
I Possess Extrasensory Abilities.

As the sole possessor of extraordinary abilities and superpowers in the world, how would you alter the course of the world?

DaoistHHbP4M · Urban
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23 Chs

Chapter 4: How was it Done, After All?

Yu Ze was standing in the center of the stage, wearing short sleeves and a t-shirt, making it impossible to conceal such a large pair of high heels.

Not even the camera captured how the high heels disappeared without a trace.

"This, this..."

Having personally participated and experienced it, the overwhelming sense of unreality caused Yang Mier to cover her mouth, incredulously looking at Yu Ze. "How did you do that?"

"Special abilities, teleportation!"

Yu Ze still had that smiling expression, but now it no longer seemed frivolous, rather it gave an impression of profound mystery.

"Are you sure this isn't magic?"

Yang Mier still couldn't believe it. How could special abilities or superpowers exist in this world?

"You have to believe in science. Can magic achieve something like this?"

Yu Ze shrugged his shoulders and openly addressed the camera. "Unless all four mentors were in on it, there would be a certain chance of accomplishing what just happened. However, it's unfortunate that I have an ordinary background and didn't know the four mentors before this."

"Clap, approved!"

Shen Tian, who was the first to react, gave a green light.

Immediately after, Liu Yehua also gave a green light, and Jin Xing followed suit.

In their hearts, they were aware that perhaps the audience was still skeptical, but they knew that they were definitely not accomplices. How did the other party manage to do it? Could magic really achieve the miraculous scenes just now? Like Yu Ze said, unless they were accomplices, along with television editing, it would be possible to create those few magical phenomena.

"I have participated in talent shows three times, but you are definitely the most memorable one."

Jin Xing smiled and said, "Whether this is a special ability or some kind of magic, you have conquered me. I hope you can show even more exciting performances in the upcoming competition."

Yang Mier's high heels were returned to the stage by the staff, and after putting them back on, Yang Mier walked straight back to her seat and gave Yu Ze a green light as well.

From this point on, Yu Ze's performance already exceeded the scheduled time, yet the production team didn't think it was a problem at all. The performance just now was enough to impress the audience and spark controversy throughout the entire talent show. After the first episode aired, viewers would surely discuss Yu Ze's performance passionately, questioning whether it was magic or a special ability, thereby generating a significant amount of online traffic.

Off the stage, Yu Ze was surrounded by other contestants, many of whom had come to know him through his performance. They eagerly asked, "Mr. Yu, was your performance just now magic or a special ability?"

"Your magic is truly amazing. How did you accomplish it?"

Most people still didn't believe it was a special ability.

"Everyone, calm down," Yu Ze gestured with both hands for everyone to be quiet, and then he noticed Cai Yun among the crowd. "Magician Cai, in your opinion, was my performance just now a special ability or magic?"

Cai Yun's forehead veins bulged, helplessly saying, "What magician? Bro, I'm a new magician, no, I'm a street magician."

As he spoke, he paused, realizing that everyone was staring at him, and then he continued, "Your magic performance was really good. To be honest, many famous magicians can't achieve the same effect as you just did. Brother, what kind of background do you have? How did you make four big celebrities and the production team your accomplices?"

"So it really was a setup."

"I knew it. How could there really be a special ability? However, this gimmick is quite good, it almost scared me for a moment."

"Ah, it's so difficult to speak the truth in this world. I've shown everyone my true abilities, but they still don't believe it. They would rather believe that the four mentors were my accomplices than believe that I possess a special ability, right?"

"But it's okay. In the next performance, I will prove everything to everyone."

Yu Ze grinned widely, naturally making way through the crowd. He needed to go to the restroom.

"This kid, too arrogant."

In the crowd, there were participants of acrobatics competition, very unhappy with Yu Ze's "arrogance", but not just him, the other contestants were also unhappy because Yu Ze stole the show.

"I would rather believe he is Emperor Qin Shi Huang than believe he actually has supernatural abilities."

A singing contestant chuckled softly.

People cannot understand cognitive beyond their worldview, and if they do, then he must be a madman.

The TV station's restroom was in good condition, cleaned very well, perhaps because if it's not cleaned well, it would attract complaints from the celebrities? After all, there are many celebrities coming and going.

Yu Ze hummed a song, finished his business, and a staff member beside him also finished, the two of them glanced at each other, the staff member's face filled with smiles, just about to speak, Yu Ze said first, "Wait."

"Huh? Wait for what?"

The staff member was puzzled.

"You can talk, but don't turn around, don't pee on me."


The staff member was speechless, "Who is silly enough to turn around and pee on someone else?"

"The last time I was here, someone greeted me, and I turned around and peed on someone else."

Yu Ze said.

The staff member's hand almost shook, barely keeping his eyes wide, not making a fool of himself, after both sides were done, he reluctantly said, "Mr. Yu, you are joking, your performance on the stage just now was fantastic, but was that really a supernatural ability?"

Unlike those contestants, as a member of the production team, he naturally knew the inside story and knew that the program team had never been in contact with Yu Ze or rehearsed with him.

So it's impossible to say that the four mentors are Yu Ze's lackeys.

Yu Ze washed his hands angrily, pressing the hand soap fiercely, squeezing out enough soap for more than three people: "I, Yu Ze, never lie, my ability is indeed supernatural, but I also understand people's suspicion, because there have been too many swindlers who have paraded themselves under this name, and it's normal for everyone not to believe, but I will prove it, my supernatural ability is as real as it gets, I am not a fraud!"

"Mr. Yu, I wish you success, and I also believe that what you have is a supernatural ability."

Somehow, maybe because he was touched by Yu Ze's determined eyes, this staff member even encouraged him before leaving.


After Yu Ze finished washing his hands and just stepped out of the restroom, someone came towards him. After passing by each other, he hurried back to stop him.

"Is there something wrong?"

"You are Mr. Yu Ze, right?"

That person was wearing glasses, narrowed his eyes, almost having no eyes at all, to put it plainly, he was squinting, unable to see.

"I am not."

"Oh, then, eh? You are not?"

The person was confused, watching Yu Ze continue to walk forward, he hurriedly stopped him, "Wait, how can you say that you are not Yu Ze? I just watched your performance."