
I raised the wrong child

Irene_Foxy · Fantasy
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1 Chs

New member of the Family

A young 23 year old woman by the name of Abigail was going home after a trip to the grocery strore. As she walked she was a young boy on the side of the street which was dirty after been slashed by mud which looked like from saveral differnt cars. The boy's hair looked brown but also saw some white and had red eyes and slightly pointy ears. After looking at the boy she felt sad he had to live like that, even the boy didn't bother to look up the whole time as if he didn't notice she was around. Then she concluded to have the boy live with her since she was already thinking of adopting a child of her own.

"Hey there little boy" said the woman

The boy only lifted his head up a little after being called and didn't bother to reply

The girl thinking this was awkward bent down and said "Would you like to come home with me I promise to take good care of you"

and once again he didn't reply.

The girl tried again and again but he didn't speak, he only narrowed his eyes at her

The girl sensing hostility concluding he had trust issues or he was mute or mabe it was both, so she decided to give the boy an apple from the bag, however the boy didn't take it

"Take it, it's food so you won't be hungry anymore" said the woman

After 3 minutes he took it slowly and bit into it, but looked like he was disgusted by the taste, The girl wonderd if it was sour or he didn't like it but she removed the fact it was sour since it was still fresh.

"Why don't you come home with me I'll give you anything you like" and about a few seconds later he got up and followed her, though she wandered what the boy wanted but left it there

"Looks like I can finally have the blood I've longed for" the little boy taught inwardly




Authur's taughts

What do you think the cute little boy will do to the girl. Will he kill her or is something else. Was that the reason he was on the street. The next chapter will soon be at your door step