
Chapter 001: Unprofessional Fooling Around

  2002, Hengdian, summer.

  Lu Yuan stubbed out his cigarette butt and glanced at the script that had taken him five hours to write and spat viciously.

  He was going to make a change!

  Hengdian in June was always hot and dry, but also a bit stuffy.

  Looking at the people coming and going of the flamboyant Hengdian long legged girls as well as the people five and six tugging with two hundred and five like the director, as a traverser of the he finally made a very bold decision ...

  He was going to fool the fat sheep to come over and invest in himself.


  A liar is a liar!

  This murderous world doesn't cheat honest people who to cheat?

  If you don't cheat, others will cheat you.

  At least Lu Yuan was once cheated of a lot of money.


  Lu Yuan was an honest man five hours ago, and after five hours ...

  He was going to stop being an honest man.

  "Well, after wearing a suit it sure looks human, even if it's second hand it doesn't look much worse." Lu Yuan took a look at the mirror next to the road, very tartly revealed a self-consciously handsome expression, and nodded his head in satisfaction.

  A penny for a penny.

  A two hundred dollar second hand "Newbucks" suit was still a bit of a seller.

  Looking down, he slightly glanced at the "Undergraduate Certificate of Directing Department of Yan Film" on his hand and then revealed a smile.

  The script is ready, the clothes are ready, and the phrases are ready,....

  Everything is ready, just waiting for the fat sheep ...


  Hengdian is bustling with people, and there are tourists and actors and directors running around everywhere.

  This year, a 30 million dollar movie "Capital City" is being hotly filmed in Hengdian. ...

  This is the third generation of Chinese new director Shen Lianjie and the popular flower girl Liu Fangfei hand in hand to shoot the movie, the shooting site can not be said to be not big.

  When Lu Yuan passed by the crew of Capital City, he subconsciously lit his last cigarette, glanced at the crew, and enviously glanced at Shen Lianjie, who was sitting on a high platform, cursing and spitting.

  People with money, face value and talent have always been the envy of poor people like Lu Yuan.

  "Bah, human-like ..."

  After spitting without any quality, and sourly cursing all kinds of envy and jealousy, Lu Yuan continued to walk towards the visitors' parking lot.

  Flipping off is a technical job.

  In particular, the work of fooling hundreds of thousands of investment is the technology of technology.

  There were countless luxury cars parked in the parking lot.

  Rolls Royce, Lamborghini, Porsche, Mercedes-Benz...

  After screening for a long time, Lu Yuan finally placed his eyes on a pink Lamborghini.

  The owner of the car was a young girl wearing sunglasses.

  Young girls who hadn't come out of society were usually very good at cheating.

  People are stupid and have a lot of money.

  Lu Yuan was slightly stunned when he removed the sunglasses.

  The young girl was smiling.

  Revealing white small tiger teeth looks innocent, wearing the same pink floral skirt fluttering in the wind, there is a feeling that makes people inexplicably intoxicated.

  The air was laced with a fragrant floral scent.

  She looked innocent yet noble, with some youthful teenage girl's scent mixed in at the same time.

  An angel on earth?

  So damn pretty!

  Lu Yuan, this poor douchebag could not use words to describe the beauty of the young girl, he could only come up with these five words.

  After Lu Yuan finished staring, he extinguished his cigarette, organized his clothes, and walked towards the girl without saying a word.

  The June sunlight was a bit hot.

  To be honest, Lu Yuan was a bit nervous.

  After all, he was an otaku and a virgin, and it was the first time he had ever tried to fool someone in a very solemn manner, so his palms were sweaty.

  The thin script was starting to reveal a little bit of dampness.

  But he had to make a change, he had to make himself less of an honest man!

  Go for it!

  Lu Yuan!

  After this, you'll be rich!

  Lu Yuan kept cheering for himself in his mind, while no less than hundreds of pickup schemes from the pre-crossing Jitterbugs instantly popped up in his mind, and even these pickup schemes gave Lu Yuan the confidence that he was a lover's saint.

  He quickened his pace ...

  He felt that hope was in the distance!



  "This is my director's license, and this is my script."


  A gust of wind blew up Wang Haoxue's long skirt, Wang Haoxue looked strangely at this youth who suddenly appeared panting and flushed, and subconsciously took his director's license and script.

  "Take a look at my ... my script ..."

  Lu Yuan wanted to slap himself big time and then turn around and run!

  He got nervous!

  He stuttered!

  Damn it, this was completely different from the opening line he had thought of, huh?

  What about the promised pick-up tactics, the promised routines, and the promised politeness?

  What is this?

  But the arrow on the string had to be sent.

  Lu Yuan couldn't let his flirtation end in tragedy, could he?

  In the end, he could only harden his head and show a smile that he thought was very kind and thought was very charming.

  "Eh ..."

  Wang Haoxue was still a bit confused at the moment, but at first glance, she felt that Lu Yuan did not look like any kind of liar.

  At least Wang Haoxue felt that it was impossible for such a liar who was bubbling with naivety and foolishness to exist in this world.

  "Sorry, I don't make movies and I don't work as an actor." Wang Haoxue looked up with a polite smile at Lu Yuan.

  "Not asking you to make a movie." Lu Yuan shook his head.

  "Then you are ..."

  "I have good scripts and I am a very good director and actor as well as the owner of the 'Remote' movie company." Lu Yuan felt that his tongue was a bit tied up.

  He felt a little tongue-tied, but, in the end, he firmly reached into his pocket and pulled out his hand, intending to take the first step of his own!


  Wang Haoxue suddenly laughed.

  She felt that this person was very funny.

  Especially that kind of clumsy acting that was obviously sincere, but deliberately pretended to be a badass made her feel funny.

  At least it wasn't quite the same as all those people who had once surrounded themselves.

  This youth seemed sincere, with clear eyes and a reassuring smile at the same time.

  "This is my business card." Lu Yuan looked at Wang Haoxue's smile before still being serious as he pulled out his business card from his pocket and handed it to Wang Haoxue.

  "Lu Yuan?" Wang Haoxue glanced at the business card and the company and phone number on it.

  "Uh, yes, my name is Lu Yuan, I think we can ..."

  "We can work together?" Wang Haoxue continued to smile, a deep smile, deep with some flirting.

  "Huh?" Lu Yuan's serious expression was slightly dumbfounded, then slightly recovered his mind "Girl, I think it, my script ..."

  "Your script is very promising and can win all kinds of awards in a small way?" Wang Haoxue continued to snatch words.


  Lu Yuan opened his mouth.

  He felt as if his words had been spoken by Wang Haoxue.

  And this snub seemed to be dominated by Wang Haoxue.

  It felt completely different from what he had imagined.

  Wang Haoxue looked at the dumbfounded Lu Yuan and smiled more and more brightly and beautifully.

  She flipped open the script and took her first look.

  "Big director Lu Yuan, your writing is very tasteful ... If I were you, I would spend thirty dollars to print a copy of the script so that it looks a little more professional, and by the way, I would also straighten out the tie next to my suit." Wang Haoxue raised her eyes slightly to look at Lu Yuan.

  Her voice was somewhat flirtatious.

  "..." Lu Yuan was a bit speechless.

  He suddenly didn't know what to say.

  His own words were indeed a bit lousy.

  It did seem like he should ...

  print it out?


  Long time no see.

  "You're unprofessional ... And if you want to fool people, you need a better prop, such as these misspelled scripts."

  "Props? Scripts are not props!"

  "Do you think this beauty is naive and innocent, like a silly white girl to be fooled?"

  "Cheat! You're insulting my character! I like the original artistic flavor, the value of some things can't be described in words, good things, only to people who know what they're talking about, you don't know what you're talking about and don't say it doesn't work, the script is back to me ... I'm leaving."

  Lu Yuan felt that his flimflam was revealed to his face in front of his face was a bit untenable, but he was still very stubborn to show a serious face.

  He felt that this fat sheep was even smarter than he had imagined.

  He felt that his flim-flam might be failing.

  He was going to take back his script and continue to look for his next family.

  He was going to bugger off!

  Damn it, next time, he can't make these mistakes.

  "Get in the car." After Wang Haoxue swept a glance at the script, her smile suddenly became serious, then she held the script in her arms and sat opened the car door and sat in the driver's seat to start the Lamborghini.

  "Ah? Where to go?"

  "Do you want to talk about investment with me here? Get in the car, I'll buy you a cup of coffee." Wang Haoxue put on her sunglasses.


  Lu Yuan froze once again.

  Drinking coffee?


  What does this mean?

  I've fucking succeeded?

  Lu Yuan's mind was messed up, but he still maintained his self-righteous demeanor and got into the car.