
I Quit Being A Hero, I'd Rather Become A Villain

[Beware, seeker of eternity, for the path you tread is not without consequence. The boundless power you seek may unleash darkness beyond measure,]" a deep, resonating voice echoed through the chamber. In a world where magic reigns and eternal life promises untold power, follow the journey of Adrian Hunter — a once revered hero and ruler of a prosperous kingdom whose life was shattered when his wife fell victim to an invasion that left his land in ruins. Adrian's quest for revenge led him to the Forbidden Chamber, where he found the Eternal Enigma, an artifact said to grant immortality. Adrian was willing to do anything to get his revenge, so he made a deal with the imprisoned goddesses who guarded the Enigma. In exchange for their freedom, they would give him the power he needed to destroy his enemies. United in purpose, they unleash havoc on those who wronged him, turning Adrian into a formidable force feared by enemies and allies alike. "They took everything from me," Adrian said with gritted teeth, his voice filled with hatred. "My wife, my home, my kingdom. I will make them pay for what they have done." Adrian's eyes glowed with a dark light. He knew that he was no longer the hero he once was. He was now the Malevolent Sorcerer, a force of pure evil. But he didn't care. He would do whatever it took to get his revenge. "I will make them pay," Adrian thundered. "I will make them all pay."

sam_marfe · Fantasy
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11 Chs

"Hahahahahahaha... I'll make them all pay."

I took a deep breath, my heart pounding in my chest as I removed the flame torch hanging at the entrance and ventured into the foreboding cave.

The passage stretched before me, shrouded in darkness, and I proceeded cautiously, the flame in my hand casting eerie, dancing shadows on the cave's ancient walls.

The cave revealed itself slowly as I moved forward. Stalactites hung like menacing icicles from the ceiling, their sharp points glistening ominously in the torchlight.

The walls bore strange, intricate carvings, hinting at a history long forgotten. The floor, uneven and treacherous, seemed to shift beneath my boots.

As I navigated deeper into the cave, my thoughts turned to a comment Lorian made about this place filled with booby traps. 'I thought this place was said to be booby trapped,' I mused to myself, my voice barely more than a whisper.

Just as if my thoughts were some silent prayer answered, I suddenly felt a shift beneath my boot. I glanced down in alarm, realizing that I had stepped on a false tile on the floor. Panic surged through me as I froze in my tracks, 'Seems like I spoke too soon.'

Adrenaline coursed through my veins as I swiftly moved the torch to my left hand, drawing my sword with the other. In one fluid motion, I leaped backward, my heart pounding.

As my foot left the trigger, a deadly barrage of metal filled the air. Knives, hidden in the recesses of the cave, were unleashed with deadly precision, hurtling toward me.

With split-second reflexes, I tossed the torch ahead, casting a fiery glow that illuminated the chaos about to unfold. With both hands gripping my sword, I summoned fiery chains from my back, a total of eight of them, and formed a protective shield in front of me.

The sound of the knives tearing through the air was deafening, but I stood my ground, my chains intercepting the deadly projectiles one after the other.

Any knives that managed to slip past my fiery barrier were quickly deflected by my sword, their deadly edges harmlessly ricocheting off the cave walls.

The cave fell into silence and I stopped to listen for a while. I relaxed after a while.

I extended one of the fiery chains to retrieve the torch from where it lay on the cavern floor, keeping the other chains in place as a precaution.

With the torch once again casting its wavering light, I pressed forward into the depths of the cave, my hand never leaving the hilt of my sword.

Eventually, I reached the far end, where a colossal door loomed before me, ancient and foreboding. I willed the chain holding the torch to move forward, revealing the door's intricate details.

The sides of the door bore the unmistakable marks of the concealed knife holes from which the deadly projectiles had emerged earlier. They were clearly meant to deter anyone from reaching what lay beyond.

But it was the door itself that held the most fascination and dread. It was adorned with ancient, intricate carvings that seemed to writhe and pulse with an otherworldly energy.

In the center, a striking image depicted seven goddesses, their forms bound by ethereal chains, their eyes filled with a sense of sorrow and longing.

Examining the door more closely, I noted five distinct keyholes, each one unique in shape and size.

Without hesitation, I extended my fiery chains, their spear-like ends resembling keys of their own. With precise control, I inserted all five chains into the keyholes simultaneously.

The fiery chains trembled with power as they worked their magic on the locks. The cave seemed to hold its breath as the chains turned, clicked, and finally, with a satisfying mechanical sound, the locks gave way.

The massive door groaned as it began to swing open, revealing a chamber bathed in an otherworldly, ethereal light. In the center of the chamber stood a pedestal, beckoning to me like a beacon.

Between where I stood and the pedestal lay a narrow walkway of stone, suspended seemingly by nothing. It connected the chamber's entrance to the pedestal, leaving a dark abyss below.

I swallowed hard, reminding myself that this treacherous path was the price to pay for my revenge.

With a deep breath, I approached the edge of the walkway, peering down into the inky blackness. "I must do it to get my revenge," I whispered to myself, my resolve unwavering. I cautiously took a step, testing the stability of the precarious path.

"It seems solid enough," I muttered as I continued forward, one step at a time. With each careful stride, the ground beneath me seemed to hold. However, when I was nearly halfway across, the earth trembled beneath my feet.

Panicking, I drove one of my chains into the stone walkway, its spear edge digging in and dislodging a shower of pebbles into the abyss below.

After regaining my composure, I pressed on but stopped abruptly when an eerie sound filled the chamber, followed by silence.

I spun around, scanning the shadows, but there was nothing to be seen. The eerie silence was broken again by another ear-piercing screech from below, and then another, and another, until the entire chamber resonated with their unnerving cries.

As I took a few more cautious steps, the source of the terrifying sound emerged from the abyss beneath. A monstrous creature, half dragon, half bat; a dragon-bat, its leathery wings outstretched, soared toward me with deadly intent.

Reacting with lightning speed, I shot one of my chains toward the approaching creature, but it deftly dodged the attack. With a swift maneuver, I redirected the chain, ensnaring the dragon-bat and squeezing the life out of it.

More dragon-bats flew up, and my blazing chains met their dangerous figures. One chain went through a creature and cut it in half, sending a disgusting rain of green slime into the darkness.

Another dragon-bat came dangerously close, so I bent backward and hit it with my sword, cutting it in half so it wouldn't die the same way. I steadied myself by driving two chains into the ground, which lifted me slightly above the collapsing path.

Taking careful steps forward, I grabbed another dragon-bat and pierced its wing, sending it hurtling down into the abyss below. Despite the relentless onslaught, I kept my balance inorder to avoid missing a foot.

After slaying the last creature, I retracted my chains, but my mistake became painfully clear when the ground gave way. "Shit..." I mumbled, adrenaline rushing as I ran towards the pedestal. Only a few steps stood between safety and doom.

Out of instinct, I shot two chains and anchored them to the edge of the cliff. This kept me from falling into the void. I pulled them in one by one until I was back on solid ground.

I took a moment to take in deep breaths, trying to recover from the near-miss experience.

My gaze shifted towards the pedestal, to the handprint engraved on its surface. Without thinking, I put my hand on the mark.

"[Beware, seeker of eternity, for the path you tread is not without consequence. The boundless power you seek may unleash darkness beyond measure,]" a deep, resonating voice echoed through the chamber.

Ignoring the strange warning, I pressed my hand firmly onto the pedestal. A bright red light shone from the spot where my hand touched, and then it started to trace intricate lines etched into the pedestal's surface.

I watched in awe as the lines glowed and formed a seal on the floor beneath.

As the seal took shape, I noticed several circles on the ground, a total of seven of them, each marked with its own unique design.

Suddenly, the ground began to tremble, and a blinding burst of light erupted from all seven circles, reaching up to the ceiling of the chamber.

From one of these radiant lights, a sweet and melodious female voice spoke, cutting through the light. "Who dares disturb our rest?" The voice echoed through the chamber, filled with curiosity and an underlying hint of authority.

The voice's question hung in the air, and for a moment, the chamber seemed to hold its breath. I could feel the weight of their presence, the power of the goddesses who had been awakened by my touch.

As I stared at the circles on the floor and the radiant lights above, memories of everything I had lost flooded my mind. The image of my wife, the warmth of my home, the once-thriving kingdom now reduced to ashes - all of it fueled the burning hatred within me.

I clenched my fist as I replied to the voice, "I am Adrian, a seeker of justice. I have come to free you, goddesses, from your imprisonment. I seek the power to right the wrongs committed against me."

The female voice responded, its tone softening slightly. "Your desire for justice burns brightly, Adrian. But beware, for the path you have chosen is one of darkness and sacrifice."

"They took everything from me," I replied with gritted teeth, my voice filled with hatred. "My wife, my home, my kingdom. I want to make them pay for what they have done."

"You have chosen wisely, Adrian, seeker of justice," another voice said from another of the light beams, making me turn towards it. "We shall grant you our strength and our allegiance. But remember, the power we offer comes at a cost, and the path you tread will be fraught with darkness."

"In granting you our strength, we also share with you our knowledge. The secrets of the ancients, the wisdom of the ages, all shall be at your disposal. But be mindful, for with great power comes great responsibility." Another voice continued.

I felt a shiver run down my spine, but my resolve remained unwavering. "I am prepared to face the consequences," I declared.

"Then all you have to do is break the seal," one of the goddesses spoke in a sweet, soft voice.

"And in return for our freedom," another of the goddesses spoke, her voice carrying a melodious and otherworldly quality, "we'll offer you our strength, our allegiance, and all you require to pursue your vengeance."

A dry smirk found its way to my face, "I think we have a deal," I said, a sad smile playing on his face. With that, I plunged my sword into the pedestal, shattering it into pieces, freeing the goddesses from their ancient prison.

The seven beams of light converged at a point, converged at my very essence and I felt a surge of power course through my veins.

My eyes glowed with a dark light. At this point, I knew that I was no longer the hero I once was. I am now the Malevolent Sorcerer, a force of pure evil. But I don't care. It actually feels…. good.

"I will make them pay," I said, my lips curling into a wicked laugh that echoed through the chamber. "Hahahahahahaha….. I will make them all pay!!!"

I love power stones... Please use them on me.

Note: Smut ahead....

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