
I Raised Transmigraters and Regressers

A 20 years old man named Noah who is an average looking guy with good personality and a popular vtuber he is in the hospital suffering from a very rare disease which caused him to be unable to move outside his bed. as time goes by he still chose to smile despite his end coming near. on his deathbed he wished he would reincate in a world where he could walk freely everywhere he go, his wish was granted and soon he reincarnated into the body of the boy Eren watch as he discover new things and unbeknownst to him about the children he would encounter, Join him in his epic journey to become the strongest while being a father to his children. (A.N yes it's confusing since it says a boy not a man but please look forward for the story)

Wanderingcelestial · Fantasy
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45 Chs

Chapter 13: Take me to your sister

"I'm a doctor" Eren said,

hearing this Roxxy was taken aback since she heard him say "doctor", doctors are pretty rare considering they're from the big cities and very expensive as well and would prefer to live there permanently. but there are a few doctors outside the city but... 75% of them are quack and would victimize the poor.

"w-wait did you say doctor?" Cynthia asked,

"hm? yes indeed is there a problem?" he asked,

"n-no but aren't you a warrior since you got all that armor and stuff" Cynthia said,

"oh this, yes I am indeed a warrior but also worked part-time on other jobs" he answered,

"You're not one of those quack Doctors are you?" she said,

"Why would I lie?" he said smiling,

"But why would a doctor like you live in this inn?" Cynthia asked,

"hmm... I got tired of the city since it only gives me trouble considering there's a lot of reports coming into my house 24/7"he answered,

(huh?!, dad's a doctor why didn't he tell me in the past... wait a minute he has a habit of waiting for someone to ask him isn't he... damnit why didn't I ask him) Claude exclaimed,

(Are doctors rare in this world? I don't think so) Rosalia thought,

"oh, I see" Cynthia said a little surprised by Eren's answer,

Roxxy fell on her knees and was shocked after hearing this then she bowed her head to the floor,

"miss Roxxy please raise your head I don't want your beautiful face to be ruined" Eren said, (A.N:Cringe)

"P-please I'm begging you please heal my sister" she said crying,

"I will but please stand up It's pretty awkward talking to you while looking down" Eren said,

as he tried to convince her to stand up he noticed that her breasts were touching the ground making him blush,

"<cough> Cynthia please give me a cloak or anything that could cover her body please" Eren said presenting his hand while holding both his children who are in a deep sleep,

(He's 2 ¾ tall or 9ft in a few inches it's no surprise he can hold 2 children in one arm hell maybe four)

Cynthia quickly grabbed one of the towels and then gave it to Eren, their hands accidentally touched each other but Eren didn't feel much of it since he wore armor, Cynthia blushed and still kept a straight face but her mind says otherwise,

(oh my god!, oh my god!, oh my god! we touched hands does that mean... no no no no maybe it's just a coincidence since I'm holding a towel but... kyaaa~♡!!!) she said inside her mind,

(I can literally read your mind ma'am but still trying to keep a poker face... cute) Eren thought,

(Dad really is a chick magnet even though his pretty dense) Rosalia thought,

(incredible father really is incredible) Claude said in his mind,

Eren just awkwardly smiled since he could read their minds, then he approached Roxxy and wrapped around the towel around her and said,

"please get up and please don't expose your body too often I know I have no rights to tell you what you should wear but please be careful with your body" Eren said while looking at Roxxy's eyes,

her face suddenly turned red and was a little embarrassed, since no man ever said anything to her much less covering her body nor even looking into her eyes and it made her heart pump like crazy,

Cynthia and hydra became jealous and thought,

(Damn another rival) they both thought,

after Eren wrapped the towel around her body he then said,

"What beautiful eyes you have, take me to your sister oh and Cynthia I'll be back with my payment and have a good rest hydra" he said waving his hand goodbye,

"okay(darling)" they both said...

(sorry guys I didn't update more chapters I've been busy lately and also I barely have a little time to make more chapters and I'm really sorry for that.)

(oh if you don't mind you can also help me create more characters (especially females) in the future and also you must create the characters name, background, backstory, race, powers, personality and their role thank you)