
I Raised Transmigraters and Regressers

A 20 years old man named Noah who is an average looking guy with good personality and a popular vtuber he is in the hospital suffering from a very rare disease which caused him to be unable to move outside his bed. as time goes by he still chose to smile despite his end coming near. on his deathbed he wished he would reincate in a world where he could walk freely everywhere he go, his wish was granted and soon he reincarnated into the body of the boy Eren watch as he discover new things and unbeknownst to him about the children he would encounter, Join him in his epic journey to become the strongest while being a father to his children. (A.N yes it's confusing since it says a boy not a man but please look forward for the story)

Wanderingcelestial · Fantasy
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45 Chs

Chapter 15: Akar

Hearing this Roxan ran inside her house and saw a man with a pointy hat wearing round sunglasses and a robe similar to a doctor (Semi-Chinese style clothing) looking at a girl who is lying in bed,

Seeing this, Roxan approached the man and said,

"What are you doing here Akar?" in an irritated voice,

(Akar is a man who is known as The doctor, though he is originally as a swindler, thief, deceiver and many other things and since noone is suspecting him he then started to go around selling "Medicine" and since it worked everyone of the village would come to him for his medicine, and after that he got the title of "The Doctor" since he can so called "heal" any sickness Even though he's just giving away painkillers and sleeping doses which noone suspected since there's no doctor who charged cheaper than him)

(and he's originally a wanted criminal In the capital)

the man turned his attention towards her and replied,

"Oh hello there Roxan I'm just taking a look at your sister's body to see if anything unusual is happening to her"

Roxan frowned from hearing his reply and she said,

"Leave my house at once!" she demanded,

"Whoa! calm down there miss basilisk there's no need to be angry besides didn't I tell you that I'm here to heal your sister" he said in a mocking yet disgustingly lustful tone,

this attitude grossed out Roxan since she knew the personality of this shameless person who conveyed both her sister's body and hers,

this made Roxan wanna puke but she held back,

"I'm asking you for the last time leave.my.HOUSE!" she shouted while Pointing towards the door,

"okay, okay I'm going but let me remind you, your sister cannot live without my help" he smiled devilishly as if trying to tell her that he is the only one capable of healing her sister's disease in the entire world,

he then walked towards the door lifting his chin up confidently,


Eren right outside of their house listened through the entire conversation thanks to his skill called [hyper enhanced senses] which made him not only have x-ray vision it also made him hear things as if he's close to the target even closing his eyes can help him sense the position and the movements of his targets just by breathing and structures, this skill is far greater than [enhanced senses],

he then sensed the men walking towards the door and he then opened his eyes right after and read automatically read his mind,

(Just you wait Roxan soon you'll be begging me on your knees to heal your sister and once that happened hehe...) he thought drooling,

Akar who was confidently walking towards the door and opening it stood there frozed as he saw a 9ft tall man standing right in front of him clad in thick armor (original form of the armor) with a sword sticking out his back,

<gulp>"may I help you sir?" he asked,

"I'm here for Roxan" Eren answered,

(hmph, someone like you is a doctor ha! don't make me laugh your just a swindler I've never seen one in the past but I know a swindler if I see one and you dare take advantage on a sick person let's see how I'd deal with you later) Eren thought while keeping his emotion in control,

"Y-yes she's inside please come in" Akar said shakingly while giving way,

Eren then went inside and saw Roxan holding her sister's hands,

he then smiled and asked,

"shall we begin?"