
I Punch the Tailed Beast Ball

Nagasawa crossed to Naruto Universe and was bound to Konohagakure. If Konoha is severely damaged and destroyed, Nagasawa’s lifespan will be reduced. He panicked at the thought of the upcoming Nine-Tailed Demon Fox's attack , and the thought of Konoha getting destroyed left him in despair. Fortunately, while bound to Konoha, he can obtain templates of powerful characters. At the beginning, He got the Whitebeard template! Since it's the Whitebeard from the Summit War of Marineford, he can use Tremor-Tremor Fruit's ability and Haki. Facing the Tailed Beast Ball, which terrorized Konoha Shinobi, Nagasawa leaped and shattered the Tailed Beast Ball with one punch! Please give this novel 5 stars review and power stone ;) Read a few chapters ahead on readfanfic.com Read up to 30 chapters ahead on p atreon. https://www.p atreon.com/strongbeast Our community on discord: discord. gg /t66agbE

nyawdao3 · Anime & Comics
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290 Chs

Itachi Uchiha

"Do you think the war will ever disappear?" Itachi stared into Nagasawa's eyes as if he wanted to see what Nagasawa was thinking.

A six-year-old child suddenly asking about the war was indeed a little weird, but if it was Itachi, Nagasawa didn't think it was weird.

After all, this was Uchiha Itachi we're talking about, a one of a kind genius in this world.

It wasn't just his unparalleled talent, but also because of his maturity. Even when he was in the Academy, he already thought about things that didn't cross most adults' minds, and set it as his goal.

Perhaps from a personal point of view, Itachi was cold-blooded and ruthless. He massacred his entire Clan, sparing only his younger brother.

But from a village's point of view, Itachi was impeccable, and he shouldered everything by himself.

If he didn't wipe out Uchiha Clan, they would rebel against Konoha.

Considering how powerful Uchiha Clan was, their coup d'etat would at least cause serious damage to Konoha even if they didn't manage to take over Konoha.

After all, the enemy was from inside, not outside.

The village considered that Uchiha Clan's coup d'etat was too dangerous, so Itachi, Danzo and Obito cooperated to massacre Uchiha Clan.

Itachi had no other choice. He had promised Shisui that he would protect Uchiha Clan and the village.

If he did not make a move, what awaited Uchiha was still total annihilation. But if he did, he could at least protect some people.

Nagasawa admired Itachi who could do this. If he were on Itachi's shoes, he would definitely not do this. His moral compass was not as good as Itachi's, and that was precisely why Nagasawa admired him.

Nagasawa thought for a moment and said, "That depends on how you define war."

"The definition of war..." Itachi lowered his head and thought. In his opinion, war was the conflict between countries and their people.

When he was four years old, he had been brought to the battlefield by his father and knew how cruel the battlefield was.

Even if he showed mercy, the enemy would still try to kill him since Itachi wasn't wearing Iwagakure's forehead protector back then.

At that time, Itachi was very puzzled why that Shinobi wanted to attack him even though he clearly wanted to save him.

Back then, his father answered his question with "because this was the battlefield, and we're at a war.

Even if they did not know each other and did not have anything against each other, they had to fight with the intention to kill each other.

The cruel war shocked the young Itachi. However, this did not leave any scar on him. Instead, it gave him a great dream.

"The countries sending a large number of people to kill and fight each other. This is how I define war." Itachi raised his head and said.

"It's very one-sided, but that answer is more than good enough for someone your age," Nagasawa commented.

"Then how do you define war, Nagasawa-sensei?" Itachi stared at Nagasawa with a curious gaze.

"Broadly speaking, we're not the only ones who wage war. Even animals have war against each other. If you look carefully, you will find that even small ants have war."

"There is even war between ants..." Itachi was a little shocked.

"Let's not talk about animals for now. There are many wars between us humans, and what you are referring to is only military wars. There are also other wars, such as economic wars and cultural wars." Nagasawa continued.

"Economic war? Cultural war?" Itachi frowned. Those were the words that he had never heard of.

He did know the word 'economy', but he did not know what Economic War meant.

He also knew a little bit about the word 'culture', but when it was combined with the word "war", he no longer knew what it meant.

"Don't think too much about it. I will explain all of this for you in the future. I will answer your first question first. Is it possible to get rid of war? My answer is yes, it is possible."

Itachi's eyes lit up. He excitedly grabbed Nagasawa's hand and stared at Nagasawa.

"It's possible, but let me say this first. There are certain conditions that we must check first to eliminate war, and it is a long-term process. Only with the high development of productivity and the great progress of society will the fundamental conflict of interest between countries and political groups disappear. Once that happens, war will serve no purpose and eventually disappear." Nagasawa said slowly.

In his opinion, it was too early to completely get rid of war in this world. This world's society wasn't as advanced as the society in his previous life, after all.

Even if he ruled this world with his personal strength, it would ultimately fall apart.

However, even Nagasawa didn't know how much this world's civilization had to progress before the war completely disappeared. Nagasawa did not know as this was new to him.

"I don't understand." Itachi said honestly with a blushed face.

He hated himself for being too ignorant. A mountain of treasure was right in front of him, but he didn't even know what treasure it was.

He recognized some of the words that Nagasawa said, but when it was combined into a sentence, he didn't understand them whatsoever.

"Hahaha." Nagasawa laughed. Even that famous Uchiha Itachi had something he didn't understand.

"It's fine if you don't understand. I can teach you all these things if you want." Nagasawa laughed.

"Nagasawa-san, can I be your disciple?" Itachi's tone became more formal.

No matter how unreliable Nagasawa seemed prior to this, Itachi knew that Nagasawa was no ordinary person through Nagasawa's attitude tonight. In addition to his extraordinary strength, even his way of thinking was ahead of others.

He had not heard any similar opinions to Nagasawa's from anyone or any book so far.

Therefore, Itachi wanted to become Nagasawa's disciple, not just learn Rasengan from him.

"Since you already call me sensei, then of course you are already my disciple. However, I have a very high bar for my disciple. You have to be mentally prepared." Nagasawa nodded and said.

"Also, don't think too highly of me. There are skies above skies." Nagasawa added.

He was able to say those words because he had the knowledge from his previous life.

If he was from this world, he definitely would not be able to say such words.

"Yes." Itachi nodded in understanding.

"Then when will our next training be?" Itachi asked.

"Same time the day after tomorrow." Nagasawa said after thinking for a while.

An excellent inheritor of the Will of Fire like Itachi had to be nurtured from a young age, so he should teach him more often.

After asking, Itachi bid farewell to Nagasawa. It was already very dark, and his parents would be worried if he did not return home.

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