
I Quit Being A Hero, I'd Rather Become A Villain

[Beware, seeker of eternity, for the path you tread is not without consequence. The boundless power you seek may unleash darkness beyond measure,]" a deep, resonating voice echoed through the chamber. In a world where magic reigns and eternal life promises untold power, follow the journey of Adrian Hunter — a once revered hero and ruler of a prosperous kingdom whose life was shattered when his wife fell victim to an invasion that left his land in ruins. Adrian's quest for revenge led him to the Forbidden Chamber, where he found the Eternal Enigma, an artifact said to grant immortality. Adrian was willing to do anything to get his revenge, so he made a deal with the imprisoned goddesses who guarded the Enigma. In exchange for their freedom, they would give him the power he needed to destroy his enemies. United in purpose, they unleash havoc on those who wronged him, turning Adrian into a formidable force feared by enemies and allies alike. "They took everything from me," Adrian said with gritted teeth, his voice filled with hatred. "My wife, my home, my kingdom. I will make them pay for what they have done." Adrian's eyes glowed with a dark light. He knew that he was no longer the hero he once was. He was now the Malevolent Sorcerer, a force of pure evil. But he didn't care. He would do whatever it took to get his revenge. "I will make them pay," Adrian thundered. "I will make them all pay."

sam_marfe · Fantasy
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11 Chs

"They... they took everything."

It's funny how quickly life can change. One moment, you're a hero, respected by your people and adored by your wife. The next, you're standing amidst the ruins of a kingdom that was once your pride and joy, and the love of your life lies lifeless at your feet.

It felt just like yesterday, the sun had barely begun its descent when the dark clouds rolled in, casting a foreboding shadow over the castle that stood tall and proud.

Elena and I, rulers of Meridia - a prosperous kingdom, had spent countless days basking in the glory of our land. Our subjects were content, and peace was our most cherished possession.

It was an utopia of our making, our dreams and vision was one of unity, justice, and prosperity for all. Elena's grace balanced my strength, her wisdom tempered my impulsiveness. Together, we were unstoppable.

Every day felt like our dreams was finally a reality, but that wretched day, dreams, I learnt, can slip through your fingers like grains of sand.

"Are you sure you don't want me to accompany you?" Elena asked for the umpteenth time as I saddled my white horse.

As King of Meridia, you would expect my servants to have my horse saddled before my departure. But this is one of the things I enjoy doing to remind myself of the ordinary life I had lived before becoming king.

I paused for a moment, considering her offer. The diplomatic meeting in the neighboring kingdom had been planned for weeks, and I was expected to represent our kingdom. I leaned in, gently brushing my lips against hers, savoring the warmth of her presence.

"I'll miss you, my love," I whispered, my voice filled with affection. "But it's just a diplomatic mission, and I would love for you to remain here and oversee our kingdom's affairs."

Elena's eyes held a hint of worry, but she nodded, her fingers gently caressing my cheek. "Just promise me you'll return safely, Adrian. I'll be waiting for you."

I leaned in closer, feeling the depth of her concern, and our lips met in another kiss, a silent promise sealed with the warmth of our love.

The world seemed to disappear in that moment, her lips dancing on mine. My hands went around her waist and drew her closer, deepening the kiss for a brief second before slowing down.

As we parted, I held her gaze, my heart filled with a mixture of determination and affection. "I promise, Elena," I said softly. "I'll return to you, no matter what."

As I sat in the grand hall of the neighboring kingdom, my mind was far from the diplomatic discussions at hand. My thoughts were consumed by Elena, my beloved wife, and the lingering taste of our parting kiss. The proceedings droned on, but I couldn't shake the unease that gnawed at my soul.

Hours turned into days, and the diplomatic mission seemed endless. Finally, the treaties were signed, alliances secured, and I was free to return to Meridia.

As I rode back toward my kingdom, a sense of foreboding tightened its grip on my heart. Dark clouds gathered on the horizon, casting ominous shadows over the land that I had left behind as a thriving paradise.

The closer I drew to Meridia, the more evident the devastation became. Smoke billowed into the sky, and the once-proud kingdom lay in ruins.

My heart pounded in my chest, and a cold sweat broke across my brow. Fear and anger surged within me as I spurred my horse forward, galloping toward the crumbling gates.

The sight that met my eyes was a nightmare incarnate. Buildings were reduced to rubble, the streets were strewn with debris, and the sounds of chaos echoed through the air.

Panic and despair were etched on the faces of the few survivors I encountered, their eyes haunted by the horrors they had witnessed.

Riding through the desolation, I called out for Elena, my voice strained with anguish. The name that had brought me so much comfort now tore through my soul like a dagger. I dismounted and searched frantically, the remnants of our utopia crumbling around me.

Then, in the midst of the wreckage, I found her. Elena, my love, lay motionless on the ground, her once-vibrant eyes now vacant. Horror and disbelief coursed through me as I knelt beside her, my trembling hands brushing her ashen face. Her lips moved, struggling to form words, and I leaned closer, desperate to hear her voice.

"Adrian," she gasped, her voice barely a whisper. "They... they took everything. They... they..."

Tears welled in my eyes as I watched her struggle for breath, her life slipping away before my eyes. "Elena, no," I choked out, clutching her hand in mine. "Stay with me, my love. I'm here. I promised I would return, and I'm here."

Her lips trembled as she tried to speak, her breaths becoming shallower with each passing second. She summoned every ounce of her strength and managed to whisper a name, a name that sent a shiver down my spine.

"Adrian," she gasped, her voice barely audible, "it was... it was the Draegonians..."

The world seemed to freeze at that moment. The name hung in the air like a curse, and then, with a painful shout that echoed through the ruins of our kingdom, I cried out in agony at the revelation.

"No... no!" I cried out in despair, my voice trembling with a grief I could hardly bear. I held her closer, tears streaming down my face as I watched her gasping for breath, her strength waning with every passing moment.

Elena's chest rose and fell in shallow, labored breaths, her life slipping away like grains of sand through my fingers. Her eyes, once filled with warmth and love, now glistened with tears of pain and regret. She managed a weak smile, a final, bittersweet farewell as she whispered, "I love you, Adrian."

And then, in that heart-wrenching moment, her breathing ceased, and her eyes slowly closed, forever sealing the depths of her love within her.

I let out a primal, anguished shout, a cry that echoed through the desolation of our kingdom, a cry that bore the weight of my grief, my rage, and the irreplaceable loss of the woman who had been my heart and soul.

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