
I Really Dont Want To Be A Trainer (MTL)

Standing in front of you now is– The board of directors of Devon, the founder of Rainbow Rockets, the master of inverse attributes, the champion of the world championship… Legendary trainer Lu Ye, recalling the scene of the first live broadcast, sighed. “Speaking of which, you may not believe it. My original wish was just to show my face after 100,000 subscriptions.” “I just want to make the right amount of money, starting from a game zone UP owner.” “I really didn’t want to be a trainer!” The book is also known as: “Five-division Lu Ye”, “Adolescent trainers will not dream of a Shenao champion”, “Miss Zhulan wants me to confess”, “Becoming a world champion starts with the anchor”… [Integrated world view, parallel world + animation, game setting + special edition] ps: it's MTL so don't comment some nonsense I just want to share my 1 of fav Chinese pokemon fanfiction pss: if you really want too read it in advance here's the link: https://comrademao.com/novel/i-really-dont-want-to-be-a-trainer/

Sticky_Finger · Video Games
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110 Chs

Chapter 11

The "Piplup" cup held every summer is for Rookie Trainer.

Most of the contestants are high school and freshmen from Pokémon Academy.

As an official event recognized by the Association, outstanding rankings can be helped in the [Primary Rank Trainer Certificate].

But Luke does not plan to be a Trainer, and naturally he has no plans to participate.

Summer is hot.

In the rental house, the fan rotates.

Luke is sitting in front of the computer, editing the next release video.

Gastly faced the fan with her mouth wide open, the mist kept floating, and the voice echoed with the fan.

"Ah wu wu wu wwww~~~"

For "Gastly's Breeder's Handbook", Gastly's study progress has reached the actual combat chapter-"How to command Gastly to conduct a real battle ".

"Gastly's temperament is quite active, and there are often unexpected performances in battle..."

Gastly studies books and is frequently nodded.

"Sizzle!" (It seems to make sense!)

"So, instead of rigidly training, it's better to breed Gastly's autonomous battle awareness..."

"jie jie~?" (How to breed?)

"Different Gastly have different personalities and different ways of playing. Finding the most suitable field is the key."

"jie jie~ jie jie~!" (Understood!)

Gastly Levitate was in midair, grinning triumphantly, saying "I already understand it completely" look.

In two days, Gastly not only learned Confuse Ray, but also used Night Shade skillfully.

And the source of this knowledge -

Blue's "Gastly's Breeder's Handbook".

I have been licked to pieces by Gastly, and even the handwriting is blurred.

This is true. I have eaten the book thoroughly!

Slanted a glance at Luke and found that Luke was still staring completely at the computer with concentrated attention.

Gastly can't help but feel a little frustrated.

Spread the book out and spread it to your face.

Gastly bored in and out of the shadow.

Moomoo Milk in the refrigerator has been drunk, and the suspicious blue drink has bottomed out.

The bottle of drink named "speed enhancer", naked eye visibly increased Gastly Haze's movement speed.

Because Gastly is born with the ability to blend into the shadow, this also makes Gastly's concealment improved to a certain extent.

Bubbling bubbles, Gastly glanced at a line of words on Breeder's Handbook, and immediately cheered up.

"How to deal with Pokémon's depression."

"jie jie~ jie jie~!" (how to deal with it!)

"One, with the help of Items and Pokémon food increase the intimacy of Pokémon."

"Sika!" (I ate all the things at home Σ(°△°|||))

"Two , Go on camping, picnic and other activities with your Pokémon."

"Hey!" (He ignores me (╬▔ware▔))

"Three, use A battle win to motivate Pokémon."

"jie jie~!" (This is it (✪ω✪))

Gastly shook her head and thought for a long time.

Suddenly remembered that yesterday, I seemed to have seen the game message on my mobile phone.

Slowly drifting to Luke's side, Gastly licked Luke's side face with his tongue and blinked.

Gastly: (⊙ˍ⊙)

"Oh." Luke understood immediately.

"Are you hungry, take your phone for takeaway!"

Successfully got the phone, and Gastly, who planned to pass, laughed accidentally.

"jié jié jié!"

"...what's the matter with you, why are you laughing so terribly?"

Gastly laughed, and came to the side with his mobile phone in his mouth , Use your tongue to slide the interface up and down.

Nessa photo? Not this...

Elesa is on the catwalk? It's not this...

What strange things this guy is always watching!

Gastly looks weird and suddenly her eyes shined.

['Piplup' Cup Rookie Trainer tournament, we sincerely invite young people who are interested in becoming Trainer to participate! ]

Luke's ID card is also required to fill in the registration information.

Gastly rummaged for a long time and finally found her ID card.

Fill in the registration form with fangs. After half an hour, Gastly sighed in relief for a long time.

[Mr. Luke, your registration review has been passed, and your entry ID is: 3534]

[The sea election will start next Wednesday, please pay attention to the time]

Satisfiedly nodded, Gastly regrouped, as if flames were burning in her eyes.

I must win this game for my master!


Finally, after cutting the video, Luke stretched.

Turning around, Gastly is holding the Breeder's Handbook and working hard.

This gave Luke a subtle change in his mentality.

"Should I train myself?"

There is no need for Luke to intervene at all. Gastly himself arranges the diet, tactics, and training to be perfectly clear.

This makes Luke look weird and can't help but create the illusion that he is a waste.

"system, can you check the moves Gastly currently masters?"

[Whether to spend 500BP to activate the VIP1 privilege'Pokémon Pokédex']

[No ]

"Yes." Luke twitched the corner of his mouth, "Is it possible that there are V8 privileges?"

[Remaining BP points: 570]

[Target Retrieving...The target has been confirmed! ]

[Gastly ]

[Attribute: Ghost +Poison Type

Characteristic Trait: Levitate

Master the moves: Confuse Ray, Lick , Mean Look, Will-O-Wisp, Curse, Night Shade]

After reading the list of moves, Luke's first reaction was surprise.

In reality, there is no limit to four matching moves, because the number of this move can also reflect Pokémon's strength to a certain extent.

Of course, many of these six moves may have been learned with the help of Blue's Breeder's Handbook.

But it was enough to shock Luke!

"Is it so strong?"

"Then I threw a ball and it was subdued!"

Luke scanned the moves again List, suddenly clicking one's tongue in wonder.

"Dirty, it's really dirty!"

"Among the six types of moves, Status Condition accounts for five types. Pokémon, who is not mine, are sorry for this match!"

Confuse Ray can cause confusion, Lick can cause paralysis, and Will-O-Wisp can cause burns.

Mean Look can't get out of the battle, Curse can continue to weaken the opponent's physical strength.

If you add Toxic and Hypnosis...

Then this wave will be a killer!

Status Condition in reality can be superimposed.

This is why Luke's "Substitute-Toxic-Protect-Paralysis" is so disgusting.

Now Luke seems to have discovered a new way to carry forward the disgusting tactics.

"Confusion, paralyzed, burned, poisoned... These Status Conditions can be used together!"

Gastly, Dirty Routine!

Although the breeding direction is determined, Luke is really too lazy to breed.

Being a Trainer is not worth it!

Isn't it fragrant to open a live broadcast because of bad money?

The number of subscribers in the live broadcast room has reached 8W, and no effort can be made to complete the small goal of showing up.

At this critical moment, system has released a new task.

[Task "I am really not a million-level traffic"]

[Task description: publish a million-level video]

[Task reward : 1000BP points, Random Skill LV3*1, random purple Items *1]

Luke has already experienced the benefits of system items.

Just the enhanced version of the speed enhancer, Gastly's speed has been greatly improved.

If you can get items with a price of hundreds of thousands, you can't take off if you resell them!

The video Luke edited just now is the new video he intends to release.

"Teacher Luke's Battle Instructions 04: Shrink Squad".

If there is any more disgusting routine than Substitute-Toxic-Protect-Paralysis.

That is undoubtedly Shrink Squad represented by the Pink Devil!

The Chansey carrying Eviolite is excellent in double antibodies and can continuously increase the dodge rate with the help of Minimize.

I can't hit it, and I can't waste it.

The damage is high while the meat is one-on-one--

How could there be such a handsome Pokémon as Chansey!

Luke has a meaningful smile at the corner of his mouth.

Move the mouse and click the "Upload" button.

[Video uploading...Your new video has been published]

[Click to view "Teacher Luke's Battle Instructions 04: Shrink Squad"! ]
