
I Quit Being A Hero, I'd Rather Become A Villain

[Beware, seeker of eternity, for the path you tread is not without consequence. The boundless power you seek may unleash darkness beyond measure,]" a deep, resonating voice echoed through the chamber. In a world where magic reigns and eternal life promises untold power, follow the journey of Adrian Hunter — a once revered hero and ruler of a prosperous kingdom whose life was shattered when his wife fell victim to an invasion that left his land in ruins. Adrian's quest for revenge led him to the Forbidden Chamber, where he found the Eternal Enigma, an artifact said to grant immortality. Adrian was willing to do anything to get his revenge, so he made a deal with the imprisoned goddesses who guarded the Enigma. In exchange for their freedom, they would give him the power he needed to destroy his enemies. United in purpose, they unleash havoc on those who wronged him, turning Adrian into a formidable force feared by enemies and allies alike. "They took everything from me," Adrian said with gritted teeth, his voice filled with hatred. "My wife, my home, my kingdom. I will make them pay for what they have done." Adrian's eyes glowed with a dark light. He knew that he was no longer the hero he once was. He was now the Malevolent Sorcerer, a force of pure evil. But he didn't care. He would do whatever it took to get his revenge. "I will make them pay," Adrian thundered. "I will make them all pay."

sam_marfe · Fantasy
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11 Chs

"What's a king without a kingdom?"

Carrying Elena's lifeless body into the throne room, I laid her down on the cold, unforgiving marble floor. My tears flowed freely, and the pain in my heart was unbearable.

Her once-vibrant eyes stared lifelessly at the ornate ceiling above, and I cradled her pale, lifeless face in my trembling hands.

Just then, Marcus, my trusted friend and advisor, entered the room. He placed a comforting hand on my shoulder, his voice heavy with sorrow. "I'm so sorry, your majesty, for your loss."

Unable to hold back my anguish, I looked up at Marcus, my voice choked with grief and rage. "This is more than a loss, Marcus," I managed to say between sobs. "This kingdom was my father's, handed down by his father and his father's father. All gone."

I rose to my feet, anger surging through me. "Look at my wife," I gestured to Elena's lifeless form. "She's lying dead, with my unborn child. Everything I've worked for, everything I owned, all gone." My voice broke, and I collapsed back to my knees, the weight of my sorrow crushing me.

After sobbing for what felt like an eternity, I wiped away my tears with the back of my hand and drew my sword, its blade gleaming in the dim throne room light. Kneeling down on one knee, I thrust the sword into the ground, the hilt standing upright.

With great care, I lifted one of Elena's lifeless hands and placed it on the hilt of the sword, my hands trembling. I covered her hand with my own, my voice quivering but determined.

"I'll avenge your death, Elena," I vowed. "I don't care what it takes. Even if I have to die or sell my soul, I will ensure they pay for what they did." My words echoed through the silent, desolate throne room.

I stood up, my hands stained with Elena's blood, and let out a heavy sigh. With great reluctance, I sheathed my sword, the blade that had once gleamed with hope, now a grim reminder of the horrors I had witnessed.

Leaving the throne room behind, I made my way to the pool located just at the back of the palace. It was a place where Elena and I had often found solace, a tranquil oasis in the midst of chaos.

Staring at my own reflection in the still waters, I saw a man consumed by grief and vengeance. My face, once youthful and full of life, had now taken on a gaunt, haunted appearance.

Dark circles marred the skin beneath my eyes, evidence of countless sleepless nights. My eyes, once a vibrant shade of green, had dulled with the weight of my sorrow, and they now burned with an intense, unwavering determination.

My hair, once neatly groomed, hung in disarray around my face, a tangled mess of brown locks that mirrored the chaos that had befallen my life. As I gazed into the pool, I could hardly recognize the man who stared back at me.

The loss of my kingdom, my beloved wife, and our unborn child had transformed me into a different man, one who would stop at nothing to make those responsible pay for their sins.

Quickly, I washed my hands and face in the pool's clear waters, trying to cleanse myself of the grim reminder of the tragedy. As I stood up and headed for the entrance to the palace, I could hear the sound of someone following closely. It was Marcus, I could tell by his footsteps.

"Where are you off to, my king?" he asked, concern lacing his voice.

"What's a king without a kingdom, Marcus?" I replied bitterly. "I'm no king until I get vengeance, until I can proudly stand and face these people and tell them I've gotten justice for those that made them widows, widowers, and orphans."

"I was thinking we would bury the queen first...," Marcus said, his voice filled with a solemn suggestion.

But I couldn't bear the thought of saying a final goodbye to Elena. Burying her would mean accepting her loss forever, and I wasn't ready for that.

'Am I trying to stay in denial?' I asked myself silently, my heart torn between grief and anger.

I waved my hand dismissively, cutting off Marcus's suggestion. "I'll do that as soon as I've gotten revenge," I declared firmly, my resolve unshaken. "Only then can her spirit rest in peace."

Looking at Marcus with determination in my eyes, I asked, "Are you coming with me or not?"

His response was unwavering: "Of course, my King."

We both saddled our horses and left the ruins behind, determined to track down the Draegonians. Our journey lasted for days, with only a few brief breaks in between.

As we ventured closer, I whispered to Marcus, "There they are."

"We should try to get ahead of them, strike from the front, and eliminate their leader. The rest will crumble," I suggested.

Marcus looked at me skeptically. "There are only two of us. How do you expect us to face an entire army?"

"By fighting against them, of course," I replied dryly.

"But that's suicide, Your Majesty," Marcus exclaimed, concern evident in his voice.

"You knew that when you decided to come with me," I retorted firmly. "With or without you, I'm going." With that, I spurred my horse forward.

Soon, I heard the gallop of Marcus's horse behind me, and I managed a brief smile.

We rode through the forest all night, and as the sun began to rise, we had successfully bypassed the Draegonians. They had set up camp in the valley ahead - the Valley of Shadows.

Approaching their camp, I dismounted a few meters away, choosing to proceed on foot.

"Halt!" one of the guards shouted, but I continued walking, undeterred.

"Do not take another step, or it might be your last," another warned.

I hesitated for a moment, as if considering their threat, then pressed forward with a smirk on my face. "Well, I'm still standing," I taunted.

In response, they unsheathed their swords, and two of them charged toward me. I maintained my composure and continued walking until we met in the middle. With swift motions, they swung their swords toward my upper body.

Anticipating the trajectory of their weapons, I dropped to the ground just in time, the lethal blades slicing through the air mere inches above me.

The shock on their faces was the last expression I saw before the burning rage in my eyes took over. Swiftly, I drew my sword from its sheath and swung it in a deadly arc toward their necks, starting from my lowered position.

The sharp tip of the blade dug into their throats, mercilessly slicing them open.


Both guards crumpled to the ground, their attempts to gasp for air futile as blood gushed from their throats, staining the earth beneath them.

Fear and horror consumed the face of the third guard. Before he could react, I conjured a fiery chain from my hands and launched it toward him, the chain swiftly wrapping around his neck.

His agonized scream pierced the air as the flames scorched his skin. With a decisive pull, I drew him towards me and grabbed him by his armor, the fiery chain retracting in response.

"Where's your leader?" I demanded through clenched teeth, my anger and determination evident.

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