
I Raised Transmigraters and Regressers

A 20 years old man named Noah who is an average looking guy with good personality and a popular vtuber he is in the hospital suffering from a very rare disease which caused him to be unable to move outside his bed. as time goes by he still chose to smile despite his end coming near. on his deathbed he wished he would reincate in a world where he could walk freely everywhere he go, his wish was granted and soon he reincarnated into the body of the boy Eren watch as he discover new things and unbeknownst to him about the children he would encounter, Join him in his epic journey to become the strongest while being a father to his children. (A.N yes it's confusing since it says a boy not a man but please look forward for the story)

Wanderingcelestial · Fantasy
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45 Chs

chapter 21:Charm and intimidation

"No! I will be killed!" Akar shouted,

"the people might be able to forgive you since not even one of your patients died as of yet" Roxan replied,

(even if they forgive me I would not also lose my reputation I will also lose my source of income even, I kill those bastards it still won't be enough for me to survive in a month!) Akar thought while aggressively biting he's nails,

(scum) Eren thought,

Akar Started to sweat heavily as he was thinking of finding a way to escape,

(even if I can outrun roxan by jumping through the window I can't even do that since there's a battle doctor blocking my way and if I even manage to slip away Roxan would Catch up to me in a Matter of seconds! what should I do...) he thought while scratching his head when suddenly he was grabbed by the neck by a huge hand,

"I know whats in your mind you're trying to find a way to escape am I right?" Eren asked,

"N-no I was not thinking about anything" Akar replied,

(damnit how did he know what I was thinking now it's impossible for me to escape unless...) Akar thought,

Eren noticed this and pressed on akar's accupoint preventing him from screaming and moving,

(what the! I can't move what did he do to me? wait why is my mouth not moving I can't Even emit sound what is happening!!!) Akar shouted inwardly,

"you really are a sly and shameless bastard aren't ya, nice try better luck next time" he said as he dragged the paralyzed Akar towards Roxan,

Akar attempted to struggle but was unfortunately overpowered and paralyzed by Eren's physical strength and Skill of blocking his nervous system making it impossible for him to escape,

Eren then made him kneel infront of Roxan,

"so you really are not going to tell the truth, as expected we'll do it my way" she said as she took Akar from Eren and dragged him outside,

the people were shocked as to why Roxan is dragging Akar the best 'Doctor' in the village, after a few minutes of walking Roxan made Akar kneel in the middle of the town square where everyone could see him,

seeing this Akar Started to panic he wanted to say something but couldn't since he was paralyzed he just hoped that his friends are safe since he entrusted his omoney to them

but right when he was thinking about them he heard a loud muffling sound when he looked Into the corner of his eyes and saw his friends beside him and their mouths tied in cloth,

while the people are confused Roxan yelled at the people and said,

"everyone I know you won't believe if I say this but Akar and his goons are liars! they used painkillers and sleeping pills and make you believe they are cured"

"that's impossible Akar hi men are the best doctor in town how can they lie when my child was cured by them!" says the middle aged man,

"that's right there's no way that's true" says a woman in her 20's

the people also started to defend Akar which overwhelmed Roxan but suddenly Eren stepped in front of them and said,


the people became silent just by his mere presence,

Eren kept his composure and didn't say a word when suddenly he heard the system say,

[Congratulations host you've unlocked a new passive skill]

{Charm} and {intimidation}