
I Punch the Tailed Beast Ball

Nagasawa crossed to Naruto Universe and was bound to Konohagakure. If Konoha is severely damaged and destroyed, Nagasawa’s lifespan will be reduced. He panicked at the thought of the upcoming Nine-Tailed Demon Fox's attack , and the thought of Konoha getting destroyed left him in despair. Fortunately, while bound to Konoha, he can obtain templates of powerful characters. At the beginning, He got the Whitebeard template! Since it's the Whitebeard from the Summit War of Marineford, he can use Tremor-Tremor Fruit's ability and Haki. Facing the Tailed Beast Ball, which terrorized Konoha Shinobi, Nagasawa leaped and shattered the Tailed Beast Ball with one punch! Please give this novel 5 stars review and power stone ;) Read a few chapters ahead on readfanfic.com Read up to 30 chapters ahead on p atreon. https://www.p atreon.com/strongbeast Our community on discord: discord. gg /t66agbE

nyawdao3 · Anime & Comics
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291 Chs

A Beautiful Day Ends Just Like That

Early in the morning, Nagasawa woke up because that was his routine, but instead of taking a bath, he conjured two Shadow Clones and went back to sleep.

Usually, he would also wake up early because he had to help Kakashi train.

Although sometimes he also used a Shadow Clone, he would train his Ninjutsu or Chakra during his free time.

But today was his birthday, so Nagasawa chose to spoil himself and sleep a little more.

After all, his birthday was once a year, and now he wasn't in a hurry to increase his strength.

His Whitebeard template fusion rate had reached 52%, and most of his points were used up to raise it.

After the fusion rate reached 50%, he would have to spend more points if he wanted to keep increasing it 15,000 points would only raise 1%.

If it required even more points to raise the fusion rate later, Nagasawa estimated that he would not be able to complete the Whitebeard template this year.

If with each 10% he required five thousand additional points, it'd be hard for sure as he only got a little more than ten thousand points in a week.

Nagasawa felt that he had to speed up his progress. He wanted to become Anbu's higher-up as soon as possible. He wanted to use Anbu as the base point, and then he would change Konoha step by step to increase his Prosperity.

With the increase in Prosperity, he could get more points every week, and then he would be able to raise the Whitebeard template faster.

In fact, compared to when Nagasawa first received the system, the degree of Prosperity had already changed.

[Current binding: Konohagakure]

[Current status: Common]

[Prosperity: 1400(Alliance with Iwagakure +70, Alliance with Kusagakure +10, other +86) ]

[Allies: Iwagakure, Sunagakure Village, Kusagakure]

(The alliance with Sunagakure occurred prior to Iwagakure, so Iwagakure and Kusagakure could be considered as a new addition.)

With this amount of prosperity, he could receive 14,000 points every week, 1,000 points higher than before.

Nagasawa discovered that in addition to the strength of Konoha's Shinobi, alliance with other countries could also increase Prosperity.

He didn't know if it were because he had gathered three allies, but he could open the information of Konoha's allies.

However, the prosperity provided by the allies was unstable, and it was determined by the relationship between Konoha and its allies.

For example, Iwagakure only became Konoha's ally because it was overpowered by Konoha, while Kusagakure was threatened, so the two didn't provide too much Prosperity.

This alliance was superficial. If something happened to Konoha, not only would they not help you, they would also hit you while you were down.

However, Nagasawa didn't care. In the end, they still provided Prosperity.



At noon, Nagasawa had a stretch before getting out of bed.

This reminded him of college life in his previous life. Whenever he had no morning classes, he'd always sleep until noon.

However, ever since he crossed to Naruto World, he has been training his body even before he entered Academy. After entering the Academy, he also trained hard in Ninjutsu.

He trained hard for more than a decade every day since his Academy days, even Minato was no match against him back then.

Then again, he had always hidden his skills, even though some people still found out.

However, after Minato became Jiraya's student, his talent was properly nurtured and he also learned the most suitable technique for him, Flying Thunder God.

After washing his face, Nagasawa walked out of the door.

He first took a stroll around, took a breath of fresh air, and then went straight to the Dango Shop.

Nagasawa walked to owner Watanabe and smiled, "The usual please, owner Watanabe."

At this time, there was no one in the store. It was either because Nagasawa came too early or too late.

A moment later, owner Watanabe came with the Dango, but instead of the usual three portions that Nagasawa ordered, there were four of them.

Nagasawa smiled and teased, "I only haven't seen you for two days and you have forgotten my habits? I am really sad. I usually only want three."

Owner Watanabe smiled and sat down before saying, "Isn't today your birthday? That one is on the house."

"Of course, that was if you didn't lie to me last year," owner Watanabe added.

Last year, Nagasawa also came there to buy Dango on his birthday. He even jokingly asked for a discount since it was his birthday.

"Of course I didn't lie to you. Thank you, owner Watanabe," Nagasawa replied happily.

He did not expect owner Watanabe remembered his uninteded joke last year.

While eating Dango, Nagasawa chatted with owner Watanabe.

"Owner Watanabe, why do I feel that you are always alone? Are you the kind of person who prefers to be alone?" Nagasawa asked casually.

He had known the owner Watanabe for a long time, but he rarely saw him with someone else, whether it was male or female.

Owner Watanabe sighed. "As if! I'm just not a fan of making friends on a whim. They will only end up disappointing."

Hearing owner Watanabe's words, Nagasawa felt that owner Watanabe was a man with a story.

After Nagasawa finished the Dango, he chatted with the owner Watanabe until the afternoon. Once more people came to the Dango Shop, Nagasawa left.

At this time, Nagasawa's Shadow Clones had already returned and completed their task to help with training. They also informed him about his birthday party.

He was prepared to celebrate his birthday at the barbecue shop this time.

Although he liked to eat sweet things, he still had to consider the majority taste, so he chose the barbecue shop after a long thought.

However, Nagasawa certainly did not want to cook by himself.

It was not that he did not know how to cook. After all, he had lived on his own for so long, so how could he not know how to cook?

It was because there were so many people. Minato and his wife, as well as the three in his squad, Nono and Guy, wouldn't it be very tiring if he had to cook all the dishes by himself?

He had already reserved a big table at the barbecue shop in advance.

When Nagasawa arrived at the shop, he noticed that he was not the first to arrive. Midori Inuzuka and Kakashi arrived earlier than him.

Kakashi, Might Guy, and Ensui were placing decorations, while Midori Inuzuka walked to Nagasawa with a cake that had lit candles on it.

The four of them said in unison, "Nagasawa-sensei, happy birthday! Thank you for your hard work."

Midori Inuzuka smiled and said to Nagasawa, "Nagasawa-sensei, quickly blow the candle."

Nagasawa said, "Why did you take the cake out before everyone's here?" But he still blew out the candle.

Usually, Nagasawa felt that Midori Inuzuka was cheeky and deserved a beating, but now Nagasawa considered whether to be gentler tomorrow.

After everyone gathered, they all smiled and discussed various things while eating barbecue.

A beautiful day passed just like that...

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