Poison Type Trainer to Luke to provide advice and help.

This Trainer's name is Xena. She is a tall and thin woman with raised eyebrows and sharp eyes.

"Are you going to train Poison Type Pokémon?" Xena glanced at Luke, "It's rare, choose Gastly as the Trainer of Starter Pokemon."

Due to the Poison Type and Ghost Type Attribute is unpopular.

In addition to the long Gastly breed cycle, few people would choose Gastly as the Starter Pokemon.

But Gengar is also one of the champions in the Poison Type after all, and Xena has a good impression of Gastly.

Luke nodded: "I want to train its Toxic moves, sorry for the trouble."

"How do I need to cooperate." Xena embraced his arms, eyesbrows raised, "Battle? Or? Hello?"

Luke pondered for a moment, and thought of Koga's [Toxic Experience] about Poison Type Pokémon's introduction.

Different from Pokémon of other Attributes, Poison Type Pokémon can theoretically absorb the toxins of other Pokémon and strengthen itself due to the immune poisoning effect.

This seems to be the same thing as devouring different fires.

The more it is absorbed, the more toxic Toxic is and the harder it is to eradicate.

This argument was first put forward by Koga in [Toxic Experience], and it records the mixing method of a large number of toxins.

If others don't have the tricks recorded by Koga and let Poison Type Pokémon try, it will only make Pokémon suffer for nothing.

Therefore, this [Toxic experience] is really a very heavy favor!

"Where is Toxic? It's Fen Jue..." Luke muttered.

The gem of poison can enhance Gastly's original poison.

Once this toxin is mixed with other Pokémon toxins, Toxic's formidable power will continue to rise.

This is also the reason why Luke came to the training venue specifically to find the Poison Type Trainer.

Luke said with a slight smile: "You can feed the move, it's best to use the Poison Type move directly."

Xena nodded, raise your hand and throw a Poké Ball. Senran python, Arbok.

Ekans was non-toxic before evolution, but after it evolved into Arbok, it can poison a Kentyro in just three seconds.

Luke looked at this terrible python cobra, Luke frowned: "You try Poison Sting first."

Later, Luke looked at Gastly: "Remember to use Koga to teach Don't force it!"

Gastly is four times anti-drug after all, with a big grin, nodded with confidence.

Xena embraced his arms and said lowly: "Arbok, Poison Sting!"


Arbok spit out the letter, and stood upright with a hideous pattern On the upper body, a cold glow shot out from the mouth with sharp teeth.

Xena, as an elite Trainer, her Arbok Poison Sting is quite fast.

But Gastly's response was equally good.

Using the technique of Protect, a faint fog shield formed in front of Gastly, which immediately slowed down the speed of Poison Sting.

After that, Gastly opened her mouth wide, taking a bite of poisonous thorns like eating a chocolate bar, and the sound of'ka-cha ka-cha' chewing sounded.

Xena looks weird.

Is there another training method? !

Even if it is four times anti-virus, I have never seen Poison Sting eaten directly!

The sting of Swallow Arbok, Gastly's fog seems to be flowing with dark toxins, becoming deeper and deeper.

"jie jie~ jie jie~!"

Gastly grinned openly, showing a triumphant smile.

Seeing Gastly safe and sound, Luke sighed in relief, moved towards Xena said with a smile: "Go on!"

Xena froze for a moment, then hesitated and said: "Arbok, Acid! "

A group of acid-like Acid shoots at Gastly. This highly corrosive liquid Performance weakens Pokémon's special defense, even Gastly may not be able to hold it.

Xena wrinkled frowned, but saw Gastly picking up the poisonous gem, and immediately the whole body rushed towards the smoke-filled Acid!


In Xena's horrified eyes, Gastly shook her head happily in Acid, like taking a Scald bath!

"jie jie~ ~www!"

"Fuck!" Xena's eyes widened.

The shell of the poisonous gem was corroded by Acid.

Gastly was licking the Toxic substance inside the gem like a bone marrow, even sticking out her long scarlet tongue to walk back and forth.


This sensational scene made Xena a little daunting.

Even if she is an elite Poison Type Trainer, she has never seen such a battle!

"You...what training method is this?" Xena swallowed.

"This is too scary!"

Luke was also a little at a loss.

Is Koga's training method so great?

But after another thought, Koga is a Poison Type Elite after all, and [Toxic experience] is his life's painstaking effort.

Plus Gastly is four times anti-toxic.

As long as the Poison Type civil war is at the same level, Gastly will always take the initiative!

Luke looked weird: "I thought this was my first training..."

"Why suddenly became invincible?"